Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Sep 1917, p. 18

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-------- ACME "TO THE PAST" (Continued from page 19.) of doubtiul compliments paid to hor orable friends, "Mr. Speaker," *a leading member from new Hr wick, "I have listened with great terest and some amusement to the re- farks which have fatten from ol my honorable friend in reference to the policy of the Gover *T1t Why, Mr. Speaker, the policy of 1 Government is the policy of the Government--and there he sits, an effete politician, dandhng upon 'his knee the posthumous child of a pre- vious administration and counterfeit ing the joys of paternity." Still more pungent are the words of another leader. in allusion to an equally distinguishéd opponent : "Sir," said he, "in the light of the astounding statements which we have just histened to at such inconvenient length, I think I am justified in say- ing that. had Sapphira lived in the time of he Boe Ll gentleman, she would infinitely have preferred him to wnanmna said the hip Most Turbulent Scene. The most turbulent and unruly scene 1 have ever witnessed in the House was on the 10th of May, 1878, uch being the last Gay of the second Parliament Uttér chaos and fusior" held high carnival, Leading men both sides used language which | do not care to repeat, while eyes flashed and. fists were clenched, and front ranks pressed closer to each other Lugkily, this row of perhaps ten minutes' duration was quelled by the arrival. of Black Rod, and the only blows struck were those of that official as he hammered on the front door But Parliament had passed through a violent spasm, speedy oblivion was not unwelce In my. experience of public and off cial life, 1 have found no evil more to be guarded against than that intoler- able disease which is popularly known as "swelled head": there is no more blighting mental malady, for it turns the once modest man into something which his fellow creatures care to see but rarely Happily, such cases are not epidemic here, but everywhere, where men are placed in positions of sudden and widespread authority, they are to he found, In the years that have gone. history has seen many important "changes: There are telephones and wireless telegraphy, typewriters and acro- planes, moter boats and automo- biles, strikes and suffragettes. smoke- less powder and weapons of such range as to put the enemy out of business when he is miles away, but above all these facilities for rapid life and sudden death, we are proud and contented in the possession of a country of vast and valuable re- sources of great areas, and possess- ing all.those natural advantages which in the golden future hefore us must make Canada one of the richest na- tions of the earth, and the happy home of many millions. HAD A GOOD FAIR. Rev. T. C. Cassidy Visiting On His Old Charge. Cataraqui, Sept. 19.--A very sue- cessful school fair was held on Mon- day The children were very much in evidence. The parade of the dif- ferent schools was an interesting fea- turé of the programme. Rev. T. C. Cassidy, Lachine, Que. a former pastor, preached in the Meth- odist Church on Sunday evening last He and his son, Halton Cassidy, B.A., motored from Montreal with K. Brebner, Kingston. They will re- main about a week. Some of the men from here are at- tending Wolfe Island fair to-day. Mr. Hunter. Rochester, N.Y. is visiting Mr. and Mrs, Post. J. Gordon spent a few days with friends in Ottawa. - Mrs. T. Gardiner has been with her cousin, Mrs. T. Carnovsky, Kingston, Archibald Knight went home with his son: Dr. A, Knight, to Rochester, N.Y. Miss Dorothy Nicol, Kingston General Hospital, ahd Stuart Nicol, Royal Flying Corps, Toronto, have been at their home. here. con- an and its me 'Military contgacts for 12,000,000 pliirs of woollen gloves to be worn by the United States army and navy; have slipped away from fabric glove manufacturers in the United States and will be filled by Canadian firms, Dr. Soltez, an Austrian. scientifie' explorer, has béen murdered in the Dutch territory, of New Guienea. NEWS FROM LANSDOWNE, Pte. Mallory