a --_-. Re ete i ~ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1917. C0 GRAND So: HOUSE roduction TONIGHT ! The People's 'reased effort and effi- | Matinee at 3 pa. Evening 8.15 | - f J 7 = HT e labor, more i 4 2 BM &i 3 ind léss waste in 1} a: 2 z ; ¢ tcountr 2" men and wo- -- . ] A er 1 ome must produce . | y ; a, 7 > Wars vasie ™ i | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES | HELP WANTED . FOR SALE : : First insertion, lc a8 word. Bach con-| -- - " - Pow TA _-- It Is easter to mmke money than to save it. A||% | secutive insertion thereatier, half-| FIREMAN WANTED AT ONCE, AF. FOUND THIS JSEEROTIVE ADVIS. otaT a Savings Account at The. I tf Toronto will heip i 5 cent a word. Minimum charge for ply Kingston Hosiery Cu, Limited. litle. Once, 35c; three oe : rai save what your increased effort provides. 5. ot | ome insertion, 25¢; three aanertions, | RELIABLE WOMAN AS MOTHER'S STUDENTS NOTE BOOK, ON one week, $1.00. . : J Soe; hoi 1; one a] A help middle aged preferred. Apply Sept. 14th. Owner may have GAS RANGE, FOUR BURNERS AND 11 Branches In. Toromte, 119 Branches in Canada. ' N 1 Eo a Phone No, 822 game by calling at "Whig double oven, in excelledt condition. " 2% i | : ANTE Office, 415 Albert street HELP- WANTED REFERENCES ||| FORD "CRANK, OWNER - MAY Ive - 535. A - A COOK GENERAL, D 5 . - ; = ESPAHLIS I 1 ' Drama The A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. AP. | required: Apply to Mrs. Hemming, have same by calling at Geo. ONE-TON ~~ SANFORD MOTOR ® 4 2 | or Hmited third class certificate; Salealndys, experieficed In dry | salary $450 per year; duties to com- FOUND ARTICLFS ADVER- ONE SINGLE-CYLINDER INDIAN Newman & Shaw. mence at once. Apply to J. A. New- TISED FREE. motor-cyele, in good condition. Ap- 3 Muller's Bicycle Store, 373 Truck in first class condition. Ap- * HE : G B M X M « | + | ton, Dead C ek, Ont. Ply to 62 Victoria street, between ply to Wilson, 128 Barrie St.| 15 King 5 King Street. . Ys ger. By Paul Kest Auth 1 } SE = Anyone finding anything and five and seven p.m FEI | hen ions ie | + romero wis ren orem WANTED GENRRAL i RE BE pee re AE = : " ||| TREE KEYS ATTACHED mY BY do W. G. Craig & Co. or Boyd's i tp " "AN 4 Garage. {A HOUSEMAID WITH REFERENCES. | TEACHERS WANTED. leather, some days Ago in Sav. San { Apply Mrs. Carson, 72 Barrie street. | ings Department, Bank of CARTERS OUTFIT, HORSE, TWo reporting the facts to Excellent Cast." Carload of Scenery. | housework Apply Mrs. O D. The British Phe The adver- $1,000 Chevrolet, with extra tire Prices Mat: 235, 35, 50, T5¢ | Skeitan, 138 Albert street, + . " ' . & . } {FEMALE PROTESTANT -- TEACHER Montreal Owner may have waRons and bob sleigh. Will be sold | | WICKER BABY CARRIAGE IN GOOD tisement will be printed in this and clock; new in May, . AP- Evening -- 23¢ to $1.50, PPP PPP PPP | | | -- Frontenac county, holding district William St. for 8. 