So _PAGE TWO THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1917. Tr -- eee SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLIES NCDENTS OF THE AY in SnrAn g "THF UNPARDONABLE "THE VALLEY OF THE The RED BOOK has '*'cor- ON SUNDAY. GENERAL INTEREST. ! SIN" by Rupert Hughes, com- GIANTS" by Peter B. Klyne, nered" the market I he beat >= ree : | mencing October issue. mu . q , a. be : Novel Service in Queen Street Meth- | Happenings In the Ofty and Vicinity | tencing ober Issue con Tencing November. Jache. work of the. best writers 5 1st--Schoo! 2 -- RE AD odist--Schoo! Organized Into a What the Merchants Offer to the | LEADING SHORT STORY fon .. r . died Opie Read. . . Battalion A Cannon Was Loaded Readers of the Whig. In } WRITERS Walter P. Eaton. Selling Idea With Cash Neilson's chocolate s, Prouse 8 Meredith Nicholson. C. B. Kelland The Rally Di eryice of Qucen | Drug Store { Irvin Cobb, Earl Derr Biggers, ] ] ree: Methodist Church Sunday Allan Haffner sang with much ex | Eugene M. Rhodes, Donn Byrne That stands back of McKAY school was quite unique on Sunday | Pression in Queen Street Methodist R. W. Lardner. e 0 Ida M. Evans. FURS guaranteeing the on f The flora! and flag deco- Church on Sunday morning Will Payne. Dana Gatlin, wearer satisfaction ratio Y hoice/and the attend-| H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 Harris Dickson, & Mary Syr . 1h nasaally lake The classes | King street. Leave orders at McAul- 84 x un yn § | av* . n# much interest was | €¥'s Book Store. Every Fur is Fee to rin tie such tly ughout the service.! Prof. J. F. Macdonald lectures at Rvereon Hough. Royal Brown. Edwin Balmer. be as represented, Ihe erashie roll membership was well | the Teachers' Institute at Newboro oseph Hergesheimer. Ellis Parker Butler, Roy Norton... " ro i esented and was heard at times [on Oct. 11th on "War Cartoons." Peter C. McFarlane. Alex. Hull, Albert Payson Terhune. ' Thr. Fespond) ok on ue superintendent sa.d he expected | Mrs. Janssens, Alfred street, who| or qual « "J a - ) I was glad the little ones had | underwent an operation in the Ho- NMI w= Wp wy faction 3rd ) I'he Adult Bible Class | tel Dieu last week, is progressing Br ; X Home Department had splendid | favorably ? " - ] yr : McRAY FURS are with nations W. Swalne, piano and pipe organ out the element of chance T tuner, 100 Clergy street W. Orders for so many years associated military in The = 11 left at McAuley's or 'phone 564 with the purehise of furs. was made into a battalion, and - Much sympathy is felt for Mr. i he ( ollege Bo ok Store £ ax happy little soldiers heard the bugle [and Mrs. Daniel McCoy, 17 Corrigan When you buy McKAY first post, reveille, tattoo, street, in the death of their baby | J R 8 You Kon ve quality post, lights out, saluted the flag, came [son on Sunday morning ' : 8 As represo] : attent.on and generally responded Owen Sound, "Bi ' Bishop's - 1 » Sth the orders of the commanding oft home town, gave him a mp. 160 162 Princess St. Open Nights Phone 919 In the face of continually | cer. Col. R. Meek: the Chaplain Gen- | ring on his home.coming. The town advancing prices, the prin- eral, Rev. J. D. Ellis; the Adjutant. |is proud of their son ciple of McKay Service as- | Paynter, and the sergeant-major Now is the time to have your sures you of the choicest Sergt.-Major Platt. The chaplain said | plano tuned, we carry two expert furs at lowést' possible the prayers and gave the orders of en- | tuners and will assure entire sat- prices. histment. commands, unif ' tsfaction, C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. Write for style book and | and marching orders by f Mrs. "Ted" Allor and two child- niormistion. $ tural passages There w *| ren, of Camden East, have returned | s military hymn g. » to their home after "spending the very fine orchestra [ the °r- | week at Brockville > | ship of W. J. Allen, and the scholars F. A. Conway is home from a trip | {loaded a cannon with cash as the am- to the west. He says that the crops ~ OO I [ munition. The whole event was « are fine, , but that it will be the |derly and entertaining The <choo!l | middle of October before the farn % Li . i e a 'starts on its winter campaign under erg are through threshing imited | | fine auspices. Wherever a juvenile court has We Are wbie to sate you money ! been legally established all cases of | : enamelled mantel 149-157 Brock Street. | » incleme ather, age st , ansferred to ths . AAAI A --~ In spite wl the inclement weather, [age must he treusierred to that That We Are Selling At Our prices, due to opportune YT Yr i At Cooke's Church. children under sixteen years of | i clocks. Yalivre " ve good Sunday school [court