* PAGE TWENTY : October Records! » for Your Grafonola and Victrola Hello! My Soldier Boy--Clark and Burr A2301 10-in, 85¢ A2308 Spirit of '17-Peerless Quartette Sliver Threads Among the Gold--Burr The Rosary---Burr p Pack Up Your Troubles--One Step--Prince"s Band A2317 What Kind of an American Are You--One Step-- Prince's Band--10-in. 85¢ Hail Columbia ~-- March -- Prince's Band Ag318 Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean--March-- Prince's Band--10-in, 85¢ A2319 10-in, 85¢ A2312 10-in, 85¢ A2200 10-in. 83¢ A2328 10-in. 85¢ A2333 10-in, 83¢ R4006 10-in, 85¢ Every Little Movement--Dance--Prince's Band Merry Widow Waltz--Waltz----Prince's Band Sons of Liberty -- Quartette 'When Your Boy Comes Back -- Quartette Where Do We Go From Here -- Quartette Moré I See of Hawall -- McConnell, tenor Jesu, Lover of My Soul -- Burr, tenor Face to Face -- Barr, tenor : Good-Bye Broadway, Hello France--Quartette |, Throw No Stones in the Well---Fields, baritone Fantasia on Irish Airs, Part I.--~Violin solo Fantasia on Irish Airs, Part 11.--Violin solo Hame Sweet Home, For You We're Fighting-- Quartette--R4000 I Want to Kiss Daddy Good-Night--Harrod, tenor 10-in. 85¢ Just Before the Battle, Mother -- Quartette R4010 Comrades -- Quartette 10-in. 85¢ TREADGOLD Sporting Goods Co, 88 PRINCESS STREET. KINGSTON, PHONE 520. 10-in, 85¢ TRY Sc. Poet Cigar 5c. Look for Silk Thread on Tip of Each Olgas. S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston. J MONUMENTS of Neotch and American Granites, Vermont Marble. McCallum Granite 897 Princess Street. Company, Ltd. al THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1917. ° 18 TAKING SHAPE Football Enthusiasts Throughout Province Pre- paring For Gridiron. Woodstock Collegiate Institute have again announced their inten- tion of entering a team in the junior series of the 0. R. FF. U, Nothing has been heard as yet from Woodstock College, but it is expected that they will also enter again. The two In- dustrial City teams always have an interesting series Petrolea High School will again be grouped with Sarnia Collegiate in the junior series of the O. R. F. U An effort will be made to get two mote teams into line in that section 80 'as to form a four-team group. Stratroy was in this group last sea- #on, Though they have not been heipd from as yet, they are expected to again enter a fourteen in the field. If possible University Schools may be grouped in the junior series with Hamilton Collegiate. Ben Simpson, the well-known Hamilton player, is interested in the boys at the Ambit- fous City institution and has been asked to place a team in the Pro- vinekal union, Though a great hockey centre, Kitchener has never done much in the football line, although years ago it was a famous soccer town, An ef- fort is being made to boom the game in that city, and the Collegiate in- stitute may be prevailed upon to take up the gridiron pastime. They might be grouped with Stratford. WORLD'S SERIES THE Started Earlier Once Before in the] Year 1904. Only onee before in their five pre- vious pennant winning years have the Giants clinched the flag as early as September 24th. In 1904, when they give McGraw his first pennant here, they were assured of the cham- pionzhip on September 22nd, when Joe McGinnity beat the Reds. Mhese are the dates the Giants clinched 4 1913. cin- | "THEY'RE SIXES," | 1137th Game--New Yerk, 7: | | cinnati, 5. McGinnity against Kel-| DECLARES JENNINGS, lum, { | 1905. ae BER September 27th at Pittsburg, | Detroit Manager Undecided as J 341m a Now York, 5; Pius-| to Probable Winner of the | burg, 3, iitse against Leifield and; 3, le ] | Leever, Game decided in ninth in-| World's Series : ning. 1911. Asked what he thought the out- { October 4th at Brooklyn, 145thi Some ot the world's series would be, | Game--New York, 2; Brooklyn, 0.| puch Jennings, manager of the | Mathewson against Rucker and Kaet.] Detroit Tigers, declared that it look- | Yathewson againat Rucker and Ruei-l of jixe an ven thing. jor | "Being an American Leaguer, 1 ! September as. New *York) would like to see the White Sox win | 43rd Game.~New York +b aor the series," said Jennings, "but at Ea ? Demares Bot Tas hens] the same time prejudice doezn't tne vr en | blind me to the fact that McGraw | Demareé's first game with Giants, | has a wonderful team. The Giants i . 