8 No. 8, Kennebec township same by calling at Whig Office, separately if desired. Apply 88 L. condition. Apply Box 918, Whig column free of charge. ply 93 Wellington street, , : ; . Sedolrdedodo ddl bad bt Bod EI AW FOR SALE SEATS NOW ON SALE. ; "Found articles" does mot In- GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN | . A Joud active hex fur the 3 or ND ROCs SOR DY AND clude lost dogs, oattle, selections, your own choice, $21.60. We have a very desirable property, what is known mailing _Lepartment, Good | ARD AND R JONS FoR 1A in mice etc. These, if jost. - Terms: $5 cash, $1 per week. C, W. | 3 as a semi-bungalow, situated in the west end of the City, Monday and Tuesday Yoges a een _smbleTment. home, Quote rates, Box J. F., Whig 4 Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. | ve with all modern improvements, verandah, good sized Sept. 24th and 25th. a a ai a aE] Office. \ ie aa sian aes ail] GOOD, PAYING GROCERY AND FRUIT lot and only one block from the car line. Owner is not POLITE VAUDEVILLE iid [TO PURCHASE HOUSE FOR $2,000 |= business; now on cash basis. One now a resident of the city 'and is anxious to dispose of EE A AGA . be ad value: des 1- of best locations in city. Good $ » » a | SMART GIRLS, GOOD WAGES cash. Must be good value; no de ho . the property, on any sort of reasonable terms. YOU A Five-Act Photoplay . ow MAR: work. "Apply Crothers| ers. Apply Box 95, giving full de- jeagons fring. Apply Box L. HAD BETTER INVE TIGATE. I ionel Barrymore nn Co., Wellington street, | scription and house number. $10 BILI /RDNESDAY MORNING, ON - LL, WEDNES NING, 0 | SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, street car or Princes street. Finder | A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN- The) K CARROLL AGENCY "The for cash or in part payment of new kindly notify Whig Office. cluding the famous Athlete, Over- " . . . ee . " " x pianos and grafanolas. C. W. Lind- land and Perfect Models: also tires Phones: Office 68; Residence 874. 56 Brock Street, Millionaire's Double I WANTED } say, Limited, 121 Princess street A LARGE PINK AND WHITE CAMEO and bicycle accessories. George Open Every Saturday Evening | Boy wanted for office. Apply brooch, from city buildings, on Muller, 373 King St, Phone 1032 * The Pathe News, Comedy and Other Kingston Shipbuilding Co. WANTED TO RENT, HOUSE WITH King, Earl or Wellington streets -- | | modern conveniences, about seven Finder kindly return to Whig Of- | GASOLINE PUMPS AND TANKS, Te Matinee 106% | rooms, within half mile of univer- fice: "alogue and priced mailed upon te- Rese 'vening 10e; | y y B 92 Whig Office. uest; secure our prices b re par- Any Sent rved, Se Extra) yoUNG GIRL OR MIDDLE oer) sity. Apply ox 920, Whig ce quest; secure our prices before yu | 1 A A A a , NP, LAP RUG, BLUE ON ONE SIDE, chasing Wayne Oil Tank and ns | woman, for general housework. MMEDIATELY, FURNISHED ROOM, checked "on~ other, on Friday, be- Pump Company, Limited, Hamilton, THOMAS COPLEY W d S t. 26th' Apply 243 Brock street. or rooms, in vicinity of barracks, tween Queen's College and cab Ont, ' - with housekeeping privileges. Re- stand. Finder kindly return to en Telephone 987 ed. e Yi JOLIE. . APPLY ply_ with full particulars to Box cab stand, 490. LARGE STOCK OF EXTENSION TA. ONE NIGHT ONLY i Gordon, Principal's ouse, , E. 8. care Whig Office. bles and dining Queen's University. or Phone 623. TWEEN . . G wanting anything done in the carpen- -ica's G st Mus Ww Queen's University. or BETWEEN ARDEN AND KINGSTON china cabinets, tery line. Potimaee given on all Kinds Americ a's Greatest Musical Show RENT FIVE-ROOMED FURNISH. on. Tamworth road, one auto tire, ou re of repairs and new work; also hard- Kl E 1 ' ed house with modern convenien- 30 x 3%, with a black ileloth all kinds of second hand furniture, aw rlanger"s wood floors of all kinds. All orders ces, centrally located, For quick cover, a small triangle hole in J. Thompsou, 333 Princess street. 