Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Sep 1917, p. 3

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, | SAME | 1 DTIID EL MEDICAL TESTS UNCHANGED RUPTURE": SPECIALIST HERE New Invention Retains Rupture Without Knife, Danger or Pain. Old-fashioned galling, slipping trusses and foreign mail urder methods are done away with by ie wonderful invention of a Canadian spec study ist who has devoted years to this one the The marvelous new Egan "CURATRUS" gles Instant retention, rest an rs have failed. It security where restores every part to THE STANDARDS ARE THE AS IN MAY LAST | aCtorispen : i Three Classes Are Open For Men | Who Pass the Doctors, According to Physical Condition, i pparently ex-| Kings-| accepted oy | der the Act of 3 dmposed ly in accordance with issued for the Cana- tionary Force in May last tategories of men epted for service with | doubt m.nds of » who will be authorities Military physical t 4 rable ng un y terms o e 1917 here are orevents all frritation, sls natural position as 8000 us it is used, and old style trusses Gre thrown away. Egan's "Curatrus" i$ intended 10 assist nature W close the opening in the short -e8t time known without an operation and at stall cost. Testimonials from men, women and parents. NoshingGomplicated. No incon veni- ence or loss of time, but just a natural retentive Method. It costs you nothing to investigate, Delays may be dangerous. Now is the time to make yourself physically ft for your dally work. Tear off coupon now, "Made fi Canada." J. Y. BGAN, SPECIALIST, WILL VISIT the towns below, Free demonstration and examina- Hon of samples. Ask at hotel office for my room. Note dates. . Kingston, Randolph Hotel -- Wednesday, Thursday (all day and night) 2 days only, Sept. 26, 27. I he © tions ction the re ku dian kxped There who 1 tha color Class A. lass includes for despatch both as re ds training in Canada | and physical and men qualifica-| {tions and men who wiil be fit as soon {as trained. They must be able to] march, to shoot, hear well, anc absolt well able to stand act service conditions, The weight of | errr ert -- 2d mwan must be in proportion to his{ EE -- == =y | height and development. For the in-| YN fantry the minimum height is 5 ft |'2 in., for the artillery 5 ft. 4 in., but] Free drivers will accepted If a BE INET oF The first actually fit all men | overseas, | { i ee artillery be | they measure 5 ft. 2 in. Men betwee n | the ages of eighteen and thirty years must measure least 33 inches] around the and men over Pthirty years of age must have a mini- mum chest measurement of 34 inch- ea at chest, TIFUL MAHC CONTAIN ROGERS SILVERWAR ABSOLUTELY FREE. To the person holding the that opens the Padlock to Cabinet, Watch Our Windows for the date to Try Your Keyn With every $1.00 ca at our store, you are enti a key One of willl ope person he ceive the verware AH Cabinet now on JGANY (CAB- -- + 50 PIECES Class B. Class B includes men for services| abroad, but not for general service. | Men allotted to this category would | have to be free from serious organ'c) defect, and able to stand service on | the lines of communication in France. | Key the {five miles, see to shoot with glasses, and hear well. They would be allot-| ited to the C.AM.C, C.A.D.C., for-| | estry, pioneer, labor and construction | { drafts, and sections of skilled rajiway | | employes. the key the I' tof i LUT FLY fe -- | Class C. The third class comprises men who | are fit only for service in Canada. | They must be free from serious or-| ganic diseage able to stand service | conditions in Canada, to march at] least five miles, see to shoot with| "| glasses and to hear well, and able to| | go to and from work a distance not xceedi five les. Tt yould be | COAL CUSTOMERS as mn Special Service. Com | ? | panies, C.AM.C,, sedenta K , Please Notice ! as clerks, Storomen, batmen, order. On and after first of May Coal Sales will be for Cash Only. | lies; ete. Uncomplicated varicose veins no BOOTH & CO. Phone 133. The Best Drug Store ||| L. 