Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Sep 1917, p. 7

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A Production eased effort and effi « ¥ in labor, more econ. ind less waste in livin, ¥ up 'capital by hard- rk and greater savings enrich you and your The men and we- home must produce to Cover war's waste A _---- ASSETS: $73,000,000 It 18 eakier to Savings Acco save what yo make 1 than to save it The Bank f Tordnto will rt provides A help Il Dranches in Toronto, 119 Branches In Canada, | ¢ ESTABLISHED 18535. ett rt, > BANK or TORONTO | ge B. ¥, Manager. A FOR SALE We have a very desirable property, what is known as a semi-bungalow, situated in the west end of the City, with all modern improvements, vers ah, good sized lot and omly ome block from the car line. Owner is not now a resident Hf tho city and is anxious to dispose of the property, on any sort of reasonable terms. YOU HAD BETTER INVESTIGATE. The J. K. CARROLL AGENCY. Phones: Office 68; Residence. 874. 56 Brock Street, Open Every Saturday Evening. tt PPP tg rr When You Are Wanting Anything along THE RUBBER LINE you can depend upon us supplying You with the best that money can buy. We invite inspection of our Hot Water Bottles, Fountain Syrin- ges, Enemae Syringes, Atomizers; Ico Bags, Rubber Gloves, Ete. Hoags Drug Store Branch Post Office. Opposite Y.M.C.A, NN THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 wanting anything done in the carpen- tery line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work; also hard- wood floors of all kinds. All orders will receive prompt attention. Shop 60 Queen street. SPECIAL FOR PICKLING Malt Vinegar, Cider Vinegar, White Vinegar, Pure Spices, And all requirements. AT THE UNIQUE GROCERY, C. H. Pickering, 490-402 Princess Street. Cor. of University, Arion ms A -- II PURE PICKLING VINEGAR Malt Vinegar Cider Vinegar, Pure Pickling Spices. Gordon's Grocery Cor. Bay and Montreal Sts, Phone 88. \ J COAL Customers Take Notice Wé will take your order for delivery this month. All sales for cash. Phone orders C. 0. D. The James Sowards Coal Co. Phone 155. Special Prices in French Mushrooms 50¢ per tin. wers Dally Funeral Designs and Wedding Bouquets to . NA rl nc Fresh Vegetables, Choice Groceries, Friendship's ! 210 Division 8t. ' Phone 545 Bon Marche Phone 1844. Cor. King & Earl ed JOHN M. PATRICK Sewing machines, Umbrellas, Suit Cases, Trunks repaired and refitted, Saws filled, Knives and 3cissors F.J. JOHNSON ==- The Leading In the Matter of the Estate of Mary Byers, Inte of 'the City of Kingston, Widow, Decea . NOTICE is Hereby given pursuant to section 56 of The Trustee Act (R80. 1914, Ohapter 121) that all creditors and others having elaims or demands AgRinst the psiate of the sald Mary Byers who died on or about the twenty- » fifth' day of April, 1917, are required on or hefore the first day of Novem- All Large Cars T., NeXt, to send by post prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned thelr Chriss Used tian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars z of hel claims, a statement of their accounts. and the Nate of the securi- ton Taxi Cab Co. TAXI SERVICE RING 960. . - ties (if any) held . AND take notice that after such last mentioned date the said of her estate, will proceed to the assets of Hp Re a the parties pant th regard only to the claims of they shall then have notice, and that the said executors shall not be Hable for the said assets or any part thereef to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been re- celved by him at the time of such dis- tribution, JOHN 1. WH OF the Chy of Solicitor for the Dated this eleventh day of ber, 19817. T : 3 ITING, ingston, executors, Septem- + GRAND A Photoplay Sensation, An Expose of Food Spec- ulation, Chas. Richman In conjunction with the | A. HOUSEMAID WITH REF 10 & 15¢ |Evelyn Nesbit Thaw, The Pathe News, Comedy and Other ih | Matinee Any Seat THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 Pathe News shown before performance, FLORA Really the Best Girl .and Music Show Sat., Sept. 27nd Matinee at 8 p.m. Love of ixcellent Cast. A a a tis Woman- Morey & Peggy Hyland THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1917. OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT Last Chance To See Polite Vaudeville. 