Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Sep 1917, p. 7

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3 re ---- ---- e 0 | QG R A N D OPERA _-- : HOUSE | : ; Production TONIGHT | The People's Forum ier op | a sed effort nd Not Again Till Monday. Emmy Whelen, in "The Duchess of Doubt" ---- | The| Pathe News, Comedy and Other CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES | HELP WANTED FOR SALE First insertion, 1c a word. Each com a It Ta. 025167 10: make money than tose Ht Al Photoplays. | FMlaecutive insertion (hereafter. baif-| BOY WANTED, ROBERTSONS LIMIT- FOUND THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. OUST y th t ! Mati Evening 10¢; ed - 5 n little. Once, 25c; three times bbc: Savings Account at The Ha t to wi Ip nee 10¢c IC mererved, Se Extra| ot 8 word. Minimum charge for Zz LADY'S BROOCH. OWNER MAY one week, $1.00. ASSETS ave an h 1 efter I [ Any Seat ene insertiom, 23¢; three insertions, @ have same by applying at 75,000,000 Wave Waal your incfedsid elf one month. $2. A HOUSEMAID WITH REFRRENCES. Rive Supe plying at mon : 1 y Office and proving pro J ONE-TON SANFORD MOTOR ES Saas Pply Mrs. Carson. 72 Barrie street perty Truck in first class condition. Ap- 11 Branches in Toronto, 119 Branches ta Canada, Sat. dep i. th. HELP WANTED BODY BUILDERS, CABINET MAKERS, WRIST WATCH WITH LEA- ply to W. G. Criig & Co. or Boyd's THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1917. a PAGE SEVEN trimmers and tinsmiths Chevry ther strap Apply at Whig Garage 0 « Office MAL HOUSEWORK. let Motor Co'y vf Canada, Lid, HOUSE NO. 100 COLLINGWOOD dhawa, Ont ! street All modern, conveniences Matinee 2.30 -- Evening 8.15 Apply C. Harrison. Builder rte | CX PR a x KER, STEADY ~N SLE . pply C. Harrison, Builder, or tele- > I; iE | Pathe News run before a perform- | FHA EXPERIEN ED PAOKER TEAL FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. some 186 ESTABLISHED 1555. a for the right party. Ap- TISED FREE. pace 1360 ance, JIMMIE HODGES Belegr T&T TR - BANK or TORONTO | . Street column free of charge NEW MeLAUGHLIN 4-CLYINDER ollars daily. Carriage prepaid. $1,000 Chevrolet, with extra tire ger | . MIDDL E AGED Garretson Company, Brantford, On- "Found articles" does mot In- and clock; new in May, $550. Ap- . | for row ho @ > clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, ply 93 WelkMngton street A : Birt Vertised for in the "Lost" column. 2. 3 A good active boy for the mailing lepartment. Good wages and stendy employment. Apply British Whig Office. Anyone finding anything and RUBBER TIRED BUGGY, CUTTER, Fishing to reach the owner may Spring waggon, two setts harness, r-- " - 0 80 by reporting the facts to and black mare Can be scen at $5 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS CARD SAM- The British Whig The adver- 193 Princess street book free on promise to can- tisement will be printed in this Pedefedd Zieeseen Agents making five to ten vertised for in the "Lost" column. NEW HOUSE ON PRINCESS STREET, EE a lmovGH STUFF : . hi . STEACY'S WANT near cor. of Fr Tenis AM mod- ibbers a 3 p 8 FOR SALE K X r ia h Tove o Sentndien ood = ern convent nee . Apply C Harri- | a ' sninry. Apply Steers Limited son, Builder, or Phone 1940 | % 5 GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND SEN York St., brick . . . . .. $3000 I OO, Fd ddd db tl meme elections. your awn' choloe. $27 40. | ed; | a y a n nt v tei « ' Linds A ec 2 Ss Victoria St., brick veneered . . $3300 d [3 employments Appis Street Rat 4! POSITION! WANTED. ran ary Store, S08] a iRlsey, Limkied, $3) Prinses $i. | & ay Office, ight, ward if t ned to above GOOD, PAYING GROCERY AND FRUIT Johnston St., double brick .... $6500 - o- n aif retur Veet wk - ¥ rt hand and typewriti and 3 > JB r 3 17- rasons for selling. Apply Be Princess St.. double brick ..... $4000 with WANTED amEDIATELY keep liE dis pimon, Sp-| © CR ERLANG LATE 1 te Whix 'hs, APPIY Box i. LADY WITH EXPERIENCE IN GEN. address. | business; now on cash basis One work with knowledge hest 0 Al- e Whig Office N Fn , { general = « } » } Whig Office fred street near fair grounds. Find- - eee eee Albert St., double brick, ven. . . $4500 JEAN TYNES | Y atn cooking Ap Mrs == er kind leave at 443 Alfred St. THREE SPRI WAGGONS, suUIT - | and | 1kir 13¢ s 08 TEACHERS WANTED. and receive reward auie fur deivery, tarmers r | - ------------ on us wis Zar rs, 8 double harness, goo The J. K. CARROLL AGENCY. | 40 -- OTHERS -- 40 | RS WITH THE A SILVER BRACELET WATCH, IN x e, to be sold © Phones: Office 68; Residence 74. 