Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Sep 1917, p. 7

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"4 ® LL It Savings A save what y ESTABLISHED 18585, THE is ease Branches in Production ont and labor, more less waste in 1 & capital by hard- greater savin you and men and must war's eased ® ime ver thin to save f(t ronto will ides. Toronte, 119 Branches in Canada, SEAN SLIORONTO FOR York St., brick . Victoria St., brick veneered . -Johnston St., doubl Princess St., double brick . . . Albert St., double brick, ven. ger. TT] SALE , .. $3000 . $3300 $6500 $4000 $4500 e brick The J. K. CARROLL AGENCY. Phones: Open Every Sa PA cm co cg If You Want Choice, Exquisite Chocolates. We have stock. They preciated. tion. Heay's Drug Store Branch Post Office Senn Ont, E-- 1000 lbs. Creamery Butter 43¢ a lb. Gordon's Grocery Cor. Bay and Montreal Sts, Phone mm rice Just received a fresh must be seen to be ap- We invite your inspec- Watts, # Fresh Cut Flowers Dally Funeral Designs and Wedding Bouquets to Order. PA i Tomatoes ! Have you had your supply of Tomatoes yet, green or ripe? If not, phone or see Friendship's 210 Division St. Phone 345 Notice of Removal Mrs. McLauchlin, Brock street, wishes t0 announce that she has removed her millinery parlors to #5 Lower Willlam street, where she ig now ready for business. Open Tuesday and Thursday evenings. TAXI SERVICE . RING 960. Office 68; Residence 874. 56 Brock Street, turday Evening. AA A A Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday Wm. Fox Presents Gladys Brockwell, in "To Honor and Obey" "Do Children Count" Musty Suffer Comedy, "World's Town," Matinee 10¢ Evenings 15e. BUY THE FINEST KNOWN ROYAL BLEND COFFEE ~-- CARD (¢ a Capt. and Mrs. W.' Murphy wish to thank their many friends for the beau virul floral tribute and thelr many kindnesses and sympathy if the death of thelr infant daughter, Florence, Father and 4 Mutber. A ir sbi ce iti rt NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC To Whem it May Concern: ake notice at 1 spongible for any de urred here- after hy my wife, y June MeGregor, she having left my bed and hoard. James A, McGregor. 3 Beverley St, Toronto, Séptember 21st, 1917, Quick Service to "to Cape Vincent Wolfe Islander, Four be re- Take Str, Clarence St, 0 4.30 p.m.r Sa ly Island coun i all trains at Cape Vincent, 1 e this trip In one hour. For Information eall, Card's Livery Wolfe Island. foot ipn dally, exc 11.30 am; 2 of Sale of cars at' great- ly reduced prices for air week at BOYD'S GARAGE 129 Brock St. Phone 201. Free Demonstration All Large Cars Used Large display of all kind of meats, groceries provisions, vege- : tables and fruits. - Anderson bs - Ts Princess and Division Sk. Phones 458-1846. George Washington offee, at the Bon Marche Grocery Friday and Saturday. Everybody Invited. » FI NANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. i ment Soeiety: Mcorporated 18683; President, anel H, R. Smith, og resilient, W. F. Nie- Money issued on city properties, muni 1 and rentures regag investment onda sale: d ust recel and terest a R. C. Cartwri, manager, i Clarence St. Kin | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assots 381. 