1 OONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES| First lasertion, lc a word. Each con-| secutive insertion thereafter, baif-| cent u word. Minimum charge for one Insertion, 23¢; three ingertions, | S0c: nix $1: one month, $3. { and Mary Fuller, in 'THE PUBLIC | HELP WANTED BE DAMNED" ior aviv smovvinas BRENCES, Barrie street Apply Mrs. Carson, usual Vaudeville and Pathe News. daily at 2.30, re reese eee | MAN OR BOY WANTED FOR, DELIV- | p wagon -at Carnovsky's Fruit store. Ped d bb bbb db db bid bib bbb dt + | . A good active boy the fb mailing Department, Good b wages and steady employment. & [9% Apply British Whig Office. 3 obo dopdodo do Bid bbb bb db bbb db ddd | ------------------------------_---------------- Nights at 7 and 9, | 10, 15, 25¢ FRIDAY At 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. olite Vaudeville. A Five-Act Photoplay for | | oon STEADY MAN AS ASSISTANT | in repair department Apply A.] Davis & Son, Lid HOUSEMAID FOR NEW Ql EEN'S r Apply at once at 207 or telephone 504 in "» POSITION WANTED WOMAN WANTS WASHING TO DO AT home, good drying yard: also offices to clean. Apply -§ Colborne street BELIABLE tending Clare MAN WISHES WORK AT- aces. Apply Villa St. r. Barrie and Wil. | | WANTED GENHRAL T- ROOM AND BOARD WITH family, near Macdonald | Apply Box 31% Whig Office TO PURCHASE HOUSE FOR $2,000 cash, Must be good value; no desl- ers. Apply Box 95, giving full de-} scription and house number, ' SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, | for eash or in part payment of new pianos and Vietrolas. 2 . Lind- say. Limited. 121 Princess street A MODERN DWELLING, CENTRALLY located, with about 4 bed rooms. T. Lockhart, Bank of Montreal Bldg., Clarence street, Kingston TO RE! private Park A YOUNG GIRL TO HELP WITH house work and care for children; one who will sleep at home pre- férred. Apply Box 200, Whig Office. "Threads of Destiny wanted; w~teady Apply Street Rail- Conductors employment. way Office, Photoplay 10¢ Evening 10¢; Reserved, Se-Extra 1 | { MAN TO LOOK | urnaces Apply | General Hospital AT ONCE, CAPABLE after hospital superintendent dredeiib bedded ddd ddd dob bbb dbbiob dd | *| 3 i <> Matinee 2.30; Evening 8.15 | Queen of the Season's Musical Comedies The New York Casino Theatre Success Young lady wanted as cash- ler. Must be unccurate at fig- ures, and write a good legible hand. State experience and re- ferences, Apply In first 'in- stance to Box D. B., eare Whig Office, $ FL SEE bbe GIRLS AND WOMEN FOR LIGHT, pleasant work, putting up per- | fumes, flavoring extracts, ete. Good wages paid. Apply to N. C. Polson | and Co. | COMPETENT GENERAL, REFEREN-.- i required ty of two; high- | est wages Apply Box 919, Whig | 50 -- People -- 50 Be. Entire N. Y. Production Supreme Cast | IMMEDIATELY, A vant; one who understands cooking. 'Apply Mrs. Bagot street west GENERAL SER- plain Wilkins, Vocal and Dancing Artists. 120 20 -- Delightfully Dis- tinctive Musical Hits | | f Of the Season. Prices -- Mat. 25, 50, 75¢, $1.00. Evening -- 25, 50, 75¢, $1, $1.50. SEATS NOW ON SALE, Boy wanted to learn press work; must be willing worker, There are splendid, opportuni- ties in the printing industry now; after the war there will be better. Apply Job Dept., Whig. Evening 8.15 $5 PRIVATE CHRINTMAS GREETING card sample book free; representa- tives already making five to ten dollars daily. RBradley-Garretson's, Brant 'ord Optario. or ------------------------------------ A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT; ONE who can cokk. No washing nor ironing. References required. ply Mrs. C. F. Gildersleeve, King street, In His New Romantic Drama The Ap- 199 a King By Paul Kester, Author of "When Knighthood, Ete." Carload of Scenery, Prices--Mat: 25, 83, 50, 75¢. Evening -- 25¢ to $1.30. Seat Sale Opens Thursday. ig i highest wages Light work paid Pong "ond Kingston Hosiery, TRAND Thurs., Fri., Saturday Vitagraph Presents J. Stuart Blackt Prod MUSIC GRACE E. CLOUGH, LT.C.M. GOLD 'medalist, teacher of pianoforte playing and theory of music. Ad- garems, 23 Tine street, Kingston. o Soul Stirring uction . GRACE TAFT, ORGANIST AND DIR. ector of First Cougregational church. Honor certificates in Sen- for University, Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for