PAGE TEN --- In Any grocer will tell you that "package" goods are much cleaner and fresher than "bulk" goods. because the sealed ckage preserves the quality and keeps the contents free Pe dust, dirt and disease-germs. MC Cormicks JERSEY oO da S CREAM are baked in white enamelled ovens by men in spotless white suits. They are then elevated to an airy, sunny room, neatly packed in boxes lined with waxed paper andatightly sealed to insure them reaching your table fresh, crisp and delicious. Sold Everywhere in Different Sized Packages "The Hours Go By Like Minutes!" when frien)s gather round the Viarola of an afternoon. time and dull care are lost in melody "His Master's Voice" Records 90 Sishiyter 0-inch, double-sided Along the Wayto ikiki Peerless Quartst My Hawaii (You're Calling Me + 18326 Orpheus Quartet | Washington Grays--March Opal Military B. | Big Gung--March "Opal Military Band § $1.50 for 12-inch, double-sided Norma--Overture ] Band of H.M. Coldstream Guards { 68495 Life for the Czar fo Band of HM. Colditream. Guards | 69500 Two Exquisite Red Seal Records Silver Threads Among the Gc'1 (Contralto) Juha Culp Keep the Home.Fires Burning (Tenor) John McCormack 6459 Hear them at any "His Master's Voice" Dealers' 74527 Write for free copy of 350-page Musical Ency- clopedia listing over 9000 Victor Records ¥ Berliner Gram-o-phone Co. MONTREAL LIMITED 120 Lenoir Street 1s "'His Master's Voice"' Bina Dealers EO Ee - | ME Don't Forget You cannot purchase genuine Vidro'as, Vidor ~ or -- "His Master's Voice™ | roducts at any but our authprized dealers 'Remember--There are no others! THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. FRIDAY, SEPT EMBER 28, 1917. eo -------- Of W Iman nS ---- FEE ee. ES. { THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE (By Frances Walier) | OUR NEW HOME TOWN, right McClure Fenneth first few Envi A broke vas a known to t wn as a though cert: ndividuals ed th 1 oceup n visit most of concealed inville's lation, it being gen- ly believed there that broker ort f gambling-house i I morally and Joe, a character | vho conducted a | ort near the rri%ed in | thing un whole, al- | wad form- | of that azo. But | carefully tance. of n to Chic had the natives fact from rest pro on the les "Faro' disrepute prietor { socially with lof local questionable re water tar i'h ittitude of the public and railroad pu mind in sed Kenneth no little con cern, but | not that kept him busy He was occupied with his correspondence, establishing market that connec tions in varioa entres and | issuing circulars to those who might induced to nfake investments through various stock exchanges and boards of trade As a result [ did ee much of him He left the hotel very early and did not return intil late at night, except on rare o« casions, when he came in for a hasty dinner. On these evenings he was in such a hurry to return to his office that we could not enjoy each other's company He did not tell me of the antagonism which had been aroused by his entrance into the commercial i life of the town, and it was not until | later that | learned what was being | said about him and about me. Had | he told me I might have been saved many a moment of astonishment and [ chagrin, for it would have explained | the attituds that some of the women about the hotel assumed toward me I had not liked the idea of living in |a hotel, and after I saw the kind of [ guests that made up its list of "per | manents" [ had liked the idea even | less, but I had made up my mind that {1 would do as Kenneth wished, and 1 |@ccepted the situation might have taken sary medicine It s0 happened that a day or be not as | neces much a dose of two Ar mm The Late Miss Emma Cooke, | The death of Miss Emma Cooke, | one of the best known and most high-| ly respected residents of Cataraqui, | oceurred at her home on Sept. 3rd | | Her last illness dated from last of | | June, starting with bronchitis, from! | whieh she partly recovered and re- | sumed her duties, only | short time. Although' not able to go | about she never gave up and was bus- | fly engaged with her Japanese work | ond other duties until a week before | her death, She was widely known | for her musical ability, and was at | first organist of the church in Cat- | araqui; then for a number of years was in Sydenham street church choir after which she became organist in Princess street church, but laterly was organist and choir leader in the Methodist church in Cataraqui. Among her many interests she was president of the Mission Band and later of the Missionary Society hav- ing also a class in the Sunday School all of which she attended regularly, Her exceptional zeal for the mission- ary cause led her to sell large quan- tities of Japanese work to aid the Japanese girls. Although a very busy { woman she could always make time to help anyone in need. She will be greatly missed in all circles. She leaves to mourn her loss, {hree | brothers,' William and James, Cat- | araqui and John, Willlamstown. The | funeral services were conducted by | Rev. E. R, Kelly at hér home, thence | to the Cataraqui cemetery, The