"THE CHIEF CHARM OF er. 86 Drayton Ave., Toronto, Nov. 10th, 1915, A beautiful complexion isa handsome woman's chief glory and the envy of her less fortunate rivals. Yet a soft, clear 4 skin -- glowing with health --is only ke AA, natural result of pure Blood. "I was troubled for a considerable time with a very unpleasant, disfiguring Rash, which covered my face and for which I used applications and remedies without relief, After using * ¥ruit-a- tives' for one week, the rash is com- pletely gone, Iam deeply thankful for the relief and in the future, I will not be without " Fruit-a-tives", NORAH WATSON. 500. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. WIRE FENCING Trellis, Flower Borders, Railings, Gates, Wire Guards, Baskets and every description of wire goods manu- Y= factured by r Partridge & Sons. Crescent Wire Works, Kingston, Phone 380, SEEMS EVERYONE IS ANXIOUS TO TRY IT Recent Discovery of Ki of Ether Compound That Dries up Corns So They Lift Out. Good news spreads rapidly and druggists here are kept busy dispen- sing freezone, the recent discovery of a Cincinnati man, which is said to loosen any corn '#0 it" MIts out with the fingers. a A quarter of an ounce costs very little at any pharmacy, but is sald to be sufficient to rid one's feet of every hara or soft corn or callous. You apply just a few drops on the tended, aching corn and} instantly the soreness is relieved, and soon the cofn is so shriveled that it lifts out without pain. It Is a sticky sub- stance which dries when applied and never inflames or even irritates the adjoining tissue. This discovery will prevent thou- sands of deaths annually from lock- Jaw and infection heretofore result- ing from the suicidal habit of cut- ting corns. For Your Aching Head Take one ZUTOO TABLET and ia 20 Rinutes, the pain is gone and you feel #or00 will stop any Headache, Sick Nervous, Dyspeptio or Monthly--in 20 minutes by the clock. 25¢ at dealers. De mi CC IMPERIAL LIFE The interest earnings of The commencement Ll ™ claims pnd other payments to policyholders, and leave over 50,000.00. This is the result of A rémuneraiive Interest rate and . 8 low death rate, two Important factors in the nceumulation of profits for policyholders, J. B. Cooke, Dis.Mgr. 332 King St. Phone 503; Residence 542, GLASCO'S 'Pure Scotch Marmalade and Jam. In glass and tins. Baker's Fresh. Grated Cocoanut the milk, 15¢ per tin, D. COUPER with THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1917. LOMBARDY FAIR PRIZE LIST SHOWS QUITE AN EXHIBIT 'AT THIS EXHIBITION, There Were a Number of Specials-- Results of Horse and Foot Races Held. Horses. Standard or thoroughbred stallion, reg. any ag A. L. Ferguson, Gen- eral Dts, Mare and Feal, A, Co- vell. General Purpose Gelding or Filly, three years-old, Michael O'Mara, W. J. Looby. General Purpose Geld- ing or Filly, two years old, George Loucks, A. Covell. General Purpose Gelding or Filly, one year old, A. Co- vell, John N clean, Draught Gelding or Filly, one years old, John % Covell Matched team Roadsters, L. Ferguson. Single Horse in Be (stallions barred), G. A. Tay- lor, James Joynt. Span General Pur- pose Horses (stallions barred), Johns- ton Reed, N. F, Jonas. Span Draught Horses. James McVeety, Hugh Boi- ton. Single Horsg in harness under 15% hands, Wilbert Polk, G. A. Phil- lips. Carriage Gelding or Filly, three years old, George Covell. Carriage Gelding or Filly, two years old, W. J. Looby, E. J. O'Mara. Carriage Geld- ing or Filly, one year old, John J. Covell Carriage team for farmers only, George Loucks, William Miller. Single Carriage Horse for farmers only, James