Tera arserte stores { Told In Twilight: last of the summer dances at yacht Club was held on Wednes- evening, Those present were; R. S. 'Naldron, Mrs. W. R. Giv- Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Polson, Jr., ind Mrs, Stewart, M. Robertson, nd Mrs. Gordon Smith, Mrs. Ar- Furner, Miss Isabelle Waldron, Francis Cotton, Miss. Mamie tt, Miss Marjorie Minnes, Miss lyn Foiger, Miss Doris Fol- Miss Bertha White, Miss Helen Miss Elizabeth Cunningham, Ethel Kent, Miss Geraldine Re ndon), Major F. C, Birdsall, r T. A. Kidd, Capt. C. A. Bil- Ca Grant, Lieut . Walter £ ut. Kenneth Taylor, Lieut. McCammon, Lieut. William Smith, Lievt. Sherman Hill and Messrs. Douglas Chown, Howard Folger, Jack Hickey, Leslie Smith, Harold Hooper and Herbert Steacy. » - . A number of Kingston people mo- tored to Collins Bay on Thursday evening for the very delightful musi- cale which Mrs. H. E. Richardson and Mrs. Arthur Craig arranged at their summer cottage for the Prince You more than pay for what you might save on lubricating oil in incroasd Ka of overtuling and in the shortened ser- vice life of your motor. Club was enjoyed by an unusdally is the most trust. worthy and hence the most ecopomi- cal lubricant to use, TIOLENE Charlie Chapter of the Daughters of the Empire. The proceeds were most gratifying, and the affair was much enjoyed by a large audience . . . Mr G. Sutherland, who has been spending the summer with her sisters, the Misses Johnson, Earl street, left on Thursday for her home in St. Louis, Mrs. Nash, who has been spending several months with her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Evans, returned to Mont- real to-day. Miss Kate Wilson, Union west, left to-day to visit Mrs ray at Amherst Island. Mr. and Mrs. James Henderson, Earl street, have returned from their summer cottage at Wolfe Island. Miss Bessie Walsh, nurse-in-train- ing at the Wellesley Hospital, Toron- to, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. F. A. Walsh, Aberdeen street - . . Harvey Milne 272 Bagot St., Kingston. Phone 542. street Mont# DAY and NIGHT SERVICE Central Garage 335 King Street. He Accessories, General Repairing, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hughes, Univer- sity avenue, arc leaving next week for Witchitaw, Kansas Mrs. Charles Taylor and Mrs, G. E. Francklyn and little daughter Peg- gy arrived home last evening from Toronto, where they have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Tay- lor. Mrs. W. J. Knox and children, Kel- owna, B.C., are the guests of Mrs, Hugh C. Nickle, Earl street. Miss Aileen Rogers is expected home on Monday after a visit with her aunt, Mrs. Henry, at Lachine. . . * Ete, For Sale. Mrs. W. A. Bellhouse and Mjss Ag- nes Belthouse, who have been Spend- ing the summer at North Rustico, P E.1, are leaving to-day for Summer side to spend a few days before return ing home the end of next week. Miss Mabel Day, University ave- nue, is the guest of Mrs. J. L. Hay- cock, 'Adelphustown. Miss Kate Fraser, who has been the guest of her sisters, the Misses Fraser, for the past. six weeks, left yesterday for Ottawa. Mrs. Charles Taylor, King street, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Yar- ker in Toronto Lieut. Waller Steacy returned to Petawawa to-day. Customers Take Notice We will take your order for delivery ) LJ * -. Dr. and Mrs. Scott and two chil dren, Scranton, Pa. are the guests of Mrs. Felix S. S. Johnson, King street. Mrs. George Hawley, Napanee, is visiting her sister, Mrs. K. M. Saun- ders, jee street. Lieut." William Petawawa to-day. : Miss Baxter and Master Willie J ® k Anderson, Earl street, have returned PICKLING SPICES, : home after spénding thrée weeks with CORKS AY, WAX, Mrs. William Craig at her summer PRESERVING ACID. home, Britannia-on-the-Bay, and with int ' Buy a bottle of Miss Baxter's sister, Mrs. W. J. Rath- well, Rocklahd. prepared, 3 Strawberry Extract today and have it when needed, Smith returned' to Miss Brinck, Scranton, Pa is the guest of Mrs. Felix S. Johnson, King street. Mrs. Henry Joseph and family will return to- Montreal this week after spending the summer at St. Andrews- by-the-Sea. Miss Bessie Farrell and Miss Chris- sie Dyde were in town from Thou- sand Island Park this week. Mts. James Quirk, Barrie street, was hostess at a small musicale on Friday afternoon. The usual weekly tea at the Yacht eA AA Many Children Die From Sum- mer Complaint When They Could be Saved by Using is Remeber. youl get what you £ ask for when you want it, at Best's Popular Drug Store. 