Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Sep 1917, p. 15

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THE DAILY B PAGE NINETEEN Te ------ a ---- SE ------ | VERONA NEWS BUDGET. 4 Little Hope Held Out For Recovery | of Mrs. Scales, : | Verona, Sept. 27.--A good crowd attended the Midland from this locality, and all speak<well of the WHEN building, whether for Interior or Bxterior Facing, Bungalow, Office Building, School or nothing more suitable than Factory, . == Babcock motored to Belleville to a course at Guelph Agricultural Col- and intends to move on it this fall a I visit t brother, G. A. Babeock, lee. Misses F McCann and M.' J w Jackson, sr., has taken his noon. * | formerly of this place. James Walk- Whalen, Westport; Miss Lyons, wife to hospital in- Kingston for an J. Madden F. Lockwood and A [er and party motored to Godfrey Newborg; and Miss Davis, Mallory | operation for appendicitis, Miss | Ww. Caton, of Newburgh, motored to | | Sunday spending the day at C. Mc-|town, are engag d in schools in this" Eva Jackson is teaching school at |. cata Island Lake: Wednesday | Night's. Rally Day will be observed | vicinity. Miss Eva Topping has Lake Opinicon. The trustees for the land spent the day f shing. : | In connection with the Methodist |Peen engaged to teach at Philips- school have not béen able tq secure | | Mrs. (Rev.) Fe Son. of Kings excellent | Sunday' s next Sunday The | Ville Al the recent oe hool ,Jalr' |, teacher as yet. ton "called on old friends here last | # ULeing | Monday evening fortnight services| $110 was realized for Red Cross | 4 week. All were glad to See their | | 5 from a boot! the g ds | Rev. Mr, Stewart are! funds from a booth on the grounds | old friend. Nathan steadman, Oam- | n Write for Free Samples To-day Mrs. William Bab- Fun by the ladies ! 3 den East, again here, as he has been | village and will bave it finished in a] cock Js home after spending a week | people are attending the Kingston |, a' precarious state of Interprovincial Brick Co. of Canada, Limited 154 SL..COR ST. (Goodyear Building) TORONTO 4 i health for will take In the Kingston Fair to-| friends of Mrs. G Smith are pleasec { erectir wa Blgi EW gi 1 spital to Rev. Mr. Ball and wife are ex . : ! scting a garage on Blgin street.|, 13 ia oat t A all : "2 WOOW Mrs. 8. J. Makin is spend. | to know she is convalescing Mra Mrs. C. C. Slack and Mrs, B. Alguire Wer Joue and is lmproving nicely. pected to return to-day from Lans Plaat CHELTENHAM, ONT. ing a few days with her sister, Mrs. | John Martin is in poor health, Fred- 1 'Claude Thompson of Lin ks } | y : have been at Gananoque as dele-| Mi May R Deon § w . 3 Mills and G. Foote, St. Adams, N.Y. A number | orick Vauluvan is much improved gates to the recent W. C. T. U con-| in » 3 bingo n rere athed in took in the Ottawa Fair last week | Mrs. J. Peters and little son, Wesley, (vention. Mrs. B Brown and Mrs.| Espa Rb ig aes Foi U. Richard enjoyed a vigit with" his of Kingston, spent Sunday with the MM. Donnelley are at Cornwall this| aor Tas nd M 3 stroke wife at Battersea (his week, | former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bab- week attending the Provincial W, Piaiay | ni Fry el naa nag - cock. Miss Baker, Harrowsmith, | cp. ¢ convention. The patriotic for Rama Es The aT wosp 2 to Toronto last week to be preSent] ARDEN. | was a recent guest at R. Babcock's | shower given last week at Mrs getting rid of their eoal jp at the bedside of her mother, who Sept. 24.--H. L, Greene, who re-|and C. Reynold's Verona, at Stephen "(Dr.) Bright's netted a substantial owing to the recent cool weather. | is very ill. cently underwent a serious operation | Martin's. The O'Reilly brothers are 'sum. The village school fair last Mr. and Mrs, Lewis of Trenton are Mrs. Scales, who met with an ac at the General Hospital, Kingston, is] attending the Kingston fair. S. "week was largely attended, the ex- spending a few days with their | cident, still continues quite ill, and progressing favorably. The tourists, David, absent for the summer is hibits being most creditable. The Qaughter, Mrs. F. W [Armstrong as she is well advanced in years Who have spent many pleasant weeks | again occupying his cottage here. Al- 'concert put on tue same evening by) r pe yi 2 slight hopes are entertained for ner among the beautiful lakes, are! fred Redmond visited his parents at %he public school pupils was a great EN "ERPRISE EAST recover: 8 (or a i I $ W id ee oii i qos The V ap o oi 3 ". s SE KAS I ry. ) ) ) leaving for thelr city homes. Miss | Kepler last week. Saturday after- success I'he rural schools fair is Sept. .25.