Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Oct 1917, p. 3

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, ONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1917. lem vp |47'8 JusT GRAND , VINOL CREATES STEF GALE ON THE LAKES," "<5 oven NNETYSIK ARE RETURNING] Toronto Woman Tells of Her Wonderful Recovery With Tanlac. It is not what the manufacturers HAS BEEN HOLDING UP VESSELS S AT ALL THE PORTS One Hundred and Fifty Tons of Coal | . | sa C o_o P rived In the City Off the Steamer Positiv g f arrived in the y Off the m Reported Along the Harbor. claim for it, but the testimony of the well to make claims, A stiff gale on the lakes the past 2ultiplied thousands who have been ey be proven? We publish | tow days has been playing "high|Penefited by it that has made Tan- ula of Vinol to prove the Jinks," and as a result, navigation| 'a¢ the most famous medicine in the statements we make about it. : | i : world to-day. Mrs. Amy O'Brien a has been given a severe setback.|, 8 a Cod Liver and Beef , Irom and c wr Eta : if life-long resident of Toronto, whose B Manes' iron'and Ar | Some vessels have been tied up in meni tra ime and Soda lyceros phosphates, Casearin. y Kingston for some dere. of war oF husband is with the Canadian Ex- Any doctor will tell you that the : | pediti , tl = " pected, however, that the weather! peditiouary . turces, Sougwiiers Ju ingredients of Vinol as published LARGE PARTY OF cova CENT SOLDIERS COMING. I -- Sergt. E. Dainard, Ptes. R. Cherry, C. Hutchengs, D. Hunt, C. God- | frey, W. Timms and F. Brooker, City. I'he following convalescent soldiers | have arrived in Canada, and some of | them will be arriving in the city on| Tuesday morning The names and | addresses are: COATS | Pranconney Te ro " & . B. Sergt.-Major J Langford, Sergts. would clear, and that the vesse's| at h } 25 IPieTesting intafview|y May, W. Quirk, Corpl. C. Wheway, | would be able to get away on Mog: ier home, 184 Lansdowne ave nue, J. Lane, U. Laliberte, Ptes. M. Wil. above, combine the very elements | day. needed to make strength, All weak, run-down, overworked nervous men and women may prove this at our expense. There is nothing like Vinol to re- store strength vitality to feeble old people, delicate children and all | persons who need more strength, » * If 'i are foe entirely sat- r m your money without question; that proves our fairness and your protection, Mahood's Drug Store, Also at the best druggist in all On- tario towns, Kingston. | Westerian cleared It was reported on Monday morn- ing that Oswego harbor was filled with boats, and that there was al- most a general tie-up of navigation | @ a result of the wind storm. {| The steamer Jeska, from Oswego, fs discharging coal at Robert Craw- | tord's wharf, The steamer Jex went into King- ston Shipbuilding Company's dock |-for minor repairs. ! M. T. Co's Bulletin: The steamer light for Port | Colborne; the steamers Oatland and | Joyland passed down, with "grain THE NEW FRENOM REMEDY. o from Port Colborne to Montreal; the THERAPIO THERAPION THER ION VITAL WEAKNESS CHEMISTS. PRICE IN ENGLAND $ stamp address envelgpe, age & sy: 1ptoms for FF fi iceon suitability In your ce. No' follow up' cir LECLERC Mod.Ca. HAVERSTOCK RD. N.W,, SEE THAT TRADE MARKED WORD ' THERAPION ' 18 Of BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED T0 ALL GENUINE PACKK C'BCHARGES, No. 2. corm BLOOD POISON, . ' . Ne. 3. cows | Company's scow, arrived loaded No.1, cones | tu Bronson arrived from Montreal | with two light barges. The tug Davis, with the Pyke with | one hundred and fifty tons of coal off the steamer Keystone, which went of | aground at Chippewa Point, The steamers Compton and Viking Ann | @T€ in port, windbound, on their way LONDON DIRECTORY (Published Annually) -- erables traders throughout the World to communicate direct with English MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS In each class of goods. Besides being 8 complete commercial gulde to Lon- don and its suburbs the Directory con- taing lsts of EXPORT MERCHANTS with the goods they Ship. and the Col- shia) and Foreign Markets they sup- ply; STEAMSHIP LINES arranged under the Ports to which they sail. and Indicating the approxl- mate Sallings; PROVINCIAL TRADE NOTICES of leading Manufacturers, Merchants, etc, In the principal provincial towns and industrial centres