'T. BENT Chemist and Optician, 124 Princess St, Kingston, Ont. Branch, Division and Princess Stn. | longer prevent a man from being of! | service. Regulations state that men | suffering from this complaint must be | placed in the second category | Other Conditions. The loss of the index finger alone, or the middle' finger alone or the loss {of the fourth or fifth fingers or both « | of these uncomplicated by other dis {ability of the hand prevent a man being sent to the trenches, but do not excuse him from being employed for duty on the lines of communication in France Soldiers are considered dentally fit if they have sufficient teeth to masticate their food satisfactorily, but no soldier will be placed in the first class until all the roots have | been extracted, Hammer toes were formerly a good excuse for many. This no longer holds good, If his hammer toe is ac- companied by a corn that makes the wearing of a military boot impossible, the sufferer will be placed in the second category for service in France, | but not in the trenches, SEE US WHEN YOU XEN We Highest Standard of Quality in Sight Testing, Lens Making, and Eye Glass Fitting Our Charges Are Vl te Our Work Is Guaranteed. Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. 8 doors above the Opera House. Princess Street. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, | Mundic on Tweed Farm. Tweed, Sept. 21. Peter Lusk, jr., disposed of 50 acres of his one hun. {dred acre farm to a syndicate of | Niagara Falls capitalists. The fifty {acres has been turnedwover to Ferma | O'Coin; who owns the gjoining farm | and from whom the purchasers above | stated have bought the mineral right. Sufficient prospecting had | préviously been done to warrant an abundant supply of mundic on Mr. 0'Coin's property, and: negotiations for the purchase of the mineral right | have been quietly going on for some time. It is the syndicates intention to begin mining operations as soon {8 a staff can be secured, and after a thorough test has been made of {the possibilities of the property to | erect buildings and to operate on a | large scale. : : AAA Ar A ANA AIAN SM lO Choice Dairy - Butter 45c. Davies' Co. Phone 597. The Wn. , Limited | gift | wore | ring. | groom, | spent in western elties MARRIED ON TUESDAY Two Y« ed Hands and Hearts, Ty 18h the home $68 On clock A. Dunlop, sGEne when Ge William H of Mr. and 140 Bag very ling with « blouse crepe, and hat of vet and maize, esday Sept 11 ot iI Mra. H st, was the { weddi ( of a 11 thelr tLy ng, daughter, Hazel ted in marriage wrokd Cockburn, only Mrs, William Cockburn, street, 'The bride lovked and pretty in her travel nigger brown gabardine, maize georgette nigger brown veél- She wore the groom's a handsome sunburst of pear! T second trude, was u Lo SON He of with diamond centre + maid of honor was the bride's sister, Miss Grace, gowned in white voile, and gift of the groom a pedrl Miss Florence Dick, eousin of the bride played the Wedding March, and received a pearl brooch from she A large collection of beauti- ful presents testified to the popukur- ity of the bride and groom, who on their return from a short honeymoon will reside in their new home, 243 Queen street. the Seale Redden Wedding. wedding was solemnized 1 f N and Mrs, C Harrowsmith, Wednesday, 10.30 a.m E A pret at the he Redden, September 19th, at their only daughter raine, united Henry ga Seale The bridé was beautifully a gown white georgette crepe mings, and wore the groom's gift, burst set with J the picture she entered the ing on the arm gave her away performed by Harrowsmith aries in of attired in pailette with and pearly trim as ornament I sun esented of silk sole ndsome he p h lovliness drawing of her The ce Rey A While aling congratu of as room lean forth were guests, € h prec repaired to t the > dining wedding bridal party, room where 'a dainty breakfast was served € teem in which both young peop held was testified to by the nur ous and costly gifts, was a substantial chequ bride's father and a ha arole and silver pitc pector of Kingston nd from ti taff of Seale has for several member. 