Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Aug 1917, p. 8

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\ | 0 PAGE EIGHT Ee ~ School Suits are Ready !! It's time to be thinking of school suits again. Start the boy to school with a good suit. - It will help him along in every way. He will command more respect, have more respect for himself, and take more interest in his work than he will if he is made to wear an unsightly, ill-fitting suit. ------ OS Boys' School Suits, pinch back and Nor- folk cut, durable materials, strongly put together, well cut and well tailored. $6.50, $7.00, $7.50 up to $10.00. Ea J Dressed in one of these excellent school suits the boy will do himself justice, Many of our suits have extra trousers. L ° oo 4 1vingston's, Brock Street. >? If Off Your Route, It Pays To Walk. = A Canadian soldiers who married subsequent to the declaration of war are well pleased with the new ruling which cancels the prior existing regu- lation which made it imperative that such marriages should result from engagements antedating the war. The new order is retroactive and permits the interested wives to draw separa- tion allowances since the marriage dates. The order also provides that should the soldier himself have ne- glected to apply for separation al- lowance, the wife may do so through his commanding officer, No lewer than 14,500 CaMadian soldiers are now 'being provided for under the Pensions List. Soldiers remain on full pay until the pension begins The Kingston Bulletin says: An officer, attached to one of the local military units in this city, engaged a horse and nig on Tuesday ' last at Guess' livery and drove out to the country. He arived back all right in the evening, when the hostler, (Cuddy McMahon) was washing "the mud from the buggy he "spotted" a purse, and upon opening it he found $50 . He handed it over to Mr. Guess, who in turn, sent it on to the owner. What do you think poor "Cuddy" received as a reward for his honesty from the soldier boy? Just a paltry twenty cents Major J. L. Newman, who was in charge of the 38th Battalion Rein- forcing Draft, has arrived at the camp, the unit having been trans- ferred to the Fastern Oatario Depot Battalion. AN told for this draft thirty-seven men were enlisted ten of whom will remain in Brockville un- til Thursday and then go to Barrie- field. The axe that makes a separation between officers and their positions has now struck Lieut. K. McKinnon, who for several months has been checking up the pay Msts and nomin- rolls of the various units of the didwrict. authority to call a muster parade at any time and in this manner was able to check any discrepancies, in the nominal rolls. He is being granted a month's pay and leave and will then be struck off the strength. re---- Capt, R. R. McGregor, A.M,C,, is in Ottawa categorizing the Railway Comstruction and Forestry Depot men to "ascertain their physical fit- ness for that and other services. N.C.0.'¢ for depot /ruttations are E| being selected by the General Staff Officer. 'Capable men for the posi- =| tions will be trained at the schools Lieut, D. M, Jemmett, Canadian Engineers, and Lieut. A. McAnulty, E 33rd Battery, have been transferred CREE = PoP C.OM.F, to the C.E.F. ia { gade Howitzer hoo! Wear Navy serges, good strong wearing quali- ties, At 60c, 65c¢, 75¢ and 90c¢ rot ard ll Tweeds, suitable for dresses and separa te : skirts, At 40c, 50c¢, 60c and 75¢ per yd. 7 A Fancy plaids in a variety of colors. At40c, Last night was "open night" in the "Y™ tents, . the boys: engaging in games, amusements, voluntary sing- ing, ete. A great many men spent the 'evening "in the . writing tent, dropping lines to those at home. Lieut. F. Burrows, Guelph, at- tached to the 2nd Division, 6th Bri- Battery, Canadians, France, has been severely wounded in the right arm. He took out his commission for leutenancy at the Kingston School of Artillery, | Major G. I. Campbell, -Chief Re- }| cruiting Officer returned to the city from Picton on Tuesday. He went with Mr, Young, manager of the film, "Canada in Khaki" to Collins Bay and showed the fim there. This film has been doing splendid work throughout Military District No. 3. It shows the soldfers in their camps, on march past, route marches, etc., and-has been the direct means of ob- taining many recruits. ts Cs After' about two more weeks of work here the film will be leaving §i this district and going to Toronto district. The official explanation of the Military Service Bill will prob- ll abiy accompany tue fitm. A letter of condolence has been Hl! ent by Lieut. Col:'W. Y. Mills, 0.C. 14th Regiment, to Mrs. A. H, Tett 'expressing the sincerest regret om behalf of the regiment officers on | the death of her husband, Capt. A. H, Tett, in England on Monday. The late Capt. Tett joined the <14th in June, 1915, and served with the G9th' Battalion, 14th Regiment ji Guard, as adjutant of Fort Henry, | and then as officer commanding the Military Hospitals Commission be- fore going overseas with the 253rd 'Battalion, / 'Because of the 1 nding- con- should be 4 war in recruiting i seq and: otters to! | around = "The Whig suggests that the Militia | Department make - an attempt to| Lieut," McKinnon has had! | should