Shaw to Instruct at Mowat Hospital. t ) ava rs were Mrs. Mrs. Leslie Winter. took | 1 Satur- | of Thomas Mis Erma Haskin, yo t the home Dr. Cooper or at the med her Mrs use "recently Géhodal s-rented the treet Fred Y., is visit Jurtch. , Was a kins wedding ifter a long less, ented the } the lat Mr late Mrs id ] Firman ( Port Arthur, has Mooretown to The people are esteemed McNanvee shortly to Pte, AM the front, He ha re has tor of languages at the soldiers' at the Mowat Hospital, Miss Anna Latimer, of visiting friends here, Kingstor Hamilton, is WALTER STERLING Toronto's City Auditor, who Is likely to relire owing to ill- Ith. So many people, both men and wo- men, suffer from skin troubles, such as eczema," blotches, pimples and irnjtation that a word of advice is necessary. It is a great mistake for such sufferers and those with bad complexions to smear themselves with greasy ointments. Often they could not do anything worse, for the grease clogs the pores of the troubled skin and their condition actually becomes worse. When there are pimples or erup- tions, or an irritating or itching rash, a soothing boracic solution may help to allay the irritation, but of course that does mot cure the trouble. Skin complaints come from an impure condition of the blood and will persist until the blood is thoroughly purified. It 48 well known that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have effected the best results in many forms of skin disofders and blemishes. This is due to the fact that these pills make new, rich blood, and that this new blood at- tacks the impurities that give rise to skin troubles and disperses them; 80 that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills eure skin disorders from within the sys- tem---the only sure way. > It should be added that Dr. Wil- Hams' Pink Pills have a beneficial effect upon the general health. They increase the appetite and energy and cure -disdases that wrise from im: pure blood. You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr, Williams Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. wep: THE DAILY BRITISH Tilton, of | 2 PRESENTED IN THE BRIEFEST POSSIBLE FORM. The Whig's Daily m of the News of the World From Tele- graph Service and Newspaper Ex- change. sold closed on Th sr 8iX years' life. nited States Fragce will launch a big drive next summer. D. McGee had been appointed to, the vacant Judgeship in District No, 6. Nova Scotia. Four lives were lost the pedoing of two Norwegian ships German submarines, After Oct. 1st the Bridgeport, Con., Trollew Co., will increase its fares from five to six cents, After an all-day debate the Laber Congress in Ottawa decided not to obstruet enforcing conscription law The' contract for plumbing, pipes and fixtures for the new Parliament Buildings, Ottawa, has been let to W. J. MeGuire, Ltd., Toronto. The nomination of the Independent | Labor Party of Brantford offered to | W.-C. Good, a prominent farmer, with a national reputation has been declined The Military not yet presented the Governor-iniCouncil -proval W. B. Reed, a Watertown, N Y.| hotelkeeper will be a Republican candidate for supervisor in the sev- enth ward. It is his first appearance | in politics. | Private E. Morgan, a returned sol dier from Sudbury, aged forty-five, | a former member of the 20th Battal ion was found dead in a pool room at' Toronto on Thursday. Delegate Watkinson, of Toronto, and two other delegates to the Labor | 'Congress at Ottawa, were compelled | to beat a hasty retreat from a res-i ursday forces in tor- by by Board its regulations to for ap Service has WHIG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1917. 'more st i and horses to be mentioned, as also | thrift 'move, with a lady demonstrat | Band drew 1,500 people to the Arm- | ories, PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY | comic in THE BLESSING OF A HEALTHY BODY Record -- Entertainment | Features Also Ggod. annual Fair of Prince Edward County Hour's Sickness Since | Agricultural Society opened here Has Not Had An : | Tuesday, with ideal weather prevail- ing, which promises to continue thro hout three days of the Fair. he band of the 48th Highlanders of Toronto is in attendance, and the! Fair never better, There is! ock, and 'exhibits generally | are in excess of the best Fuir record. Particularly. is the showing of cattle| Pic Sept. The sixty-fifth/ was is the display of vegetables, grain, etc. As to quality and quantity they] eclipse all former shows. While the fruit not so plentiful this year, yet the exhibit surpasses the direc-j tors' expectations, all kinds of ap-| ples, pears and plums being repre- sented, and of good quality. ' Prizes were offered for the best; model of a flying machine, which pro-{ duced a number of marvellous at- tempts. The Ontario Government is MR. MARRIOTT 78 Lees Ave., Ottawa, Ont., ! August 9th,*1915. "I think it my dity to tell you what "Fruit-a-tives' hae ' Three years ago, I began to feel run- | down and tired, and suffered very much from Liver amd Kidney Trouble. Having read of "Fruita-tives", 1 thought I would try them. The result was surprising. During the 3} years past, I have taken them regularly and would not change for anything. /%ave not had an hour's sickness since 1 com- | - es tones ) | menced using "Pruit-a-tives", and I | i By . het Thursday Toronto '5 101 gnow now what I haven't known for 1ave a fresh water fish supply direct : from Lake Nipigon controlled by the | 8€00d many yeare-- that is, the blessing | Ontario Government, with the pro. | of a healthy body and clear thinking fits of thé sale of the fish to the re. | brain". tailers going to the provincial trea sury. Canadian trade ing the food values of commodities to 1 en the cost of living, proved an | Fin i ph ost dona for me. Tr eX +O, AuCodbddi Uigl~ turers' display was also well sented. Last evening the baby show and| the concert by the 48th Highlanders'| repre- { The feature of the eventing | concert was the recitation of Tenny- son's poem, "The Charge of the Light rigade," with band accompaniment by A. E. Pearsoll of New York. WALTER J. MARRIOTT, in the current! 50c.a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 23e. ! i fisc year is deve ing at such : taurant to escape rough handling by! Heat 3 TE loping. 3, such 1 soldiers on Thursday afternoon. as lo suggest a probable aggre. | "At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt | of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. vanced to the Allies up to $2, i Loans of $50,000,000 to Great Bri-; tain and $20,000,000 to France were made by the United States Govern-| ment, bringing the total thus far ad-| 391,- 400,000, | PREMIER PROMISES | WOMEN FRANCHISE | To All of British Birth and Right to Naturalization Same as Men. { | { | ! { Vancouver, B.C., Sept. 21. | event of Premier Borden's reiurn to, vIwer his intention to confer. the fran-hise upin woman generally, and to make important. amendments | to the naturalization aci, relieving , women from discrimination as com pared with men. In a lettar tr Mrs. | J. O. Perry, of Vancouver, tha Pro- | mier says: "In case I am returned 0 power it fo my purpose to place upon the statute book a measure granting the franchise to all women of British birth, and .conferring upon women of (yceign birth the rig to seek and obuain naturalization on taeir own oehalf, so that thay may thus beconie sndowed with the sare pr. vilege fier suitable residence 'n this country, and perhaps fier suit. | able educational tests. The same | measure should provide that a wo- | man of British citizenship should | | | | In the iv is not lcse that citizenship upon ler marriage except with he sent." own con -------- | Women always thirk they mean | what they say at the time they say it. : ' : + | gate of two billion five hundred nil | lion dollars. Last year it was (wo billions. mm, mame. | Am Amar Still water runs into jugs. 2 : Xo ry This year, as never before every quart of Canada's fruit crop should be used to the very best advantage. Though it all ripens within four months, it can made to supply every table, every day in the year, at moderate cost. Canning and preserving, done at home at the time when each fruit is cheapest, provide in delicious In Canadian homes, for the last Si Years, REDPATH Sugar has been the standby for on It is always absolutely pure, and can be upon to do everything that sugar can do to ensure success. CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO., LIMITED, | The Leading Undertaker TWENTY-ONE N---- PAGE WR VR WR California Fruit Store CHOICE FRUITS Peaches, 30¢, 40¢ and 30¢ doz. Pears, 30¢, 40¢ and 30¢ doz. Apples, 30¢, 40c doz. Oranges 15¢, 20¢, 30e¢, 40¢, 50c. doz. Bananas, 13¢, 20¢, 23¢ doz. Grapes, 13¢ per pound. Large Baskets Peaches, Large Baskets Plums, Grape Fruit, 4 for 23c¢. Fruits Delivered to All Parts of the City. 286 Princess St. Charles Dafnas, Prop. Telephone 2168, WA ae MUSIC CABINETS W Music Cabinets, ii ; $6.50 to $25.00 Parlor Cabinets, $12.50 to $45.00 China Cabinets, : $15.00 to $65.00 J R. J. REID ---- i tu "- 230 and 232 Princess Street. Motor Ambulance. Phone 577. NAINA AA AAA PP ea Fall Suits and Overcoats Fine English Worsted Suits Large stock of Indigo blue serge and wor- sted suitings. New Rain Coats with Belts. JOHN TWEDDELL Civil and Military Tailors 131 Princess St. ~~ 5 Help to Save Canadas Fruit Crop 'A Practical Thrift Suggestion and economical form the daily fruit so necessary in a who! e diet. Fruit put up at home is much cheaper than that which you buy, and the slight increase in its cost, due to the higher price of sugar, is small compared with the mounting cost of other foods. Successful means difficult, ei thing, and use reserving and canning are by no r, if you are careful to boil every. Buy it, according to the quanti you need, in 2 Cartons, or in 10, 20, 50 or 100 Ib. Bags. "Let Redpath Sweeten It" or5 a2 MONTREAL. of Wate Boiler a em n------r. "KING"--a name that stands for Honor and Worth. This name well accords with the royally good qualities of'our Hot Water Boiler. The King Boiler is built and sold on Honor and is worthy of the confidence of every owner of a Residence, Apartsient House, Factory or store who plans to install a new heating system. . The King Boiler is the climax of expert kfiowledge and discovery in the science of heating. It embodies the best ideas and the most approved designs, adopted only after years of testing. The "King" is what every house owner wants as a quick warmth producer, an economical fuel consumer and an easy Boiler to operate and regulate, If you are thinki of installing a new heating system, it is a duty you owe yourself to find out about the King Boiler and it will be a pleasure to us to give you all the information you want including estimates to suit your plans without obligation to you, Write us NOW while you think of it. Fifteen Advantages! There are fifteen good reasons why buying a Hot Water Boiler should prefer the ing over all others; in a few words they are: 1. The Dustless Ash Sifting 7. The Thin Waterways and he 7 he ghin Wa 8. The Even Metal Line, the result of using Iron Patterns. 9. The Quality and Weight 10. The Simple Method of Erection, by derive from being kl, IMPERIAL Im Radiators are made of only the bes grade of iron and are jected to g ¢ There is no reason , when 8 Man or womas the mark, he or she should feel full of energy and tis true, ter hive way in tin ve away the lesser ills, which, if neglected, may des the most minute ks - . ATTENDED WOUNDED SOLDIER Ex-Premier Clemencean, of France, | wha, a physician, attended an injured suldier, SF Prenton Canadian Club, Trenton, Sept. 21.---At annual meeting of the Canadian Club Dr. Jacques was re-elected Hon. Presi- dent Robt. Whyte, President! George Collins In Sico-prosident, ang A. E. Cuff, 2hd -president; J. C. Young Secretary: TF Rixon, Treasurer. A. D. McIntyre was 'elected Bard, and A. E. Skitch, Musical Director. A. T. Hicks, former. secretary, was made a lite member. - James Mackenzie Alexander, presi- dent of the wholesale millinery house of §. F. McKinnon Company, Toion- to and Montreal, died on Wednes- day in his seventy-eighth year, Rx g want to know what a King Hot Water 12 System would cost? Write us--We will send you full information-- Free. -~ a LE LE etna a A

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