{ i} BG AN Pl Pt ition Your Windows and Doors Are drafty and cold. Our metal weather strips put on by experts will make them wind and storm proof. Give us the chance to prove this to you. Ring 819. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street Kingston, Ont. STANDARD PATTERNS For Sale it COLLEGE BOOK STORE, A A it Wood's I'hospnodins, | The Great Pnglish Remed: Tonos sod in uglish the Took stein, makes new i ins, Cures Nervous Mental and Brain Worry, - fea Loss Energy, . alpitation A ling. Memory, files $t ve oz. , 8x rill eure. 5, Da phe. on 1 oe , New pamphlet mailed free ToRON? 0. | (Porn ask AA Aly at Farm For Sale h $3700 160 acres, Cultivation, new barn, city. one halt under Brick dwelling, 10 miles from the Choice Selection of City Homes. Easy Terms, McCann's, Real Estate 82 Brock Street. | £ MEKAY | |&% FURS | esata John ) Limited [1 At the IcKay, Established 1859 Complete Line of DRESSED FUR SKINS AND MANUFACTURED Furs! For the Fall Trade now ready. Your inspection invited. Write for our style book and full in- formation, Expert service designers for are free advice timates, Rooms and manufactur- ing department. 149 to 157 Brock St. Kingston. at your and es- Show 4 4 We areOptical ~ Specialists \ IS BEST SOLVED BY COMING TO US. | You are assured a thorough | l scientific examination and ac | curate glasses at Asselstine's. { Consult { | | | | | | II J.S.ASSELSTINE || | D.0S. King Street. ) | \ Golden Lion Grocery | FancyClover HONEY | In one pound sections, 25 cents each, | Fresh California Prunés, nice and i" ley ... ..: M08 12% ¢, 15¢ Ib, | Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs for 25c. | Evaporated Apricot 15¢ Ib, | Sweet Cider ... ... 40¢ gal. WR. McRea & Co . Golden Lion Grocery AA ALA AA A A A AAA | Laura B., youngest daughter of Robert Clark, and John A, Phillips, {son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phillips, | Phone 326 or 621. ered) ---- | both of Brockville were married on | Thursday, AR WE ARE SHOWING RUGS of unusual beauty and quality that we chal- lenge you to match anywhere else at any- i thing like our prices. carefully, note their weave, the deep pile. ate the bigness of the ¢ Examine these rugs rich colors, the close en-you'll appreci- values that our prices | and 7 {evening, "I Was Glad." | "Rally | Themes: | dially welcome. | Stephen, jam. and 7 d THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SAT -- CHURCH SERVICES Methodist Brown, min Un hanging | Gdd; Soldier." | Epworth Prayer Street W. 1 The Ah 2.45 p.m; p.m.; at 8 pm Sydenham Church--Rev (dnescay St. James' Church, Corner Union tad Ard [ree Rev. T. W 2 1 a.m., morning pray , 'Faith and Wo "hool; ¥ evep- holy irist's Musts.' ts Sav p.m, communion Princess Street Methodist Church :v. H. E. Curry, pastor, 11 am Need the World and the Response'; 7 pm. 'In The pastor at both ser Sunday school, 2.45 pm; ie, Monday, 8 p.m., prayer meet Wednesday, 8 p.m 0 1 pret titude."' 1de Lea ing, Bible | Sal LB.S.A. Class--Meets for I.B.S.A. Ha trance Montreal street) topic, "What i Greatness of this Kept 3y Wha New Crea welcome (over ' 80 Long Se topic urch Name Should Known?" All the tion he First Baptist Church--HRev. Doug as Laing, pastor." Services, 11 a.m pm Pastor at both services Anthem, morning God is Love'; Bible school Day," 2.46 pm., address by Capt. Fairful and other special fea tures Let there be a grand rally Everybody cordially invited to all the | services Brock Street Methodist Church- Rev. George S. Clendinmen, will preach at 11 am, and 7 p.m "The First Te of the "Taming the Tongue." pastor, Church," | Sunday school rally service with at | tractive programme, 3 p.m in church Soldiers, students and vigitors cor- Special music St. Andrew's Church--Rev., J. W minister Sermons at 11 p.m. Sunday school and Bible class at 3 p.m The minister will preach at both services The Honor Roll of members of St. An-| | drew's on active service will be un veiled at the morning service. Strangers, students and soldiers cor dially invited. First Church of Christ, Scientist, | Johnson street, between Bagot and Wellington streets, Sunday school 9.45 a.m.; service 11 a.m.; subject "Reality"; Wednesday, 8 p.m., testi- monial meeting Public reading room same address, open every af-| ternoon, except Sunday, 3 to 5 o'clock. All are cordially invited to] the services and the reading room. | Calvary Congregational Church-- 11 a.m., "The Curse of Backsliding." | morn in & | Matheson | Telephones 2156-2159. ( the 'The Compassion of , 'Sunday Monday, stian e Tuesday, 2.30 p.m, Aid meeting; Tuesday, 8 p.m, Mis- sion Circle; Wednesday, I Prayer meeting and choir All are cordially $choc 8 p.m., Chr Avor; 2.30 Ladies £§ p.m pract welcome, Queen Street Methodist Church-- Rév. J. D. Ellis, pastor. The pastor will preach 11 a.m., "The Cash Via of Love." 7 pm. 