56 Brock Street, | Pric Ox Boe } to cart coal; also driver FR oT ROTRATANE TEACHER itialed on back, at Fair Grounds 0 for quick sales James McParland es--Matinee 23¢ and 50c¢; | drove our outfits f Ne -nnebec township. on Alfred. Princess, University Open Every Saturday Evening. ening. 23¢. 30¢, 75¢, $1.00 wid Co., Limited ntenac cou holding district Garrett streets. Finder kindly re- AT » ON SALE. a or it rd class certificate; turn to this office and receive re-| 4 LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN- sears vow | dete dodo de ede db bb de bt | salar 50 pe ; duties to com- ard cluding the famous Athlete, Over- | [ * | we At 0 vy . New. | == : SEES a land and Perfect Models; also tires 4 BOY WANTED %! nr De : and bicycle accessories. © George ~| Non, Tues. & Wed. iz Smart hay for the dry goods of -- - - mmm TO LET Muller, G19 King St rans 1032 oa . -- 2 rw Dail CONTINUOUS | = John Laldiaw & Son. 3 WANTED GENHRAL LARGE BUILDING ror stome-| = STOUT. TH EHNA Th | house or garage, Apply 86 Bay | LA 0s \ - je y PErOrMANCe | at tot 4d dt db bb db btbrpt ds | ---- - etree street. Bh bles and dining chairs, buffets, dL ITE VAUDEVILLE hie ER Tra [OVEIUER REQUIRES FORMSUBD china cabinets, also g beds, A Five-Act Photoplay [GIRLS AND WOMEN FOR LIGHT, | ose Ae er 15th. APPIY| opF1OBS IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM- springs and mattresses. We buy = < J pleasant work, putting up pe ox 3%, hig 8 bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, all kinds of second hand furniture. ° Ma Wantin to Sutherland leaving for To- ran |e Pathe News, Comedy and Other | {Bld deb ddd bd db bd bbb iiobbd | py MP CART AND HARNESS, SECOND ronto. Apply Weese's ArthStore. (SEVENTEEN = VEAR LEASEHOLD, * : : . fumes, flavoring extracts, ete. Go - N a 3 TY Thomn rl ry Miles Minter, in wages paid. Apply to NC. Polson | BY MARRIED COUPLE, BOARD AND 79 Clarence street. mn=oqg, 333 Princess street. bh ! . re eee eee solid brick house, 10 rooms, hot Anything along THE RUBBER LINE Photoplays. | * hand. in good condition. Apply A. | pi RNISHED BEDROOM AND SITTING water furnace, modern convenien- you cin depend upon us supplying | matinee 10 Evening 10¢; + Laborers (33c¢ per hour), Das oy Son., Limited, Kingston room. with private family, central ces. 146 Wellington street, oppos- You with the best that money can - Seat IC Remerved. Se Extra | 4+ and carpenters (53¢ per hour) annery. location. Apply Box H. Whig > Post Office for ) a ma I SAN locations in city. Good and Co, large room in private family Ap- Somewhere 1 in America' ply by Phone, 2025w. 173 L¥ION STREET, TO LET OWING Phone 1600. Ideal location buy. We invite inspection of our + at QUAKER OATS COMPANY | SMALL HOUSE OR 3 OR 4 ROOMS Office lor or dentist. Geo. Robertson Hot Water Bottles, Fountain Syrin- On and After 9 Peterborough, Ontario. An ges, Enemae Syringes, Atomizers, Ice 1 extra 50c¢ per day for continu- Bags, Rubber Gloves, Ete. OCTOBER 1 X ing work to December 1st. Can- " te for light housekeeping. Apply to Limited, adian Leonard Construction Co. Box I, M. Whig Office, or Phone | TWO LARGE, WELL HEATED BED- Thurs. Fri., Saturday 3 Peterborough, Ontario. 1462 rooms; use of telephone; central lo- . The Superfentures Presents the Famous Photoplay SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, fr eash or in part payment of new J 400, SVMAL F ME ISK, "EN. planos and grafanolas. C. W. Lind- SE FOR 1 URNITURE OR mn [8 ALL RAME HOUSE, CEN tra say, Limited, 121 Princess street. POP ran and dry, Bachna | Ee Phones 326 or §21. : "| $1,000, FRAME Rol SE, DIVISION ST. + Bad k bb oe | ih Apply to Box 928, Whig) FOR SALE Y. G. A. BATEMAN'S | Real E rp Age . | ol . We x TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER- = . . 