H. Polk, Hubert Street Specials--Single Turnout owned and driven by the lady, Dudley Joynt Blood Foal, H. Covell. Colt sired by Gold Hal, H. Covell Roadsters team, A. L. Ferguson. G. A. Phillips. Matched Team, James McVeety, Johnston Reed. Cattle. Holstein--Registered Bull, 3 years old and upwards, John Willoughby, Hugh Bolton. Registered Bull, 2 years old, William Miller. Registered Bull, one year old, John Willoughby, F. H South Registered Bull Calf, 1917, A. J. Ellwood, Hugh Bolton. Regis tered Milch Cow, A. J. Ellwood. Reg- istered Heifer, two years old, A. J. Ellwood, Hugh Bolton. Registered Heifer. one year old, A. J. Ellwood Registered Heifer 1917, Hugh Bol- ton, John Willoughby. Ayrshire -- Registered Bull, years old and upwards, Mervin Co- vell. Registered Bull, one year old, A. Covell Registered Bull Calf, 1917, A. Covell Registered Milch Cow, M. Covell, A, Covell. Registered Heifer, two years old, M. Covell, A. Covell. Registered Heifer, one year old, A. Covell. Registered Heifer, 1917, A. Covell. Dairy--Milch Cow, A. Covell, A. J. Ellwood Heifer, two years old, M Covell. Heifer, one year old, A. J. Heifer Calf, 1917, A. J. three Ellwood. Ellwood. Beef--Milch Cow, Herb. Covell. Specials--Dairy herd of at least four, A. J. Ellwood. ' Sm----, Swine, Registered Board, M. Covell. istered Sow, M. Covell. A. Covell. Spring Sow, Reg- Brood Sow, A. Covell. Sheep. Fine Wool Registered Ram, two shears and over, Wellington Miller, A. Covell, Ram, shearlin DER ton Miller." Ram La b. 017 Wel- lington Miller, A. Cram a Ewe, two shears and.over, Wellington Mil. ler, A. Covell. One Ewe, shearling, Wellington Miller, A. Covell. Ewe Lamb, 1917, A. Covell, Wellington Miller. Fat Sheep--Any kind, Wellington Miller, F. H. South. Long Wool, one Ewe, two shears and over, F.H. South, One Ewe shearling, F. H. South. Two Ewe Lambs, 1917, F. H. South. Fine Wool--One Ewe, two shears and over, A. Covell, F, H. South. One Ewe shearling, A. Covell, F. H. South, Two Ewe Lambs, A. Covell, Grain. Fall Wheat, E. J. Suffel. Oats, E. J. Suffel, E. P. Kelly. Peas, Suffel Beans, F. H. South. wheat, J. Duffield. Rye, F. H. South, Roots and Vegetables. Mangels, largest, H. Houze. Swede Turnips, W. L.- Pattemore, Walter Wilkins, Turnip Beets, John Duf- field, = N. McLean. able Car- rots, F. H. South, W, L. Pattemore. Sugar Beets, W, Wilkins, A. J. Ell- wood Parsnips, John N. McLean, J. Duffield. Red Cabbage, Duffield. Cabbabe, H. Houze, J Dufheld. €auli- flowers, J. Duffield. Celery, J. field. Citrons. A. J. Ellwood, Ww field. Cucumbers, J. Duffield, W kins. Ripe Tomatoes, J. Duffield, H E. Joynt. Twelve Onions from seed, J. Duffield, John N. McLean. Potato: Onions, J. Duffield. Top Onions, J Duffield. Table Potatoes; vo he Pattgmore, H. E. Joynt. Specials--Table Potatoes, W. L. Pattemore Blood Beets, H. Houze. Collection Vegetables, H. E. Joynt, 1 Duffield. Corn, W. Wilkinson. Fruits and Flowers. Apples, William Miller, A. J. Ell wood. Crab Apples, Mervin Covell. Assortment of "Appless Wm. Miller. Grapes, H. Houze, Specials--Apples, M. Covell. Poult, White Wyandotte' Cock and Hen, W. Wilkins. Plymouth Rock Cock and Hen, W. Wilkins. Plymouth Rock Cockerel and Pullet, H. Houze. Brown Leghorn Cockerel and Pullet, O W. Wright. White Leghorn Cock and Hen, W. Wilkins, O., W. Wright. Pair Ducks, H. Houze. Dairy Products. Roll or Crock of Butter, J. Duffield, Geo. Loucks. Cheese, factory: 0. W. Wright. Maple Sugar, William Miller. Loaf Bread, James Irvine, feos Loucks. Soap, home-made, oynt, SpeciatesTwenty- -five pound crock Butter, H. E. Joynt. an Bread. John Duffield. an Buns, J. Duf. field, x