187.215. In addition to which the Pummiiea: have for 'wecurity the unlimited Hability of eily property, Insured at Jowest 'possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. Phone 325. country de chased; in- ht. on. LEGAL CUNNINGHAM, ata solicitor. enue street, RARRI ton, . STRAND Is pur Poor ISTRR | Law' office, 79 Clas "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FSH G R A N D TONIGHT --- Evening 8,13 News run before the ance. JIMMIE HODGES in P retty Pathe OPERA] HOUSE performs | CONDENSED ADVERTISING First insertion, 1c a word. Each con~ | Baby with JEAN TYNES 40 -- OTHERS -- 40 Evening, 25c¢, 30c, 75¢, $1.00 SEATS NOW ON SALE. Monday, "Tuesday, and | Wednesday At 2.30 PM. Daily £130 P.M Performance | Polite Vaudeville | A Five-Act Photoplay | | | Ls '3 | MARY MILES MINTER | in "SOMEWHERE | IN AMERICA." 'The Pathe News, Com- edy & Other Photoplays | Matinee Any Neat Thursday, October 4. GuyBros. Minstrels \ Stiver Nand and Concert Orchestra 01d Fashioned First Part Big Street Parade at 4 p.m. Prices--25¢, Soc, . Seats on Sale Tuesday. Sat, Mat. 2.80. Evening 8.13 CARTER THE GREAT MAGICIAN Sensational and bewildering illusions, including the greatest of all spec tacles "THH LION'S BRIDE" Corinne Carter in Mental Telepathy. 15 Tone Scenic Effects and Magical Illusions, Prices, 23, 50, 75¢, $1.00, Sat. Mat. Children 25¢, adults 50c¢ Seats on Sale Wednesday. Wednesday, October 10, Matinee 2.30 ivening 8.15. Mail Orders accompanied by Rémit- tance filled in order received. Most Notable Dramatic Event of the Season Direct from Tr hal E nt at Royal Alexandra Theatre, ' Toronto. Ralph O'Connor's Famous «(Sky Pilot Founded on his best known stories: "The Sky Pilot" and "Black Rock" Dramatized by Frank Mandel and George H. Brennan. "A play of tense interest with strong a Wo + dramatie qualities "." A cast of Stellar Quality. Prices--Mat, 23¢, 80¢, 75¢, $1.00, Evening, 25¢c, 50¢, 75¢, $1.00; 31.00. that are w= Toronto Mall & Empire. Thurs., Fri., Saturday Superfeatures, Presents the Famous hotoplay On Tria Sydney Ainsworth' Pauline Frederick "The Love That Lives" The Neglected Wife op TUAL WEEKLY. Mat. 15¢; Evening 25e. | RovGH sTUFF SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1917. PAGE ELEVEN The People's Forum secutive insertion thereafter, Perr cent a word. Minimum charge 23¢; three Ingertions, ome month, $2. one Insertion, SOc; six § HELP HELP WANTED Hotel. WANTED AT THE ALBION WANTED, vant ai A GOOD 90 Barrie GENER AL street SER- for HELP WANTED--FEMALE, WANTED FOR FOUR MONTHS, STEN. ographer with experience prefer- red Write, giving age, experience, eic, at once to Box 929, Whig $20. ANY LADY CAN EARN IT WEEK - ly by showing magnificent Private Christmas Card Sample Book. Out- fit free on promise to work, Brad- i Brantford, Ont POSITION! WANTED. GIRL FOR Apply 252 SEVER AL HOUSEWORK, Kin St a ° | A HOUSEMAID WITH REFERENCES, Apply Mrs, Carson, 72 Barrie street WOMAN the Ply 275 TO DO HOUSEWORK BY day; steady employment Ap- Alfred street, or phone 552 BODY BUILDERS, CABINET MAKERS, trimroers and tinsmiths. Chevro- let ¢ Co'y of Canada, iad, Osh awa, Ont {eye Sedeirddededrdedor debe de dd deloded STEACY'S WANT Pwo eéxtr salesladies; good Anlary. Apply Steacy"s Limited. STEADY party Ap- 265 Ontario E Xpriuey ED ositior is NC Street PACKER. for the right Polson & Co. oe ede oe ol Peer 4 . LE A good active boy L malling Deparment, " wages and steady e + Apply British Whig OMice, Bo denies dois de he dis footie is dh dio cod Boils dos ob el i 'FEMALE LADY WITH EXPERIENCE IN GEN- eral office work with knowledge of short hand and typewriting and book-keeping desires position. Ap- ply Box 927, Whig Office. TEACHERS WANTED. PROTESTANT TEACHER for 8. 