1,500, § TRA ¥ s, . ROCKPORT NAVIGA | A TUTOR IN LATIN BY A STU DEN chants and business men in East. | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, GLEAN s 9 SPYERLL om tICK HOUSES, ALI @® f Queen's University > C " I t x t furnace r >, 2 ty; willing dry, airy rooms; your own lock and ¥ Branch Post Office. TION CO | to devote two hours 'per week in srn_Onlaria can connect with 8 kev. Frost's City Storage, 299 Opposite Y.M.C.A. . | student's hom AD} Ty hy letter acd side line hv applving to Box Queen street. Phone 526; res. 959. | $2,000, FRAME HOUSE, IMPROVE- Syriuy - . { stating terms and qualifications, to W. Whig OMce. "Strictly cou- : - ments; corner rem Will commence regular daily trips | Box 106, Whig Office. fdential STORAGE FOR FURNITURE OR MER- I | SPECIAL (a a | Wathen, 442 Adbert street. hone ! second-hand furniture stoves, * 4,500, SIX TO CHOOSE FROM, 1000 1b C KINGSTON and CAPE | With the Gifted Actor heaters, clothes, ote. We also Dave aires Sassi en 3 all IYO Hon: E FROM, BRICK, 5. Lreamery VINCENT frerything in the second-hand | nwo STORES ON PRINCESS ST. Bi. . . line for sale, S. Shapiro, 46 Prin- low Clergy. one at $18.00 and the | $6000, SEVERAL BRICK, ALL MOD- | Sydney Ainsworth » cess street, Piione 1237. I other at $50.00" pe jie to ern, central locations. Butter 45¢ By Brock street. LARGE CENTRAL HOUSE TO _RENT, " i FIRST CLASS BOARDING HOUSE IN Money to Loan, 67 Clarence Street, | in With or Seinout experience, on [miss JICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER, beat residential locality. convenient Kingston Phone 396 , | . sewin, ing aving resumed business, solicits to ats trainee tpe"eee Mea pg ' Leaves Kingston, 7 am, and 1 p.m. | "The Love That Lives" g and knit machines. 3 s rots, rats " ' Leaves Cape Vincent . Address 02_ Alfred street. ready assured, paying sev per Yaar Gordon 8 Grocery ! 9.80 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. The Neglected Wife while learning. Apply IE - = mE month each ($240). A money-mak- MUSIC : z s Apply S : Cor. Bay and Montreal Sts. Office and Dock--Foot of Brock St. i echroposttion. Apply to J. 8 R 1 : Se 4 | 228 1 wih ume her teaching October Grav a8, DE TORE oY | Prices: Mat. 15ec; ap Frieew: Mat, jie; Evening oe. 25¢. se z : Soon at Rian ater Phone _-- . | PF. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE RivisH. DENTA 6 ~ er. Call or drop a oard 8 John u ct ---------------------------------------- Tenders for Pum NJ street. GRACE TAFT, ORGANIST AND DIR- le Ss - . E. KNAPP, B.A. LDS. D.DS., ector of Firat Co.gregational | for University, Piano and Theory. House Extension | Wm Fox Feature att amare ESSE Pupils prepared for University or | . | PR J. LEONARD WALS Conservatory examiaations res Doi Yo | WANTED ET A TE Funeral Designs and Wedding| T.nders. addressed to! Phone 626. | Bouqu 3 quets to Order. tists, 159 Wellington street, G. C Brock St. Meth, church. Teacher ' ' FIRST CLASS TOOL DESIGNERS ON Dewar, D.D.8, L.D.S.. assistant of plan, organ and voice produc- * *}: | » > ' } > © ed fo oronto § h P bl U 1 " '" Phone 345 { tion. Pupils prepar r . man o t e u 1C t bg SOME, BOY DIES = rem Conservatory examinations, Studio | Fresh ties Commission, for| Keystone Comedy and Other Reels, ' JIGS, FIXTURES AND SPECIAL | mT z between chandise. Dry and clean; also good | $3,000, SEVERAL BRICK HOUSES, ALL Il : WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF cartage system in connection. E, improvements. Amo SE = = The J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 ee " { . . DRESSMAKING A. Bateman, Insurance Broker, Steamer Missisquoi | Pauline Frederick a lb. Light work; highest wages paid | orders for fdll and winter work parks, Six steady boarders Kin t H 3 | FURNITURE FINISHING McCann, 82 Brock street. Phone SS US, TEACHER OF SINGING Phone 88, Known as the Folger Dock. MUTUAL WEEKLY. gsion Iilosiery, : MISS BAJUS, TE : ! . Qfice, 258 Princess street Phone church. Honor