University or Conservatory examdaations. Ad- dress, 99 Upper Witllam St. PEARL A, NESBITT, LT.CM, CON- tralto, ae organist and director of Boe) St. Meth. Situselt Teac or of piano, organ and volce uc- tion. ls prepared for Soranto Conservatory examinations. Studio 449 Johnson street. PERSONAL HAIR, Mo. WAR BIR in OL us, WARTS: THMARKS ishes removed permanently, with. 8 ACTS « Featuring Alice Joyce, Harry Matinee 15¢ Reaorved out scar; 30 years' experience. Elmer Lak B; . % Nabe. | 8, nd Skin treet. IMMEDIATELY, FURNISHED ROOM, or rooms, in vicinity of barracks, housekeeping privileges. Re- with full particulars to Box 5... care Whig Office FOUND FORD CRANK. OWNER have same by calling at Muller's Ricycie Store, King Stfeet THREE KEYS ATTACHED RY leather, some days ago in Sav- ings Department, Bank of Qfontrealk Owner may have same by calling at Whig Office. MAY Geo, 373 FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FREE. Anyone finding anvthing and wighing to reach the owner may do so by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed in this column free of charge. "Found articles" clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, ete. These, if lost, may be ad- vertised for in the "Lost" column, does mot In- LOST A SMALL BLACK PUP WITH W HITE markings. Phone 1698 TO RENT FIVE-ROOMED FURNISH- ed house with modern convenien- centrally Mcated or quick pation by officer. teply Box 9119, Daily Whig TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER- chants and business men in East- ern Ontario can connect with a gocd side line by applying to Box J. W., Whig Office. Strictly coun- fidential WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF second-hand furnitupe. stoves, heaters, clothes, etc. We also bave everything in_ the second-hand Hne for sale. 8. Shapiro, 45 Prin- cess street. Phone 1237. WANTED--OLD FALSE peer don't matter if broken. 1 pay $I to $15 per set. Send by parcel post and receive check by return mail. FF Terl, 403 N. Wolfe St. Baltimore, Md. MEDICAL DR. H. S. ANGROVE, PHYSICIZ.N AND Surgeon, 98 Clergy street (near Brock). Hours 2 to 4; 7 to 9. Of- fi 163; residence 1782. ARCHITECT FOWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington St BUSINESS CHANCES INVESTORS WARNING PONS INVEST one cent until you read Successful Finance, and learn how fortune dre made and lost by Investor: Free trial subscription. Success ful Finance, 608 Dearborn St. Chicago. FOR SALE CHEVROLET CAR, NEW IN MAY, AP- ply 93 Wellington street. LARGE GASOLINE BOAT HOUSES, Apply Hotel Westlake, Portsmouth A MODERN 3855 CALIBRE, ALSO two shot guns, 10 and 12 gauge. Apply 381 Johnson street. ONE-TON SANFORD MOTOR Truck in first class condition. Ap- ply to W, G. Craig & Co., or Boyd's Garage. A ONE SINGLE-CYLINDER INDIAN motor-cycle, in good condition. Ap- ply to 62 Victoria .street, between five and seven p.m. NEW MeLAUGHLIN 4-CYLINDER $1,000 Chevrolet, with extra tire and 'clock; new in May, $575. Ap- ply 93 Wellington street. GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TE selections, your own choice, $27.60. Terms: $5 cash, §' per week. C. . Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. A BLACK MARE, RUBBER TIRED buggy, cutter, spring wagon, 2 setts harness, in good condition. Apply A. Barnes, 493 Princess street. A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN. cluding the famous Athlete, Over- Jana ana Perfect Models; also tires an. cycle accessories. Georg Muller, 373 King St. Phone 1032. LARGE STOCK OF EXTENSION TA. | 'bles and dining ¢ buffets, china cabinets, also good beds, springs and mattresses. We buy all kindg of second hand furniture. A ahamptos, 333 Princess street. e hi RGAIN, 1000 BOXES, 11% x X 9 inches, dove-talled ends, with tops, free from knots; 1 12- hop, boiler; 1 engine and pump; 2000 feet 1% inch a quantity of 1%, 2 and § inch pip- ing; 40 feet steam radiators; 30 steam valves, from ¥ to 8 inch; 1 copper steam cooker; 1 ; Geo, F. Barrieold Camp, ompany, r e Kingston, Ont. & Mra. Mclauchlin, Brock street, Ho Apnounce tha She has ve m ner od Where she will Le ai opening after the 18t COMEDY VAUDEVILLE Prices: Mat. 19¢; Rve. 13e. A CHILD'S WHF Brock, Barrie Finder kindly street. or York return to streets 95 York A BABY'S IRISH CROCHET BONNET, between