8. No. 5, Kennebee fownship Frontenac county, holding district or limited third class certificate; salary $4560 per year; duties to com mence at once. Apply to $. A. New- ton, Dead Creek, Ont WANTED GENRRAL FURNISHED 15th. Apply rere reece OFFICER REQUIRES houge about October Box 28, Whig Office DUMP CART hand, in good condition Davis & Son, Limited, Tannery. AND HARNESS, SECOND Apply A Kingston SMALL or Box 1462, HOUSE light LM OR 3 OR 4 ROOMS housekeeping Apply to Whig Office, or Phone TIPTPPIOTTEIITIVIIOITIIPIIINY RUBBERS, VARNISH and experienced painters Motor Co'y ef Canada, Oshawa, Ont rubbers Chevrolet Ltd. | OPERATORS FOR JENCKES WACH- 10¢ Evening 10¢; Reserved, fe Extra | | Ftd dd be bbb bbb bbb bbb dvb bbb id i 4 Fri. and Sat, Oct. 5 & 6 Griffin'S| ines for grey socks. ood pay Apply Co., 1651 St. real Steady work, Garayt Knitting lawrence St, Mont- Canduetors employment. way Office, wanted; steady o Apply Street Rail 4 3 FRPP 1b FEE bE bbb d GIRLS AND WOMEN TO FILL BYR | lopes with pritited matter. A ve light work and good wages paid. | Apply to the forelady at N, C. Pol son & Cos, Ontario street. 85 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS CARD SAM. ple book free on promise vass Agents making flve to ten dollars daily Carriage prepaid. Garretson Company, Brantford, On- taro (GIRLS! to can-| | SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in part payment of new pianos and grafanolas. C. W, Lind- say, Limited, 121 Princess street. TRAVE ERS CALLING UPON MER- chants and business men In East- ern Ontario can connect with a gocd side line by applying to Box WwW. Whig O Strictly cou- fidential WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF second-hand furniture, stoves, heaters, clothes, etc. We also have everything in the second-hand Mne for sale. 8 Shapiro, 45 Prin- cess street Phone 1237. | RICHARDSON, having resumed business, solicits orders for fall and winter work. Address 202 Alfred street. DHESSMAKER, FURNITURE FINISHING DRISC OLL, FURNITURE FIVISH- r. Call or @rop a card. 23 John t. ree PERSONAL THE sare WAY TO SEND MONEY BY mail Is by Dominion Express Money Order. With or without experience, on sewing and knitting machines. Light work; highest wages paid while learning. Apply Kingston Hosiery, Limited. ARCHITECT POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- chants Bank Bullding, corner Brodk and Wellington Sts. i we XPRESS MON. or stofen you get BUSINESS REMIT BY DOMIN ey order. If your money by 4 INVESTORS WARNING DON'S INVEST one cent untill you read Successful Finance, and learn how fortunes are mada ang lost by Investors. Free trial subscription. Success- ful Finance, 608 Dearborn St, Chicago. -- DR. REEVE, Specialist, Nerve Years .of experience enables me to treat difficult ca « suc- cessfully. Call, or state case by lett fer 8 Carlton Straet, Torente. IF LONESOME--~WRITE TO ME, AND I willl send you hundreds of descrip- tions of congenial people, anxious to marry, many worth $1,000 to $360,000 (quick results guaranteed), Address, Ralph Lee Hyde, San Francisco, Cal BIRTHMARKS and skin blem- with- Dr. ose, 262 HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, and all growths fishes removed permanently, out scar; 30 years' 33periance, Tamer J . Lake, Eye, Ea Throat Ind Skin Specialist, Bagot street, MARRY IF LONELY; FOR RESULTS, try me; best and most successful "Hdme Maker"; hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly com. fidential; most reliable; years ex- perience uy descriptions free. "The Success Club," Mrs. Purdie, Box 558, d, Calf. FOR RENT STORE ON PRINCESS STREE1, NEAR ground floor space, 16 ft Tmmediate possession, Ap- ply Box 60, Whig. A STORE TO STOCK therein for sale, Camden East, county Lennox and Addington. Apply to N. Stedman, Camden