THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, 5 RIDAY, SEPTEMBER, 28, 1917. Lh i which made a big « difierchcs 18 the re- . THURSDAY I'l THE FAIR! = 3 Vien t :nalty horse dr 1 vy its owner . Randall is, a THERE WER E t ILA ON THE GROUNDS FRER * mn lent on the Race Nay ovr. STAMP APFIRKD TO ALL PACKETS Midway Tent The Balloon JON M. PATRICK Sewing machines, Umbrellas, Saft Cases, Trunks repaired and refitted, Saws filled, Knives and scissors sharpened; Razors homed; All makes of firearms repaired promptly. Locks repaired; Keys fitted. All makes of lawn mowers sharpened and repair. ed. 149 Sydenham Street n Wa Again Successful A THE | Lonvox Bike TORY wi Free "0 arables traders t} rh t the Worl communica firect wich glish eT - - MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS } a f goods Besides being 8 BEAUTIFUL MAHOGANY INET CONTAINING ROGERS SILVERWARE-- ABSOLUTELY FREE. To the person holding the Key EXPORT MERCHANTS that opens the Padlock to the 1th t the p. and th Cabluet, 1 Mar kets they Watch Our Windows for the date to Try Your Keyn. With every $1.00 cash pure i ye Are ¢ tit sup LINES Ports to which dicating the approxi- STEAMSHIP PROVING IAL Ing Ma TRADE NOTICES ifacturers, Merc cipal provinel centres of the al towns United pald, on receipt of Dealers se Agencies can adver. their trade cards for £1, or larger adv ertlsements from £3. The LONDON DIRECTORY CO., | 25, Abchurch Lane, London, The Best Drug Store wT. BENT tise « semis and Optician, 124 Princess St. Kingston, Ont, Branch, Division and Pri E.C. A ne) o ty oe VERY UP-TO-DATE FURNISHINGS The very large stock we are carrying 'gives you plenty of opportunity to be satis- fied in making = fk carpets. We have bed-room suites in white cream and grey enamel. Some very choice negns in mahogany and walnut. nob ----- rate =n oy If you want a Sewing Machine re- "member we sell the White Machine. I. F. HARRISON COMPANY Phone 90. . Limited. E A 0 --_-- -- Ee -- Sa Se -- -- -- -- feed -- -- mm Le = = ine ---- ee Ses -- = _-- = z = = E = -- £ = s = = - = = o 2 2 = = = Fresh Weiner P-- TASTY, SERVED HOT FOR BREAK- FAST OR SUPPER. 2 3c SPECIAL . Pickled Hocks, 11c Lb. THESE ARE GOOD VALUE. The Wm. Davies' Co., Limited , Phone 597. The Traveler A High Grade Goodyear dyear Welt Shoe for Men. Prices from $5.50 to $7.00 These goods are backed by our experience of thirty years cutting leather. Jack Johnston's Shoe Store 70 Brat See, x FULLY 8.000 PEO-| « Track--Fire| av CAR- ef © commer Lon- | St 30 PIECES T t iburby the Directory ctn- | e Col. | hants, } rent edition will be | Lta. «| loon | there is cure in the u | uch you may suffer i tlouble and conseqien li] Kidney- i And 100} His upset and you get irritable and Hi the ll! derfully was t accidently collid- ¢ soldier at the frst turn A alls was thrown to the grour drivers try and s to go the 1 rang at } captured out a driver it} travel fast » the to last position fer 1 Randalls was hurt on tl but drove the th to beat ults of N ame Race, the races were >. Randalls, p Forbes, Cc. Ww, C wpe Vincent Metcealfe driver 3 A J lon, J rane, city Coch- Free-For-All, C. Powell, I. Gibson, W. C. Mul r. zr wood t Patchen, C, W , Cape Vincent Best time 2.1714 W. Murray handled the bel | Lhe races in { Ald, Clu Adolphustown | manner Johnston ges Fire on the Midway. During the af ed on the midway when "fire" illed from one of fortume I'he tire star +8 in the tent guite an amcunt of clothing it could be extinguished by the spec tators ternoon xcitement | occur Prize Animals, Between the heats of the horse a parade of the prize-winning animals of the fair took place It was indeed a splendid sight to see the long line of horses of various kinds, cattle, et being pgraded | down the track Loud applause for the sful contestants greeted the parade, Parade of races SUCCes Balloon Ascension. As on the two previous days the balloon ascension was a complete sue About 5 o'clock, with a fair the big bag of gas with its human freight, left the earth and sailing in an easterly direction mov ed over several fields beyond from the grounds, At the customary sig nal the aeronaut cut loosé with his parachute and taking the two drops landed safely It is of interest to note that Mr Stewart, who has been doing the bal- stunt here, was in Kingston just eleven years ago. He broke his hip in a balloon accident in Australia several years ago, but this does not deter him from thoroughly enjoying the sport. It was advertised that a lady baHoonist was to make the as cents at the fair. In an interview