40 , : employment. Apply Street Rall- No. 8119, Daily Whig. Hayes, Liveryman, Arden, O - Wantin 4 or rel reey Supreme usical Com- way Ofiice, $ Ee Se [FARM CONTAINING 100 ACRES, RE- < * YOUNG LADY DESIRES INFORMA-{' ing lot 6, concession 3, Athol town- g HOME NURSING edy Success ad will receive prompt atvention. Shop Conductors wanted; steady occupation by officer, Reply Box cover, Finder kindly notify J. E Phone 1600. et. tion regarding a small family who TO LET ship, three miles from Cherry Val- y v a , eae -------- would like to share with her a fur- ley and canning factory, 40 rods Anything along THE RUBBER LINE CLASS | AT ONCE, CAPABLE MAN TO Loox nished, centrally ' located house. | frye oN. APARTMENT, COM. from school house, one mile from Jou an Repend upon us supplying MISS | eu) iio EL y Apply Box X.YZ., Whig Office. a oer, Box 60, Whig, church; situated on country road ou with the best that money can » - and rural mail route; first cluss buy. We invite inspection of our| COMmences at the General Hospital | TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER- | oe LARGE FRONT BED ROOMS, clay loam soil; small frame house » . { A YOUNG GIRL TO HELP WITH chants and business men in East- B - ' J in good condition; good barn, drive. Hot Water Bottles, Fountain Syrin- | Monday, September 24th, at 8 p.m house work and care for children; ern Ontario can connect with a 0 3, Sanvenlences. Apply No. 10 house and pig pen. Price $3800 i ges, Encmae Syringes, Atomizers, Ico Jd » Nep ' p.m, one who will Sean ot Same pre. . &ocd side line by applying to Box : and nothing less. Terms $2000 cash | Bags, Rubber Gloves, Ete. ARR TE errr ferred. Apply Box 200, £ : Raden Whig Office. Strictly cou- | GRFIORS IN CLARBNCE ST, CHAM. and easy payments. Also farm jn fidential bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham. same locality containing 105 acres: » Notice P > i , ' A NF Y 79 Clarence street. 30H Clay jam; Food tone hotise; With the Notable Cast, Chorus and | $¥dkdde WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS O BO! darn, and gut- uf] ngs: goo: : Production which characterized its |¥ WANTED fecond-hand furniture.' stovef | oR THE WINTER A FURNISHED Pre reapard; 10 acres woodland. 0ags rug ore Mrs. McLauchln, Brock street, wishes +P > 4 heaters, clothes, etc. We also hive house, with all conveniences. Ap- 'rice $5500 and nothing less. Terms g unece . hbo presentation all last season in Boston | 4 Stenographer and office ansist- everything In the second-hand ; Street West. $2500 cash and easy payments. Ap- ange hat an Frowar CWaher and New York. 4 ant lady. Apply stating exper- 3 Mine for sale. S. Shapiro, 45 Prin- Ply 214 Union Street West to Stanley Stevens, Cherry Val. Pl Bm 4 ce, Box 100, Whig Office. ss street. Phone 12 > ING pv, Ont. street, where she will be ready for the 4 fen 4 FURNISHED BEDROOM AND SITTING Branch Post Office fall opening after the 18th of Septem- 75 -- GCempany Of -- 75 + room, with private family, central . "a o ripe dodbedofrdedododeode dodo dodrodriopoiodoi dod D--0 FALSE TEETH 'hig , FOR SALE BY. G. A. BATEMAN'S Opposite ¥.M.C.A. i Headed by Frank McIntyre, Zoe Bar-.