Dr. Mbrrison's farm Kingston Finder kindly Whig Office. and leave at PURSE CONTAINING $18.25 BETWEEN Locomotive Works and John Street, Or at the Loco, Co. Reward if re- turned to John street. MeLAUGHLIN, 1917, FIVE PASSENGER touring car, Friday, Sept. 7th, from Montreal street. Anyone seging or finding car notify at once and will be rewarded G. L. Davey, 137 FOR SALE THESK EFFECTIVE ADVTS. OOsT little. Once, 25c; three times Soc; one week, $1.00. WICKER BABY CARRIAGE IV GOOD condition. Apply Box 918, Whig Office. GOOD PIANO, VERY REASONABLE; ean be seen by applying to 398 Bar- rie street, after 6 p.m. LARGE WHITE WICKER BABY CAR. riage, in good condition and at reasonaivle price. Apply 218 Divis- fon street, Pioneer Apts, City GOOD, PAYING GROCERY AND FRUIT business; now on cash basis. One of best locations in city. Good reasons for selling. Apply Box L. L., care Whig Office FOR SALE RY. 6G. A. BATEMAN'S Real Estate Agenoy $400, SMALL FRAME HOUSE, CEN. tral $1,000, FRAME HOUSE, DIVISION ST. $1,800, SEVERAL BRICK HOUSES, ALL improvements except furnace, $2,000, FRAME HOUSE, IMPROVE. ments; corner. $3,000, SEVERAL BRICK HOUSES, ALL improvements. $4,500, SIX TO CHOOS all im rovements. $6,000, SEVERAL BRICK, ALL MOD- | ery, central locations. | | oe | LARGE CENTRAL HOUSE TO RENT, G. A. Bateman, Insurance Broker Money to Loan, 67 Kingston Phone 3 E FROM, BRICK, | oe woke: | 9% = | 1916 FORD | in perfect condition, || must be sold this | week. Central Garage, 335 King St. Phone 2185. September Orders FILLED IN ORDER OF ALL SALES TE SILK DRESS, ON | a TO FIVE: ROOMED APARTMENT, COM. plete. Apply Box 60, Whig. TWO LARGE FRONT BED ROOMS, all conveniences, Apply No. 10 Nelson street LET OFFIORS IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham. 79 Clarence street. STORAGE FOR I URNITURE OR MER. chandise, clean and dry. McCann as Real Estate Agency, 83 Brock St. Phones 326 or 621. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN dry, airy rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299 Queen street. Phone 526; res. 989, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE OR MER. chandise. Dry and clean; also good cartage system in connection. BR, SyBthen, 442 Albert street. 'hone ® SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE IN GOOD condition, with large barn and two hen houses; standing on one acre, specially suitable for poultry rais- Ing. Apply FF. Coldham, Barrfefield. FIRST CLASS BOARDING HOUSE IN best dential locality, convenient to boats, trains, tn ley parks. Six steady boarders al- ready assured, paying $40 per month each ($240). A money-mak- ing proposition Apply to J. 8 R. McCann, $2 Brock street. Phone 6 or 621 line and FOR RENT STORE ON PRINCESS STREEK1, NEAR Bagot; ground floor space, 1§ ft Xx 40 ft. Immediate possession. Ap ply Box 60, Whig. FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment Soclety; president, C.M.G.; kle, K.C. and farm country de chased; sale; rope ntures; mort; investment posits received and terest allowed. R. C, Cart t manager. §7 Clarence St., Kingston. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Fire Insurance Assets $61,187,215, which the poli say, Y Property, r possible rates. Before old or giving new rates from Strange Agents. Phone 335. DR. Nerve Specialist, Years of experience .enables me to treat difficult cases suc- cessfully. Call, or state case by letter. 18 Cariton Street, Toronto. DENTAL A. E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, D.D.S,, Phone I J. LEONARD WALS Office, 258 Princess street 652 > -- ------------------------------------------------ H, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Phone 626. ee et -------------- DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, tists, 159 Wellington street, Dewar, DDS, LDS. Phone 345. DEN. G. C. assistant, FURNITURE F N------ INISHING FP. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FIYISH- 'er. Call or drop a card. 23 John street. BOARD AND ROOMS FOR FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, every convenience, central lJoca- tion. Apply 243 Brock street. LEGAL RB. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and golichior, Law office, 79 Clar- ence street, Kingston, a er Coal k

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