and not dealt with by the or [there was : ry goc Ir | eal 3 | buying are tice ; A AA A A A A A {rally at Co 's Church. H. W. New- | dinary police officials YEAS ptactieally the sme ; . i as before | man, the superintendent, presided, and We will rent you a piano, and at | before the war started. SN A | the programme included a special end of six months if you feel lika| These prices cannot last and the chorus hy the entire school, a selec- [purchasing instrument we will al-| next shipment in | | ° | tion from a male quartette composed (low the 6 months' rental on pur- ! higher i be much » of A. 3. Haffner. W. Thompson, S. J. [chase price, and arrange easy terms ' Your Windows and eare ptica Wilson and H. W. Newman; a recita- (on balance. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd Put a clock where you need ft * D rs | tion entitled "The Land of "Our It was a jolly bunch of girls that] --now, 00 | Birth," was given by Ethel McMahon, | went to Lake Ontario Park on Sat | ® ® | and a dialogue, "The. Hope of Mis- urday afternoon for a marshmallow Prices from $6.50 up. Are drafty and cold. Our | eCla IS sieniary [.ands." was rendered by the | toast The freshettes of Queen's Rorarorin metal weather strips put on by | teacher, Miss Leishmann, and three University were entertained by the TTT experts will make them wind ! | scholars of the junior department, fair co-eds and a splendid time whs Is A Winner. and storm proof. Give us the i = Bery Percival, Emma Horn, and Iva * chance to prove this to you. yoy MN Lewers. -- "rrr armani } Ring 819. The addre for the occasion was -- mi ros Way delivered by Rev. H. FE. Curry. of "Kingston's Famous Fur Store." ! . ba XD # Princess Street Methodist ( hiiteh -- rr rrr 1 Jewelers and Opticians, | 7 Ao interesting feature of the pro I oy / ceedings was a roll call ) ig classes, OCTOBER IS HERE | [ of Marriage licenses. 3) each class responding with a state y : \ ment of its enrollment and attend It's Time to Choose ] women? ance The service closed with the . ------------ 18 BEST or BY COMING singing of the National Anthem Your Furs. Nobby Tweed Coats at $12.50 Up. TO US, Rite & Aare Yon are assured a thorough First Baptist Bible School Rally. | ---- scientific examination and ac- The First Baptist Bible School held } 7 EE " glasses at Asselstine's. its fall rally yesterday afternoon. In| PA ERNS Consult spite of very unfavorable Woarhes, | I ! there was a good rally of the scholars, : Sale with many of the parents present { NAVY BLUE AND BLACK WOOL on ea x For - Dr. E. J. Lake, superintendent, pre | i . sided, and successfully catried { y through a special programme provid- D.O.8. ed forithe occasion. Solos were suifg ey King Street. by Miss Edna Singleton and Master , Coats rT ----------t Stuart Salisbury There was a mis- s.onary exercise in which the follow- | ing pupils took part: Misses Helen Murphy and Ada Turner, Vincent Mc- Plain and Trimmed At the Cullough and Arthur Salsbury. A 8 recitation was given by John Girling. Golden Lion Grocery The special address was given bv the | HUDSON SEAL At less than present wholesale prices. Phone 700 Rev. Capt. Fairful He hung practi- cal lessons on the letters of the word ; Hudson seal is 75¢ a yard and up. "Wanted," in such.a way as to ma e F them interesting to the young people. muskrat, plucked RR W F 1° Farm For Sale ancy Clover i Jutoher=of bess snd gitls gradi and dyed. The bet- ol, our er $3700 fre trom ia Cradle ool Den : HONEY [iyi mariacies || ter the muskrat the [Hl Newman & Shaw 80 Brock Street 90 acres, ave. halt ander |] re NE anal Anthem and the [| Detter the Hudson THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE cultivation, Brick dwelling, ||, one i / pound sections, 25 cents each. | benediction by the pastor. Seal. The best musk- new barn, 10. miles from the {i 500) California Prunes, nice and | | liley 10e, 183c, 13 Ib Heard Fine Address. 'll rats in the world are | Evaporated Peaches, 2 lbs for 25c. The First Congregational Sunday 1 1 Choice Selection of | Evaporated Apricots ... ... 18¢ Ib. {school rally Sunday afternoon was found In Ontario and J Cit H | Sweet Cider ... ... ... 40c gal 3 a very interesting nature. Capi. ||} the season they are pn . omes. . I. Horsey, of Ottawa, recently dy I -------- = one avin ity id home from the front, was the speak at their best is in the y= BUILDERS SUPPLIES 'ceey Rasy Terms. W R McRea & Go on De delivered a fine address, spring We use only (LOSING OF MAILS le telling of many incidents that came | . B : . je ®| under his notice overseas. Rev. Mr. | Ontario s : k Inperaniontl Siotee, iIrresuiar DRESSED SPRUCE 0 McCann's { Golden Lion Grocery Rayner also spoke. In addition to pring musk- {| from time to time. ies J pare ST es "nd reciations | || AES, carefully select- ||| vanes susces anny - A very fine lot of The bieycle stolen trom Verne Ho-| uy "the ehtidren and musical selec. ||| ed from huge quan- Grand Trane, So. eod 11.38 ». IN SMALL HOMES. oh k ate t. 