Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Sep 1917, p. 3

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THE LONDON DIRECTORY (Published Annually) erables traders thr ough to communicate rect wi : t the W h English MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS in each class of go ods. Bes complete comm lal gulde don and its Abi dot the Dire tains lists of EXPORT MERCHANTS with the goods onial and Fc ply; 68 be t Ls story n they ship, and the Col reign Markets they sup- STEAMSHIP arranged under the they sail, mate PROVINCIAL TRADE NOTICES of leading Manufacturers, Merchants. ete, In the principal provincial towns and Industrial centres of the Ningdom A copy of the current edition will be forwarded freight paid, on receipt of Postal Order for 20m. LINES Ports to which Ballings; Dealers seeking Agencies can adver. | time their trade cards for £1, advertisements from £ £3, The LONDON DIRECTORY CO., Lta, 26, Abchurch Lane, London, E.C. or larger MAHOGANY (CAB- AINING 30 PIECES ROGERS SILVERWARE ABSOLUTELY FREE. To the person holding the Key that opens the Padlock to the Cabinet, Watch Our Windows for the date Very at our store, yo a Key One of the will: open the person holding celve the Cabi Ze r8 verware AB Tt Til, XY Cabinet now on wv keys ad loc ih; at he y Riven AWAY The Best Drug Store . T. BEST « remit and Optician, 124 Princess St. Kingston, Ont, orld and Indicating the approxi! | United | NY IN OFFICIAL ORDERS Fach Exemption Number, Has a} Being | Tribunal Three 143 and 144 connection wit Act, 1917 1ed at he ! ary District Brockville, Kingston 142, n ice ng 3 Numbers The have Howing 9 No. 3. Vestboro, Ri¢ Carp, Kinburn Morrisburg, Chesterville, Port Hope, ok, Blackstock, Sharbot Lake, Wolfe Island, Alexandria, ntown. Merr Cardinal, Bethany. Frontenac | Harrowsmith, Glengarry er, Mart Grenville | gusta, cott Hastings | Tweed Marmora, Lancas kvil Kemp orth Au- Pres Deseronto Trenton, Madoc ling, Be Bancrof Kingston--City" of Kingston | Lanark Lanark Village, | Place, Pakenham | Almonte, McDonald Falls, Perth, (yananoque, 1 Ste Heville 1 | (3) Carleton Station, Corners, Maberley Newboro, Lavamt | Smiths' | Leeds Del- | ta, Toledo { Lennox and Flinton, Bath, Addington Tamworth Mattawa rthumberland Napanee, Campbellford, Workworth, Co- Roseneath. Cast Coldsprings, (12) Peterborough ton ton, 1g Ottawa Apsley, Norwood, Lakefield, Havelock, Peter- boraugh, Keene, Hall's Bridge, Bridgenorth, Centreville Mona- ghan P.O.) | Prescott--Hawkeshury, ! gene, Plantagenet, Fournier Prince Edward--Picton, [ ton. Ameliasburg. Renfrew Cobden, Pembroke, (half River, Beachburg, Arnprior, Renfrew, Eganville, Killaloe, Barry's 'Bay, Palmer's Rapids, Calabogie Russell Eastview, Rockland, South Indian, Embrun, Navan, Rus sell, Casselman, Bourget, Metcalfe Stormont--Cornwall, Avonmore, Warsaw (8 St En Welling Branch, Division and Princess Sts, WARGES. No. 2. core BLOOD POISON. Nu. 3. cunis THERAPI P10 PRICE INF VITAL WEAKNF 9 NG 2 Send stamp address eaveior ve WHEN YOU FW B13 We Maintain the Highest Standard of Quality in Sight Testing, Lens Making, and Eye Glass Fitting Our Charges Are Moderate Our Work Is Guaranteed. Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. 8 doors above the Opera House. 236 Princesa Street. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, r-------------- Mrs. Hook, Picton, wife of Pte, T. E. Hook, 155th Batialion, killed in action, has been granted a pension of $456 per year The Redemptionist hold a mission in church, Picion. Fathers St. will Gregory's Finch, Aultsville. Vi ria Lindsay, Omemee, Oakwood and | Kirkfield, Fenelon Falls, and Coboconk, Minden, and Wilberforce, Dorset. Labelle-- Labelle, Duhamel (tp. Preston), Papineauville, Mont Laurier, Ripon. Pontiac--Guigues, North Temiskaming, mik, 8Shawville, Campbell's Bay, eau, Quyon, Wright Wakefield, figld, Bobcaygeon, Woodville, Kinmount Haliburton, of Monininque, Ville Marie, Amos, Maka- Fort Coulogne, Otter Lake, Chap- Hull, Aylwin, Maniwaki, East Templefon, Grace- Buckingham, Aylmer. nap WINE MANUFACTURER NEXT The License Board Pleased With Re- cent Conviction. Chairman Flavelle and Vice-Chair man Dingman, of the Ontario LI- cense Board, have expressed their hearty approval of the decision of Justice Middleton in upholding the conviction of a druggist charged with celling wines containing a large percentage of altohol. "We are just waiting for the pa- pers from Ottawa now," stated the chairman, "and we will then go after the manufaciurer. We believe that the manufacturer is the proper man 40 go after. We intend to try it out any way. It is the Board's intention to stop the illegal sale of all such wines in Ontario is possible." A Canadian Chosen. Richard F. Bicknell, of Boise, Idaho, has been approved by the President as food administrator for that State. There was a hot fight over his selection, but he won out, Mr. Bicknell was born in Napanee. | His mother still resides at the placa of his birth For seven years he was engaged in the buying and sell- ing of grain, operated a grain ele- vator, an apple elevator and a large general store at Camden East anda went west some years ago. | Diamond « Cold Tablets, Will break up a cold in 24 hours 3 Prouse's Drug S Store. price 25¢, time to tu, Kav we Carry two NG wil assure entire . Lindsay, Ltd. Now is the piano tuned, tuners and risfaction. ction, C. V wert sat- VERY UP-TO-DATE F URNISHINGS The very large s lide mn lamb imam tock we are carrying ~F vo gives you plenty of apportunity to be satis- ed in ma carpets. Ril Ww Guavvsivas wa ne OF aa sen We have bed-room suites in white _eream and _designs in mjahogany ey enamel. Some very choice and walnut. If you want a Sewing Machine re- member we sell the White Machine. 1. F. HARRISON COMPANY Phone 90. THE TRBUNALS WiL SIT THIS VIC INITY Af ACOORDING 0, Athens, | mond, | Iroquis, | Mountain | Bowman- | Ardoch, ! =| last. E| nets oft siagain returned E! hauls. * THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1917. 7 re | 1 (Continue From 12 At the Grand. For Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- {day of next week, a feature has been {secured at the Grand that should prove unusually popular at this time. {It is a story of to-day, this Metro | Wonderplay, and features charming Mary Miles Minter. "Somewhere in | Amerie 5 indeed a timely produc- tion, in which you will see patriot- jsm, reformation, love, faith and jus- tice Aeroplanes are being urged as the greatest factor in an early peace. | And the United States is putting forth its every effort to build craft rapidly as possible. Some of the scenes in this picture show these | powerful weapons being assembled and tested. The mosquito fleet, an- nother important cog in the wheel of the ultimate success of the allied | forces, is shown in course of con- | struction, There will also be a stir- | ring Black Cat feature, a dandy comedy, the latest Pathe News and an exceptionally pleasing act of fea- ture vaudeville Page ) | | Guy Brothers' Minstrels, "Shows may come and shows may but Guy Bros' minstrels are sure to make their appearance every sea- son." They will be seen at the Grand on Thursday, Oct. 4th, for one night only, with everything entirely different Other minstrels have passed and gone, but the Guy show is the Guy show still--it has never sur- rendered and father time has been very good to it Their present tour is a fitting sequel to their past suc- cesses, for they carry their own band of ten pieces, a carload of scenery, and there are fifty of the best old time minstrels in the com- (pany Pg) ) | 80 "Carter the