Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Sep 1917, p. 13

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" PAGE SIXTEEN _..FACTS U AUTO KNOW In the absence of a blowout patch, a motorist recently tore up an old skirt and cemented a flat portion aroutid the tube at'the place 6ppo- site the hole in the casing. Twe wrappings were made, and. the patch held for 60 miles ' Never attempt to force the upper half of the windshield up or down by pushing on one side, especially if the shield 1s an" old one. If the frame work is at all weak, this method of handling probably will break the par mn A ct Pt Pt IS YOUR CAR INSURED ? We have a very up-to-date policy which we would like to explain to you -- it covers all hazards a car is insured against, Call, write or 'phone at our ex- pense. J.K.Carroll Agency Real Estate and Insurance. Phone 08, 8&6 Brock St. th a piston type of hanr el ting the line be- oreing oil from a ip lead while the ywly When oil the pipe it shows rking again. A great. deal of clutch trouble for ner can find no obvious to the fact that the s out of true with the wheel This causes You more than pay for what yoa might save on lubricating oil in increased cost of overhauling and in the shortened ser- vice life of your motor. TIOLENE is the most trust. --------y worthy and hence 'The Motor Oil the most ecomomi- That's Clean cal lubricant to use. Harvey Milne 202 Bagot St., Kingston. + Phone 542. AL Big, Powerful Real Family Cars We know through years of experience that a thirty-five horsepower Saat placed in a car of proper weight, makes an ideal drivin radi combination for all but the most speed demons. Year after year for many years the de- mand for the thirty-five horsepower Over- land models has increased in Canada and this year the sales of the Model ve eclipsed all previous rec Five ty=- You can have your choice in this Eigh six cylinder motor, inches. §ycFive Model of either a four or a e wh of the Four is 112 inches--that of the Six 116 Both are comfortable easy riding cars. represents wh Canada Rie oe the best Ee rou, we, Baliove So fe 1s may be re-| | government ground one side of the cone clutch to bind while the other side is free; in the case of the disc clutch, the plates tend to hold only one side. . The result is that the clutch grabs when engaged. If persistent treatment and adjust- ment does not help a clutch, it is safe to conclude that.the condition® men- tioned is causing' the trouble When lightning fyses blow out one after the other; it does not pay to kecp replactmg them; it is something more than coincidence. Try to find out the cause, and the first place to look is in the cutout, If this portion of the lighting system is of the type that has points which may become stuck, it 1s likely to cause continued fuse breakage. ~ . The glossy finished leather substi- tute upholstery is better than the dull finished, the.- latter being prone to crack or lose its coloring material through friction, Use of the dull material brings a sort of half glossy finish and the cracking ceases, but it is better to get the bright finish in the first place, Keep your eye on the road. Many operators are continually looking down at their feet, at the accelerator pedals, etc, while operating This takes their attention away from the road," which is dangerous. With a little practice you can soon locate all the necessary pedals, etc, without looking tor them. This is the only safe way to drive. Along the same lines of safety is the practice of keeping your hand on the speed lever until you have finish- ed with it. You must watch the road while you are changing from one speed to another, and you cannot do this if you have to look down and find the speed lever several times, When halted by a traffic police- man or other obstruction, put gears in low gpeed and hold clutch out. As soon as you are signaled to go ahead let in clutch and are off with a touch on accelerated pedal. HINTS ON CARE OF TIRES. Tells of Commonest Causes of Poor Service. "Tire expense is one of the greatest bughears of motoring," says William H. Stewart, Jr., president of the Stéw- art Automobile School. "Especially is this trve with a heavy car, although the man who drives a light car has Wis share of trouble. One reason is because the average owner or driver does fot give his tires the attention they require. this respect, the motorist may save many dollars in the course of a year. "Of course, he knows that his tires should be kept inflated, but very few know the rule. = The pressure in the front tire should be eighteen times the small diameter of the shoe. For a 4-inch tire this should be 4 x 18, or 72 pounds. The pressure in the rear tire should be tweénty times the small diameter, or 80 pounds for a 4-inch tire. Some manufacturers re. duce these figures slightly, but the above rule is a very good one to go by. No one can estimate the pres- sure in a tire by looking at it or by kicking it to note the rebound. pressure gauge is absolutely essen- tial, and a serviceable one can be had for 31. It will save its cost many times over. This is due to the fact that a tire is rarely pynped hard en- ough unless it is tested with a gauge, and if the tire is soft it Bed too much' as the weight of the car is sup- ported on it, and when the car is run- ning this bending action weakens the Stir tires heats it and so shortens its ife. "A. fact frequently overlooked is that the tiré must be re-inflated at least onde a week. Although the in- fier tube holds air very well, it is por- ous and allows air tp leak out in time. This is due to the stall par- ticles' of sulphur working out and Nviing holes through which the air can piss. So test the pressure occa- sionally and re-inflate when neces- sary. "Keep off the car tracks. The tire is supposed to be supported on a flat sur- face. If it is supported<on one side and not on the other, as is the case when running on car tracks, a terrific breaking strain is catfsed in the fabric, which weakens and finally breaks. This practice also cuts the tread badly, It is cuite evident that the tire should not rub against the curb, as that tears away the side walls, Other causes of wear on the side are deep cuts and running through crushed stone. 