PAGE FOUR. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1917. St. Joseph's Schocl, No Now the thresher man rises to the occasion a day for the use of his separator, his tractor engine, himself and his two men. Thirty years ago, when steam threshers first became populaar, the pr was $135, nothing to worry the farmer about The price last year was £16. One dollar hortl _- culture. Having been won three ye This year he is talking of $20 The lawyer, Gaston de L¢ al, who tried to defend Edith Cavell, is to visit Canada this season on his american lecture tour. He will find the American much more to listen to him than some of to hear Mr. Sarolea on that subject three year J : ce per day I > people advance in 30 venrs is ready them were PTE. CLIFFORD A. FLYNY, 43rd Battalion (79th Cameron liigh landers of Canada), recruited at Winnipeg, Dee. 18th, 1014. Sen of L. A/ Flynn, Durham Street, Kingston. Wounded in Battle of Ypres, June 2nd, 1916, now returned home after twelve months in France. SIG. OTTO F. DELINE, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Deline, Enterprise, Ont, formerly of the R.C.H.A, now with the headquarters staff, 1st Artillery Brigade, in France. un, the trophy is now the property of St. The Thompson Trophy bears the following inscription son Trophy for Competition among Donor, James Thompson, M.L.A "Thomp tural Schools of East Peterboro' Joseph's School. I BEAUTIFUL HAIR AND HOW TO POSSESS IT If vou have hair which needs tinting or beautifying, consult W. T. Pember. Should you not have sufficient, no finer stock of Hair needs can be found in Canada to choose from, and -the goods you buy at Pember's will ite always give satisfaction. THE PEMBER STORE 129 YONGE ST., TORONTO a ARE THE BASS BITING 1 Well, yes! by "Billy" party, See the fine string brought home from Loughboro Lake Paul, the Princess Street tobacconist, A. Oakes, C. and his friends. The from left to right, are Macdonald, W J. Paul and Osear Cooke. Two charming photos of Marguerite McDonald, daughter of Capt. MacDonald, CFA, now of Shorneliffe, Eng. This little girl is but 4 years old, and photo shows her figuring in a Red Cross event and Italian Flag Day. She was born in Kingston, and her grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. BE. W. Ormston, 112 Barrack Bt, City. ry (17184 WASTE 2 WASER E.PULLAN TORONTO BOOM MARKET IN SIGHT | GET OUR WEEKLY MARKET LETTER FREE ON' REQUEST VICKERY & GO. STOCK BROKERS MEMBERS STANDARD STOCK EXCMANCE SUITE 18-17, 56-58 KING STREET WEST TORONTO Pte. Joseph Fred. Hingey, son of Pte. and Rideau 8t., Kingston. seas with the 146th Battalion, later transferred to the 4th €. M. R. Wounded and now in England. Mrs. John Hingey, 101 He went over Personal Accidest, Health Li- ." n - ability, Aatomob.le, Plate Glass, - s . Guarantee, Burglary and Fire Pte. Wm. Mills, as with 13th CMR, but later t erred to SSP, 16th Battalion. Pte. Mills was recently wounded, and was awarded a mbdal 'for beivery. Son. of Mrs. E. J. Dumphy, 146 Montreal Bt, Kingston, Canadian Head Office: Ocean insurance Building, Terente Fishing and threshing have but one thing in common--the food element picture, but a food raid on the Pacific. We read that the 10,000 anglers who booked 100,000 mackerel in one day were at it from dawn until dusk and on into the night 10,000 came the night before, The three piers at the beach were packed with food getters Nome of the as the Ontario farmers used to do to market to get the stall next the main street. They fteched cots and sleeping No man Most of them used a line with four bags, and went at it as soon as dawn crept over the hills of the sea. was allowed to catch more than 40 fish. hooks. The 100,000 mackerel in a day set a record for fishing on the Pacific It was a visiting day for the mackerel, who came up to the front with true patriotic zeal. They understood the country's need, and there were no slackers There never was anything whose front name was Mack duty? among these mackerel. wanting at the post of In a single day 100,000 patriotic mackerel rallied to the hooks and went over the parapet of the wharf. And that day's patriotic fishing is said to have given Pacific Coasters a new interest in life. If a man can't raise wheat or fight, let him fish for his country. Fishing may not be heroic, or even always exciting. Bu tthe business of catching patriotic mackerel is itself an adventure. If the land part of the earth is determined to commit a must come to the And the patriotic mackerel are the Pacific Coast's answer to the Germans economic suicide, the rescue, 0000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 * * $ THESE WATOHES, which we offer ® absolutely free, to every boy and girl, ® are made in the latest thin model * style Guaranteed Swiss movement FOR EVERY BOY AND CIAL nickel case, fancy dial and and heavy French crystal silver hands FOB is of solid rolled gold plate, fancy mesh pattern, with safety chain, heavily engraved The entire set is beautifully finished. You can either of these watches by selling only 40 of our beau secure tiful illustrated motto pictures. These pictures are full size, 16 in. by 12 in, and richly colored with a beautiful motto on each. They sell regularly as high as 50 cents in art stores. We allow you to sell them for 10 cents a piece. At this price you can easily sell the whole 104 in less than an hour We have proved this fact. Order your pictures now. You send us no money until you have sold them, then remti us our $4.00 by next mail, and you will receive your choice of the watches with fob by return mail. In order to help you make sales quickly, we give you coupons to dis tribute among youy customers, which entitles them to a present from us This will help you considerably. We prepay postage on both mottoes and premium. Ask for our Big Oatalog of Premiums. .» COLONIAL ART 60, TORONTO. ONT. BOOB L00PPPO0PPHPPVPLPH0000 P0000 00090000009 %% A A lh A eC i eC I I 000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000 ® * oe IN MY OPINION the best purchases in the mining market for early advances are; BEAVER - APEX SCHUMACHER KIRKLAND LAKE J. T. EASTWOOD Member Standard Stock Exchange Phone Main 3445 24 KING ST. WEST Send for my free weekly market letter. New York Stocks N.Y. Curb Stocks Porcupine Stocks Cobalt Stocks WEEKLY MARKET LETTER SENT WITHOUT CHARGE ON REQUEST. KEMERER, MATTHES & CO. '% 2a TOR SnTO (Members Standard Stock Exchange), (Members Philadelphia Stock Exchange.) Offices: New York, Philadelphia, London, Hamliton. Isbell, Plant & Co. Members Standard Stock Exchange Specialists in Mining Standard Bank Building, Toronto TORONTO # MONTREAL