--The farmers in this vi- G. Lakins is completing the fine Genevive Detlor, Kingston, is home| noon an traffic stopped for a few min-|to be held at Plum Hollow on Satur- i" Hin? a nl a hg , rale's rag] f r day "gang" ofl { y : clnity have finished harvesting and [verandahs on T. H Craig's resi or u few days. A large "gang" of utes, while everyone was viewing a|day of this week Mr. A. M. See,|} ; ce. John Walker hg dded foreigners are working on the C | ' : 3 vie /.| Miss Bertha Hollingswort) i Misg| have started ploughing. In addition | dence. ohn Walker has added a | fleet consisting of eight airships. W.| Miss riha Hollingsworth and Miss 5 § wr e in fr f his re- P. R. tracks here. Mr. Barr, 8 Gen-| poid h settled | bi father's | Merrill Ralmer have gone to Ottawa | Mto the numerous morning whistles | fine wire fence in front of his re : X Pat tt Bi as settle in M3 ather's| Me ¢ ! 4 0 a) x " . : i . : Be p EY dron and the Misses Annie Gendron | house on what is known as the Ccl-| lo attend Normal school. Miss Edith the Enterprise populace is aroused sidence, ¥ Miss Jee, 0 Toronto 15 and Genevieve Detlor motored to Jin's property | Mackie has gone to attend Norma] @bout six o'clock by the roar of aero- Visiting her unc 'e, boa aldlaw Mouutain Grove on Sunday evening ) diets at Peterboro Douglas Johnston,| Planes flying over the town, A num-| Miss Huffman has returned from Mr. and Mrs. E. Loucks and family, LELAND Clarence Ransome and Erie Dobbs | ber from here attended Parham and visiting at Cloyne Napanee, have moved here for the 5 Rain pt ' needed |8r€ now enrolled as students at the Harrowsmith shows last week. Mrs - winter. Boyce Drew, Kingston, vicinity The recent frost 'R C.D.8., Toronto Miss Florence| F. O'Reilly, Wolfe Island, returned spent Sunday at C. M. Green's. Most | have made the farmers bevy "28 LWilliams bas gone to Toronto to be-|home on Wednesday after attending of the local boys who went overseas | 15 28 larmers hurry in her studies at Victoria Univer-| the O'Reilly and Finn wedding on . | harvesting of corn : & § n x : x : with the 146th are ip the trenches Narvemio 4 07a any Jaistoss, ; (7 (sity. Miss Irene McLean has gone to| Tuesday. P. M Sagriff, Kingston, is Many and more cheery are the let- |? yy 4) nool picnic held in begin her training as a at home. Miss Susie Foster is visit- 1H : | Toronto to ters received from them by their | M! Randall's grove was enjoyed bY. | kindergarten teacher Mrs Etta|ing friends in Camden East. Mrs, friends here. 4 old and young The members of the | paton is substituting for a time at| Patrick Donevan, Forest Mills, is vis- en Sunday school are to be congratulat- Hawke's school, Where some of our iting friends here Mrs. J. T. McAl- SUNBURY | €d on the splendid dinner which Ya8 tgirls teach: Miss Ethel Brown at| jister, Wolfe Istind, has returned Sept. 27. -- Threshing has been fin-| served. The sum of $16 was realiz- gealey's: Miss Nellie, Brown, Chan- home after spending the past week ished and corn cutting is the order | ©d at the canteen. The quilt which 'try; Miss Nellie Earl Hrankville; Miss| gt her home here." P. Kelly, Joseph of the day. A number of people are | the Ladies' Aid of Perth Road made Maude Hollingsworth. Eloj Miss Kenny and. Misses Anna Finn En- ADVISORY BOARD taking in the Kingston fair this| Was won by "Wilife" Young. Mel \ Mabel Jacob, Harg Island; Miss Bes-| ornrice and 'Helen Foster, Camden J. W. Woods, Esq., Chairman week. The Methodist - Sunday | Ville Young and Walter Kellar left | gje Johnston, Lyndhurst; Miss Jes- Rent nd 0 Kingston on Sun- Arthur Hewitt, Esq., Vice-Chairman 8chool will hold their annua) rally on | ©0 Wednesday for Cobalt Mrs. J. [sie Percival, Glen Buell; Miss Mina das " Miss Annie Kelly has returned E ¢ King, Esq. Sec. of Board Sunday next. The church aiten-| Sills and son Gerald are visiting her