Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Sep 1917, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1917. - TROUBLES OF A SOLDIERINCIENTS OF THE DAY ky GETING MP or tocar, sors] 6 sre or [ . ; ; M1 Furs Ofc aldom and Ked Tape Hamper | Happenings In the City and Vicinity | ! Xt 00 S N Artificer Adams. S¢nt to ( anada-- | ---What the Merchants Offer to the | + { Wife Seriously IN in England. Readers of the Whig. | John McKay, | © A | Pianos to rent. C. W. Lindsay, | nau and . ' i Step on the caterpillar and save Limited 3 '., | the city from swarm next year ' : . nT lente ati" a Clow, 'Harrowsmiti, is A full and complete line of all text books authorized for use in A a ough| Sewing Mrs. Tuomas Waison, Bar: the Medical College for the 1917-18 term. Established 1859 has been strug-| street. ) is back pay Albin Cauley, Kingston, was an y discharge from the gervice r at sister's wedding in Ches- Complete Line of § 1 sis terville recent pow in Ottawa in mufti and| terville recently, Students' Supplies in Loose Leaf Note Books, Note Books, Wa- DRESSED FUR OE anlarary Judkares seated] H Gunaimghun, plas toil. 31 terman's Ideal Fountain Pens, College Pennants, Pillows, Etc., Ete. 3 uter mu nn _(¢ : 10 anc ro be- Hp 8 pr of - ? | e and gston, try.ng to|ey"s Book ¥ moe - re are crowding in. To- . . : SKINS AND through the Soutiers' Ald" Comoe] dts 's the resister withou Make this store your headquarters when in the city. im get across to Eng-| ¢ en 1g imposed. ¥ ar ire > his wife ds lying seriously air e, 1 o and pipe organ RA, < -- a MANUFACTURED i. 7 | tuner, 1 y street W. Orders ~---- Y X t )8th Batta- left at McAul or 'phone 564 fie erving in the 38th Bat ps 2 Cheon rsd Aneel STR, k Store France since the beginning of the! Sireet, was re Hoven #o tad ote y war and being wounded and gas-ed. | Pieu in James Reid's ambulance on' Y PE tod he x ort fc Thursday as above stated, he was sent for con J ? he tir a | . \ u S @ valescence to Hastings the south Now is the time to have" your 160-162 Princess St. Phone 919. f England Her he met a girl, | Plano tuned, we carry two expert ) nglang e he m 8 rl 3h : & , p- it} Y fall love and tuners and will ure entire sat- For the Fall Trade now ready. with whom he fell in love, and even fsfaction. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd Your inspection invited. Write tually, after olonged negotiation The Roval tary Colle ze ha for our style book and full in- wit he fa authorities, s red Sent & wT} to Major Bishop hat I jon to mary. her, which he t an invita Major sl formation. ; ' all ! : to spend a day or so at his alma H - V lical i | mater before .le goes overseas again : ¢ N 6 before a medi board "™ 1 ixpert designers are at your i : 3th 2 3 1 local poiice were asked to be WX| Bs : "nglind and was declared me . hy service for free advice and es- Englind and aS Ted for an automobile timate ca mnfit and entitled to his dis } hicl len in Ottawa, but on Show Rooms and manufactur. TRe after his honorable ice. | y forenoon received a message ing department, Farough some over-lapping of medi-| he auto had been located. cal of 1d« Cngland he d not th aut é bt og gg om %} ww gr he e will rent you a piano, and at ob mn '8s discharge yu instead 149 to 157 Brock St. eighteen days after he had been mar end of six months if you feel like| : We are able to save you mone purchasing instrument we will al- Iv f € you money I was sent back to Canada. Here |, Ww the 6 months' rental on pur on black enamelled mantel : BY . hue et lo > 6 1onths nt: - Kingston. he has been for two months tryinz ! ) Pr mem AA rere clocks. chase price, and arrange easy terms Seem on balance. C. W. Lindsay. Ltd \ : . " 3 : Our prices, due to opportune On Friday morning Inspector Jack | A clearing lot of ladies' cravenette rain buying are practically the same f the Children's Aid Society placed to get his discharge and the three Raab. { months back pay and separation al lowance to which he feels he is en-| titled, but it was in vain until Bri i : . as before the war started. y LT DR y the last ward the society has at pre- | coats, 1n tans and greys. Broken sizes, 34, ( gadier-General T emming | ent in a good home in Seeleys' Bay. | : These prices cannot last and t} | of Kingston heard his story and man Since Mr. Jack took charge twenty | 36, 38, 40. Priced up to $10.00 each. On wil | next shipments will be much aged to get him a temporary dis-| five wards" have been placed in | ° : higher. | charge in order to give him the oP-| homes { the bargain counter Saturday, $3.50. v . { : h ! homes Put clock where 1 it Your Windows and | portunity of returning to England to At the' Anglican gathering in Ot- ut a clock whe Te you nee Doors | fo ts his wife, who = II. He awa the Bishop of Ontario said a i ~ a ~~Row. | has been trying to get the money large number of women in Kingston | | : s | which is coming to him, amounting were visiting tne hospitals and homes Are drafty and cold. Our i ecCla IS S | to about $275, but e4Y8 he cannot.' of returned soldiers, and that the metal weather strips put on hy { One official told him that unless he (largy were faithfully performing Oo Oa a) experts will make them wind | | cculd give a Canadian address he their duty in this respect and storm proof. Give us the = may | wouldn't get it and he cannot do this | A A AAA ee een. chance to prove this to you. | Sa MEN jas his address is England, although Ring 8190, Ww S ; h B | he served in the Canadian army. He| ------ Bl. - 9 mit I0S. [ said there are so many departments Lo i Are you ready to buy a new coat! e 4 bs ; | and branches through which an ap- Kingston's Famous Fur Store. hs e a ma nificent range Jewelers and Opticians. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. / I plication for discharge and back pay | FAIR OVER TO- ave g ge. Issuers of Marriage 1dcenses. 41 Clarence Street { \ has to pase that he despairs of ever Kingston, Ont, getting it. In addition, he was com-| DAY { Tweeds, $1 2.50 up. | | pelled to pay for a passport to get| i out of Canada to return to England. | j Velours, $18.50 up. = rt IS BEST SOLVED BY COMING "Is it fair that a soldier shouild| , | ---- gt shyla TO US. have to pay for a passport to get out | d Plush, $22.50 i] 1 q I You are assured a thorough of the country he has fought and Str " 1 © 1 erent. S ANDARD | scientific examination and ac- bled for?" Artificer Adams wants to i Sty les that are P easing y 1 [ll curate glasses at Asselstine's. know Consalt --_-- i | NANA rrr Hu S |] § | IN MARINE CIRCLES. | » COL Bo TORE. { J. S. ASSELSTINE Movements of Vessels In And. About INI ct Pt tgp, « Prices from $6.50 up. at 10 am. Thursday and cleared at, 11 am. TALES a . . . Ispen ot ~ The steamer City of Ottawa, on| For All the Family. Plain and Trimmed bo Energy, J "alp Ae | the way from Hamilton to Montreal, | Memory, Price $1 per oro | At the arrived at 11 a.m. Thursday] and in oy aeapige un villoure. Soletbry cleared at 4.30 p.m. ' | The brands that look well, wear well, i 4d THE RO) : Binsin aa hts cares Toe 80 Golden Lion Grocery -------- D.0.S Kingston Harbor. o a a 13 " 0.8. T > Jleville 2 Wa A) o0d's ROSpa0dins, The steamer Belleville, on the way | Wid as tish Remedy | King Street. 