| * } Tocation. H. Whig 3 Apply Jox An ~~ I pay $2 Office. Real Estate Agenay, y AA AAA Ar . " _ « oye "| nett, George Leon Moore, Harrison | GIRLS AND WOMEN FOR LIGHT, 5 . Send by parcel EN \U[ TION SALE Brockbank, Hattie. Burks, Frank DAN a ias Jutting ma rece! Check oy. Feturn 73 UNION STREET MAY BE 10 LET $400, SMALL FRAME HOUSE, CEN. x 8, @ , ete. N. " 2 Ss ar y y Doane, Mae Hennessay, Alf. Fisher, wages paid. Apply to N. C. Polson Mad i Mr. ADDly Websc's Ary SPECIAL iene Alice Gillard, W. F. Nunn, George and Co. mtr a] Stove. $1,000, FRAME HOUSE, DIVISION ST. Hougehold Furniture, Mrs. J. P , T Fox, Chas. De Haven, SINE y y . Saguupe BV RB RIC , 1000 Ibs. Creamery Sydenham street, Thursday, Sent ORCHESTRA OF 16. BUSINESS CHANCES WELL FURNISHED SITTING ROOMS | $1,800, SEVERAL BRICK HOUSES, ALL 27th, 10 am. . (one on ground floor) and bed mprovements except furnace, Polished 'walnut centre tables, chairs, Prices: 50, 75, $1, $1.50, PAY YOUR OUT OF TOWN ACCOUNTS rooms. Use of telephone. Apply wardrobes, bureaus, desks, y chairs, | #ideboard, cupboard, rugs, lace and $2 00 other curtains, hall table, enameled . * 000 i ISK. Laborers (35c¢ per hour), + by Dominion Express Money Or- 123 King street. $2, me FRAME, HOUSE, IMPROVE- t ( r) + ders. Five dollars costs three nia; corner, and carpenters (55c per hom cents, STORAGE FOR I URNITURE OR MER- dressers and chairs, bed couches, dav- Beats on Sale Sept. 24th. enports, iron beds, vacuum BWeepers, a 1b. gas stove, china, glassware, kitchen at QUAKER OATS .COMPANY, # « chandise, clean and dry... McCann g | #5000, SEVERAL BRICK HOUSES, ALL utensils, ete, : ' » ALLEN, The Auctioneer. Gordon's Grocery Telephone 293. al. ep : rir Ar errr AAA en , : . 2 improvements, INVESTORS WARNING DON"S INVEST Real Estate Agency, 82 Brock Peterborough, Ontario. An one cent until you read Successful Phones 326 or Ly wi SIX TO CHOOSE FROM, BRICK extra 50c per day for continu. Finance, and learn how fortune: $4,500, S > SE A Cor. Bay and Montreal Sts. AUCTI 3 i - 4 . " rr " Phone 88. E Matinee 2.30 -- Ev ening 8.15 STORAGE FOR FURNITURE OR MER. LARGE CENTRAL HOUSE To RENT. J, bhi b bbb bbb bb Eb bbb bhi bb PERSONAL chatdise. Dry and clean; also good Money to Loan, 67 Clarence Street, ------ -- JIMMIE HODGES ETENT GENERAL, REFEREN- Watt o, SStem in connection. E. Kingston Phone 306 3 . by Investo STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLBAN all improvements. ing work to December 1st. Can- Fre made and lost --- A a ee trial subscription. Succe dry, airy rooms; your own lock and r adian Leonard Construction Co. ful Finance, 608 8S. Dearborn key. root Chy Storage, 299 50009, SEVERAL HRIOK, ALL MOD. Peterborough, Ontario. lcago. Queen street. Phone 526; res. 989, * . : Er y Household Furniture, 522 Princess St. "cos required. Family of two; high. | SEND A DOMINION EXPRESS MON- Jhathen, 443 Albert street. Phone S "i ¥, Sept. 28th, 10 a.m. est wages. Apply Box 919, Whig ey, order. Five dollars costs three 3 First class Clafiin upright piano, Ax- office. cents, TWO LARGE WEILL FURN MUSIC a 5 Tabontry ome, mtair carpet, lace" and rooms, suitable Tor marine SED . 