Pritchard, Charleston; Miss Alice home 'after spending the ast two W. H. Cawthira. Esq. dance on Sunday evening was large | parents vy nvatertown, N.V. A|Knowlton, Sheldon's Corner's; Miss| lL with friends in Napanee and Bann Gears Fog. A large number of hogs was shipped | Humber from here are attending the | Violet Robeson, Escott; Miss Ruby Erinsville 3 : ol Raiph Qonnable, Esq from this vicinity on Tuesday. The| Kingston Industria} Exhibition. Mrs. | Morris, Newbliss; Miss Webster, | ©" 1HS : price received was fair. Local fac-|S. Dickinsgn and Mra. ¥ Young have 'Selton; Miss Lily Wiltse, Grenadier tories report milk gradually lower-| returned Trom .Ottawa. + E. Hingy | Island The Bishop of Ontario paid ing as pastures are getting bare. R.|'™Mas purchased a farm from S. Acker. | an official LVisit to this parish last Smith, who was injured some time | Man and will take possession soon Ling F'wo auto loads attended ago has fully recovered. The s hool| The Methodist Sunday school ob. {the District Epworth League conven- attendance under the able manage- | Served rally day on Sunday last. | tion in Broc kville. Anniversary ser- ment of Miss Scott is large. P Mar.| Rev. Mr. Throop presided. A. [Vices in St. Paul's Presbyterian shall will again return to the city | Campbell and Roy Kellar made a [church are to be held October 14th to reside. William Makins, wife and | business trip to Kingston the first family spent Sunday with friends at| Of the week.. Mrs. J. Young visited | * ea fleet of aeroplanes passed Saturday after 1€ir | Frontenac IDA HILL Sept. 26.--With such Weather much farm work done. George Webb has began the | conducted by erection of a fine residence in the! well attended BATH. Sept. 27 Quite a number of the downe, where they have been sg { Journing with friends for the last | month. J. McDonald, of Smith's! Falls, is relieving Mr Campbell at the station. Mrs. C. Laidlaw went A tA tira fosEasing: son ris aco omg co fo IERIE I vn athieu's SYRUP oF TAR & Cop Liver Oil STOPS CoucH Sold in generous size bottles by all dealers, THE J. L. MATHIEU CO., Props., SHERBROOKE, P.Q. Makers also of Mathiex 's Nervine Powders the best remedy for Headaches, Neuralgia, and feverish colds, Sept in this much James R. Anderson, Mountain View has fourteen acres of ensllage corn remarkably even in growth and quality. It is about ten feet and | loaded with big ears, often two to the | stalk. ng D. A. Dunlap, Esq. The answer is found in the thousands, and tems of thousands of Belgian children under 12 years old, in the grip of tuberculosis, rickets and other ills re- sulting from insufficient nourishment. Belgian Children's Health Fund. By means of this fund children giv. ing way under the slow starvation are taken from Belgium to Holland, where they are cared for, housed, fed, clothed and given medical attention for six weeks, Belgian Orphans' Fund. In this Jand of broken up families, imagine the thousands of tiny tots ig norant whether their fathers and moth- ers are alive or not. They must be fed, clothed and educated. The sum of $3.70 per month per child will do this getting a bowl of soup and a slice of bread each day! Would you, out ef your prosperity help the child? Who is your neighbour, if not Belgium, who held back the Hun when the world stood in danger? Be generous; help to make the next generation of Belgians as strong and valiant as the present generation has proved itself. Your contribution will go entire through the Belgian Minister of the Interior (In Le Havre, France) to Dutch authorities, who administer the relief work under the approval of the British and Dutch Governments, and r. Hoover's Committee, What will you do for the waifs of Belgium t BELGIAN RELIEF FUND Ontario Branch 80 King St. West Torents J. W. Woods, Esq., Chairman of the Advisory Board, Mrs. Arthur Pepler, Chairman of the Committee. Send contributions to Miss Isabella L. George, Hon. Tress., or Local Committee Make cheques payable to Belgian Relief Fund Don't forget Mrs. Agar Adamsiw's Canal Boat Fund for wivk among Belgian refugees behind the allied lines in Flanders, Joseph Lo Christie . Lionel Clarke R. Connable You knew how children eat! Sup- Pose your neighbour's cbild was only VENNAGHER, Sept. 25.