'from Toronto to Montreal, arrived . A Pnglis medy | ; LY Tonos snd iar {gorates the rol | \ ¥, i ) Fah end" from enaent Sizes ar A || and are warmth producing. Selling at last Phone 700. et drt og Pare es Thursday and cleared for Picton 'at| 5.10 p.m. { Hy, | Year s prices. . (a ---- | i | REAL ESTATE \ Fancy Clover, ie. alin sil SAE, | W. F Gourdier at 10.30 a.m. Thursday, i Iv BARGAINS ! Y The steamer A. E. Ames was in| h 80 roc Street $4300----Alhert Street, near Brock, { HONE port from Montreal and cleared for| B k 8 roonis, hot water fur. Port Colborne. | H ewman WwW nfice. { : | The steamer Seguin, on her way | ' $5500. Fle Siu double brick, » In one pound gections, 25 cents each. from Montreal 4000. Di vixlon a i, Mr Uulon | Fresh California, Prunes, nice and head of the eo Pe an wii | THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE PY - riek, rooms, a | Wade [dwicy ..."... 10e, 1215¢, 15¢ Ib, day morning at 6.45 o'clock. B0000---Karl St, brick, 12 rooms, | Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs for 25c¢.| M.T. Co.'s Bulletin: The tug] A -------------- ___ all modern, : | Evaporated Apricots ... ... 15c Ib. Thomson cleared with the barges Now for d Sale of HIF *olifenne oo eu Md | Bweet Cider ... ... ... 40c gal. Valencia for Oswego, and will return ! I So $2300 pen wt 8 Soon ai with the barge Melrose and Condor SEE EXHIBIT AT Ne ---- | BUILDERS' SUPPLIES ewey { from Oswego, coal laden; tug Smith MAILS ' ol e ouses $2200--A ina S¢ 6 rooms, furnace. js due io arrive to-day with the STORE CLONING oF 4 » y . a . o| Parge Burma, from Fairhaven and | op * | After such keen interes A ta, Re Brith.h mail closes irregularly. LUMBER ' Double brick dwelling on Earl Pe, Japwing Jom Dskego; both shown by lady Yighor in our Jntorma. thon posted at P.O. Lobby street, with furnace and light, for ] | . 0a aden, and e steamers Wester- chibit of Furs at the Lingston om time to oe. 3000 Mc ann [3 t Golden Lion Grocery lan and Simla passed up light to-day | SYA 9 | A po rem ners ras on their way to port Colborne. Real Estate 3 Belleville on Monday Miss Side by side at the drydock thé Do : \ § y 8 yd i S east, 4,000 Olive Evelyn Wright, daughter of steame 00h Th , ' ; n 11.30 a.m, and 11.30 p.m. We have a lar e $4,000. 3 Brook Su oa | Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Wright, became Ree s Ja wy Tiiep al oe na BI ry invite: we wig, n Grand Thank, Toronto and t k f 2 . N & Double frame dwelling on Univer- . " ink: ot Cleniay 8 ac 28 est, ern oC . j av 2: {the bride of William Robert Cooley, work. The launching of the Loos, on all interested in Furs to come Be nding 1.00 p.m. stoc 0 in 0 sity avenue, for $2350, -- both of Belleville. Thursday, was a complete sens hme vpen Jl success to our store and see our magni- Grand Trunk and all west Ss SE Sma ooh of Be er Ni and loud cheers followed the steamer of City, 2.30 p.m. and 11.30 p.m. H em 1 oc k plank, saoible trum dwelling on Division od the § ficent display. PR 0 10.06 6m. ona 8.0 pb. ' EE 0 as she slid from the ways Into the ff oT SRE 1015 am. and £00 pm. \ C GbR. ces san vas sen vor Dill which we are offer- Double frame dwelling on Dufferin = | Water. The christening ceremony, its 3: street for $2400, = | performed by Mrs, H. C. Welch, was Hudson Seal oa L ng at a very low And a single detached brick on =| not followed hy amy speeches, plain or trimmed MUST STAND TRIAX price. Mack street, with furnace and lights = . MUs S A v for $2900, with immediat - with skunk, fox, Sr ate posses lynx, raccoon, er- On Two Quaasgies of Gosamivting an | Deceased Was a Cousin of Canon . wd Wan Jo mine, beaver, wolf, fl. in poco surt Friaas mornins|| S ANGLIN & CO. EW li . taGierald of This City. te Kenneth Pratt, the young man plac- Woodworking Factory, . ' Sagan