2 are strong at the bat, fdast in the | Bravea won flag for Giants by best-| Hat. "Teer aise Kiva ae oe as ing Phillies, 9 to 1, Rudolph pitching | up-to-date ye a op ay lana Ohmisers, Brennan, Jmiay | series they must beat Cicotte, who, and ayer. ork, playing 1!s}jn my opinion, is one of the best ian, game, hut tn Brboklv, 4 to phar we 'have snes many against Rucker, |" "Phe White Sox are game. They . -- {never quit, and they have played Chicago Backers Ask Odds. | great ball ail season. 1 believe that Only small bets have been made | they are as strong as any team that on the Broad Street curb, New York, | ever has represented the American on the world's series baseball | League in the world's series. They | games. About $10,000 has been can hit all kinds of pitching, and | offered at even money on the | their brilliant fielding is of valu- | Giants. 'Backers of 'the Chicago {able assistance to their pitchers." team are demanding odds of 7 to 10. { "If Cicotte beats the Giants in { the first game, with Schupp oppos- AX {ing him, it will lock like Chicago, Z\8 : | but I understand that Sehupp is \() | one of the best left-handers ever de- 2d | veloped in the National League. It ND {is true that the White Sox have had (4 | considerable success against left- | | handed pitehing this year, but it re- yy | mains to be seen what they ean do | with Schupp, Sallee and Benton, If | McGraw uses these men in regular { order. In Tay opinion the breaks of the game will decide the guestion of | | supremacy. That is the only pre- { diction that I dare to make at this T O O K Ei C O } ¢ i / A R | Practically all of the teams orders jed in the junior series last season | have announced their intention of again playing, and though it is some- 9, SOT \v | A NEW FULL WEIGHT 20¢ ench, 3 for BOe. MONTHLY INCOME Surest way of providing for your old age or your beneficiary is the Monthiy Income Polley of THE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA S. Roughton, 60 Brock St, Phone 610. Kingston's Electric Store! New Address -- 167 Princess Street. "HEATERS FOR YOUR BEDROOMS, ELECTRICIRONS TOASTERS Beautiful Assortment of Fixtures and Table Lamps. H.W. Newman Electric Co., Come in and See Us. Phone 441. LABATT IS MAKING A SPECIAL Ale and Porter FOR FAMILY USE Made from Malt and Hops, exactly like thie Old Reliable Ale & Porter, only lower percentage of spirit. It is absolutely pure | what early yet it is fully expectad Montreal 'that more teams than last year will be in operation. past pennants won under McGraw. 1904, September 22nd ~ pa TOOKE BROS. LIMITED Makers af New York, / NEW YORK NATIONAL LEAGUE CLUB (GIANTS) ¢ Harry Hempstead, owner; Lew McCarty, catcher; Charles Herzog, second base; Albert Demaree, pitcher; Aung Smith, second base; Joseph Wilhoit, outfield; Charles (Jeff) Tesreau, pitcher; Fred « Anderson, Bie ; William Rariden, catcher; Jim outfield; George Gibson, catcher; Ben Kauff, outfielder; A. Baird, shortstop; John J. McGraw, manager; John H. Lobert, third base; W. i. tts pitcher; Davis Robertson, outfielder; J. C. (Rube) Benton, pitcher; Harry (Slim) Sallee, pitcher; J. Onslow, pitcher; Ferd Schupp, pitcher; Walter Holke, first base; Arthur Fletcher, shortstop; Henry Zimmerman, third base; John (Red) Murray, outfield; George Burns, outfield i - BRINGING UP FATHER 1H and superior to anything made in that line in Ontario, many prefer it to the old brands for summer and social drinking. TRY IT. JAMES McPARLAND 76 Brock Street. Phone 274 Of women's patent and gun metal black cloth top shoes, in lace and button styles. These hos are nearly all the famous Queen Quality make and are new, stylish, up-to-date shoes. Lot 1--Women's patent cloth top, button and lace styles, all sizes, $6.00 value, NOW .. cote vn ive =a 3349 Lot 2--Women's patent and gun metal, cloth top, lace and button style, all sizes, $5.00 valuefor .. . .. .. .. .. $249 Lot 3--Women's patent and gun metal lace and button styles, odd sizes, $4.00 and $5.00 values, for . .. .. .. .. . $1.98 Sale starts Monday-- Don't miss this chance J H.Sutherland & Bro. > . President Ban Johmson, of the American League, is said to have signed Miller Huggins, of the Car- dinals, to manage "6ne of the teams" in his civenit, and that he will man- age either the Highlanders or thet. Louis Browns next year, with chances favoring New York. 'By GEORGE McMANUS. 1 DON'T MIND You GOING OUT FOR A WALK - BUT YOU DONT QT A eo CENT. co a WELL { CAN'T GO AFTER ALL: Gi. Sho ge ne see RR