East; Ont. RENT AND MEDICAL DR, H. S$. ANGROVE, PRYSICILN AND "Burgeon, 98 Clergy street (near Brock). Hours 2 to'4: 7 to 9. Of- fice phone 2163; residence 1782. WANTED FIRST CLASS TOOL DESIGNERS ON DIES, JIGS, FIXTURES AND SPECIAL TOOLS. Permanent Positions. In reply state full qualifications and salary expected. CANADIAN AEROPLANES LIMITED, APPLY AT oxck, on ry Te QUALIFICATIONS . Deputy Registrar, Military Service Act Commission, 236 Bagot St., (near Brock) in the villagt of | WRIST ther Office WATCH WITH strap Apply FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE. Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach ghe owner may do se by reporting the facts to The British Whig. ' The adver- tisement will be printed in this column free of charge. "Found articles" clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, etc. These, If lost, may be ad- vertised for In the "Lost" column. does not In- RED INDIAN WHEEL TAKEN FROM in front of W, J. Reid's store, cor Pine and Divigion streets, Monday night. Reward If returned to above address. BLACK AND WHITE FOX HOUND, four white legs, white ring around neck Reward if returned to 115 Ordnance street Anyone harbor- ing same after this notice will be prosecuted. FOX TERRIER »™ the name of ReS one eye and ear, Finder please 1 tify Ernest Treneer, Quebec str Anyone harbouring same after notice iN be prosecuted. LOST OR STOLEN. REWARD FOR ANY INFORMATION given me for the return of five bicycles rented from my Store name platesg enameled, green, with grey mud guards and black frames Geo, Muller, King St ANSWERS TO Brown spot over TO LET LARGE house street, BUILDING or garage. FOR Apply STORE- 86 Bay = OFFICES IN CLARENCE bers. Apply to A.-B. 79 Clarence street. ST. CHAM- pnningham, \ FARM, CONTAINING 178 For further particulars, James Gates, Westbrook ACRES, apply to 1738 UNION STREE TO LET OWING to Mr. Sutherland leaving for To- ronto. Apply Weese's Art Store. FURNISHED BEDROOM AND SITTING room, with private family, central location. Apnly Box H. Whig Office. TWO LARGE, WELL rooms; use of te cation. © Apply Office, ements STORAGE FOR I URNITURE OR MER. chandise, clean and dry. McCann's Real Estate Agency, $2 Brock rg Phones 326 or 621, A'RED BED. ntral jo- I 0 Box $28, Whig STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ULEAN dry, airy rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's chy Storage, 299 Queen street. Phone 526; res. 989. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE OR MER- chandise. Dry and clean; also good cartage stem in connection. E. Seuthen, 42 Albert street. )*hone low Clergy, one at $18.00 and the other at $20.00 per month. Apply | he K. Carroll Agency, 66 | Brock street. TOP FLAT IN DOM, EXP, BLDG., COR. Princess and 'Welington teers: | containing § rooms; al one office room on second floor, Apply to D. | A. Shaw, { FIRST CLASS BOARDING HOUSE I~ | best residential locality, convenient | to boats, trains, trolley line and | parks. Six steady boarders al | ready. assured, paying $40 "per | month each ($240), A E poney-mak. | ing proposition, Apply to J. 8. R.