'The Present World Alan Haffner will s ng service, and Rechab vening. Rally day Sunday s military ice at 2.45 ody welcome serv every St. Luke's Church, Corner of Prin- cess and Nelson streets-- Rev Pencier Wright, M.A.,, BD., TI J11 Alfred street. Phone 871 Sunday Trinity, (St 8 a.m. holy communion; matins; 2.45 p.m, Sunday and men's confirmation clas holy ism; 7 p.m., 18 them, "The Fear of the lyord." day night, ladies' free 17th Jerome) 11 am school { pm An- Fri- confirmation clo Strange vited to after ba rs and visitors cordially attend Presbyiogian, Rev. Ey R Cocke's, St Minis M.A, BD, 2 Brock street minister will preach 11 am p.m Baplism at morning service beg and primar f } of sche Brock McLean The and 7 Jtreet nners 3 p.m, rally and Parents and triends H E Cunry will 8 p.m. peo ple's society Wednesday, p.m. prayer meting Strangers, students, ! soldiers cordially welcome a.m cla ible ited Re k Monday Ses; ol and nv Spa Young 8 Chalmers, Barrie and Earl Streets Rev. M. Macgillivray, D.D., mini ter Morning, "The Young Care- takers of the Coming Democracy" Evening, "The World's Best, Past] and Present Help." Sunday chool, 3 p.m, and Bible class with Prof Prayer meeting, Wed p.m. Student and strangers cordially invited to Servi nesday, 7.30 all the eq First and Bethel Congregational-- Pastor Rev. T. De Courcy Rayner Residence: 220 Johnson street Phone 2116 United services as usual The pastor will preach at hoth services. I1 a.m. in 'Bethel, "Visitors of Jesus"; 3 p.m. Sunday schools usual. Rally Day in First Sunday school Everybody come: 7 p.m., in First, "A Rally Day Chal- lenge." Rally to all services. We in vite you to "The Church with a wel come." St. George's Cathedral--Very Rev. G. Lothrop Starr, M.A, D.D., Dean and Rector, 78 Wellington street. | Rev. Cecil Whalley, M.A.," "B.D. Priest Vicar, 138 Bagot street, telephone 1444 Next Sunday, seventeenth Sunday af-| ter Trinity, 8 a.m., Holy Commun- fon; 11 a.m., Matins. Preacher, Rev. | Walter Loucks, M.A.; 3 p.m., Sun-! day school and bible classes; 7 p.m., Evensong, preacher -the very Rev, | Dean. Services of Intercession in Chapel daily at 10 a.m. except on Tuesday, when service ig at 8 am. A AA At tsa ata INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, LOCAL: NOTES AND ITEMS OF | GENERAL INTEREST, | Happenings In the City and Vicinity ~~What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of th W. F. Nickle, on Monday. Neilson's Drug Store. | H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street.. Leave orders at McAul-! ey's Book Store. There was no .session of the lice Court on Saturday morning. Smith's Falls and Portland pota- toes are selling at 40 cents a bushel as against $1 in Kingston, W. Swaine, piano and pipe organ tuner, 100 Clergy street W, Orders left at McAuley's or 'phone 564. Sunday services will begin in Queen's on Sunday, Oct, 14th, Prig- cipal Gordon delivering the first ad- dress. The Bishop of Ontario will be at St: Andrew's church, Wellington, on Monday, to confer the rite of confir- mation, Voice production and singing, Ital- ian method, C. Willoughby, 150 Sydenham ftreet. Mrs, man, formerly of Kings- ton, has been chosen seloist in Col- borne Street Methodist Church, Brantford. Now is the time to have your plano tuned, we carry two expert tuners and will assure entire sat- isfaction. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. The residents of Cataraqui claim they now have a "cheese King" in the person of James Sprott, who car- ried off high honors at the Kingston Fair. Mr. Sprott is a young man, who is making good in the business. The Greater Production Commit- i eo Whig. i M.P., will be home| chocolates, Prouse's Po- tee of Kingston will prosecute a cam- paign for still greater production in| 1918. Every foot of tillable land in Kingston should be under cultivatio The resulie of 1917 were good; 1 shouid eclipse all previous effo We will rent you a piano, ad at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will al- low the § months' rental on pur: chase price, and arrange eas terms on balance, 0. W, LINe Na The Women's Canadian Club-is ar. ranging its programme for the com- ing season. Already ' Hon. WwW. J. Handa and Miss Kathleen Birke have promised to speak. Other prominent are being arranged with to appear before the club, _ \ Beautiful New Stock % Choose From Prevost, Brock: street, has. an axtra hone sssortmenl off tweed. "hewlots and serge, blue and blaex, for the order ' Jepartment. Ris readv-madé clothing a gent's. furnishing never better assorted. 