of the United Fingdom, A copy of the current edition will be forwarded freight paid, on receipt of Postal Order for 20m. Dealers seeking Agencies can adver. time their trade cards for £1, or larger advertisements from £3, The LONDON DIRECTORY CO., Ltd. 26, Abchurch Lane, London, B.C. rr A A A i iat Gook's Cotton Root Compouna, A liable ads moter of strength--Nao. 1. $1 G. 3, $3: No. 3, $5 per box. . alt ¢ gists. at proneld on noeipt rd pamphlet, BEAUTIFUL MAHOGANY CAB. INET CONTAINING 50 PIECES oF SILVERWARE ABSOLUTELY FREE, To the person holding the Key that opens the Padlock to the Cabinet, Wateh Our Widows for the date to Try Your Keys. With every $1.00 cash purchase at our store, you are entitled to a key One of the keys given away will open the Padlock, and the person helding that key will re- celve the Cabinet of Rogers' Sil- Verware ABSOLUTELY FREE. Cabinet now on view, The Best Drug Store L. 'T, Chemist and Optician. 124 Princess St. Kingston, Out. 'Branch, Division and Princess Sts, west, | The steamer Argo, from Cleveland, fs discharging a cargo of coal for the Sowards Céal Company, | Canada Steamship Lines-- Steamer | Mapleton arrived Mght from Mont- | real Saturday night: steamer Ames | passed down with graith from Port | Colborne to Montreal, Sunday; steamer Eagan passed down with coal from Erie to Montreal; steam- er City of Ottawa arrived from Mon- treal Monday morning; the steamer City of Hamilton is due to pass\down this afternoon. X A FINE SINGER. es ee He is Serving Country in the Flying Corps. Cadet Lloyde, of the Royal Flying Corps, Deseronto, who sang "Com- fort Ye," from the "Messiah," so de- lightfully in Sydenham Street Meth- odist Church on Sunday morning, was at the beg.nning of the war attending Cambridge University, in England, and with a large number of students of that university, went to France After some time he was granted a furlough to visit his father, who was seriously ill. When his furlough ex- pired he transferred to the Royal Fly- ing Corps. While at Deseronto he has had some thrilling experiences. but is much enamored of the flying game and would not give it up under any consideration, despite its dangers. He was ordered to report at Camp Borden on Monday, During his stay in Kingston, front Wednesday of last week, he was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lyons, Earl street. ~ RUN-DOWN AND NERVOUS Dr. Cassell"s Tablets are the Sure Re- storatives for All Weakened Cone ditions of Nerve and Body. There is nothing in medicine more certain than the strength-giving pow- ers of Dr. Cassell's Tablets. Fhe nourigh the nerves, they enrich the blood, they replenish the reserves of vital energy that work or worry or excessive strain of any kind has de- pleted. Everything they contain makes for health and fitness. They restore digestive action, strengthen the kid- neys, ensure perfect unctioning of every bodily organ. That is why Dr. Cassell's Tablets are the most popu- lar and successful remedy in the Em- pire for all enfeebled conditions. A free sample of Dr. Cassell's Tab- lets will be sent to yon on receipt of 5 cents for mailing and packing. Ad- dress: Harold F. Ritchie & Co., Ltd., 10, M'Caul-st., Toronto. Dr. Cagsell's Tablets are the su. preme remedy for Dyspepsia, Kidney roubles, Sleeplessness, Anaemia, Nerv- ous aliments, Nerve Paralysis and for Weakness in Children. Specially valu. able for nursin mothers and during the critica periods of life. Price 50 cents per:tube, six tubes for the price of five, from Druggists and Storekeepers throughout Canada. Don't waste your money on. imitations; get the genuine Dr; Cassell's Tablets. Proprietors, Dt. Cassell's: €o., Ltd., * Manchestér, Eng THE INVESTMENT OF SMALL SUMS We have at the " amounts and small sold balances of large ment and municipal bonds. nt time a namber of bonds of odd minations, blocks of high grade Canadian govern- which represent the un- In order to clean out these amounts we are offering them at very special prices, the yield to the investor being from 64% to 6§%. Full particulars furnished on request, Montreal Worg.Cundy & Qapany JUST 1SSUED ABLE Investment Securities 1017-1918 Investors' Reference" A BOOKLET EXPLAINING THE PROCEDURE IN THE MAKING OF PURCHASES AND SALES OF SECURITIES AND GIVING THE LATEST AVAIL. INFORMATION ABOUT THE MORE . PROMINENT CORPORATIONS WHOSE