PAGE TEN " Real Estate For Sale The Execntors of the Estate of the late 'm. Fee offer for sale, by ten- der, all the property of said, es tate, In the Clty of Kingston, County of Fronteune, as follows: 1st--That parcel of land on Princess street now occupied by William Baunders: on this lot is 2 1% story frame house, No. 659, aud a barr the whole having a frontage about. 116 ft. on Princess street, Williamsville 2nd--That parcel of land being lot 21 in Willlamsville, % acre, more or CAP Route! On and After OCTOBER 1 The ROCKPORT NAVIGA.- TION CO. Will commence regular daily trips between KINGSTON and CAPE VINCENT By } Steamer Missisquoi t Leaves Kingston, 7 am, and 1 p.m. Leaves Cape Vincent 9.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Office and Dock--Foot of Brock St., Known as the Folger Dock. of in 2 less, with a frontage on Princess street of about 104 feet, on this roperty are two frame dwellings eing No. 856 and "357, at present occupied by E. McLaughlin and James Harkness, on this lot are also barn and shed 3rd--<That property situated on Barrie street, between Queen and borne street, this there brick veneered row of dwellings. being Nos. 362, 264, 366, 368, and 270, and two frame buildings, being N:«. 368 occupied as dwelling, and No. 360, occupled as an upholster- ing shop." The above property is all facing on Barrie street Also that property consisting frame dwellings, and one cast, being Nos. 273,275 and 2717 Queen street, all ocoupled by ten- Col. on is a of two rough ants. Bealed tenders will be received by the undersigned executors up to noon on the ARD DAY OF OCTOBER NEXT For all the above property, or for par- cel 1, 2, and 3 separately. Tenders to be accompanied bv cheque of 6% on amount of tender, which wiil be returned if offer §s not accepted Terms cash on deeds, The highest or any teuder not essarily accepted. Tenders to be sent to either of the undersigned Executors. R. J. Ww. G, delivery title Tenders for Pump House Extension Tenders, addressed to Mr. R. H. Toye, Chair- man of the Public Utili- ties Commission, for Brick Extension to the Water Works Pump House, will be received up until Thursday Noon, October 4th, 1917. Plans and Specifica- tions may be seen at the Office of the Works, Queen Street. The lowest or any ten- der not necessarily ac- cepted., Kingston Light, Heat, Power & Water Dept. C. C. FOLGER, General Manager. nec- CARSON, CRAIG, Executors. We Have a Nice Assortment of Pure Corn Syrup In Ib. tins, 5-1b. pails, and 10-Ib. pails, which we are selling for one week only at the old price. E. H. BAKER Cor. Montreal and Charles 8¢, Phone 1263. 1916 FORD in perfect condition, must be sold this week. Central Garage, 335 King St. Phone 2185. Saturday NightSpecials Children's Hats in good plush with inside ear laps, etc. Regular $1.75 value for 98¢; other lines from:. . .. . 25cup Girls' Tams in velvet and corduroy. Spec- ial Saturday night .. .. .. .. . $1.25 Motor Caps, in colored corduroys; regular $1.75. Our price . . .. 98¢c Children's Dresses in Shepherd's plaid; warm, fall materials; regular $1.75, to clear; $1.00; regular $2.75 to clear, Corsets, in different makes, D. & A., and E.T. Special line for tonight .. . 98¢ Raincoats, in sport coat styles, in tweeds, silks and poplin. These are very new- est thing, priced from $4.98 to $20.00 Silk Waists in white, good quality, large collars and high collars, on sale tonight Voile Blouses in very newest styles, on sale OE a aly TE = ) Infants' Coats in bear, corduroy and other materials, all moderately priced. Special bargains in dresses, suits and coats, See our Hat Shapes. "ron VINCENT .