certificates in Sen- 7 1 ! ------------------------------ | PICARL A. NESBVIT, L.T.CM., CON- « | Geo. Walsh, mn DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tralto, organist and director of ------rr Mr. R. H. Toye, Chair- BOARD AND ROOMS Matinee 10¢ Evening 13c. { = Vegetables, Brick Extension to the| . TOOLS. FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, | FOR RENT | Choice Water Works Pump| . ' thon." Apply 343 Brock 'street. Youu! STORE ON PRINCESS STREET, NEAR : Groceries, House, will be received | BUY THE FINEST Permanent Positions. In reply state full ------------=====|"" Bagol; ground floor space, 14 ft. L e 1 PERSONAL x 40 ft Immediate possession. Ap- . ! 2 | ply Box 60, Whig. and ail acasonable fruit. up until Thursday Noon, | NOWN qualifications and salary expected. TE RE TG - = 9 ' {shen "tertoved ro ain blem- | A STORE TO RENT AND Sock Fr n § [October 4th, 1917, CANADIAN AEROPLANES LIMITED, YC Be 33 outa epematia tl | thorn, GL gb fn, fog Tes, ! Plans and Specifica- Khmer J. Lake = Ey ye, Kat, Nose, Addington. Apply to N. Stedman, Throat and Skin Specialist, 252 Camden 210 Division St. Phone 345. ||| tions may be seen at the Toronto. Ontario. can DOE0E Shrew, CT == : Serr Office of the Works, BLEND : ' { MEDICAL LEGAL | | DR. H. 8. ANGROVE, PHYSICI/N AND Queen Street. =| A. Bn. cunNINGEAM, BARRISTER | Surgeon, 98 Cray wireet (near ~ and solicitor. Law office, 79 Clar Broek). Hours 2 to 4; 7 to 8. Of- The lowest or any ten- COFFEE 7 Rm---- TT ence street. Kingston. fice phone 2163; residence 1782, NN A rp a A A A AAA At PAA PAA Mra McLauchlin, Brock street, wishes | dE NOt necessarily ac- Fm to announce that she has removed Wer TTT eee millinery parlors to 95 Lower William cepted. iM street, where she ig now regdy for FINANCIAL + business Open Tuesday and Thursday Ki t Li h H WANTED evm Ks i. - ¢ ey rein ------ ingston Light, eat, FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST » pi Power & Water Dept. Bresident © Colonel Hof. Smith For Work in Kingston. PATTERN MAKERS, HANDY MEN and TAXI SERVICE C. Cc i eg a Ney 30 STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPISTS, LABORERS, CAULKERS and CHIP- XI SERVIC C. FOLGER, vo mnd fat proverties, Muhlelpal ant 63 CLERKS FOR FRANG and OTHER CLERICAL WORK. PERS. HIGHEST WAGES PAID RING 960. General Manager chased: investment bonds for 1 TELEPHONE OPERATOR, 1 . sale; deposit received and in- Pr RSE NIE eT Shine arterignt 3 MY) x . CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM- All Large Cars { Carpenter and B ild LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Hig hest Salaries Paid Fire 1 C Avallab J Used. NE anilance Company. Avallable APPLY AT ONCE, Bh WRITE STATING QUALIFICATIONS a Ontario W. R. BILLENNESS which the policyholders have Fs AND SALARY EXPECTED TO Specialising Store Fronts and Fit. oy Pe Br nd, Mability of property, insured at lowest gis ar Milk ry Servi tings, Remodelling Buildings of al possible tes. Before renewing Deputy Re tr ' ta ce Act Est TRS Kinds. ax old or giving new business get | | } i oy Kingston Jax} Cab Te PE FPR 172 aria ER ENCE rates from Strange & Strange, , Commission, { i --rti---- ee | SR CE 29 Bago Sh Cons Brock) September Coa « BUSI NESS CHANCES J 3 a AIG hv TO un : ; | FILLED IN ORDER OF THEIR RECEIPT acme, Cn be toes dl | ALL SALES FOR CASH. a Jhatice, 608 S. Dearborn St. J a Large display of all; | : T \ Pa Free Demonstration S : kind oe mesh, Sowing . of For die Wo Steady . Jas. Swift & Co., fables and fruits. Il George Washington [ll «5 ist shri, ;ooabien cessfully. Call, or state case b | Coffee, at the Simple 7 < } 18 Ca Str Bon Marche > --_-- Anderson Bros] oem Irn A Davis & &Son, Ld, © Rverybody I Brockville, announce the engagement > Bveeybody Invited. of their daughter. Edna Fomor Kingston Tannery. Pri ss ind Divi ion Sts. Phone 1844. Cor. King & Eabl Sterns A. Coons, Toronto, the mar- riage to take place quietly the first Fhones 438-1846, - week in October, / i -- 9 F.J JOHNSON "=: res == Orders DeLong loi TO OBTAIN THE

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