Irvine. Fancy Layer Cake, J. Duffield. hah. ahs | Woollen Stoceatich Woollen Socks, ES FS ael field. Wallen) $A J Irvine. Shirt Waist, Rv 1 Duffield, J. Irvine. Shirt Waist, ma- chine-made, J. Duffield, T. Cauley. Men's Shirt, hand-made, J. Irvine. Men's Shirt, machine-made, J. Irvine, T. Cauley. Slippers, knitte 1. Dui- field, T, Canley. Slip es, crocheted, T. Cauley: J. Irvine spread, tuft- ed, T, Cauley. Quilt, Gated, EJ. Suffel, J. Duffield. Duffield, 1 3 Quilt, pieced cotton, E. J. Suffel, J. Duffiell; Quilt, fancy silk, E. J. Suffel, J: Dufheld. Darning on Sock or Stockings, J. Duf- field, T. Cauley. play, J. Duffield, T. Cauley. Jacket crocheted or knitted, J J. Duffield. Work Aprons, Irvine, T. Cauley. *Pillow Cases, hand-made, one pair, T. Cauley, J. Ir- vine Crocheted Motor Hood, T.! Cauley, . J. Irvine. Handkerchiefs, hand hemmed, 1 Cauley, J. Irvine. Crochet Work, wool, J. Irvine, J. Duffield Crochet Work, cotton, J. Duffield, T. Cauley. : Slumber Rug,"J. Ladies' Work. Crochet Work, Irish. J. Duffield, T, Cauley roe het Work, filet, E. J Suffel, T. Cauley. Tatting, J. Dui- | field, y Irvine Drawn Work, T Cauley, J. Suffel. Point Lace, J. Duffield, E Irvine, Slipper Case, T Cauley, J. Duffield. Sofa Pillow, em- broidered, J. Irvine, J. Duffield. Pa- triotic Sofa Pillow: J Cauley. Sofa Pillow, wo, J. Irvine, T. Cauley Sofa Pillow, ce work, T. Cauley, J. Irvine. Whisk holder, 1 1 T. Cauley, J. Irvine. Pin Cushion, T. Cauley, J. Duffield. Embroidery, broidery, Mountmellic, J. Irvine, J. Duffield. Embroidery, Roman, J. Ir- vine, J. Duffield Embroidery, Dres. | den, J. Duffield, T. Cauley. dery, Mosaic, T. Cauley, 'J. Embroidery, . Irvine Embroidery, I. Cauley, E. J. Suffel. Embroidery, Bohemian, J. Duffield, T. Cadley, E broidery, shadow, T. Cauley, J. field. vine, T let, J. Duffield, dery, Oriental, i Duffield, J. Irvine. Embroidery. hardanger, J. Duffield, J. | Irvine. Embroidery, punch work, J. Duffield, T. Cauley Embroidery, lace stitches, J. Irvine, J. Duffie Embroidery, hedebo, J. Irvine. J. Duf- field. J. Irvine, J. Dufheld. Work, T. Cauley, J. O'Clock Table Cover, white, J field, E. 'J. .Suffel. Afternoon Cloth, colored, J. Duffield, J. Irvine. Colored Centrepiece, J. Irvine, Cauley. White Centrepi¢ce, embroi- dered in white, E. J. Suffle, J. Duf- field. Rope Silk Work, J. Duffield. T. Cauley. Table Runner, E. J. Suffel Lace Duffield, J. Irvine. Dudley Joynt, J. Duffield La Hand 0 T. Cauley, J. Irvine. Table Mats, }. Irvine, J. Duffield. Work, T. Cauley, J. Irvine. Coronation, T. Cauley, J Queen Anne Darning, J. Irvine Duffield. Pillow Slips, J. Duffield T Cauley _ Day Slips, embroidered, J Duffield, T. Cauley Towels, emhroi- dered, J. Duffield, J. Ir¥ae Towels, insertion trimmed, J. Duffield, T. Cau- ley. Embroidered Napkins, J. Irvine, I Dufheld. Tea Cosy, T. Cauley, J. rvine. Tray Cloth, E. J. Suffel, J. Irvine Corset Cover, crocheted, T. Cauley, J. Duffield. Corset Cover, embroidered, J. Irvine. T. Cauley. Fancy Night Dress, T. Cauley, J. Ir- vine. Macrame' Work, J. Duffield, J. Irvine Fancy Apron, J. Irvine, T. Cauwey. Embroidered Laundry Bag, J Irvine, J. Duffield. Aster Embroi- dery, F. J. Suffel, T. Cauley. Bean Embroidery, J. Duffield. = Darning Tapestry design, J. Duffield, T. Cau- ley. Silchoard Séarf, J. Duffield, T. Cauley. Bureau Scarf, J Duffield, M: Covell Venetian Ladder, J. Ir- vine, J. Duffield. Specials--Collection Work, J. Duffield, J. am Embroidery, .. J. Suffel clon eye- Blue Irvine Five Duf Braiding | Duftield Ladies' Irvine. Fancy Sofa THE KIDNEYS 30 and 40 Whatever else you do, keep your Kidhegarey lar and active. Their