50 Beatch 2018 Delivery. | Phone | Prompt DR. FOWLER'S EXTRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY There is not a summer passes without thousands of people, especi- ally infants, being attacked by Sum- mer Complaint. > it The prostration, often verging on collapse, which sometimes accom- 'fli panies this discase makes it one of {the most serious and dangerous we {have to contend with during the hot months, : | A remedy which will quickly off- {set the vomiting, purging and the profuse diarrhoea is Dr. Fowler's | Extract | Mrs. , Grand Anse, N.B,, writes: "My three chil- {dren were with Summer large number of guests. Miss Helen Muckleston, who has been with Miss Bessie Smythe, West street, is again with her ausits, the Misses Mucklestan, Union street west. Mr: and Mrs. R. E. Kent and Miss Ethel Kent are leaving early in the week for Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nickle, Miss Evelyn Nickle, and Master Gordon Nickle have returned to town 3 spending the summer at their home, "The Shieling." Major Hubert Stethém is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Carsow, Romilly House lightful birthday party was held by Mrs. W. J, McManus, 405 Princess street, in honor of her daughter, Mar- garet. Everything was carried out in the war colors of red, white and blue and the decorations were very pretty. The children present were Virginia Fair, Ruth Skinner, Louise Sharp, Mariam Sawyer, Douglas Sutherlapd and Buddie Fair, Mrs Stewart, Mjs. Munroe Sutherland, Mrs. J. Fraser, Mrs. W. MacGowan and Miss MacGowan were also pres- ent. . . . The Misses Newlands, 333 Barrie 'street, gave a tea on Thursday after- noon in honor of their nieces, the Misses Enid and Flora Newlands of Ottawa, * » . Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Minnes, "Hill croft," and Miss Anella and Master Grant left on Thursday for a mo- tor trip to Toronto and Hamilton, Miss Isabelle Waldron, King street, left on Friday to visit Miss Isobel McCausland, Toronto Miss Elda McDowell las returned from Belleville. Mrs. 8. G. Sutherland, who has LADY MAUDE CAVENDISH Eldest daughter. of His ExceMency the Governor-General and the Duchess of Devansghire, whose engagement to Captain Angus Mackintosh ADC Royal Horse Guards, is announced been spending the last few months with her sisters, the Misses John- son, Earl street, left on Thursday for her home in St. Louis. Mrs. George Sanderson and Miss Bessie Sanderson, Barrie street, left this week to visit friends in Toronto. LJ * . Mrs. Charles McKay is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Stewart Anderson in Toronto. Mrs. W. Posey, who has been visit- ing friends in town left to-day for Washington. Mrs. R. C. Carter, West street, and Mrs. Hansard Hora, have left for Halifax to visit Mr. and Mrs. Clarie Carter, : Mrs. Emerson 8. Currie, Martin Lake, N.J., arrived on Thursday .to vigit her sister, Mrs. Charles Taylor, Johnson street. Mr. and Mns. Fred Sutherland, Boston, are visiting relatives in town. Miss Herbert, Robinson, Bagot street, left this week for Winnipeg to visit her brother, H. G. Hubbell, and Mrs, Hubbell. . . . Dr. P. M. Macdonnell, left on Fri- day for Montreal. Miss Phillis Coates friends in Toronto. F. W. Coates leaves to-night for Toronto to spend the holiday. Mrs. M. Woodrow has left for Hamilton, where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. J. F. Pound for the next two weeks. Mrs. George + 8. Vance, who has been the guest of her cousin, Mrs. James Druce, left for Chicago on Sunday and will leave on Thursday with "her mother, Mrs. Donald, for their home in North Yakima, Wash, Mrs. D. J. Murphy, £26 Queen street, left on. Wednesday last to visit her daughter, Mrs. A. A. Paoli, Toronto, and her Three