| McCann, $2 Brock street. Phone 326 or 621. see | DENTAL KNAPP, BA Sines, 258 Princess A. L.D.S,, street D.D.S., Phone ng. ANTI DR J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, Phone 62 DRS, SPARKS AND ARKS, tists, 159 wellingion street, D. Dewar, Phone 346. DEN. D.D.8., LDS. assis a= fo nt Kingston TWO STORES ON PRINCESS ST, BE- | i a corner Princess and Bagot streets. | ; | FOR SALE THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. Oust little, Once, 25c; three times bbc: one week, $1.00. A DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY OR. der for five dollars costs three cents, rETIGRER ples for BOSTON TERRIER PUP. Sale at 404 Johnson sureet A ONE-TON SANFORD MOTOR Truek in first class condition. Ap- ply to W. G. Cralg & Co, or Boyd's Garage. HOUSE NO. street. Al Apply C. Harrison, phone 1960 RUBBER TIRED BUGG spring waggon, tw and black mare ast Princess stregt NEW MeLAUGHLAN $1,000 Chevrolet, with extra tire and clock ew in May, $550 Ap- ply 93 Wellington street 160 COLLINGWOOD modern convenlences Builder, or tele- CUTTER, ts harness, Can be seen at 4-CLYINDER NEW HOU = ON PRINCESS STHEET, near of Frontenac. AM mod- ern aT ene ro0s Apply C. Harri. son, Builder, or Phone 1960 GENUINE G6 selection Terms Lindsay, RAPHONOLA AND TEN your own choice, $27.60. cash, $1 per week. C. W. Limited, 121 Princess St ------------------------------------------ GOOD, PAYING GROCERY AND FRUIT rusiness; now on cash basis. One of best 'locations in city. Good reasons for selling Apply Box I. I... care Whig Office PROPERTY, CONSISTING and dwelling house, ice house, and barn, situated in Rockport Ont. post office and custom office in block Apply H. Service OF STORE R THREE SPRING able for city delivery, farmers, or gardeners, set double harness, good working horse, to be sold cheap for quick sale. James McParland. WAGGONS, suIT- A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN- cluding the famous Athlete, Over- land and Perfect Models; also tires and bicycle ~accessories. George Muller, 1 King St, Phone 1032. 3 LARGE STOCK OF EXTENSION TA. bles and dining chairs, buffets, china cabinets, also good 8, springs 'and mattresses. We buy all kinds of second hand furniture. Thompsoa, 333 Princess street. Phone 1600. SEVENTEEN YEAR LEASEHOLD, solid brick house, 10 rooms, hot water furnace, modern convenien- ces 146 Wellington street, oppos- ite Post Office. Ideal location for doctor or dentist. Geo. Robertson & Son, Limited FOR SALE Real $400, t BY, G. A, Estate Agency, BATEMAN'S SMALL FRAME HOUSE, CEN- ra $1,000, FRAME HOUSE, DIVISION 8T, $1,500, SEVERAL PRICK HOUSES, ALL improvements except furnace. $2,000, FRAME HOUSE, IMPROVE. ments; corner, $3,000, SEVERAL BRICK HOUSES, ALL improvements. $4,500, SIX TO © HOOSE FROM, BRICK, all improvements $6,000, SEVERAL PRICK, ALL MOD- ern, central locations 'LARGE CENTRAL HOU SE TO RENT. . G. A. Bateman, Insurance Broker, Money to Loan, 67 Clarence Stre. Kingston Phone 396 MUSIC MISS BAJUS, TEACHER OF SINGING, will resume aer teaching October 2nd at 47 Ridesu street, ne 1286. GRACE TAFT, ORGANIST AND DIR. ector of First - Cougregational church. Honor certificates in Sen for University, Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for University or Conservatory examiasations. dress, 99 Upper William St, PEARL A. NESBITT, L7T.OM, OCON- tralto, organist and director of Brock St. Meth. church. Teacher of piano, organ and velce produe- tion. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory examinations, Studio 449 Johnson street. BOARD AND ROOMS FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, every convenience, centrdl Jock. tion, Apply 243 Brock street. WANTED PATTERN MAKERS, HANDY MEN and LABORERS, CAULKERS and CHIP- PERS. HIGHEST WAGES PAID. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM- PANY, LTD. Ontario September Coa Orders IN ORDER OF THEIR RECEIPT SALES FOR CASH. Jas. Swift & Co, Limited TO OBTAIN THE | -- Household Furniture watt "BA 1 goods,

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