Magician." Charles J. Carter, the magician, who will play at the Grand on Friday and Saturday, October Hth and 6th, has travelled over 180,000 miles in five years and has presented his en- tertainment in many lands. Mr. Car- ter"s career has heen varied. At one time he edited a newspaper and was also a barrister in Chicago. He is a linguist, and has presented his magi- cal performance in French, Spanish, Dutch, Malay and the Hindu ton- gues. Pilot." Among the more than two million readers of Ralph Connor's most popular books, '"The Sky Pilot," and "Black Rock," there are undoubted- ly many who have read either one or the other of these stories, but not both. To them it will come as a pleasant surprise that the played called "The Sky Pilot," which Frank Mandel and George H. Brennan have adapted from both of these books, contains the best things that both books have to offer. The presenta- tion of the play may be considered a literary as well as a dramatic event when it takes place at the Grand Opera House on Wednesdy, October 10th, matinee and night. "The Sky TERTAINED Were Given Splendid Time at Home of Anthony Rankin, M.P.P, Toerowto Globe. Many a time and oft has the ramb- ling old stone house, known to the neighborhood as "the Rankin Home- stead at Collin's Bay," given of its best in open-handed hospitality. But never has it shown the royal grace more Beautifully than it did a few days ago, when the member for Fron- tenac and Mrs, Anthony Rankin open- ed the demesne to the Women's In- stitute that that body might enter- tain a, party of soldiers from the convalescent homes in Kingston. Every thing and everybody about the place, from its old family silver and delicate china, to the master's beau- tiful Russian Wolfhound, shared in making the afternoon happy, and perhape all the preparations and their carrying out were a little tenderer and a little brighter because a broth- er of the mistress of the house lies "Jomewhere in France." 'Tea was laid on the lawn, which slopes down from the house to the road, lying be- tween the homestead and the little bay (once a busy shipping centre), the guests being seated so that they might look out across the gold-green harbor into the radiance where the shoreless expanse of Lake Ontario shimmered like a silver shield under a perfect sky. Many memories linger about '"the Bay", and its quaint, old, thick-walled houses which tell the story of earlier days, but theres is none sweeter than that of the day of September 17th, when the maimed heroes of the great War were helped to forget for a few hours the con- flict and their share therein. SOLDIERS Wins Military Cross. Cornwall, Sept. 29.--Lieut. D_ P. Wagner, son of Mrs, Dr. Wagner of Cornwall, has been awarded the Mil- itary Cross for good work in the lines. He has been on service at an advanced post in. France since April Lie Wagner is a nephew of the late Sifiames Whitney. Another g| Cornwall boy has brought distinction on limeelt by winning the coveted cross. He is Lieut. Lioyd B. Irwin, who went overseas with a local bat- talion. His brother and sister, Mr. Allan and Miss Hazel Irwin, reside in Cornwall, 420 Poacher's Nets Lifted. Port Dover, Ont., Sept. 29.--The Vigilant" continues to lite poachers' Long Point. Capt. Robinson and his juvenile crew looked merry yesterday as they unloaded 112 nets, | bringing the tofals since Satarday to 426, and this morning the patrol to the grappling. Local fishermen are making govd A Standard Patterns. A full and complete stock of Standard Patterns are constantly in sistock at the College Book Store. recognized as| Cha Standard patterns are the leaders in the United States, ---- The war loan will be out in a few | {days and may run into December. visit friends in Belleville before re- JCrossi He is a graduate of the