--Farmers are having nice warm weather for digging pota- toes, which are a fair crop. John Gilmour has returned from visiting his brother, Alexander Gilmour, El- phin, who has been on the sick list. Mrs. James Stewart, who has been ill, has so far improved as to be able to be around .the house again. Robt, Buller, Calabogie, has been through here offering 12 cents a pound for lambs; but could only buy a very few at that price. Mithael Haw- number from {kins, Bogart, was here last week to this vicinity attended the fair at | buy store ewes, paying $10 a head. Lansdowne on Friday. Mrs. Ira Mil-| Mrs. Charles Ball has returned ler is building an addition to her from visiting her sister, Mrs. Horace house. Several of the school chil- Wilson, Kingston. Archibald Rosen. dren are suffering with mumps. Mrs. blath has rented the Cowan farm Cliff Gibson and daughter, Jean, re- turned on Sunday from an extended visit at points across the river. BE. Purvis and family are visiting his Belgian Children 1 1 i ! owly Starving! np Holt Gurney, Esq. : WER'S MILLS WEDDING N ; 4 . 2 B : : BREWER ] TL WEDL * Pedea Soy. Esa 7 A bowl of soup and a slice of bread is issued daily to the desti- Gough, E , Esq. . : ; Wednesday Morning. Z. A. Lash, Esa. K.C. body and soul together in a grown person. But for a little, growing A pretty wedding was solemnized Rev. J rovost Sa MP. child--where is the material in this ration for bone and 1auscle Jt rnabv's n AW ET's i 2 in St. Barnaby's Church, Brewer's Artin Peet an fdrming ? Alfred Rogers, , morning, Sept. 26th, when Rev. Fa- M. Rochereau de Ia Sabliere, : To! ther Traynor united in marriage Hon. Justice R Cushendall at Mrs. D. Ferguson's to day. Mrs. Agnes Teresa, youngest daughter of Sigmund Samuel, Esq. ---- | W. Wright, Gananoque, spent the Lennox and on Capt, and Mrs, Edward Emuh, See- H. H. Williams, Esq CLARENDON | week with her sister, Mrs. Frank GH 3 , - - gest son of Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Warburton, Esq. less than seven lynx within the last|#r¢ buying cattle through the dis. i - Rochefort, of Brewer's Mills, few weeks and o now in Kingston | trict. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kellar spent TAMWORTH The bride who was given away by COMMITTEE at the fair with th {Sunday at Henry Johnson's, Perth Sept. 26.--Charles Wells and Mss Miss Tsabella, 10 Gorn Campbell has re nd | Road. : the church to the strains of Mendel- Hon. Treasurer from visiting Ey trendy. ufived | Mr. W. Kennedy's. Mrs. Fargas | Ba on Tuesday last by Rev. Mr. | gsohn's wedding march, played by Miss C. B, Laing. | Hon, Secretaries A. Boles is able to be around again spent the day at Mrs. J. 'Cumpson's, | Harrington. They autoed ko Ringe: Miss Dean. "The bride was attired G5, Laidiaw na Kirkham, Lilly Campbell and Liz. | aughter, Mrs. Ww. Young Mrs. | Cape Vincent and the train to Water- with white hat to match, and carried, . E. H. Bickford zie McCoy were among those who at.| Daniel Ferguson and Miss Mary | town, N.Y. There is u go Jdly num-| a shower bouquet of white astors. > tended Renfrew fair, Ms. Bell, Miss | Kellar, who are collecting money | ber of the people attend ng the King-| Migs Gertrude Jarrell, niece of the motoring to Maberly fair to-morrow. | !B& With good success. knitting mill are pushing the work grey suit with hat to match, and car- The English church is being decorat-| Sept. 26.--School is progressing |on to completion. An aeroplane | rjaq a bouquet of pink asters. The ed toa for the harvest home ser-| favorably under the able manage. | Passed over Tamworth to-day. The groom was assisted by Frank Smith, Kirkham was at Sharbot Lake to-| Ihcmpson, of Mountain Grove. Mrs. | grand success, There was a large mony the bridal party motored to the day. Mrs. Howard Campbell ang |J: Sills is visiting friends in Water- | turnout and the children secmed tof home of the bride's paren.s, where a baby Mildred are home. from Have-|!own, N.Y. Mrs. 8. Dickinson and |be well pleased with their prizes, sumptuous wedding breakfast was y p 8 at Shaww 3. | dies of Napanee visited here on Tues- ' were visitors at Olan aw | Visiting friends at Shawwille, E. |d A e The groom's gift to the bride was days and ae Rg Jord few Johnson and 8. Babcock motored to day, coming' by