'The happy couple left amid st ers of rice and confetti for York, Philadelphia and other points On their return they will reside in Kingston. ir 1e LARGE ADDITION TO LONDON PLANT OF CORN FLAKES Building to Cost $50,000 Will Be Erected at Present Site. MORE MEN EMPLOYED Contracts Are Let and Permit Secured to Start Work Now. Announcement is made through the. City Industrial Department of an addition which will probably exceed in cost the sum of $50,000 to the well-known plaut of the Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Company, Lim- ited, on Dundas street east, makers of Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes. This amount will include buildings, stor-| age tanks and machinery. The addi- tional buildings will be of brick and conerete, a three-story building .of 60x60 feet, and a one-story building of larger dimensions. This addition to the plant will, when completed, re quire the employment of a number of additional men. Six large fire- proof storage tanks will be erected. The contract for the buildings and grain tanks has been fet" thé Archi- bald & Holmes Company of Winni- peg, the contractors who are building the new Hunt mill, The increased demand for the orig- inal Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes in the red, white and green package, so well known, and which has been made here in London for over eleven Fears, necessitates this considerable addition. ng Kingstonians Haye Join- | i 1 } Ca) bdo bb FOE b RRR PEF bb Pb bbb bd Told In Twilight Perreau entertained at| t t the Royal Military | Fharsday afternoon in| Cecil Adams and Mrs, | n, who received with| and Mrs. Wother- e in charge of the tea and! I in. looking after the! [ guests by Miss Rose Mary Strange, Miss | Miss Sybil Kirkpat-| + Carruthers, Miss ngham and Miss Mar-| PEP eIrbbbb i : * | Ogilvie { * . { Mis A Miss Loretta Swi Mamie belie Waldron ris who went Royal Flying ft, Miss May Rog-| irrett, Miss Isa-| and Miss Maxine Mor- to Deseronto for the] Corps dance on Thurs-| ng were the guests of Miss Rathbun, while Miss Elean-| , Mi Gwenneth Merrick, | Richardson 'and Miss| Browne were with Mrs. John| ers : Macaulay, King street, was a/ at the tea hour on Friday af-| when her guests were the | and officers of the Wo-| 5 Auxiliary, | - - - | Loris MeClelland, Clergy | entertained at tea on. Thurs-| day afternoon in honor of her guest, Miss Winnifred Hay, Campbellford. hostess ternoon president men Miss ! street i « x a | Capt. and Mrs. Colin Hamilton left | to-day to be the, guests of Mr. and | Mrs. Rae Hamilton in Guelph. Later! Mrs. Hamilton wil visit Mr. and Mrs. | Marsh in Toronto before returning | home. | Mr. and Mrs turned to Ng summer H. B. Sherwood have | mee, after spending | Sydenham. R. H. Fair and fam. | spent the week-end | Mrs. E. J. Corkill, | | | | rand > Payne and family, accom- Mi A. Tredinnick and | Mi M. Graves, have returned from | a motoring trip to Toronto, Hamil-| ton, St. Catharines, Niagara Falls | and Welland | Llgyd Willson, of Merchants Bank, | Kingston, is a guest of his parents | at | 58 { k and daughter, Mrs. | Kingston, were in Picton for | fair. Boyd, the - » ! ter and Mrs. Han-| and. her children, who | have been ih Halifax are expected home next week | Miss Margaret Cunningham and | Miss Catharine Macphail, who are! doing voluntary aid duty at "Fetter. | cairn," are returning home on Mon-| day Mrs. Charles Abbott, and little! Miss Charlotte Abbott, who have | been the guests of Miss Macaulay, | King street, left to-day for Peter- boro Ex-cadet Harry Morris, R F.C. came down from Deseronto for the {aquatic sports at the Royal Military | College this afternoon. | Capt. and Mrs. MacLean, who have | had a cottage At Dead Man's Bay, left to-day for 'Poronto, and later will go {to Camp Borden, where Capt. Mac- Lean is to be stationed, * * Prof. and Mrs, Humphrey Michell (and their children have returned to { town after spending the summer at i Garden Island. Mrs. Dawson, who {has been spending some time with { Mrs, Constantine®s again the guest of Mrs. R. J. Carson, "Romilly House." Miss St. Remy, Portsmouth, is the guest of Miss Mac. ar, at "Ferncliffe." {. Mr. and Mrs. K. ¥. Mather, Albert | { street, have returnéd after spending the summer in Colorado. | Mrs, Carlos Kirkegarde left fo-day for Beloiel, Que., after several weeks { visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. PH. Mertick, William street. ay Chon and Hon. H. W, Rich- | |ardson left 'on. Friday for Philadel- {phia, x | 1 | . Mrs L Car sord R Hora ( { { | | * * * Mrs. C. T. Dickson, Alice street, Mrs. W. J. Knox and Master Bob are leaving on Monday to spend a couple of 'weeks in Toronto, { Mrs. Goodman, who has been the | guest of Mrs. G. A. Robinson, Alfred | street, left this week for New York. | . Prof. Manley Baker, who has been | spending the summer in Stratford is {returning to town next week. ! | 1 } | } | | Kingston. '1 October 6th, at a quarter SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1917. PAGE SEVEN ) Probs: Sunday, fine and cool; light frosts. night . . TONIGHT At Steacy's Store Open Until 9.45. Our Great Fare-Refund Sale continues tonight and throughout all DOUBLE-BED FLANNELETTE BLANKETS 300 pair white and grey big double-bed size, extra 12-4 -- the famous "Klondyke' quality; regular than wholesale cost. \ next week. ss LADIES' CASHMERE HOSE : 180 pair pair fine black' cashmerefte stockings with seamless full-fashioned leg, broad garter top and double toe and heel. All sizes. Tonight .. .. .. .. . .. 