hoir composed of several hundred children from the Toronto Public Schools under the onal Exhibition opening céremonies. Formed up behind the singers was a large ~ "dh K. CARROLL, Agent, Kingston. THE DAILY THE LONG TRAIL OF "PHE CANADIAN LAW. Photos relating to the capture of the two Esquimos "at Hersehell Island. Sinnisiak and Ulusuk sawing wood at Herschell Island to keep themselves in condition for the rest of the journey, D. A. Thomas, the boat that brought the party down from Herschell Island to Peace River. i The Eskimos shed their native caribou-skin togs when they got into the chinook belt on the way "up south." ¥ Wondophone and Record FREE v To any Boy or Girl JUST think of owning a phonograph and record all your own. One that you can easily earry to your playhouse or "diggings" without fear of breaking it. Think of all the fun you and your chums and your family, too, would get from this phonograph. It's a dandy Nttlo wachins, Just Bie the Muitration. The Wondophone is strongly made, in weight and will stand a whele oy of rough handling. It reproduces a splen- did tone and uses regular pl needles. When you want to a record, put it on the dial plate, adjust the needle and turn the handle. You see with the Wondophone you play records by turning the handle, so there is no machinery to get broken, and you ean play a record whenever you want to. HOW TO GET IT. Any boy or girl can geg this handsome prize without any expense and with very lit ort. Jus" spend an hour or two introducing our famous Oil pbs to your friends. They £ like hot cakes at 15¢ each because the stores sell the same kind at 50e each. hen you have sold only 24 send us $3.60 and we will send you this handsome outfit. We also carry a good line of "season" post-cards--Thanksgiving, Christmas, ete. THR COLONIAL ART 00. DEPT. A, TORONTO, ONT. * BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1917, a ---- direction of Mr. Llew Rees sang for His Excellency the Duke of Devonshire at the Canadian achment of uniformed School Cadets, creating a pretty effect. Building wrecked half a mile distant from the explosion at Rigaud, Que, * A Hair Service of Exceptional Value Whatever your hair may require, be sure you can get it here, in its most scientific form. We restore hair to its natural color where that is possible, and to a healthy condition. Tint hair to any shade or color desired. Give to hair a permanent wave by the renowned Nestle process. Supply reliable hair goods of all kinds. Fie Shampeoing, Hair Dressing, ete. T. Pember 1% YONGEST. Isbell, Plant & Co. Members Standard Stock Exchange Specialists in Mining Standard Bank Building, Toronto TORONTO MONTREAL New York Stocks N. Y. Curb Stocks Porcupine Stocks : 'Cobalt Stocks WEEKLY MARKET. LETTER SENT WITHOUT CHARGE ON 2 REQUEST. KEMERER, MATTHES & CO. 198 Bag Strout (Members Standard Steck Exchange), (Members Philadelphia Stock : - Exchange.) Offices: ' New York, Philadelphia, London, Hamilton. First speeceh ever made by a Congress woman in the U. 8 Congress is hereby photogrdphed. Miss Jeannette Rankin, elected from Montana \ CC 52 Byletin - Silver Now 90+ New York Reports Sale of SILVER at 95. DOLLAR Mark in Sight. Record Cobalt Shipments That the various Cobalt Mines are taking advantage of the present prite of Silver is ovidenced by the fact that nine Cobalt Companies shipped an aggregate of fourteen cars of ore last week, containing over one million pounds. This is a record for any one week during the current year.® ADANAC. No new developments are reported from the Adanae Mine. Stoping is still going forward as fast as conditions will permit, but it is estimated that it will be three weeks or a month yet before a full shipment of ore will be made up. Any delay in the initial shipment would seem to be advantageous to the Company owing to the continuous and steady rise in the price of. the white metal. MeKINLEY-DARRAGH have cut a new high-grade vein averaging four inches in width on the 350-foot level. The extension of the famous Cobalt Lake fault vein has also been dissovered on the 400-foot level, which gives every indication of developing inte 8 large tonnage of good mining ore. The altera tions to the mill dre being 8d ahead as rapidly, as possible, and within a short time the mill will be Bating 250 tons per day. NIPISSING. The direford of the Nipissing Mines Company are scheduled to meet about September 20th, for flividend action, and in usually well-informed quarters the. belief prevails Shaft Blk extra distribution to stock holders will be ordered at that time. The x upon the high prices for silver recently prevailing and to the strong position of the company OPHIR. The dev : and reports from the 410-foot level, which is they will run into high-gradg Shrewd investors are possibitities, and are r mirket is imminent. Af the Ophir is progressing very favorably, oh that they are drifting on a vein at the 'Mineralized, and there is every indieation that 2 'besomi "alive to the wonderful profit making JEG orders "at market." In our opinion a Bull y get by: