we The Daily British Whig ~- KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1917. INCIDENTS OF THE GREAT WAR GRAPHICALLY Lo Lk TEE pid August 14th, A US. soldier stationed almost astride a giant disappearing gun, in which position he remains while the gun is fired. . Above--German sailors from the former commerce raider Krinprinz The War Demonstration Hospital in the grounds of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research at Avenue A and 64th St., New York City Young Bavarian soldier taken prisoner by the Canadians in recent fighting The heavy boots worn by the German troops are not easy to take off and so the prisoners are helping one another to get the relief which their eaptivity now enables them to enjoy. They represent only a small part of the large Tiaul w of prisoners made by the Canadians in the fighting since Vimy Ridge. A Canadian officer inspecting the rifles of his men in a recently captured village in France. In the wear and tear of fighting a rifle is apt to become useless in a very short time and even dangerous to the man using it. Frequént "General Petain visiting the City of Thann i inspection is, therefore, necessary. As soon as a rifle seems no longer service able, it is replaced by & new ope and sent to be repaired. Alsace. "Boyce's Tigers" leading the drafted men of the new National Army, representing the Boroughs of Manhattan, Rich- Canadians at home in a conerete fortification made by the Germans - The first photograph taken outdoors of President Wilson and his mond, and Queens, swinging up Fifth Avenue in the great parade recently in New York. ? in\a French village. Cabinet