pall | bearers were her brothers. but for a Late Mrs. Francis Dennee, A sad death occurred on Monday, | Sept, 24th, in Detroit, Mich., when Mary Shepherd, widow of the late Francis Dennee, passed away. The teceased lady had been ill oniy a few days, and the suddenness of her death came as a great shock to her relatives and many friends. The | late Mrs. Dennee was born in the | townghip of Storrington twenty. eight years ago. Up to about two years ago she always resided in the township of, her birth and in Kings- ton, and was known by all who came in contact with her a8 a kind and loving parent and a true friend. Al- though at an advanced age, she had always been well. Deceased is sar- vived by three sons, Charles, of Laurier, Man.; Fred, of Hamlin, N.Y., and George, of this city; and two daughters, Mrs. Y. Moore, of Detroit, Mich., and Mrs. H. Map. aner, of this city. The remains werel brought to the city Tuesday morning, and the funeral took place from the residence of her daughter, 190 Queen street, yesterday after- noon. Rév. T. W. Savary, of St James' church, officiated. The in. terment took place to Latimer Ceme. | rery. Many floral offerings were { received, speaking of the high es- teem in which the decpased was held by a host of friends. Mr. and Mrs. 8, K. Bowerman, To- man the [ing of | I quaintance person | two together when it concerned \ the himself need of soci me it active mind and something out and forma was too il diver- vith body to do or to the first few days home showed me intolerable that 1 vould become a change One or two of the older hotel had tinted women of Wome ac rurally terme of acquaint- say ning to another permits the second per hut the matter ends] umstances bring the | is permissable words in a manner ance permits g n to good | morning or good eve and on to respond there unless cirg to exchange a fully formal I marvel mall a tricted few pain sometimes why in so and amidst surroundings, my acquaint the women of the hotel | the "speaking" stage | | town such re with topped at One might str ance liave upposed that a would be more heartily into such a circle, but such was not the case. Indeed, there was but one woman In the hotel who did | not at times This | was Mr angular and | ancient who had inherited a | fortune each of several hus bands who now wondered why | she ¢ been so foolish as { This woman the world sev | in contact with | and had about as | morality a person | she possessed of a certain honesty which the other | women of the hotel did not appear to | have, and, little as 1 sugpected it at the time, it from Mrs. Hardwick that'l was to learn many things, hoth valuable and disconcerting. (To be continued) nger wel comed seem to avoid me Hardwick, widow, from and ver had marry any of had traveled eral times, all classes little real ever knew jut an to them around had come of people 1 any was Was A in, Zam-Buk ends the pain, and stops bleed. ing. Try it! " 5 All dealeri, 50c, box. NAA ALA A SAA tan, THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 wanting anything done in the carpen- tery line. Estimaies given on all kinds of' repairs and new work; also hard- wood floors of all kinds. All 'orders will receive prompt atteation. Shop 80 Queen street. ne --~ and Graceful D& A Corsct Mgdel No. 540 2 with Depart D & A Models at very moder- , ate prices. Made in Canada by the DOMINION CORSET CO. - Montreal QUEBEC Toronto fferent. | | ev phase of { is regarded as a finished carpenter. | In ¢ | been «¢ { Thomas' Church | drome to me | HOUSE JACK BUILT SECOND TO TOMMIES' The Soldier Carpenters Build Fine Houses in Vocational Training Classes. 1e house t Jack built the four year old, is wondering at the per- the houses which the re building in the voea- 1ing the con- ry holds fnterest of classes of homes under the Mi ilescent | Hospital Commission. rpentry is a popular in every locality, both had no trade course which appeal for men who ywledge and wish to prepare dur their convalescence for fore- mans' jobs The courses offered in the joining departments are cal culated to fit a man to take hold of any job as an expert Houses are built, in the class work ere, and a man must be able to do the wofk before he the ¢ s of a few men who have rippled so that they cannot do the heavy work on ladders, they are make miniature houses to demonstrate their allowed to on which knowledge those who have been carpenters be fore, and are taking further work to | qualify as foremen. A PRISONER OF WAR | He is Well But Lacks Food And To- bacco, Capt. Harold O. Wilkins, of the Royal Flying Corps, now a prisoner in Germany, writes that he is well, but would appreciate a supply of to- bacco, while food of any kind would be very acceptable. Capt. Wilkins was brought Belleville, a graduate of the School and an active member He has had teresting war experience from the be- ginning of hostilities, A graduate High of St of the Royal Military College, King- | ston, he at once crossed to England | was declared and offered | when war his services to the Empire He was attached to a Bedfordshire regiment | and went to the front, where