9 orst thpestry Curtains, glectric dome and A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT; ONE |HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS h Tass piacried couple es, easy chairs, Fresh Flowers Dall hall rac \ X 1 T light and hot water heating. Ap- church. Honor certificates in Sen- 1 Funocar igns and Wedding | ben "ssi, ror, bedroom 'suftes. iron : ha wren | Cortes Mh gIERY eens experiance BE] phi io whi lor "University, Plano ana Theory. i dressers, steel davenport, linoleums, - 3 Throat and Skin eclalist, 25% upils prepared for yore ' Bouquets to Order. Happy Thought rtnge, 8 and 5 » BN A a tt ir Jewel gas range FIRST CLASS BOARDING HOUSE IN Conservatory examdaations. Ad- crockery, glassware. : best residential locality, convenient | dress, 99 Upper Wiliam St. -------- ALLEN, The Auctioneer. " to boats, trains, trolley line and | iephone 252 MARRY Iv 1ONELY) FOR RESULTS, parks. Bix gteady boarders al-; PRARL A, NESWITT, LT.C,M., CON- resh "Home Maker"; hundreds rich wish ready assured, paying $40 per tralto, organist and director of F . : marriage Soon; strictly confidential: month each ($240), A money-mak- Brock St. Meth. church. Teacher / most Re Haie: years experience: Ing proposition. Apply to J. 8. R. of plano, organ and voice Produc. Vegetables, ea a deseriptions [T8e, "The Successful McCann,» 82 Brock street. Phone tion. Pupils prepared for Toromto . p Club," Mrs. Purdie, Box 556, Oak- 326 or 62 Conservatory examinations. Studio Choice land, CaMf, : = __449 Joh - i Groceries Boy wanted to learn press ||| MARRY IF LONELY--FOR SPEEDY DENTAL ) or e ; * works must be willing worker SoM l Beat. Bren bi Me aR RNA. PA Loa Ras FOR NEXT y i . cessful, best, largest in the coun- |A. KE. 3 La IDB, | cr dmc teins and all geasomable fruits, % =, { There are splendid opportuni. try, 'established 5 years; thous- Office, 258 Princess street' Phone STORE ON PRINCESS STREE1, NEAR ands wealthy wishing to marry at B ; ground floor space, 16. ft The Blecutors of the Eatate of the Inte JEAN I YNES ties in the printing industry once; confidential ao rina ree; fmmediate possession, Ap. tad' " " 9 eb ------------------------------------ . » 4 m, Fee offer for sale, by ten- he th i Reliable Club, Mrs. Wrubel, 732(DPR J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, ply Box 60, Whig. 8 : ! der, all the ro fe, now: after the war there wi , Calif. corner Princess and Bagot streets. X I Friendship S l Inte, in' the City of Kimgaton, and be better. Apply Job Dept. Madison, Oaiclapd. Calif.' Plone 626 TORE RET aN voce | PSE E Pe br PP " i \ or two business people; also a| GRACE TAFT, ORGANIST AND DIR. who can cobk. No washing nor and all growths and skin blem- va . . pine oak sideboard, extension table, oak ironing. Refgrences required. Ap- ishes removed permanently, with- small room; very central; electric eftor of First Cougregational ae 449 Johnson street, st That pa 1 Fronteuse, an follows: DIRK, SPARKS AND SPARKS, ot ar on a nao va . - parcel of land on noess . . 4 } A » DEN Camden East, county Lennox an i 210 Division St. Phone 545 Street now occupied by William 40 OTHERS gh ad 40 s-- . tists, 159 Wellington street, G. C. Addington. 