(THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE | (By Frances Walter) sess I AM LECTURED. (Copyright, 1916, by the McClure . Newspaper 'When moter and 1 were alone the dining room, she came up to placed her hands on my shoulders and gazed into my eyes in the same manner that she. used to do when I was a child under guspiclon of hav. ing violated some of the properties "What is it, mother?" I asked at length. "It 18 too bad!" "What is?" ; "That Kenneth should have left when he did and under such circu stances. I had hoped that the end might be different; that you wonld find it in your heart to return his love and become the light his saddened Jife." An expression of astonishment es- «1 me, "How did yon know, mother? Her quiet smile rested upon face for a moment. "Just as all women know things,' she replied. "It has been evident for some timé that Kenneth loved you, but T did not know that he would reveal himself so soon." "It was a great surprise to me "There was a reason, perhaps, for you not to notice fe partiality for you, but te an outsider the evidence was plain enough. Almost from the day he say you his eve= had a habit of resting lingeringiy upua your face, or following you about the room, At first his expression was one of interest. Then it became ene of devotion and finally when his love grew strong he gazed at you so hungrily that at times I would not have been surprised if he had seized you in his arms before all of us and cried out that you must be his wife." "And to think that I did not no- tice it!" "He is a good boy," mother went Syndicate) in me, she sighed. to eer my DROP PLAN TO MOVE LAKE SHIPS BY WELLAND Shipping Board at Washington Forecasts This in View of Difficulties intervening Washington, D.C., Sept. 10.-- \bandonment of 'the Shipping Hoard's plan to move lake tonnage oiigh the Welland Canal to the hoard, for use in the coast-wise rade, is forecasted 'in a "statement pointing to the serious difficulties en- countered in the project. The chief diflienlty, it is stated, is the absence of dock fagiMties, in which the ves- sels could be reconstructed after com- ing through the canal. It will be ne- cessary to cut many of them into sec- tions in order to navigate the locks of the canal. The Shipping Board. has communi- cated with shipping officials at both Montreal and 'Quebec regarding dock facilities at these ports, Unless docks can be secured in Canada, it Is prob- able that only about twenty steel tugs will be brought to the sea board from the locks. These vessels can navigate the canal. Officials of the Shipping Board are making a survey of the bridges over 'the Ogdensburg Canal, with the in- tention of recommending that they be raised to permit the passage of ake vessels through this channel. It is sald that if the Ogdensburg brid- ges Were raised, practically all the lake tonnage could be sent to the sea board! for use in the coast-wise trade during the winter months, when the Jake' traffic is closed. This project however, is more for the future than for the present emergency. Tentative arrangements have been made by the State Departmént for a conference between Mr. Hurley, Chairman of the Shipping Board, and members of the Japanese mission next "Wednesday. The chief subject 10 be discussed is ocean freight rates on the Pacific, A great many of us are too prodi- gal with eritleism. -- | to sit and stare Limtic for femur and 4 granulation. i Rantie Library of Cook Books, free for Red | Ball Trade-mark cut from Carton or Sack. . HC SUGAR REF on half to that this pain h ticularly at the But it cannot be herself, hands of one of us. helped, Roxane, and tT would not add to your own sorrow | by blaming you." Jut do you blame me, mother? Your tone conveys censure. The very ment shows that with Kenneth Instantly me "I did not my child," she said. that poor boy very keenly ure. He had only real interest in life came to him Quite naturally are inclined to minimize It. cannot see how any one should want you, because it you. But men your sympathy is and not with me." her arms were about "I am so sorry for that I feel this you is look at you with eyes different from | the | type of woman who inspires intense your own, Roxane. You are passion, and with some is a dangerous thing." I went to my room, miserable to do natures this too thorough ly out of the window. If what mother said was true, then Kenneth was suffering, But how could I help it? 1 was quite sure I did not love him, and to marry him under such circumstances would not only be a sacrilege, but a very peril- ous thing for both of us. Still, he was suffering, and I was the cause of it. His image rose before me. His sad face looked at me. His deep set eyes were fixed upon my face. "Roxane," he seemed to say, "I want you for my wife. 1 cannot live without you." The unspoken words went through my heart like a dagger. Slowly the tears welled up in my eyes and fell upon my checks. "Poor boy!" I murmured. (To be Continued.) U. 8. MAY CLOSE MAILS TO DISLOYAL PEOPLE Action Would Include Printed Matter and All Private Cor= respondence. 