he was | severely wounded and narrowly es- caped death, the bullet which passed | through his body causing the death of a soldier standing tehind him. After hospital treatment in France wind England he returned to Canada on leave but soon returned to active service overseas and was stationed for a time in Egypt. Capt. in "active service and. upon his re turn (0 England from Egypt secured a transfer to the Royal Flying Corps, and became very efficient in this | branch of the service as a pilot. While flying over the enemy lines one day his machine was badly shat- tered in an aerial battle and al- though he made a gallant attempt to reach the British Hneg he was oblig- | ed to descend about three miles from | headquarters and within the German | I'nes. Two minutes after he landed ! he was surrounded and taken prison- | er. Shortly aMer he had been offic-| fally reported as missing a German aviator flew over 'the British aero-| which Capt. Wilkins had | been attached and dropped a message stating that the young aviator was a prisoner but in good health, also giv- ing his address. THREE GOOD RACES October 8th By Gentlemen's Driving and Matinee Club, A very enthusiastic and well at- tended meeting of the Kingston | Gentlemen's Driving. and Matinee | Club was held on Wednesday even-| ing. It was decided that the club | should affiliate with the Canadian | National Trotting, Pacing and Har- | ness Association. The rules of this | association will hereafter govern. The club will have a-big pro- gramme for the races on Thanks- | giving (October 8th). These rac will Be in the 2.50, 2.21 and 2.13 classes, Some of the horses now at the exhibition will be here apd good | contests dre expected. { In connection with the programme | of races for Friday for the fair, the | 'horsemen promise three good events. The classification has not yet been completed, but the same high stan- dard so far witnessed will be con-| tinued, { PROMISED | For -~ How to ve Wheat, Beef, and Bacon for the men at the front. Issmed from the office of the Food Controller for Canada, MENU FOR SATURDAY Breakfast Cornmeal Porridge Mik Liver and Bacon Brown Bread Pear Marmalade Tea or Coffee Bugar i.uneheon Cream of Corn Bouh Scalloped P Coddled Apples Bran Gems olatoes Tea Milk Sugar Dinner Roast Beef Cauliflower FPared Roast Potatoes Wihite Bread. Gingerbread Honey The rey for Scalloped Potatoes and ch led Apples, mentioned above, art as follows: Scalloped Potatoes Batter a baking dish well. Put in & layer of potatuves, slice thinly Bpripkle with sait and pepper, and Gredge with flour, Add milk until it may be seen through the top layer. Add bits of butter. Bake in the oven until the potato is soft. ron\p, are visiting relatives in Bloom- field and calling on friends in Picton. Coddied Applen-- Pare and cut in Huartets any firm cooking apples, lake & syrup of one cap of sugar and one cap of water. Add 8 little cinnamon. Pat the apple in the boWing syrup, and cook until the apples are clear but not broken, Remove from syrup, and boil the syrup dows until thick- er. Podr over the apples and serve (Hetipes by Domestic. Science Ex- of the i Controller's before | the war, and those who had a rough | These men are usually | up In| an in-| Wilkins won his promotion | nteresting Features This Advertisement may induce you to try the first packet of "SALADA' but we rely absolutely on the inimitable flavour and quality to make you a permanent customer. We will even offer to give this first trial free if you will drop us a postal to To ronto. B113 BeAr way WR aaa CHOICE FRUITS 10¢ and 50¢ doz, 10¢ doz. "Oranges 13¢, We, 20¢, 25¢ doz. Grapes, + Baskets Peaches, Lar Grape Fruit, 4 for Peaches, 30c¢, Apples, 30¢, Bananas, 250. Pears, 30c¢, 20¢, 30¢ California Fruit Store 0c and 50¢ doz. 10¢, DOc, doz. per pound, » Baskets Plums. Fruits Delivered to All Parts of the City. 286 Princess St. Telephone 2168, AAA AAA AAAidh Aha Charles Dafnas, Prop. "LILY WHITE CORN SYRUP for Preserving, NOMBRE LARANE ARAN AMBLELRGRELREA RANE BENEVAB SRRERLESS , Use one-third "Lily White", and two-thirds sugar by weight. This prevents Jellies from candying and protects preserves of all kinds against fermentation and mould. At all dealers in 2, 5, 10 and 20 pound tins. Write for free Cook Book. THE CANADA STARCH CO. LIMITED, 19 MONTREAL. WW" Ql \\ & AN A 5 O 4mm Ht. 22 Z o The Note of Refinement An air of quiet distinction hangs around some ple like an atmesphere. p. Its subtle odour of Parma wakd indication of inward elegance. VINOLIA - EIRIL SOAP . Delicious sweet oils and Vinolia Lirii Soup make it the outs plexion. Its continua! use soothes the ¢ it aids to retain the bloom of youth to the elderly. Liril Soap today So it is 'with Liril Toilet iolettes is an out- th used in the manufacture of ing toilet soap for the com- r skin of youth just as JusgAFy Vinolia Al Drugpists sell Vinolia Livil 1 Royal Vinolia Tooth Paste 25¢. Royal Vinolia Face Creams 25¢ and up. Vinolia Face Powder S0c and up VINOLIA COMPANY LTD. London « TORONTO © p Paris . A coke, iN as estas areas Rta TAS ESAs ASSETS sRateeatERLARENRRten BRE