sons at Flint, Mich. Miss Nina Gibson, Alfred street, left to-day for Trenton to spend the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Barber. The latter.is a niece of Dr. Nash of this city. * * » " - Helen. Killoran left on for Momtredl to attend ool. Mrs, ¢o her and will be the guest of her mother and sisters while in metropolis, . N. P. Vanwinckle, Ordnance is visiting Thursday & a 2 ah ir i {and girls on Tuesday next.. Day will be the last holiday for the - * - On Wednesday afternoon a de-| | ing that they have had a great holl- THE "KIDDIES" MUST GET BACK TO THEIR STUDIES. The Re-arrangements Made for the Teaching Staff of the Public Schools--Good-bye to the Old Swimmin® Hole. All good things have to come to an end. '"Back to school" will be the call' for Kingston's school boys Labor "kiddies." And it goes without say- day. Leave it to the youngsters to have a good time. But now it is a case of going back to school, and the old swimmin' hole will have to be vacated for a time at least. The following rearrangements have been made regarding the pub- lic schoo! teaching staff: Cataraqui--Jr. IIL, Miss Lavid- son; II, Miss VanLuven; sr. and jr. I. Miss Patterson; jr. I, Miss Daw- son. Central--Sr. IV., Miss Ryder; jr. IV,, . Mrs. Gallaher; sr... HL, Miss Volume; sr. IL, Miss Chapman; jr. III, Miss M. Kelley; I1., Miss Maxwell; sr. I, Miss Allan; jr. I, Miss Crozier; jr. 1. (half day). Miss Gould; kindergarten, Miss Greenlees. Depot--Jr. 1. to IL, Miss Beaton, Frontenac--Jr. IV., Mr. McDou- gall; sr. IIT, Miss Harold; jr. 111, Miss Pound; II, Miss Fenning; sr. I, Miss Elliott; jr. I., Miss A Kell- ey;; jr. I, Miss A. Baxter; yr. "3. (half day), Miss Gogid; kindergar- ten, Miss L., Wilder. Louise--sSr. IV., Miss Lovick; jr. IV., Miss Barrie; jr. 11I., Miss Rob- jnson: II, Mrs. Filson; jr. IL, Miss Ohlke. Macdonald--Sr. IV., Mr. Beatty; sr. IIl., Miss O'Shea; jr. II1I., Miss Sanderson; II., Miss Nesbitt; sr. Xs Mrs. Mabee; jr. I., Miss Stafford; jr. 1., Miss I. Baxter; kindergarten, Miss Ferrier. Rideau--Sr. Wilder; jr. IL, and>jr. I, Miss E. Miss Singleton. Sydenham--Jr. IV, and sr. IIL, Miss Macdonald; II, Miss Gill; sr. and jr. I, Miss Cunningham; jr. IL, Miss Hiscock. Victoria--Sr. IV, gr. IV., Miss Fraser; Ettinger; jr. IV. II1., Miss Bureau; sr. III, Miss Hentig; jr. III, Miss Conley; Jr. II1., Migs English; IL, Miss Hoppin; 11., Miss Hipson; sr. I., Miss Ab- rams; sr. I., Miss Parrott; sr. and jr. 1, Miss Spooner; jr. I, Miss La- turney; jr. I., Miss McTear; kinder- garten, Miss Neish. Orphans' Home--Miss Chown. HOW EX-GREEK KING SAVED TURKEY FOR HUNS Venizelos Had a Plan Ensuring Quick Entfy Into Constan- tinople. Miss Pattison oy IV, Mr. Miss Gordon; sr. London, Sept. 1.--The Athens' correspondent of Reuters Limited says that the full report of the speeth made by Premier Venizelos on August 26th-throws a new and im- portant light on the Dardanelles' campaign and shows that if the plans he contemplated had not been ar- bitarily vetoed by Constantine, them King, Serbia might have been saved. Bulgaria forced to keep neutral and Turkey defeated early im 1915. At the time he proposed interven- tion in the war--in February, 1915 ----Gallipoli was defended by only six thousand Turks scattered among the different fortresses with scanty supplies of ammunition. From the Greek representative at Comnstantin- ople it was learned that the Turks then were actually preparing to evacuate the capital and, he declar- ed, if bis poMcy had been carried out a Greek army could have been secretly landed at Gallipoli and could have entered Constantinople within wa fortnight, "Thus" said M. Venizelos, 'Turkey would have been destroyed, Russia would have had her food supplied by sea, would have enabled to export her grain and would have escaped thie offensive of 1916. Bulgaria, see- ing Greek and Framco British armies to intervene amd Germany would have lost the east, and the war would have ended one year earlier." As it was, the Allies und Dardanelles' campaign more a month after the Turks began their defemse works at Gallipoli, ha \ sald M. Venizelos, mo longer confidence in Greece. FLAG BOTHERS HIM, SHOOTS UP TOWN Hamilton Man Sentenced-- Had Travelled West to Get Revenge. Prince Albert, Sask., Sept. 1.