auto. The bank is a gold wrist watch, to the bridesmaid Tysick hus returned to| Tamworth last week. Miss Martha | nearly ready for the plasterers. The | an' amethist rosary and to the best her home here. Jam Campbell | where she has a good position. Mr. After the breakfast the happy Mrs. Campbell and Bthel and Mrs. | 80d Mrs. L. Young made a trip to couple left amid showers of confetti Isaac Kirkham and family spent Kingston this week. Mrs. T. Young, and good wishes for Brockville, Ot- Pl. Mrs. Isac Kirkham and Bar| 500 on Tuesday. Arthur Campbell, return will reside at Brewer's Mills Kirkham were down to Sharbot Lake | 154 3) Harvey Kellars; 8. Ackerman where the groom is a prosperous on Monday, Mr. and Mrs, EB. Buffam | *t home. young farmer, | J. E. Ganong, Esq. The Rochefort-Smith Nuptials on HY », Ena. Es tute women and children of Belgium. This will just about keep Brig.-Gen. Sir Henry Pellatt, K.C.B. Mills, at nine o'clock on Wednesday " Belgian Consul |W les Bay, to Francis James, youn- 4 Ne ehers, Esq. Sept. 256-8. Moss has trapped no | Kellar. Mellroy Bros?, Keelerville, a © Mrs. Arth Pepler, Chairman a couple of them ] d her brother, Thomas Smith, entered PB ler, Cha Miss Maggie " Mr. and Mrs. M. Convery at | Milligan were married at Camden Miss M. Cory, after her recent illness. Misses Bd-| Mr. and Mrs. Gibson visited their | ton where they took the in a nigger brown gabardine suit Auleunder McCoy and Miss M. Campbel] intend | for the Bible Association, are meet- | $ton show. The managers of the| hrige, was bridesmaid and wore a vice to-morrow night. Mrs Thomas | Ment of the new teacher, Miss |schcol show of last week was af brother. of the bride, after the cere- lock, Mrs, M. Moss and baby Helen Mrs. J. Young, have returned from | Mrs. Alfred Rose and party of la- served. Kingston after a prolovged visit at { Kellar has returned to Albany, N.Y., | carpenters are completing their work, man a gold tie pin suitably engraved. Sunday at John Kirkham's, Mississip- Qak Farm, called on Mrs. R. Fergu tawa and other points, and on their attended Maberly fair. The many presents received testi- Leeds MALLORYTOWN, Sept. 26.--A large fled tiie esteem in which the young couple are held. Amongst them be- ing a check from the bride's brother, Capt. E. J. Smith, ' Pay Will Be The Same ther Traynor and Miss M Clark, niece, uf Brewer's Mills and Wiliam McAvoy and family of Seeley's Bay. Men selected under the Milita Service A@ will receive the same Pay as Church of St. Anthony of Toad those now on active service receive, ay will start from the time a man reports St. dua, 2 a8 % Centreville, was the- scene of a very for duty. Money from the Patriotic Fund an Separ pretty event w Father Me- ation Allowance will also be available for selected men. Carthy unit in marriage Edward . Eo . ei : O'Connor, of Camden, bo Miss y Canadian soldiers are well paid. The fact that -- HOLLEFORD Sept. 27.-- Frost has done consid- Subie Jamage. Threshing ds finish- + While some are digging potatoes, G. T. Babcock has bought he prop- erty of C. Gance. Mrs, James Walk- er is at Tichborne having been called to the bedside of Mrs T. Genge, who is very low. Ms. T. ™. Townsend, ill for a couple of weeks is able to be out again. Ww. T. Medcof, King- ston, spent the week-end at his home previous to enter Queen's University. John Medcof has entered college at eo Walker, O'Connor-Dewey Wedding. On Tuesday, Sept. . 18th, the day under the par- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Babcock and son Russell with Ray parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thad Purvis. Mr. and Mrs. G. Buell, Algoma; are renewing acquaintances here after an absence of several years. Mrs. Mary, Irene, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dewey, place. The popular bride was of the same handsome. w, in Canada are generally higher than those paid one is recognized in the system of remuneration for men on ative service. Clothing and ui] t in addition to food is also ied to the Canadian soldier, leavi with no expense except perso Many Children Die From Sum: ' mer Complaint ey Could be Saved by Using DR. EX'S EXTRACT OF WIAD STRAWBERRY Charles Higgs returned on Monday from visiting friends at Ogdensburg. Miss