'gan, Elizabethtown, a few days agd | (ions by the Routley family. | 11.30 a.m. Bagot Street ... |g 405 was recovered between new hay wiih) Hl tities 1r- nto an mat Raglan Road .. | 2 Racks your bis 147. The tives dud purchased div i ey uaing ched Spruce lum Montreal Street . : 0 { 1 been removed from the wheels, AT SALVATION AKMY CITADEL, | ectly from the trap- a 3 Dheny Street ... .. . § 900 son Ave. $1050 HMRI | 5etesdior na Nes Stier Spent. the pers in this section. J|' « Ro oi BR ber for floorings, {Bima 0 cc $100 fer . N : James St Lvs ad Week-end in Kingston. In dressing, plucking ) ios Bermee™t 7 ee vee + Bl630 The members of the Salvation : . | rtiti 1h Army in Kingston had as their spe- and dying these skins pa ons, ceilings, cial visitors over the week-end Bri. BUILDING LOTS Sial Visitors Sver the week-end Bi] great care and every || REGISTRATION TOTAL Lavingnor SL JING A to, who conducted special services advanced process. 1s ||! 18 NOT MADE uP Macdonald Street (near Athletic which marked the harvest thahks. \ giving. There was a large attend- used to procure the There May be a Slight De- S ANGLIN & CO. grounds) 50 x 110, $200 easy terms ance at all the services and the ad dresses were timely and the pro- finest possible finish- crease in the Attend- Lamber Sarde, . gramme of music most delightful. ed article Th anch. Brigadier Miller is the architect for a e man- Kingston, Ont. ® on * the army, and while in the city, in ufacturi of 7' As yet 'G, Y. Chown, registrar of company with Adjutant Smith, made ki ng the Queen's University, has Oe = Sellers of Real Estate, Cor. Johnson an. fuspection of the Jew drill bali. sSKins into coats, announcement as to the registration po. 354 Division Sts, rigadier an rs. } er went on " in the vari f E s 530 and 14056, to Gananoque atynoon on Monday. scarfs, muffs, etc., 18 Hl may be ue Jacyites ie year - Mae, a0 XO Ky Stores os laa] LCA SET N BI BUILDING IN KINGSTON done entirely on our [f {mers made un. but it is Sg Re > tAVIQT=d] TR Reh thought that the registration is not S Own premises much below that of last year. More in September 1917 Than in P here, The freshman year in medicine is Same Month Last Year. thus eliminating all || warticularly large, and the other City Engineer McClelland reporis|l| intermediate profits. || 1237, 2 the same faculty are being EE Tr AU WE ARE SHOWING RUGS a fo ine pam otek Sf] 0 Foci Seal Jl 26 me amt ms a Sx TUESDAY'S PAPER FOR ed a value of $13,936 as compared eadq LO Alth . Ee : com uar- || though there has be of unusual beauty and quality that we chal- Sr Yor Se ume Tun in Es a hea ed entrance nthe 1s roslaions for . en lenge you to match anywhere else at any- nx the nine montis at 1917 end- yon soi b s + fli Science the trams ex x A . Sept. tl : thing like our prices. Examine these rugs totalied $118,659 while the permits for the UY Ours {J oom aio((3® darticularly large, and . . it is notjuncommon I carefully, note their rich colors, the close for the same period of 1918 totaled ||| 1© price of other | nuve oak one studens in re urer to . ¢ y $157,881. : kinds. & | In the Yaculty of arts there seems ; weave, the deep pile. Then you'll appreci- We have a spi Fine tata os datable, diminution. { (of : ate the bigness of the values that our prices Besttiful New Stock to Choose Prom : : Fin Jf vers. "and" in" the "mamrer of "men : gn Pp Prevost, Brock street, has an did variety of Hud- | thers seems Sitti decranor thom a 3 represent, extra fine assortment of tweed. | total at th SR cheviots and serge, blue and black, son Seal Coats beth, | ey Tr AR Be L Many of the students enlisted just SEE Ou for the order department. BRI 1 1 bef inations, R WINDOW . readymade cothing ane gener [|| P12in and trimmed. jiiefore examinations. and although | 8 furnishing mever batter assorted : {years is compared with last, there Extra low prices. mm { will be little when compared with : : R. McFaul + A Carload of Dollar Pe si." at.the end of the ses-| i Mahood' "K ings ton C 4 t Wa } ' : Tuesday ta ee: eort George Mills & Co. s yet the facuity of theology has | [IR Pri 0 hs Drug Store, HERE TO SERVE not opened, and will not 4 and Elbertas, some ripe omnes for 0 80 until eating in six quart baskets at 75¢ the middle of the month. ers of | Come early and save the 5¢ or 10c on 126-128 Princess Street. Sa Carnovsky's "Cash and Carry" plan. EF -- Ry 4808 10 reat. C. W. Lindsmy,