'Apply to N. Stedman, 5 3unders; on this lot 1s a 13% story * Dwar: Hb DDS, LDS. assistant, Camilen East, Ont. g fame house. No. 689, and a barn, Prices--Matinee' 25¢ and 50c; 3 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS CARD SAM: Specialist, ng 3 the whole having a frontage of ning, 25¢, 50c, 75¢, $1.00 y ple book' free 'on promise to can- Years of experience .enables SE ---- A SIGN AA T . ; about 116 ft. on Princess street, in 2 p A ki five t me to treat difficult cases suc- BOARD A ARCHITECT Ind That paras: of land being lot 2 on Sale Sept. 27th. dollars Saany A TEIRS DrePaIG cessfully. Call, or state case by ND ROOMS ode In Willlamaville, 3 acre, mos 5h | TTT Garretson Company, Brantford, On- To Gaslion Stich, Torente. FIRST OLASS HOARD AND ROOMS, |FOWER & SON, ARCH MER- »~ * The i tario, less, with a frontage i every convenience, central loca chants Bank Building, corner TE ------ street of about 108 feet, on a 9 . / YOUR OWN MASTER, STOP J) tion. Apply 243 Brock street, Brock and Wellington Sts. perty are two frame dwellings very. 5 Leading Florist Peine No. $65 and 857, at Present ° wage slavery. Formulas and in. occupied by BE. McLaughlin and stractions for manufacturing Six James Harkness, on this lot are Big SeMers and 100 Business Op- FINANCIAL d also barn and shed. . portunities, sent for 1c. Para. aint ' - 3rd--That property situated on Barrie Thurs., Fri., Saturday Nip nt Service. Box 724, St John, | WHEN ORDERING GOODS BY MAIL, ! Street, between Queen and Col- Jesse L. Lasky p : send a Dominion Express Money WANTED borne street, on. this there is a Order. : PATTERN HANDY MEN and » hi brick veneered row of dwellings, oT a -- - being Now." 562. "Tot. The: Sen, snd Mae Murray, in PR A DAL AND YVEST. CAULKERS and CHIP Ror HY escopiad at wwellnerand | "At First Sight" ll prosasc Re an: : 3 \ an No. bo0, eupied ae dwelling, and MG PERS. HIGHEST WAGES PAID RING 960. ing shop. The above 6 . : Ail tactic on "arria ireet. The Neglected Wife" | IAN LOCOM OM- ' property consist 1 n ANAD, OTIVE r Ete Te ons eras wana Fh Ss Tog £ PANY, LTD. ng Nos. 273, an | : 5 Queen street, all b | Cla at All Large Cars Anta. tine § scoupleq ¥ tony Vaudeville manager, 87 rence St, K 2 Ki ; . ' . Sealed tenders will be received b - Eg y . . VERPOOL, ? Used. She _indersigned executors up to noon . Prices -- Mat. 10e; Evening 15¢. i Fire pA) uLon . Sh DAY oF Nex 3 he assets $61,187,215. In addition to - . Ee Far all the above property, or : 1 ' par- a which the pol ders have for Kingston Taxi Cab ||}, 52m 1 seperate © for Par LR | Thmited HabHicy of a nders to be accompanied by cheque perty, insured at lowest of 5% on amount of tender, ioh will ; | ; po, IN ! 1 / 5 be returned 3 offer ie Sot Accepted. - m / py 5 . doderms cash on delivery of title ; ---- se remand Agents. Phone 335 : | s. The highest or any tender not nec- d ES som tn ther of vee CHARLIE Orit: -- -- Dyes F S ATRUD AY undersigned ih cama 3 EhavSTREE © | 1 = Sn | iiss Orders have been able to secure another | "A TANK Fao iF wa | 1 Ww 1 i ALL SALES FOR CASH. 13e. mentite 1] SO ee] 0 TURD lL cb gb Bpock Hou wi + 8! ly TS 2 t +1 A tice aie 2163; residence 1782. ; ; best. bargain over offered : 868. If not satisfactory your money | FURNITURE FINISHING nded. r. : Ten Cal or drop oe. TI y street. * i \ : ee ee on Bros. lv wa and Division Half a parasol is better than no | A+ SENNINGHAN, RARRISTEW "~ umbrells in a shower. and solicitor. lb, 79 Clar-