|led by a woman whose face showed NEWS FROM THE DISTRICT |wrren FROM THE, WHIG'S | | MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES, | ------ 1 In Brief Form the Events In The Country About Kingston Are Told] Full of Interest to Many. The new. Church if cemeter) Pine Grove, County, consecrated 8th A new postmaster is to be appoint- ed at Trenton. J. B. Christie is to be| superanuated after fifty-six years' service In Brockville a woman .accuses another with getting boys to poison her hens. The case will come up in court. { The parish of Ballycanoe, of which! | Rev Father Cullinane is pastor, has | raised $150 for the Chaplain's Hut| { Fund, | | The foundry building on the Buck-| {ly property, Prescott, has been ac- quired by the National Mfg. Co., of] { Brockville. | |~ At Lyn on Wednesday night the] marriage took place of Miss Myrtle Marshall, of that place and James | | M. Henderson. | | A military wedding is to take] | place shortly, the parties being | Corpl. Williams, R.F.C., and Miss | Palmer, Picton. | |. Dr. and Mrs. Roblin have returned j to their home in Brookline, Mass. after spending the summer with Mrs. | G. W. . McMullen, Picton. Master I.eo Auger, son of George| Ayger, who accidentally shot him-| self is improving and hopes are held | out that he will recover. ! Mr. and Mrs. Sayers, Picton, have | y purchase the property from James | Masters, Ameliasburg, and intend | {moving in the near future. | Peter Bardy was before Magis | | trate Bedford, Deseronto en Wed- | |nesday for obtaining property under | false prétence. Magistrate Bedford | comuiitted nim for trial. Rev. J. Currie went fishing in the Miss's€ipp! Lake last T!orsdav and lacded a pike 'hat mizasnred 'thirviv- mine and a ha!f inches and woignia | thirteen and a half pounds | On Wednesday, at St. Paul's] Church, Toronto, by Archdeacon| Cody, D.D., LL.D., Miss Martha El | liott, B.A., eldest daughter of Mr. | and 'Mrs. John Elliott, Belleville and | H. J. Waddie, Hamilton, were united in marriage. The Literary Society of the Dese- | ronto High School has been revived. | The' officers are: Hou. presidenr. E. | Armitage, chairman of the High | School Board; president, Miss | Irene Hearns; vice-president, Miss | Sella Doyle; secretary, Miss Rosa. | Iyn Hart; treasurer, Miss Helena Naphjn. | England | Lanark | Oct. i i at will on | | -- HEROIC SACRIFICE OF BELGIAN MOTHERS » -------- An Inspector Summarized His Findings of a Very Re- cent Visit. Maurice Pate, representative of the commission of relief in Belgium, before leaving the Province of Hai- | | | | | | | | | | | last inspection visit as follows: 'Since the declaration of the blockade on Feb. 1st and the conse- quent decrease of arrivals of relief ships at Rotterdam, food rations in Belgium have diminished on a rapid- ly sliding scale. 'Singling out at random a num- ber of homes of the working class, I made a careful examination of the conditions in each home and- talked over the food matter with their in- habitants. ""The people were 'practically sub- sisting on the C.R.B. ration, and have little nourishment in the way of mative food stuffs. The C.R.B. rations were often eaten in advence, 80 that a family in waiting its semi- weekly bread ration was sometimes without food in the house during a day at a time. The women and old- er children suffered especially from the fact that they were obliged to give part of their daily bread ration to the father, who needed this ts have strength for his daily work. "The large increase in the num- |' | ber of clients for the daily soup ra- {tion is the barometer of the serious situation into which the population is falling. Delegations kept calling upon us day after day, and the only answer we could give to their pleas was hat we were doing our best to make known their condition and needs to those at the head of the C.R/B. On April 5th a group of workingmen's wives from Paturages came to lay their claims before us. They were strength and character. In serving as their speaker the woman broke down complétely from weakness be. fore us." = One of the most touching pictures is of even more recent origin. Mr. Fate reports that at the present time the daily ration of the people of all ages is a bowl of sotip and a slice of bread, and on occasions it is even impossible to supply this to every- one. 'Naturally, the children * are the worst sufferers since the grow- ing body demands more nourish. ment than can possibly be thus ob- tained, and many children are in the last degrees of slow starvation. It is a touching fact that women , With children whose development approximates the normal had been | seen to step out of the bread ime i (order to insure 1 robust child |sectring the 'mdagre ration, even | though such ailing little ones might be strangers to them. et 'With this in mind we can listen more readily to the urgent Jleas be- ing made by the Belgian relief com mittees in behalf of the underfed children, : i 3 Now Obtainable. At the College Book Store, high school latin book and public school bistory of England and Canada. "There was the usual artillery ac-| | tivity om both sides." says Saturday's , official communication. "There ie nothing of interest to report." A to reat. C. W. Lindsay, 'Ld. Buildings .. | Income | st. = - (Continued from Page 12.) : Frontenac Ward. Land 2 ee de ee I 385,957 Buildings .. 1,123,410 1,509,36™ 66,820 11,185 Business .. Income Total, 1917 Increase Rideau Ward. Land sx ose ve we oo S46400 1,775,200 2,415,260 24,310 28,835 Business .. 2,468,405 2,381,454 Sane Total, 1917 . Increase 86,951 Victoria Ward. Land "xen wy bw : 723,080 Buildings .. 1,228,785 1,951,865 21,980 131,265 2,105,110 2,091,432 Business Income Total, 1917 Increase . Population. 1918, 1,745 1,228 719 3.461 5,811 6,320 3,696 22,980 22,546 434 Sydenham Ontario .. . Lawrence Cataraqui Frontenac Rideau Victoria .. Totals . . Increase .. Statute Labor. 1918 .. oi 84 1917 .. 921 916 Increase .. o Dogs. 2 1918 .. 1917 .. Increase .. 17 Total Assessment. 1918 | . $13,493,128 1917 . 13,340,829 Increase 152,299 STOOK MARKETS, Quotations Furnished by Bongard, Ryerson & Co., 44 Clarence St., Howard 8. Folger, Mavager. New York Stocks. Open--Close. . Smelters .. 7 haut, summarized his finding on his Ei Marine - orm. Marine, pfd. .. N.Y. C..., or. Reading . Southern Pac Union Pac ». Aleohol .. Anaconda .. . Beth. Steel "b" Crucible foe Inter. Nickel Kennicott Mexican Pet Rep. Steel U. 8. Steel .. Utah .. . Midvale ,. . Atlantic Gulf .. Am. Sugar .. Canadian Stocks. zilian Can. Cement Can. Steamship Dom. Bridge Cons. Smelters Dom. Steel . Maple Leaf ,. . . Nova Scotia Steel. Steel of Canada War Loan, 1937 The Studio Exhibit. pn second 'and third prize tick- ets aCknowledged the value of Mrs. 'Browett's exhibit; also 'a special prize of five dollars $5 was awarded her greatly admired pair of water- colour paintings, "autumn sunet among our own islands." The directors and other officials of the Kingston Industrial Exhibition kindly provided a table for china, ete, and adjoining pillars were util- ized for specliriens in oils, etching, pencil and decorative floral designs. A profile of Queen. Victoria 8914 54% 9% cromatic, while the "unveiling of Prince Albert's bust" surrounded by royal family (a steel ering oc cupied a place on other side, nee Albert introduced to the world the With a cake of Woodbury's facial soap, at Prouse's Drug Store. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1917. | free. DRAMATIC AR ATTACKS! 7 OVER THE CANADIAN LINES AROUND MERICOURT Stewart Lyon Describes Incidents That Read Like Fiction--Ballpon Riddled, Observer Drops to Earth With Parachute, Stewart Lyon to Canadian Press. Canadian army headquarters, Sep. 29. --The effectiveness of the Cana- dian gunfire directed at the Germans working parties on Menricourt line, the firing being guided by aeroplane and balloon observers, led to dram- atic attacks last night. The first came shortly after five o'clock when an enemy airman suddemly darted out from among the fleeay clouds in upper air and directed a burst of machine gun fire upon a balloon, the occupant of which was spotting for our guns at a great altitude. The explosive bullets used set the bal- loon on fire. The observer unhooked his parachute and jumped clear. The anti-aircraft guns opened on the bold enemy airman and, it is thought, wounded him, for on his way back to his own lines, his plane behaved as if guided by a semi-conscious man. The whole incident did not occupy three minutes, The second raider, darted out from a concealing haze just before sunset, firing as he came, like a cow- boy on rampage shooting up a wes- tern town. The balloon caught fire and the observer jumped and came slowly to earth buoyed up by his parachute, Am artillery observation airplane nearby hastened up and the occupant outclassed though he was by the fast fighting German single seater, tackled the foe. He was put out of action almost at once, by a volley that injured the mechanism of his plane and forced him to volplane to the ground. The Hun seemed for a4 moment to be undisputed victor in the duel which was witnessed by thousands of men in our own camps below. A British fighfing plane came up from the south at inered- ible speed and wheeling above the German opened fire. The Hun air- man sought to manoeuvre for posi- tion, but before he could swing so that he could use his gun, his plane was riddled and he was shot through both wrists, With splendid pluck he controlled his falling plane and came to earth without {further in- jury. His reception wasn't cordial but the Canadian soldiers do not fight against wounded men. The decorations he wore showed that the Kaiser had done him much honor for his aerial exploits, Speaking to his captors lafer he sald that Guynemer, the famous French aviator, was killed in a bat- tle with a German pléne and was buried where he fell jiist behind the enemy line. The failure of this crack airman, evidently dampened the ar- dor of Hun airmen as the balloons have been unmolested to-day. REPORTED SERIOUSLY ILL Pte. Lawrence Perren, Kingston, in Hokpital in England. The many friends of Pte. Lawrence Perren, of this city, who has worn the King's uniform for many years, and who was known to a large num- ber of Kingstonians, will be sorry to learn that he is very dangerously ll. He was previously reported as being seriously id. Friday his wife, Mrs. Ellen Perren, 127 Montreal street, received a telegram from Ottawa, stating that her husband was dan- gerously ill in the Ontario Military Hospital, Orpington, Kent, England. He went overseas last March, with Queen's Field Ambulance Corps. He served for some years with the R. CHA. Pte. Elmer Shepherd Wounded Mrs. Elmer Shepherd received) word on Saturday morning that her husband, Private Elmer Shepherd, who left here with the 146th Battal- ion had been wounded and admitted contm-- At The United Grocery GREEN CORN, CHLERY, APPLES, TOMATOES, CUCUMBERS, POTATOES, PEACHES, PEARS, PLUMS, TRY OUR SPECIAL BLACK AND GREEN TEA, 40c¢ Ib. The Home of Choice Groceries Phone 267 Gall Stones REMOVED IN 24 HOURS WITHOUT ANY PAIN WHATEVER INDIGESTION, Stomach and Liver Disorders, Appendicitis, » Peritonitis, and Kidney Stones are often caused by Gall Stones, which is a dangerous complaint and misleads persons to believe that they have stomach trou- ble, Chronic Dyspepsia and Indiges- tion, until those bad attacks of Gall Stone Colic appear; then they realize what is the trouble. Ninety out of every hundred persons who have Gall Stones don't know it. Procure today and avoid an operation. Can be ob- tained at T. H. SARGENT, Druggist, Kingston, Ont. J. W. Marlatt & Co., 581 Ontario Street, Toronto. 138 Princess St. { Carpenter and Builder W. R. BILLENNESS Specidlizing Store Fronts and Fit tings Remédelling Bulidings of all The tender for the concrete portion Kinds, of the proposed new Kingston bridge Brockville, has been let by the C P.R. to W. M. Leacy, Prescott. Lieut. Guy 'E. Dingle, son of Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Dingle, Brockville, returned home after being wounded while in action, ESTIMATES 1 EXPERIENCE Address 272 University Ave. a A poor girl has to be handsome in order to be 'pretty, but a wich girl canbe badly out df drawing before she is ugly. IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE ! TO AND FROM KINGSTON wamith, Yarker, Napanee, Dene Belleville, Trenton, Hrighton, , Port Hope, Oromo, nd Teronto, Portland, Smith's Richmond and Ot- LEAVE FOR 4.40 P.M. ARRIVE FROM 10 ARRIVE FOR FROM For Tickets, Reservations, Literature and Information, apply to J. E. IVEY, STATION AGT. or M. C. DUNN, CITY AGT. Or write R. L. Falrbalrn, G.P.A,, 68 King St. E., Toronto. ADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY ee Col e, Cobo Uyrome, Oshawa a Elgin, Forfar. Falls, Dwyer HIN, tawa, Moscow, Enterprise, Tamworth, Er- insville, Stoco, Tweed, Queensboro and Baanockburn. Harrowsmith, Yarfker, Napanee, Des. eronto, HBelleville, Trenton, Consecon, Wellington and Pleton. Moscow, Enterprise, Tamworth, KEr- insville, Stove and Tweed. B40 LEAVE -- SILVERWARE "THE RELIABLE KIND." { HAVE JUST OPENED A SPROIAL SHIPMENT OF $ "AN 'S SILVERWARE, COMPRISING BISCUIT JLES, BAKERS, SPOON TRAYS, PIE PLATES EST DESIGNS AND AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES. R. J. Rodger, 132 PRINCESS STREET. "Where the Clock is on the Walk." IN THE LAT | | \ FOR TEN DAYS ONLY -- SPECIAL PRICE OF $3.50 FOR TOASTERS. GENERAL ELECTRIC or CANADIAN BEAUTY Halliday Electric Co. Cor. Princess and King Streets. to First Casualty Clearing Station, |= Sept, 24th, with gunshot wound in his left arm, knee and face. For some time previous, 'Pte. Shepherd was in hospital with a bad attack of trench fever. Popular Music. All the late popular hits and the big selling numbers from Pretty Baby in Saturday music sale at two for a quarter, Will Collect From City. The Whig learnd of another auto- mobile driver who has suffered through the condition of the city streets. On Princess street, Friday afternoon while running at ordinary speed, the car struck a trench in the road opposite the home of 8, Green, |s 6574 Princess street, and broke the front spring. The city will be call-|S ed on to pay the damages. Canadian Railway, Effective Sunday, Sept. 30th, gen- eral change of time will take place. Consult agents or W. B. Howard, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, |S Ont., for particvlars. What Struck Billy? Toronto Telegram. "What struck Billy Nickie?" is the question that is agitating Kifgston, Ont, And the answer comés: "Let not your heart be troubled; where Queen's is there will Billy be found, |S ready, aye, ready, to do his duty." Richard Irving, well known 'evan. gelist, will speak again Sunday evening in the Gospel Hall, O Building, nearly opposite YMCA. A hearty Invitation to all. 'Donation to Quen's Hospital. The staff of the Canadian Locomo- tive Company have domated a whesl stretcher, an instrument stand and|3 other articles to the Queen's Military Hospital; for use in the operating + There are certain features -- special exclusive features not found in other Player-Pianos-- that make the Feintzman & Gn. Player-Piann New |= "The Different Player-Piano."" "a distinctive musical creation. " One of these special features is its patented fasta Playes Action: The great troublewith o! wi action player piano is ait leakage in the valyes which rl shrink 'ac- ing to weather climatic conditions. Being cast from a solid | of aluminum without joints or seams, this is jmpossible with this instrament. This featurer@mnsyres absolute PERMANENCE OF TONE and volume under any condition, and makes the player-piano practically "wear-proof " and "trouble- proof." A thorough examination and comparison is invited. C. W. LINDSAY 121 Princess Street.