Laura Jordan is attending Nor- mal at Ottawa. Corn cutting and silo filling is the order of the day, Mr. aiid Mrs. H. Dunham spent a day last 'week in Brockville, Miss Eva- lena Price spent the week end with : wedding march was played by Miss Mrs. , Harry Franklin, = Junetown. ! BS Leamy, of Napanee. | Mrs. W. Chick, Mrs. C. Mallory and Following the ceremony, the wed- Miss Bertha Chick motored to Athens ding party or to the home of on Tuesday. The annual election the bride's parents, where a dainty of officers for the Red Cross Society wedding breakfast was served tg was held in the village hall on Sept. about seventy-five relatives and 25th, friends. The tables were tastefully decorated with asters, geraniume, and ferns. : The groom presented with a'h ly attired in a gown of Belgian blue silk erépe meteor with rose and gold trimmings and hat to match, Miss Annie Doyle, gowned in brown tabac taffeta, attended as bridesmaid, while J. P. Davey, brother of the bride, supported the groom. The him When Tl ARO A oi AM ha BS i ionary Fores, other There is not d summer passes officers, is as follows: without thousaids of people. especi- ally infants, being attacked by Sum- mer Complaint. The prostration, often verging on collapse. which sometimes accom- panies this disease makes it one of the most serious and dangerous we have to contend with during the hot KELGIN, months. { Sept. 25.--Mr. and Mrs. G. Win : A remedy which will quickly off-| Athens, were guests in the villas, set the vomiting, purging and the Mrs 3 De Long has returned profuse diarrhoea is Dr. Fowler's from visiting at Lyn, Miss Jean Extract of Wild Strawberry, Dafgavel has resumed her studies Mrs. Thomas M. Theriault, Grand at St. Agnes College, Belleville, Mr. Anse, N.B., writes: "My three chil and Mrs. Harry Kn Pembroke, dren were very siek with Summer | 3re guests of heir a, The Complaint during the hot days last dwelling apartment of the " Mer- Summer. I thought one day that they chants' Bark are to be remodelled would die, and I didn't know what to to accommodate K. M. Watson and do to cure them. I happened to bride, who have returned to take have ove of your almanacs in the up residence. B. 'M. De Long sold house, and found by reading about a registered Jersey cow last week. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- | Mr ana Mrs. Kelly, London, were berry that it was a good remedy. | Euests of his brother, 8. Kelly, last . t once got two bottles, and-they per-| wook. A memorial service for the fectly cured them. I recommend late James Edgers is to be held in everybody to use this wonderful | ine Methodist church on the 30th Inst. Rev. Mr. Waddell, Seeley's remedy." When you ask for "Dr. Fowler's" Bay, is to officiate. Deceased was see that you get it. | born in this vicinity, and the great. It has been ou the market for the est part of rhis life spent with the past 72 years. _ young people. Pte. J. Edgers wen June. Dr. You don't experiment when YOu into the trenches last iand Mrs. Hamilton, 'Westport, were buy it. : Price 36c. Put up only by The | gflests in the village. S. J. Grey T. Milbura: Co., Limited, Toronto, has purchased H. S. Brown's farm, Ont. ? 'Ormond Coon left last week to take o_o Warrant Officers . . of Regimental Sergt. Major, if not 's Warrant Officer . y fot 3 the bride ndsome emerald ring," the bridesmail with a brooch with peri- dot setting, the groomsman with ea graved cuff links, the organist with a silver pin. The many pretty pre. sents received by the happy couple testified to the Popularity and hign esteem In which they ave held. A reception was held in the ever. of the bridal party until midnign:,. ing for the young people in hovargd when the unewly.wedded conpic | motored to Napanee to take the train to Toronto, Niagara Falls ang points west. The bride travelled in an attractive suit of midnight blac serge, with smart blue hat. After their return they will reside on the groom's farm near Newburgh. 4] i fl E= As a result of internal troubles at Hornerite camp meeting at Ivanhoe, three men were fined $1 and costs each for assaulting visiting ministers while Mr. Hawkins was asked to pay $3 and costs in the abusive language charge. 3

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