SECURI. TIES ARE LISTED ON THE EXCHANGES OF CANADA. We shall be glad to send a copy on request. A.E. AMES & CO. ,.. UNION BANK BLDG. i: TRANSPORTATION BLDG. x MONTREAL ™ BROADWAY = TORONTO 1889 = NEW YORK | recently said: | "tne day I saw in the paper where ja 'ady who described mv s mptoms | €xactly had gotten relief by taking {Tanlac. and that's what caused me to | take in and find relief from my | troubles. So no ome knows the good | they may do by telling what help- |ed them out of their sufferings I} | have been afflicted with rheumatism! | for five years and my general healtn had become all broken. And al | thcugh I spent lots ¢f money for {treatment and medicines of various | kinds my condition grew worse until|" {I began taking Tanlac I would have attacks of acute rheumatism when it seemed like the pain would drive me Astracted Just sharp, shootirg pa'ts all through mv arms that left my muscles so zore 1 could hardly bear to touch them. I was swollen around my wais*, my joints were exollen and so stiff and painful I cou'd hardly bend (em. There were 'tots puffed up on the backs of mv hands as large as an egg and many a worning Ihave gotten up with my fingers so swollen and hurting me =o I couldn't slice up the bread for breakfast I 4ida't seem tn have mech strength, -~ouldn't sleep well, and always felt tir:1 and worn-out. I never felt like even getting out of tie house and m; work was iu bur den to me "Tanlac send God- won:lerful has "eitainly been a to me. It is truly how the two bottles [ have 'aken have helped me I don't i~et tie reeumatism now at all, thos: un- stizhtly knots have disappeared from my hands and the pain and swelling has all left my arms and fingers. My sleep is sound and peaceful and I get up in the mornings feeling f ne, aud my general he+ith has improved more than I can tell. 1 honestly be- lieve my rheumatism is a thing of the past and my tired, worp-on' feelings are gone, 100. | really fee! heiter than I have in many years and can not only do wy work wi:h ease but feel like getting out ana going scmewhere every day Tanti: has Leen a grand thing for 'ma and -* w.'l gladly tell anybody p~.sonaliy how it has helped mn, .* Tanlac is soll in Kingston by A. P. Chown. ADVT "DEATH OF PTE. 1. PERREN Passed Away in an Hospital in Eng- land on Sept. 27th, LATE PTE. LAWRENCE PERRBN Followitig up the telegram that she received announcing that her husband, Pte. Lawrence Perren was dangerously ill, Mire, Perren received another on Saturday announcing his death, He passed away on Septem- 'ber 27th at the Ontario Military Hos- pital, Orpington, Kent England, as the result of an attack of pneumonia. Deceased was thirty-nine years of age, and was a well-known King- stonian. He spent many years in the mibitia both with the R.C.H.A. and other units. He went overseas last March, with Queen's Field Ambul- ance Corps. He had a wide circle of friends all of whom were very sorry to learn of his death. A wife #nd three children survive, WINDSOR TOWEL 18 ~ BACK FROM FRANCE Was Found in Haversack of Dead Soldier--Convales- cent Brought It. How an ordinary towel with the words, "Windsor Hotel, Ottawa," woven on it, was discovered on the battlefield after the engagement of Courcellette, was related by machine Gunner F. Grant, of a Montreal bat- talioh, invalided home about six weeks ago and is at present an in- mate of a Kingston convalescent home. "After Courcellette we were hun- gry," sald Gunner Grant, "and I started grubbing around in some of the boys' haversacks for something to eat, knowing that often the boys 'have canned goods stuffed away for emergency use. In the haversick of this dead soldier. 1 came across, along with some eatables this rowel with the words, Windsor Hotsl, Ot- tawa, woven on it. I stuffed it in my pocket without thinking, and brought it home." AS to the identity of the soldier Who owned it, Gunner Grant was unaware. That the towel had seen service of tome kind was shawn by the mark of a bullet hole through it. The Windsor now has the towel Possibly the towel belonged to some former member of the hotel liams ,P. Connelly. A. Croteau, A. Derraugh, J. Eburne, W. Ellings- worth, W. Eustace, S. Beaton, E. Bart- lett, H. Balcombe, J. Ackland, G.Wild, T. Thompson, R. Salter, V Renaud, | E. R. Reade; A. Quinn, T. Middleton, L. Koval, W, King, C. Kickdon. Otta- wa Sergt. E. Dainard (Montreal street), Ptes. R. Cherry, C. Hutchengs, D. Hunt, C. Godfrey, W. Timms, F.