be seen by all and together { With a very funny comedy picture Ber keeping ! ard mi buildings, in and | guarding German prisoners at Ka- puskasing. The quarters at Artillery Park barracks are not excelled in Canada, the food is excellent, and if any of the men at present on the strength have any complaint it is only because for some slight physical defect they have not been allowed to go over. seas with so many of their comrades who are now in France. | At the Theatres | At The Grand, To-night will be the last presemta- tion of Harold Lockwood and May Allison in their greatest production, "I'he "Hidden Children". After thou- sands of feet of alleged male brutes dnd mopey "heroines", you will find this romance like a cold shower on a hot day. Other features, comedy reels, and Borna & Delon, the musi- cal wizards, in a high-class vaude-] ville offering complete a sterling pro- Enamme, For Thursday, Friday and Satur- day of this week another unbeatable programme has been secured . The main attraction is charming June Ca- price, "The Sunshine Maid," in her latest offering, entitled "Patsy." This excellent William Fox production in five parts portrays the delightful ro- mance of a young girl and a' wild clubman. Miss Caprice is one of the youngest and most popular stars of the sereem; and in this production she Is said to exceed all expeciations. The latest Pathe News,. firs!-class comedy reels, the 'best' vaudeville in town, will complete the bill, At Griffin's. The audience at Griffin's last eve- ning were highly pleased with the entire programme, Mme. Petrova's first Lagky picture for Paramount "The Undying Flathe" a picture of Mystic Egypt, is filled with the charm of that quaint land. Maurice Tour- ner is the director of this fascinating- Iy unusual picture which will be shown for the last time this evening. The eighth episode of that 'excep- tionally clever serial "The Mystery of the Double Cross" is one that complete a high-class evening's enter- tainment. At The Strand. Capacity business greeted the. ex- ceptionally good bill provided at the Strand last evening. William Gil- lette the celebrated Broadway star wag seen to advantage in hig latest 7 real screen' Siiccess . "Sherlock Holmes." In this production' Mr, Gillette has many favorable oppor- tunities to display his ability as a versatile actor. "Fatty" Arbuckle in "A Rough House also held the, boards and was well received, This, programme will"be shown for the last time to-night. For the last three days' of 'thi week the feature photoplay will be '"The Danger Trail" with H. B., Warner in the stellar role. ' Fb } At Lake Ontario Park, The performatice offered at Lake Ontario Park last evening was high olass and pleased all to the utmost. In the vaudeville, Guy Stone the har-| plist, played several Irish pieces and sang 'I'm Thinking of OW' Freland, Pm Dreaming of You." Misa Kath- een Mackey sang . in splendid so- pragid voice, "Come 'Back to Erin' "My Wild Irish Rose," and Charles Elliott's "Yoda Song." Both were | toudiy applauded, The moving pic-' tures were "The Pathe Gazette", "The Stolen Fortune," a comedy, | "The Far Fare." On Thursday night new songs will be given and new plétures placed on the screen. 2 Sein THE WORLD'S NEWS IN BRIEF FORM Tidings From All-Over Told In a Pithy and Pointed Way. ------ Greece's Government was upheld in" a vote following a long speech by Premier Venizelog, Wreckage, apparently 'from some barge, was seen by a steamer cap- tain in' Lake Erie, thirty miles west ; of Erie. Miss Goodberry, of Verona, was removed to the General Hospital in| James Reid's motor ambulance om d Wednesday morning. . Benjamin E. Parkinson, arrested in Toronto in the uniform of an Ame officer, is wanted in the United States on serious charges. At Chatham William MoCathern, colored, was sentenced to serve three years in penitentiary for hold- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1917. Laidlaw's Staple &Linen Stocks 4,000 yards of fine F.nglish Longcloths, mada- polams and nainsooks. These longcloths are made by Rylands & Sons, of Manchester, and the madapolams and mainsooks by Horrockses, Ltd. Kingston people know Laidlaw's cottons as the best values iii the city. Owing to the state of the cotton markets today, prices are going up and are bound to go much higher before October 1st, so Kingston women will be wise to take advantage of today's price. White Flannelettes White Nightgown Cottons, White Lingerie Cottons, White Bridal Cloths, Many qualities in each of the above makes. ---- White Flannelette Blankets White Australian Blankets : These you will find in great assortment at prices that mean a saving to you. Kni The Genuine Unbreakable Fingering Wool Each hank with the tag. Take no other if you want the real thing. . .To Be Had From Us Only In white, three shades of grey, khaki, scarlet, cardinal, black. : John Laidlaw & Son ing up and robbing James Paul, a grocer, - g DE ROE Speaking at the exhibition direc. tor's luncheon; Hon. W. J, food controller, advocated the opera- ting ad cold storage plants uth : 4 i | Bulphus shipments en route to from points in the U States On of before AUESY 21ih ore authorized Eh Co-- so, #8 public |

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