with the energetic and genial midway manager, C, T. Farley, the Whig learned that Mrs. Farley had met with such a severe accident at Sher- brooke, Que., that she is still un- able to make a flight. Mr. Stewart however, has proved to be a master at the work and hds been given sat isfaction to the crowds at the fair Fair Notes, . The weather was 1deal as usual for the fair on Thursday The aviators from the Royal Fly- ing Corps at Deseronto knew all abort the Kingston Industrial Ex- hibition and everyday have be have been PN ALWAYSHAD HEADA Liver Was Torpid and Bilious SpeNs Brought Sick Headaches -- Lost Much Time, But Is Now Com- pletely Cured 88 wind, Newtown, N.H.,, Sept. 28 --Hereé is convincing eviden i@ that however from liver biliousness Dr. Chase's Liver Pills. reating is the most common ~af sluggish liver action. (You your appetite, have distressing} us spells, usually accompanied headache and vomiting, the bow, nl Ov, come irregular, ss alternating, digestion downhearted. No treatment so quickly action of the liver and bowels as Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills. For this reason this medicine is won- popular and has enormous awakens sales. J Mr, Charles R. Tait, Newtown, N.B. writes: "I was nearly always troub- led with headaches, and would often have to stop work fpr a day or two. I lost many a night's sleep every month with biliousy sick headaches, and although I tried doctors' medi- cines and alse many other patent medicines, it was without success. When 1 had these headaches | would vomit, and could keep nothing on my stomach. 'J purchased a box of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pilis from G. M. Fair- weather, Druggzist, of Sussex, N.B.. and after taking one box | was so much relieved that I comtinued to take them until I am new complete ly cured. My advice to anyone suffer- ing from sick headaches is to try Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills and be completely cured." Mr. A. 8. Mace, J.P., endorses the above stateqnep!, and says: "This is to certify that 1. am personally ac- quainted with Charles R. Tait, and believe his statement in every way to be true and correct." Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, o pill a dose, 25 cents a*box, all dea ers or Edmanson. Bates-& Co. Lim- ited, Torpnto. Substitutes will only fj disappoint. lusist on getting what you ask for. rules this set the | "1 out 'TORONTO ) MAN HAS ue | GAINED 12 POUNDS 'Doesn't Believe There is a Medicine on Earth That Equals Tanlac ate ment wade a r Bosthwick of 15 Toronto. Mr Bosthw | ic a resident of Toronto ears and has heen employed past ten years by the Gunn iked the idea much of name the but Tanlac papers," has helped much that I feel it my duty to make this statement Up to time 1 began taking Tanlac | been suffering for about two ) | with an aggravated cage of stomach trouble, and one time I was told I couldn't live six montis longer with- an operation My appetite entirely gone and everything 1 ate, no er what, disagreed with me. Be- fore I would get up from the table I would turn sick and could seldom retain anvthing 1 had eaten. My foed would sour, sharp pains filled my chest and all day long at my work J] had a gnawing sensation in my stomach and the pain at times, would almost draw me double. I have spent days of misery at the plant] when I would almost collapse, my! suffering was so greal, and 1 could hardly do my work lghad fallen off from one hundred and fifty pounds to one hundred and twenty-eight and | was s0 weak I really don't see how 1 nanaged to keep going." About a year ago | spent time in the hospital, past two years it seems to me 1 tried everything and spent [I don't know how much money, but everything failed me until | began taking Tan lae I had been readimg the Tanlac testimonials and finally [| told my wife 1 believed it would help me. It certainly has. The results of the two! bottles I have already taken have been nothing less than remarkable My appetite has improved and my | tomach is strengthened until 1 can eat and retain most anything I want. | Potatoes, pork chops and many other such things -that I couldn't eat before agree with me now, and that gnaw-| ing sensation and the pain has about all left my stomach and chest. I] now weigh ore hundred and forty] pounds he picked up twelve] pounds alr and am still gaining in weigit 1 getting stronge r every | day: 1 don't believe there' s another | medicine' equal to Tar and 1 ap preciate what it has me too | much not to tell others about it." Tan lg sold in Kingston by A P. Chown ng contipued me so was mat some and during the ADVT making flights Thursday one fle low at time the fair have over the grounds On waver, coming very Many of the peaple nt | never before seen an aeroplane and they were particularly interested in the novel sight. 