-- W: A. Wilson, formerly of 261 Wel- lington street, North Hamilton, Ont.,! has been sentenced by two justices! of the peace at the town of Marcelin, ' 60 iniles northwest of here, on the Canadian Northern Railway to six months in Prince Albert jail for shooting up that town because he claimed the Union Jack had heen pulled down from the public sehool to make way for the Papal flag. | Wilson says he read a story in Sentinel, or Toronto, any , {the C ! with a 'picture showing the flag flying over this schoolhouse. He! was deputed to come west to SCHOOLS OPE ON TUESDAY ¢ restore the Union Jack, and reached Marce-| tin - afternoon. Being told: STORE OPEN UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK -- CLOSED MONDAY SCHOOL STOCKINGS 25 doz. heavy black - school hose, tough as leather; the kind 25¢ | that wears, in sizes 6 to 10. Tonight . . .. WHITE CHAMOISETTE GLOVES 120 pair = white chamoisette gloves, made of a special cotton chamois cloth, in sizes 6 to 8; a NOVELTY BAGS 60 only novelty cretonne work bags; the greatest bag fad the States have ever seen. early for these as the quantity is limited and the demand big; reg- 69c DO YOU WEAR A SMALL SIZED CORSET ular $1.00 values | Tonight . . -. Va regular $1.25 value, 05 C CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR 120 fall weight vests. and drawers -- in odd sizes only -- these garments are worth today 40c and 45¢ each. 25¢ Tonight . . Sais Tonight .. .. Come _1f so here is an unusual bargain opportunity -- we have 75 pair of aluminum steeled corsets made of French coutil, with four strong garters, and are sized from 19 to 23 only. Reg. $1.00 value. Tonight . . . BR 1 I STEACY'S - Limited | Laugh When People Step On Your Feet Try this yourself then pass ? it along to others, | Ty It works! talk will' be heard less here in town if people troubled with corns will fol- low the simple advice of this Cincin- nati authority, who claims that a few drops of a drug called freezone when applied to a tender, aching corn stops soreness at once, and soon the corn dries up and lifts right out without pain, He says freczone is an ether com= pound which dries immediately and never inflames or even irritates the surrounding tissue of skin. A quar- ter of an ounce of freesone will cost very little at any drug store, but is sufficient to remove every hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet. Millions of American women will welcome this announcement since the inauguration of the high heels. A AAAI demned the inflammatory article in the Sentinel as having been publish- ed without investigating the circum- stances, INTERNES MAY BE EXEMPTED Hospital Men and Medieal Students Likely to Escape Deaft. Washington, Sept. 1.--Hospital internes and medical students who have been more than a year at col- lege may be exempted from military service under the selective draft bill by regulations issued yesterday. The War Department is anxious not to interfere with the professional education of these men' whose ser- vice as doctors may be necessary be- fore the end of the war. AUTONOMY FOR SIBERIA Conference of Delegates Draws Up a Project. London, Sept. 1.--A Reuter des-| patch from Tomsk, Russia, says that a conference of delegates resentia- img the Siberian provinces drawn, up a project for federative autonomy for Siberia. with the legislative pow- ers invested in a Siberian Duma and an executive consisting of a Council of Ministers, Senate and Judiciary. Some kinds of love may grow enid, but the kind a man has for himself never does. Sir William Osjeét's only son was French. front. 1 SHR HH CARPETS -- CURTAINS FURNITURE We are always on the look out for some- thing new -- something a little better value than the last. : Our stock is very large and well select- ed, great care being taken as to value, some cages our retail prices are below the cost of the'goods, Yholoale, today. ; Select now while our stock is We will store your purchases until you require them : . HARRISON 90 . Phone 90. Fine English Worsted Suits