Fenpetather, D.D.. vicar of etc. 5 od ed under arrest Thursday afternoon, Lamber Yards. Sellers of Real Estate ensington, London, Eng, has pass- 3 tt h ial be- y : od awn He naan: Hog. has ori Fox Setts mr ' was committed to stand his trial be Fire Insurance Money to Loan, Mr. FitaGerald Pennefather, QC. of hit black e fore a judge and a jury on two Kingston, Ont. Cor. Johnson and Division Sts. Doshi , oO white, ack, grey, charges of indecent assault on a : Phones 530 and 34 re ublin, Ireland, educated at Trinity d five-year-old and - nine-year-old girl. : hones and 1456. College, Du lin, where he graduated taupe and cross. The girls appeared as wit and ng n 1872. 8 church, St. M b- : v - 1 , dougrCiningion; of wich te was[| Wolf Setts in natu- [| wis thei evidence Mogiracs ne A EIN EY 7 VIS og ees IT 4 a Jeautiful ral grey, black, blue, rell committed thé youth for ria, ] ; \ FE s-- dhe B= Canon FitzGerald 2 Sousin 0 and ta Two citizens who were instrumental y DAS FAVORITE DRUG STO er ' . in Pratt's arrest told the circum- . a " A HANDSOME HALL RUG. ES Salvation Army Presentations, | Va us other setts stances of the case. Both the girds Ar enjoyable evening was spent at f . k P . positively identified Pratt as the z < 18 a distinct addition to the tone of the = the Tesidoucy of Mrs. William New- 1 b , ia Siguan \ guilty party. P & Sh os . : ; . 366 X, on 3 house. Every visitor, upon entering, is sure 5 ma, 9% Barrie stir. on Sioniay beaver, Huptoon seal. {| tote sou mock ec sven | 8 - 1 AZE € aw to be impressed. We have rugs of various S| fiven on heneir or mor daughter, ver, n seal, . Prevost, Brock street, has an - E = | Candidate May Newman A I | sizes exactly suited for halls,. We know Bf! candidate May No were present and ||| 1iudson Bay sable, || extra ins assortment of tweed : : : : . | chewjots and serge, blue and black, i ; tae You will look at them you'll have one 85 72372, fre =e woot If Russian fitch, and ev- | i iin, Chocolates in your home. : y hE ied oustain pen on deft ory other known fur furnishing never better assorted. A y . Clagu 8 beautiful purse on behalf of the||] that is in fashion. Beta low an songsters. Candidate Newman was We like our patrons to com- Salvation Army. PAGE AND SHAW SWEETS Fair, we have decided to con- ted Biat "Se Double brick dwelling on Albert tinue for several days with a Un oh gully 2 11.30 a.m. and 11.30 p.m. street, with improvements for special display in our show Grand Truak, goin --~------ | CANOY PENNEFATHER = an energetic worker in both and will gh > -- mE our qualities and prices Sunday school harvest thanksgiv- . ----h, ; be greatly missed for her amiable those of other reliable ; ing services at the Salvation Army == | disposition and willineness She left e ) a riers anywhere in Canada. {to be conducted by Brigadier and | / 1 RIE ; luaday naw for Yawate whete | save Gur customers all middle | Mrs. Miller, of 'Toronto, two oldest ' fi 18 VA TIES, Z5¢c A JAR. y . men's profits, officers in Canada, on Saturday and tering college on October 3rd to Sunday next. All are invited to ¢ : z train for a Salvation Army officer, AW, rr lel cana dR Mahoots Dog Sr nw » = New Naty For Everybody. Mills & | "Bob up to the fair and have a . 8 ore, E Men, ladies, boys and girls at "the | 'Bushel' of fun" was a sentence ; Princess Kingston Carpet W. Len, lag : and Bagot Streets. . Pn ig Geor, i hs Ee: found on black i in t Col a Aa Wd Ll , nthe Mi ne ce fakery of Pine Furs. ie Tasthinte: hard = he Ca \ . e 1 eis | The Anglican Synod of Cansia 126-128 Princess Street. Pianos to rent.' C. W. Lindsay, will meet in Montreal on Oct, 2ad. Lu.

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