4 The midway i8 better than it has | ever been Lefore, hat Mr. Farley and the officials are planning' now for | even a bigger one next year | The 14th band under the capable direction of Bandmaster Hunt ren- dered music on Thursday, Mr. Hunt | has done wonders in making this) band a most complete organization. | This is the last day of the fair. | Bushell wanted a shower to lay the | dust and so he waved his magic wand, | and min came, followed by a warm | and sunny Friday. { Experts say that the display of vegetables is ahead of anything seen | at fairs in the province this fall. The | Canadian National had nothing to | compare with them, The ladies' work is par excellence | the equal of that shown at Toronto's big fair. | bles of Fl Fas. | The following dates of Fall Fairs | have been issued by the Agricultural Societies of Nop "of the Ontario De- partment of culture, Toronto: Arden .. Ho .. .Oct. 2nd. Demorestvill .Sept. 29th. 2nd & 3rd. 1st & 2nd. . Oet. 5th, | "Oct. . Oct, Lots of Garbage. Now that the canning time has ar- rived, Inspector Timmerman tates] that there is a very large quantity! of garbage being handled and taken ! o the eity's incinerator, However, | ie work is being well looked after, | nd there are but few complaints And as soon as there is a complaint registered, Inspector Timmerman gets on the job at once, New Hats For Everybody. Men, ladies, boys and girls at * hat store." the George Mills & Co. | A large defic jency of men will be shown when the first increment of the national armi. of J&8@& 000 men has been mobilized. SRTRUDE TWYMAN >retty Bahy' (Co. at the Grand night Saturday, Sept. 2%:th. « Whkh * matinee { PAGE THREE EE ro Probs: Saturday, mostly fair; a few showers. SATURDAY! THE LAST AND GREATEST DAY OF OUR SENSATIONAL FARE REFUND SALE Don't fail to get your full share of the wonderful bargain oppor- tunities of this annual event---tomorrow is positively the last day. NEW FALL SKIRTS 75 serge and poplin skirts in a broad variety of styles -- all are smartly tailored. Some have pleats, while others are plain, with gathered backs and smart belts. Regularly priced ta $9.00. Saturday . . . $4.95 SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS ici 120 black sateen underskirts with pleated ruf- fle; all sizes; a regular $1.25 value. Saturday 79¢ CREPE DE CHENE WAISTS 96 charming new styled silk crepe de chene waists in colors white, ivory, maize and shell pink; sizes 36 to 44. A special $4.00 value. Saturday . . $2.98 York 'Coats Regular $32.50 to $37.50. . Saturday $25.00 50 all wool velour and salts fur plush coats, plain and fur trimmed, in the season's most swagger styles. - The colors are Burgundy, mulberry, Russian green, nigger brown, French grey and navy -- in sizes 14 to 44. Any coat will be laid aside until wanted by payment of a small de- posit. NEW SERGE SUITS 24 smart wool serge suits in charming Misses' styles -- the coats are belted with novelty collars and pockets and interlined throughout with flannel. In colors navy, black, burgundy, sage green and nigger. Sizes 16, 18, 20, 38 and 4C. Regulai $22.50. Saturday . . . $15.00 BLACK CASHMERE HOSE 180 pair fine black wool cashmiere hose. Full fashioned leg and seamless -- Penman quality. A special value at 60c, in sizes 8} to 10. Sat- urday . . . 39¢ LADIES' UNDERWEAR 172 pair ladies' natural vests and drawers -- a specially good value thday 2 at 38c a garment. Saturday . CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR 8 doz. natural vests and drawers to fit children from | to | 2-years. Regular values 35¢ and 40c each. Saturday 23c FRENCH MODEL CORSETS 150 pair French coutil corsets with re-enforced fronts, four heavy garters and aluminum steels -- in sizes 19 to 30. The new- est fall models, regular $1.50 value. Saturday . . 95¢ WHITE FLANNELETTE 800 yards heavy white fannelette, f full 27 inches wide -- a Jas lar 18¢ to 20c value. Saturday . . 7 yards for $1.00 SPECIAL SALE OF MILLINIRY AT $5.00. 28 smart velvet and plush sailors, tams and toques, in black and colors--all are smartly trithmed with the sea- son's best in novelty ornaments. Reg- ular $6.50 to $8.50. Saturday $5.00 Shop early tomorrow and take full ad- vantage of the sensational bargains 7 TST CTR