4 "Make sure that your front wheels are in line. If they toe out or in they will wear away the tread in a short time. "By paying attention to these de- tails you will find your tire expense reduced materially; you will get bet- ter adjpstments, 4 you will be re- Heved of much of that haunting fear of trouble on the road." Government Auto Factory. Uncle Sam plans a plant of his {for the building of special bodies for army motor trucks and the repair of trucks sent in from the field. An aporopriation of $100,000 has been asked of Congress by the war depart- meut for the erection of new build- ings to the present motor re; lant at fhe Juarh Tmatters depot 3 effersonyvi "Ny achine installed for the ding po hss plete trucks, if this Should be found, to be necessary. There is ample available for an even greater increase in the size of the plant than that now proposed. Reveals Wi ps in turning up oak Syiinder. motor hould be w careful to note that there is good compression in each cylinder. In a four-cylinder mo- tor the sound of the exhaust will re- veal a weak cylinder. From the ex- haust of -a six-cylinder motor, how. tver, the condition of a particular cylinder is hard to detect on account of the stroke: lapping. Very often a weak cylinder is not detee . and the or to liminate. he ; el thump in the motor. "In reality the cafise lies in a Using proper care in| | NEWEST MOF Science | a A process has been patented by a Welsh inventor for removing solder, w|tin'and chemicals from scrap and gal- vanized metals and utilizing the base metals Since the discovery of tin in Alaskd in 1902 nearly 1,000 tons of the metal have been produced, and it is be- lieved that this year's yield will be 300 tons. To help a locomotive fireman with his work a New Yok inventor has patented a vibrating pusher that moves coal from the back of a tender toward the front. : European investigators have found that partridges eat the seeds of many noxious weeds and insects destructive to plant life, therefore, are deserting of protection, The United States Geological Sur- vey has estimated the amount of rock phosphate in the known deposits in Idaho, Utah, Wyoming and Montana at nearly 5,300,000,000 tons. Sections of an English inventor's double cooking boiler fit so tightly that their contents get the full benefit of the sfeam, explosions being pre- vented by a safety valve. To make the spring and weight ex- ercising machines more attractive to children a physical culturist has mounted them in a human figure, the handles being enclosed in the hands. One Chinese province annually ex- ports more than 150,000 tons of pea- nuts, all because an American mis- sionary several years ago gave a na- tive convert a quart of California seed. A well-known motion picture ac- tress has designed an automobile which" serves her as a dressing room with almost as many conveniences as a dressing room in a theatre would provide From the speed at which earthquake waves travel through the earth an English scientist has constructed a theory that the world has a dense cen- tral core, which may be measured in time. . . Concrete roads expand most in win- ter and contract most in summer, ac- cording to the United States Bureau of Standards, because of increases or decreases in the moisture they con- tain. - Lever overated clamps for the hdnds and feet have been invented in England to take the place of ankle spikes for pole climbers, with the added advantage that they can be used on metal poles. . Ventilation is provided a new stiff hat for men by perforating the body under the ribbon with a large number of 'holes and fluting the sweat band vertically to cause currents of air to cem:ulate ) An artificial coffee is being made in Austria from figs, dried either in the sun or evaporating pans, ground into powder and then compressed into tab- lest. to he dissolved in hot water when desired. A novel dyvice to elimiate the glare of automobile headlights covers the front of the electric bulb and diverts the rays of the lower half so they are added to the light thrown by the up- per half of the reflector. New Series E » Mi All Points of Merit The New" McLaughlin Models Eclipse all Previous Standards of Beauty and Value VEN more graceful in design with great- er power the series "E™ more than maintains the supremacy accorded * Canada's Standard Car " for eight succes- sive seasons. The famous McLaughlin yalve-in-head motor develops more power than any other type of motor of the same bore and stroke, and dévalops this reserve power with the nimum gasoline consumption. E mechanical feature of MLaughlin cars hes been perfoctéd to the same high standard of efficiency as the motor. McLaughlin designers and engineers have built 12 body styles of rare beauty--worthy masterpieces of our conch bullders' art. ..., This complete line of 12 new models built Ju one group of factories and distributed by 12 branches and over 300 dealers from coast 'to coast includes a car for every need. See the new series "E" before you buy your oar, ¥ SEND ron NEw CATALOGHE "WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, McLAUGHLIN Wilh BUILD THEM* THE McLAUGHLIN MOTOR CAR CO. Limited 8 Passenger Veive:in- Head Touring Cor C1548 Roguier, Buin on the Same Chamie Gentlemen's 3. Pussenger Vaive- in. Mead Reateter €+6-44 Regular, Buitt on the Same Chassis LOCAL SHOW ROOMS ANGROVE BROS., Queen and Bagot Streets. $540 KINGSTON. A BEST PROPOSITION EVER OFFERED COMPLETE EQUIPPED . 8 ITIL ( 00 Buys a Saxon Roadster--Greatest Auto- e Ever Offered--Special for Sept. | EVER C TO THE PEOPLE OF , ROADSTER, INCLUDING EVERYTHING, TOOLS, JACK, PUMP, AND OUTFIT AS PER SPECIFICATION, $540 f.0.b. WINDSOR Look ! We Give You For This Price ner 2 Unit Demountable Rims. 30 in. x 3 in. tires. Hyatt Quiet Bearings. High Speed Saxon-Continental Motor. Schebler Model L., Carburetor, ~~ 3 Speed Transmission, dry plate clutch, Streamline Body. Fedders Honeycomb Radiator. Atwater-Kent Ignition. Extra long vanadium steel springs, canti- : lever type. 30 Miles Per Gallon of Gasoline | ~ and figure it for yourself -- ORDER NOW AND ENJOY THE HUM OF THE SAXON. : v Bl | Electric Starting and Lighting System, Wag- | ype, i | | | | Been any Automobile | | | | | that can with this -- Just stop L FOR $540.00. LE - Kingston Ce ---------------------- SA A ES a A A bi Ss pos CT Ba

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