'Washington, Sept. 10.-- Closing the mails to disloyal citizens is un- der consideration by the Post Office Department, and hy the Department. of Justice is another step in the Government's campaign to wipe out disloyalty and sedition. The subject was discussed to-day by William H. Lamar, solicitor of the Post Office Department; and WilHam C. Fitts, Assistant Attorney General, under whose direction the nation-wide seizure of I.W.W. papers was made last Wednesday. The two officials will hold further confer. ences before a decision finally fs reached.. Attorney-General Gregory also has couferred with post office authorities on the contemplated step Sifould it be decided to cloke the mails to disloyal citizens and gthers suspected of disloyalty the ction would not be confined to passage of printed matter through the malls, but would include correspondence of all sorts. Actlvity on other phases of the campaign to suppress anti-war move- ments continued to-day unabated. Investigation of the mass of docu- ments taken by Governments agents in raids upon IW. W. offices has re- sulted, it was said, in many interest- ing disclosures for presentation to Federal grand juries. The man who claims this old world is growing worse day by day and year by year is usually the man who never tries to better it. So far as your peace of mind is concerned you had better consider the neighborhood quarrel outside of your jurisdiction. Men who talk much have plenty of ill luck te complain of. Every man has a license to be a gentleman, A friend's eye is a good looking "glass. Sie Gan Sui be 10, 20:and 100-Ib. Sacks bottled at once.' Hal Ite pure ~ Itis good ssn "and I am sorry | come to him par-| expression of your disappoint-| mean to censure you, | And I fear for his fut. | begun to take a! when 'this blow | You | anything except | by | Sweet Pickled Peaches, Pears, Sweet Apples, Crab Apples, 1 peck prepared fruit. 1 quart vinegar, 1 cup water, ounces stick cinnamon. ounce whole cloves, 4 pounds sugar | Boil sugar, vinegar, and spices, { twenty minutes. Dip peaches in boil- ing water, and rub off the fur but do not peel. Pare other fruits, Stick fruit with whole cloves. Put inte ! gyrup and cook wntil soft, using one- half the. fruit at a time. 1 Sour Pickles: Onions, Cucumbers, Green Tomatoes, The vegetables must first be ed in brine. Allow 1% 2 quarts boiling water. Pour over the vegetables and let stand - two days, Drain and cover with more brine. Let stand twa days and drain again Take fresh brine, and heat | to boiling point; put in onions and | boil three minutes. Drain and coyer with a spiced vinegar made as fol- lows: 1 gallon vinegar 1 cup sugar (optional). fed peppers. sticks of cinnamon, tablespoons whole allspice, 2-tablespoons mace. Tie spices in a cheesecloth and boil in vinegar ten minutes. Pour over vegetables and bottle. soak- cups salt to Mustard Pickles tables: for Mixed Vege- Onions Cucumbers, Green Tomatoes. Prepare the vegetables for pick- ment described in the recipe for Sour Pickles. Make a dressing from the following recipe: 14 to 3% cup sugar. 1 ounce ground mustard. 2 tablespoons flour. 1 pint vinegar. Mix the dry ingredients and stir into the hot vinegar, Cook until well thickened, Turmeric may be added to give color. Pour while hot over the vegetables and bottle. Chili Sauce, quarts ripe tomatoes. 4 large onions, 4 peppers, 3.-tablespoons sugar. 12 tablespoons salt. 2 teaspoons cloves, 2 teaspoons;cinnamon. 2 teaspoons ginger. 1 teaspon ground allspice. 2 teaspons nutmeg. Boll together until quite then bottle for use, Tomato Catsup. 1 gallon tomatoes, 2 medium sized onions. 2 tablespons salt, 4 tablespoons sugar. 1 tablespoon powdered mustard. 1.pint vinegar. 1 level tablespoon each whole all- spice, cloves, cinnamon and pepper. 2 small red peppers sliced and seeds removed, Bary 2 thick, Lerrons By Pictorial Review bag | Hng by giving them the brine treat-, 'THE PRESERVATION OF FOOD. As Approved by the Women's Institutes of Ontario. & Practical | Home Dress Making, Prepared Specially for This Newspaper Lettuce Green Gingham and Braid. | i Tie the white spices in a clieese- cloth bag. Cook tomatoes, put through a celander/ add ground spie- es and spice bag and cook for 1% hours, or until nearly thick enough. Add vinegar and cook until thick. Bottle and seal with paraffine, or cork tightly. Canned Meats and Soups. Meat may be canned as success- fuly as fruits and vegetables. Be- sides giving a supply of fresh meat for emergency occasions; the can- ning of some of the theat butchered on the farm is a right step in the way of economy. Beef which might otherwise be used more freely than is necessary, at the time of killing, can be saved