'Extra low prices, Ne 8 - o, HIGH WINDS PREVAILED ----- o! And Fleet of Vessels Compelled to, Remain in Port, { High winds prevailed on Friday | | night, and as a result a big fleet of vessels were windbound in Kingston, | and but one arrival was reported, | that of the steamer Westerian from | { Montreal, on her way to Port Col- | borne. A mumber of vessels were in read-! iness to get away during Friday but | were forced to remain owing to the! wind sform. | ------------p-- Old Time Fruit Sale. Reaches to-night, prices reduced every heur after six o'clock, Car-| novsky on the corner. { i Pianos to rent. C. W. Lindsay, | td. | Newest Hats made [| in Canada, United || States, England and || Italy. Special value in J} Canadian made hats || at $2.50 and $3. | From the United J States come the re- || nowned Knox. Hats, [I price $5. | The Piccadilly |} $2.50 hat # from England and the fa- mous Borsalino hats | from Italy, price || $4.50. Buy George Mills & Co. 120 Re Princess Street. i TTT URDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1917. { Montreal says that it has been an- | ! : i tonight. |} izg the storm on Wednaulas, very. litle damage whe lane, as Sergeant-at-Arms, Pretty Baby Music All the Leading Hits from Pretiy Baby -- Two for a Quarter. ® NOVEMBER MAGAZINES Pho Magazine, Motion Picture Magazine, Li ienne. All October magazines now or The NEW RED BOOK for October -- Rupert Hughes. ber issue The Valley of the Giants, best short stories of the month. equal to 370 pages of the old sh donable Sin, by The 160-162 Princess St. sale. ape. A ANA Nl PM Stl, "ts so Colle Open Nights toplay r ve Stories, Top Notch, Paris- I THE COATS We Sell Are The Kind for You to Buy. Beauties at $12.50 Up. Newman & Shaw The Always Busy Store. nn CLOSING OF MAILS Brith mall closes irregularly. Information posted at P.O. Lobby from time to time. United States, daily 11.230 a.m. and 11.30 p.m. Grand Trunk, goirg cast, 1130 a.m. and 11.30 p.m. Grand Trunk, Toronto and west, Including Western States \.. . .. ... ... 1.00 Grand nk and all west of City, 2.30 pm. and 11.30 p.m. C.P.R. .. 10.15 am. and 5.00 p.m. 0 p.m. p.m. LIKELY TO BE THE NEW PRIN CIPAL OF QUEEN'S. He is Minister of St. Paul's Preshy- terian Church, Montreal--Served as a Chaplain at the Front. A despatch. to the Whig from nounced on unofficial but unim-! peachable authority that Major the Rev. Dr. Bruce Taylor, of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Montrenl, has been approached to accept the prin. cipalship of Queen's University as Successor to Rev. Dr. Gordon, who has resigned owing to the condition of his health and to take effact at the Clase of the college term In "Members of the Hoard of Trustees of Queen's say that no appointment been 'made, but they do admit that Rév. Dr. Taylor's name 'is tioned and with every Jikelibhood of his accepting appointment if confirmed by the board. Dr. Taylor is one of fhe ablest preachers in Canada. He came from Scotland as successor to Rev. Dr. James Barclay some years agp: Besides being a divine he is.an able administrator. He served for a year as a chaplain gt the front. John Herron's house st Herron's ile was struck by ligntnivs dur. but /Gerald Brabazon, MP. for Ponti. uc, is after the late Col, Pom Lumber, Count awd Weed saed tp A AA Arg, poe BUILDERS SUPPLIES sy LUMBER a We have a large stock of 2 in. No. 2 Hemlock plank, which we are offer- ing at a very loy price. a NAA A titra itn, S ANGLIN & CO. ga or. Phones: Office 06. Fanary 1418 Journal, Picture Play Commencing The Unpar- Alsé commencing in the Novem- by Peter B. Klyne. 185 pages of the new size Red Book Ten of the NN ge Book Store, Phone 919 ep) MantelClocks NENA itm cen We are able to save you money on black enamelled mantel clocks. Our prices, due to opportune buying are practically the same as before the war started, These prices cannet last and the next shipments will be much higher. Put a clock where you need it now. Prices from $6.50 up. Ann en SN cmmmcem Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians, Issuers of Marriage ldcenses. E---------- PAINS i isin er ce | Hudson Seal Coats Plain and Trimmed 'Phone 700, W. F. Gourdier 80 Brock Street A te ct tpt a Money Saving Opportunities IN SMA Bagot Street . . Raglan Road Montreal Street | Cherry Street Hickson Ave. .. Elgin Street . | | James Street Elm Street LL HOMES, BUILDING LOTS Livingston Ave, 182 rq, frontage $825 Macdonald Street (near Athletic grounds) 50 x 110, $200 easy terms Page & Sha Chocolates PAGE AND SHAW SWEETS 15 VARIETIES, 25¢ A JAR. Smith's poss. @