vast im nce to your health and at the first evi- dence of trouble, Suny occurring from the thirtieth to the fortieth year, take a treatment with Ginpills i ia Sites impus. ng wrong $0. a box or 6 boxes for $230, at al dealers. Sample free if you write to | & Chemical Co. « Toronto Jutton home dis- | Child's | Irvine, | two, J. | Duffield, T. | Kensington, J. Duffield, J. Irvine. Em- | 'Embroi- | Duffield. | Ecclesiastical, J. Duffield, | cross stithe, | Em- | Duf- E iniioldery, Wallachian, J. Ir- | Embroi- | Embroidery on Bolting Cloth, Delft | Tea | T. Cauley, | Battenbury, J. | Fancy Netting, | ady's | Ribbof Duffield. Embroidered Kimona and Cap. J. Duffield. eted Centrepiece, J. Irvine. Nightgown, J. Duffield, | Embroidery J. Isvine, Cushion, J. Fancy Richelieu Fine Arts. Oil Painting. landscape, T. Cauley, J. Duffield fruit, T. Cauley, J. Duffield. Oil | Painting, figures, J. Duffield, T. Cau- { ley. Painting in Water Colors, T. fc "auley, J Irvine Colors, landscape, T. Cauley, J. Dui- field Drawing, Cauley, J. Duffield. | or satin, T. Cauley, J. Irvine. Paint- ing on bolting cloth, T. Cauley, Dud- | chamois, | Painting | Joynt, | ley Joynt. Painting on Dudley Joynt, T. Cauley. on velvet, J. Irvine, Dudley | Poker Work, T. Cauley, J. Trvine. Sports and Races. Free for all--]. K. Polk, Portland; S. Hollingsworth. Athens; Lyons, Portland. Green Race--]. R. Wilson, Merrick- { ville; T. Graham, Merrickville; | Polk, Portland. { Farmers' Race--W. French, Philips- { ville; R. Price, Easton's Corners. Girls' Race under 12--Lucy Balfe Boys' Race under 12--Deb Burns, [ Mark Balfe. | Bicycle 'Race--Norman Wark, Har- ry Houze ") LANSDOWNE'S FINE _FAIR | There Were 400 Autombiles Present on Last Day. Lansdowne, Sept. 26 --Very fine | weather greeted the visitors to the | tair last Thursday and Friday, and {it was a record breaker in atten- | dance, The gate receipts alone were | nearly $900, practically all of it be- ling taken in on the last day. The horse races were good and the ex- | hibits in the various departments be- | ing very good. It might be well said that it was an automobile the grounds the last day. Eighty- | seven cars came in on ome road in fifty-five minutes, There were no | accidents. A concert in the evening under the auspices of C. O. C.F drew a crowded house. Mr. and Mrs. John Shields and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shields motored to Ottawa on Saturday and spent the | week-end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. 4 Weir. Mrs. L. Franklin left on Mon- day for her home in Winnipeg. Mrs. James Graham returned on Tuesday | from Kingston General Hcspital. Mr. 'land Mrs. David Moore, Gananoque | Junction, were guests of Mr. and {Mrs. W. H. Tedford on fair day. | A cement walk is being laid on the | east side of Prime street, opposite | the fair grounds. Dr. and Mrs. | Bradley spent Saturday in Westport, | guests of Mr. and Mrs, Leggett, J. | | Mitchell of Ottawa is visiting friends | in Mitchellville. Mrs. Willjam Fitz- | simmons, Brockvilfe, and Miss Clara Purvis, Toronto, were recent guests of Mrs. Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur | Watson, Kingston, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Earl during the fair. Miss Gladys Gilbert, Winnipeg, who has been visiting her mother here has gone to Montreal to assume her duties as nurse. Mrs. Charles Horton and son, Howard, left on Friday for Winnipeg. Mrs. Agnes Dowsley and Miss Searnan of Brock- ville were recent guests of Mrs. A. Beatty. Mr, and Mrs, MoCauley, Echo Lodge, have taken a trip to Ot- | fwa. William H. Wallis left for Montreal on Saturday for a week's | wisit. George Potter left on Monday for Montreal where he has secured an engagement with G, F. Benson for the winter. Miss Marguerite Kelly of Mallorytown returned home on Saturday after a few days' visit with friends. The Red Cros8 Society has on hand a large supply of cut out material for those who wish to help in the good work. 7 Lamp Tipped Over. Brockville, Sept. PhS. --On Wednes- day about one o'clock, Harold Paul, rural mail carrier, who resides with his father, John Paul, on the Kings- ton road a short distance west of the Yown, had a narrow escape from a terrible death. He was reading while in bed, and a coal oil lamp which was standing on a table near by tip- ped over and exploded, setting fire to the bed clothing. 'The cries of Mr. Paul brought assistance from the members of the family who found the young man in a serious predica- ment. He was seriously burned about the face, right hand and leg, and was brought to Hospital where his injuries were dressed. The fire was not extinguished until all eon tents of the room had been destroyed. Birthday Congratulations. | Brockville, Sept. 28.--Robert Wright, Sr., president of the Robert Wright Co., Ltd., was on Wednesday morning presented with a beautiful bouquet of American Beauty roses by the mentbers of the staff of the 'big store" on the anniversary of his birth which took place at Yonge's Mills, seventy-five years ago. Mr. Wright, who is one of Brockville's most pro- gressive merchants, has been for Hxty years in business in the Island Ry. Croch- | Oil Painting, flowers or | Painting in Water | pencil' or crayon, T. | Painting on silk | Andrew | J. K.| 'show. | Most of the popular cars were on ex- | hibition, and over 400 cars were on | and orchestras, " PAGE SEVENTEEN All Good Music Is a Joy But the greatest joy comes from hearing the kind of music you like best just when you want it. That's the kind of music-joy you can have when the Columbia Graf- onola comes into ycur home. The stirring music of great bands the wonderful voices of grand opera singers, the clever singing of popular song hits and as for dance music --well no one can keep quiet when the Grafonola plays a dazzling "'jass' tune. Think of the merry little parties you can have ec friendsdropin- tain them with a Columbia Grafonola. Why let YOUR home go without this musical joy when almost every other good home you know has it? at the shortest notice when your if you are pre pared toenter- Good music is as essential in your home as the food you eat or the clothes you wear. Step into the nearest Columbia dealer's to-day and let him show you the He will also gladly play for you the latest Columbia records--an entertainment worth paying for, but it will be yours gratis, and cheer- fully, whether you buy or not. beauties.of the Grafonola. 0 bie Price $135 New Columbia Records on sale the 20th of every month ne \A GRAFONOLAS and DOUBLE~DISC Re cords C. W. Lindsay, Limited 121 Princess Street. Nature Says "I can remedy most ills, and help you to escape many ¥ sr i Sire me finely BEECHAM'S " ED Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25c. ANNA NN NAAN Nr A ASA AP AAA NAN ha a Peaches, 30c, $0¢_and 50c doz. IN v WA RY California F ruit Store CHOICE FRUITS. Apples, 80¢, 40¢ doz, Aha Bananas, 135¢, 20c, Large Baskets Peaches. Ahhh hhh 23¢ doz. ~Fears, 830c, 40¢ and 0c doz, Oranges 15¢, 20¢, 30¢, 40¢, Be. doz. Grapes, 15¢ per pound. Large Baskets Plums, Grape Fruit, 4 for 25¢. Fruits Delivered to All Parts of the City. 286 Princess St. Telephone 2168, Charles Dafnas, Prop. Arnis ph EE----------------