for use in seasons when fresh meat is difficult to obtain Canned Fresh Beef No. 1. Cut the beef into pieces of about % pounds in weight. Roast or boil slowly for one-half hour. Cut into small pieces, remove gristle, bone, and excessive fat and pack directly into glass jars, Fill with gravy from the roasting-pan, or pot liquid con- centrated to one-half its volume, Add 1 teaspoonful salt for each quart of meat, Put rubber and cap in pos- ition, not tight. Sterilize § hours in hot water bath. Sterilize 41% hours in water seal outfit, Sterilize 3% hours in steam pres- sure outfit at five pounds pressure. Sterilize 2 hours in steam cooker at ten pounds pressure, Remove jars, tighten covers, invert to test joints. Canned Beef No. Free the meat from the bone, and cut dt in pieces of a size & go into jars easily. Pack the raw meat sol- idly into jars, filling the jars to with- in three-fourths inch from the top: Sprinkle over the meat one teaspoon- ful salt to each quart of meat. Add no water. Celery leaves, onion, pep- per or other seasonings may be added if desired. Place rubbers and tops in position, not tight, Sterilize and seal as in Canned Beef No. 1. nom and 2 How to Banish Wrinkles Quickly ibe rs enraterm If your face is*disfigured with wrin- kles, no matter what the cause, you can 'quickly dispel eVéry line, even the most obstinate, "by using a simple, home-made wash Totton Merely dis BOTVE @N ounce of powdered saxolité in @ half pint witch 'Hazel--inexpensive ingredients found in any drug store. Bathe the face in this, and--presto!- you scarcely belleve your own eves when you look into your mirror and behold the marvélous transformation! The remarkable astringent action of the saxolite so tightens 'the skin, wrin- kles are literally pressed out Best of all, this result is not purely te mjporary, for the lotion alsé has a healthful tanle action, whieh tends to strengthen and tone up the weakened tissue, and added Datreftf may Be expected with on titived use. Ling this once a day for a while; cannot injure the most delicate skin. The freatment itself leaves no trace- no one guesses the secret of your in- creasing youthful appearapce. white 'fawn' othamented with four dainty little buttons. The buttons running along the applied panels of the skirt, however, are of mother-o' pearl. A deep open front lends =a smart air to the front of the waist and there are large revers and an immense square collar for the major details. Degp two-piece cuffs finish the gathered. sleeves and the skirt ifs joined to the waist under.a straight, Braid dele In medium size the ress req 6 ya 40-inch mate- rial, with 5% yard . for the sur- sd vest and one bunch of ie 1 To need to tax the mem- rules. yhen the guide Yo {he home hott 4 seitnaier 80 Dita) ed are EY STL on [x Ta Price, 36 In Spite of the great increase in the price of Beef he raw material of Bouril) theve has been mo case in the price of Bovril during the War MONUMENTS We have opened a branch of our monument business with a large toes | } one of marble and granite. Special attention given to cemetery lettering. FALLON BROS., 139 Sere St. Bone 637. Ake hie - li i 5 | HOME GROWN POTATOES Fresh Vegetables and Choice Groceries Thompson's Grocery Phone 387. 294 Princess St. RAILWAY TI i: Lr AARVEST HELP EX- |CURSIONS TO WEST. 4 ERN CANAPA™ $12.00 To Winnipeg, Man., plus cent per mile beyond. Return, 3 cent per mile to Win. | nipeg, plus $18.00, EE EL REDUCED FARES Ottawa Exhibition Tickets on sale Monday, September 10th, to Valid for re- Friday, September 14th, inclusive. turn until Wednesday, September 19th. VIA RIDEAU LAKES ROUTE DIAN NORTHER { i | | | | | | t Gojng Date, Sept, 11th. For further particulars J. P. Hanley, C.P. and T.A., Sys., Kingston, Ont. NAAN At PtP Nl ANNAN CUNARD LINE Passenger Service Between Montreal and Londor. (Calling Falmouth to land passengers) qn (de Montreal and Bristol For particulars of sailings ana rates apply io, local agents or to The Robert ord Co, Limited, General Agents, to ne Street Fast, Toronto. apply to G.T, Ry. ADDITIONAL EXCURSIONS For Harvesters TO WESTERN CANADA VIA Canadian Pacific, Sept. 10th & 12th From All Stations in Ontario, Ottawa, Smith's Falls and West GOING TRIP WEST $12.00 TO WINNIPEG > 4 Full particulars from F. Conway, C.I.A, Cor. Princess and Wellington Streets, Of Your Stair | «Of all furniture or woodwork § find the |) stir staircase ur the most attention. It in 'the house passes up of Sr downthe the bannisters several times a day. Is it any wonder the falling s_quic y becomes d Sulled with Inger marks . gives the staircase a quick, hard, lasting polish-- so dry that a few minutes & I use it, a white gloved hand may safely rest upon it." it "The O-Cedar directed on | a hark or can. 28e. to $3.00 Sizes Way "--as RETURN TRIP EAST $18.00 In order to iD get > *The O-Cedar Result," and for FROM WINNIPEG Kingston, Oni, Phase 1197.