35c¢ a pair, or 3 pair for $1.00 MEN'S MERINO UNDERWEAR 120 shirts and drawers -- Penman quality -- in sizes 34 to 46 -- sold right in town at $1.00 and $1.25 a garment. Tonight .. .. ..............75¢ |} ly priced at $2.50. A+ esq Tonight. . rr er ee as oes $1.89 FRENCH COUTIL CORSETS "98 pair only heavy French coutil corsets, the new full model -- with four strong garters, re-enforced front and hips and alum- inum steels -- all sizes -- r eg. $1.50 value at today's price. To- WATCH PAPERS DAILY FOR ADDITIONAL BARGAINS. { STEACY'S - Limited Miss Veta Minnes, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. "Griffin in Brockville returned home to-day. Donald Paterson, Vancouver, is the guest. of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. N. In- glis, Wellington street. - Prof. and Mrs. A. B. Klugh, Magot street, have returned home from To- ronto, * - Miss Ada Jenkin, Princess street, is the guest of Mrs. Harry Boyle, Napanee. Mrs. William MeCune, Kingston, is visiting Miss 1. Smyth, Deseronto. Rev. AH. Coleman, spending the summer in Kingston, and with his son of St. Mary Magdalene Church, Napanee, has returned to Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mowers and little daughter, Kingston, were the guests for a few days of Mr. and Mrs. James Barnes, Deseronto, Miss Isobel Walker has returned to Perth, accompanied by Miss Alice Goodwin, who will spend some time there. * . » Mr. and Mrs, T, McKeen Robert- son, Kingston, are in Ottawa for a week, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Low, . Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas, Sun- bury, Pennyslvania, are spending a few days with their niece, Mrs 8. 8. H. Jones, Frontenac street, Mies Flora Rees and Miss Marion Macdonald, Gananoque, came on Thursday to Kingston todo V. A. D. work at Queen's Convalescent Hos- pital. Miss Maisie Wilson, Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. E. R, McLean, q ton, announce the "enzagement of their only daughter, Florence Eliza. beth, to Jack Edward Patterson, on- ly son of Mr. and Mrs. H.-R. Patter- son, Peterboro. the marriarze to take place quietly September 26th. * Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Martin, 29 Admiral Road, Toronto. announce the engagement of their daughter, Gertrude Abarhanell, to Arthur Wil- lam Martin, eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Willhm CC. Martin, The marriage will take place quietly in Toronto at the Church of the Redeemer on Saturday. past three € o'clock. " (Continued on Page 14.) . Canadian Casualties. . Died of wounds--W. J. Corr, Ath- ens. ' Gas poisoning--J. K. Grover, Ner. ood Wounded--W. Huxtable, Chester. ville; H. H. Gilbert, Almonte. Wounded and gassed--P. Sauve, w 4 { i Vankleek Hill {= Two residents of Escott were fined $10 for intoxication, snd two people {trom Mallorytown were assessed $15 tesch for a similar offense. Michael Gleason, for many years {postmaster of Carthage, N.Y. is the { Republicdan: candidate for sheriff of {Jerson county, "oo = a Mr. and Mrs. James Knox, Tren. TTT TTT ITT ES RE ---------------- A --------, A 4 ' ® IASI pn "AP4 Re VERY UP-TO-DATE FURNISHINGS The very large stock we are carrying gives you plenty of opportunity to be satis- in making a colection of furniture or carpets. We have bed-room suites in white cream and grey enamel. Some very choice designs in mahogany and walnut. " If you want a Sewing Machine re- member we sell the White Machine. 1. F. HARRISON COMPANY slight LIVER PILLS correct CONSTIPATION. Genulne . Ld Pale Faces Pr Sere Carter's Iron Pills The Traveler A High Grade Goodyear Welt Shoe for Men. Prices from $5.50 to $7.00 Jack Johnston's Shoe » 10 Brock Swot.

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