College. SEES SHEEP IE PPPOE PEEPS Told In Twilight | 4 » p L The members of the Levana So- ciety of Queen's University are en- tertaining at a marshmallow roast | at Lake Ontario Park this afternoon | in honor of the freshettes. * * - Miss Mildred Horsey, who is Miss Ruth Anglin's guest, has been the guest of honor at several informal | affairs this week. . * Mrs. M. E. Binnington, Cataraqui, | will receive next Friday afternoon from four till six o'clock. ws. | - . . W. R. Givens has returned from a motor trip over the Alleghennys to Pittsburg, Pa. The trip was made in seven days. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Dobbs, Bar- rie street, have left for Toronto and will spend the winter with their son, E. KR. C. Dobbs, and Mrs. Dobbs, at the Athelma, Grosvenor street. Mrs. Ross Hogle, Odessa, will be at home October 3rd, from two till five o'clock. Mrs. Stephen O'Riley, Camden East, is visiting her mother at Wolfe Island and sisters in Kingston. Mrs. R. D. Baker and her two daughters, Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Smith, are back in Ottawa after spending the summer at their cottage at Tremont Park. Mrs, Samuel Dickens and daugh- ter, Jennie, Napanee, left Wednes- day for Kingston to spend a few days visiting relatives and friends. * * - Capt. and Mrs. John Aird and Miss Marjorie Rathbun came from Deseronto on Wednesday for "Miss Springtime," and were the guests of Major and Mrs. D. E. Mundell, Brock street, while in town. Mrs. M. S. Sutherland and Mrs. Mellis Ferguson, at 'The Resi- dence," Earl street, left yesterday to turning to St. Thomas. * . * Prof. and Mrs. A. P. Knight and Miss Phyllis Knight, who have been visiting Mrs. Herbert Wood in Van couver, returned home this week. Mrs. Herbert Robinson, Bagot street, was expected home from Winnipeg to-day. Mrs. Dawson, who has been with Mrs. R. J. Carson, "Romilly House." left for the west an Thursday to visit her son, John Dawson. Mrs. Arthur. Howard, who has been visiting relatives and friends in Kingston, Amherst Islanl and Conway, has returned home. - - . Miss Olivia Wood left yesterday to spend a few days in New York. accompanied by Miss Pratt and Miss Helen Urquhart, who have been the guests of Mrs. William Linton for the past month. Mrs. Hugh Currie, Kingston, visit- ed with Mrs. Goodwin, Carleton Place. Miss Rebecca Calow, Gananoque, will spend a few days in Kingston, Mrs. James Holland and two chil- dren, and Miss Sadie McLellan, Kingston, are visiting friends in Picton. * * * Professor and Mrs. A. G. Dor- land, 'Alice street, who have been spending the summer at Wellington, returned home this week. Miss Mamie Garrett, Johnson street, is going to 'Cobourg next week, where she will spend a few days with Mrs. Osler. Prof. and Mrs. W. D. Taylor, Col- lingwood street, who spent the sum- mer months at Garden Island, re- turned to town 'this week. Prof. and Mrs. W. N. Sage, Clergy street, have returned to town after spending the summer at Garden Is- land. -. Miss Eleanor Creighton, Warden's Residence, Portsmouth, left on Fri day to visit friends in Boston. Miss \Josephine Vrooman, Nob. anee, spent Thursday in town. ~ Captain and Mrs. Ernest Sparks and Master Bobbie are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sparks, Johnson street. Major H. F. Osler, Winnipeg, is spending his leave with Mrs. Osler and his two young sons, who are the guests of the Hon. William Harty, Bagot street. * =» * Capt. and Mrs. Hugh Ryan, who arrived this week from England, are the guests of Lieut.<Col. and Mrs. R. E. Kent, King street. Mrs. David Murray, Frontenac street, and Mrs. D. G. Laidlaw, Earl street, who have been visiting Mrs. McKay in New York, are at present the guests of Mrs, James Leslie in Montreal, and are expected home on Tuesday. Mrs. C. C. Hodgins, Clergy street west, left to-day to wisit friends in Lucan. Roy Taylor is spending a few days with Mrs. C. B, Taylor, Johnson street, on his way overseas. 'Miss Dorothy Mickle, Chesley, has returned to resume her studies at Queen's University. . * . Rev. and irs. 8. D. Chown, To- ronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Chown, University avenue, while in town. Lieut. and Mrs. 1d Hawe ar. rived in town from Petawawa week and are at the Frontenac. Miss Wilhelmina Gordon has re. turned from spending the past two months in England. Miss Marjorie Thompson came down from Belleville this week, and is registered at Queen's University. Miss Marjorie Gamsby, Hales' Cottages, is early im the week for New York, where she will be the guest of her aunt, Mrs. P. H. Rew, - N . i Probs . . PAGE SEVEN Be Showers tonight and on Sunday. rN The finale of our portunity to get your * ss se se esa dark grey; specia 180 pair heavy splendid weari KID GLOVES n brown and white. waists, priced fro TONIGHT At Steacy' "'fare-refund sale" bargains on sale until closing time, with the fol- lowing added attractions. SPECIAL SALE OF YARNS SCOTCH FINGERING YARN The genuine unbreakable in colors black, white, khaki, cardinal and light, mid and dark grey, guaranteed full weight. special right in town at $1.80 to $2.00 a Jb. Tonight . MONARCH FINGERING A beautiful soft wool, especially desirable for sweaters, scarfs, caps, etc., in colors black, white, scarlet, khaki, navy, light and BOYS' WORSTED HOSE gc 75 pair fine French kid and mocha gloves, in colors, black, tan, NEW WHITE WAISTS 96 only fine embroidery trimmed white voile and tailored Pigue Store Open Until 9.45 O'clock. STEACY'S - Limited S greatest "Fare Refund Sale" -- and the last op- share of the wonderful bargains offered -- all v EEE Sold a $1.50, or 38¢c a hank 1 value at $3.00 a Ib. : Tonight .. . $2. 50, or 16¢ a skein. ool worsted hose in sizes 9} and 10 only; a quality worth 50c a pair. Tonight . . . 29¢ Priced from $1.25 to $1.75. Tonight . . . 75¢ m $1.25 to $1.50. All sizes. Tonight this | Capt. Ralph Skelton, son of F, and Mrs. Skelton, Montreal, has Be at awarded the Military Royal Military - Miss Florrie Stewart is ita her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Stew. art, Collingwood street, for a short holiday. Miss Edith Stark from Gananoque. - * is in the city * Capt. and Mrs. H. Esford, Division street, announces" the engagement of their daughter, Floretta, to Harry Keyworth, Gananoque, , the marriage to take place quietly the early part of October, (Continued on page 14.) Find Sailor's Body. Cornwall, Sept. 29---The body of @ sailor, wearing a sergeant's ribbon on his arm, was found in Cornwall Canal by Lake Master Marlot at lock 15. It is presumed to be the body of asailor off a patrol boast which pass- ed here a few days ago. The only means of identification was a signet ring, which he wore. It bore the initials CT.B. The man's face was badly bruised evidently having come into contagt with the wheel of a pass- ing steamer, The body was taken to Stoddart's undertaking establish- ment, \ .At the Red<Deer Liberal conven- tion W. F. Puffer Laconrbe, Alta, de- feated Liberal candidate In the last provincial election, was nominated for the federal riding of Red Deer. At Petrograd the arrest of seven- teen agents of an important German military espionage organization ie announced. The agents are all of Swedish nationality. Fresh Weiner Sausage TASTY, SERVED HOT FOR BREAK- FAST OR SUPPER. SPECIAL . : 23c Pickled Hocks, 11c Lb. THESE ARE SRE GOOD VALUE. Wn. Davies' C. Co, Limited . Phone 597. i ¥ ik Letters and photographs i | £ bi ire i Ef f i t : fiz i {iH is i i 1h i il T : t T fi 1 i The Traveler A Hh Grd Gor Wl Son Mo,

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