| Brooker, Kingston. Sergt. H, Kelly, Ptes. H. Wires, J. Halliday, Peterboro Ptes. J. Phillips, H. Sandland, A. Wallace, E. Whittle, F. Elliott, R. Sa- ger, Belleville. T. Gee. M. Davis, W Peters, A. Ward, Lindsay R. Lamb, R. Ball, J. Scott, Fenelon Falls G. Gregory, A. Montminy, Hull. R. Palmer, G. Robinson, J. Cooke, F. Milner, Brockville A. Lewis, P. Robertson, Cobourg. Sergt. J. Guest, G. Yeoman, Picton Corpl. E. Leech, Pte. C. Killen, W. Walker, Gananoque. J. Shaw. R. Peever, Baneroft; E Parker, C. Croft, Port Hope: J. E. Nannan, V. Scharff, Renfrew; J. Brill, A. Young, Tweed; W. Easter, W. Dempsy, Prescott; Sergt. J. Babcock, Rosemere; G. Bennet, Cfaleton Place: E. Bronson, Apsley; Pte. W. Grozell, Norland; J. Gravelle, Deschensmills; F Gungon, Flinton; J. Horsley, | Smithsfield; P .Rylott, Madoc; G. Sa- bourin, Alexandrra; F. Schefield, Wil- bertforce; B. Storrings, Centreville; R. Thompson, Hillier; A. Babcock, Sydenham; O. Church, M. T. Julian, \. Loyit. Ardendale; G.Watkins, Mor- risburg; E. Young, Trenton; J. Blan- chard, Cornwall; E. Dash, Mountain; W. Filayson, Smith's Falls; W. Hall, Campbellford REV. DR. BRUCE TAYLOR I8 MOST AGGRESSIVE Queen's Secures Principal Whose Ministry Has Been Marked by Wide Catholicity Rev. Dr. R. Bruce Taylor, who is to be the new Principal of Queen's Uni. versity spent six months at the front about a year @go as chaplain of the | 42nd Highlanders He was born at Cardross, in Rosia and received his Jackson, G. education in England; Glasgow Uni- versity, of wi¥eh he is an M.A.: the Free Church llege, of which he is a Thoms w; Gottingen Univer- sity, Beiryt Damascus. He was ordained in 1896, and has since been minister. of St."John's Wood, London, England. Since May, 1911, he has been minister of St. Paul's Church, Montreal, succeeding the Rev. Dr. Barclay, who ten became pastor em- eritus. Besides being the author of a book on Economics, he has written for the Student Christian Movement, and has contributed largely to serial publications on, religious and histori- cal topics Since coming to Montreal six years ago, he has represented the most ag- gressive element of the church. His munistry has been marked by his wide catholocity and by his great interest in everything that sought the improve- ment of mankind. Since the war broke out his patriotic work has been very pronounced, while his /nterest in re- cruiting is indicated by the fact that he left his church and followed the 42nd Battalion to the trenches As a speaker at public gatherings he is extremely popular. Wish Whig Success. Mrs. C. English, Alliston, Ont.,' in sending in her subscription to the Whig for another year, writes: "Kingston township is my childhood home, and only for the. Whig I wouldn't have the news from there. So many of my old schoolmates were gone. Mrs. (Rev.) J. E. Lidstone is one of my old time friends. We were raised in the same neighborhood, went to school together. and were always chums. I wish the newsy Whig ev- ery success." A Home For Soldiers, The late Mrs. Isabella Miller, Perth, left many bequests of from $5,000 to $100 to relatives and n- stitutions and gave her home--the late Hon. J. G. Haggart's place--ito Perth to be used as a home for re- turned soldiers. The Canadian Red Cross and the Muskoka Sanitarium are also beneficiaries, 'Mrs. Jean Baptiste Bigras, who died at Ottawa, aged ninety-eight, had 331 diréct descendants. "One Meatless a Day" is a good food slogan for war time, or any time--better make it two meatless meals a day--it would mean health and strength for the nation. But be sure and get the right substitute for meat in a digestible form.. Shredded Wheat Biscuit is the ideal substitute for meat. It is 100 pér cent. whole wheat stall, thinks Frank Sheridan, clerk. at the Windsor. "About thirty-eight boys from this hotel altogether bave Put on khaki," he said. Coats Coats The newest, smartest and greatest collection of popular priced winter coats we have ever shown. A range that contains every new style feature as shown in New York, with every new fabric and color. COATS FOR WOMEN AND MISSES Priced from $10.50 to $16.50 Priced from $17.50 to $25.00 Priced from $27.50 to $37.50 Priced from $39.50 to $65.00 NEW WINTER MILLINERY A most varied showing of all the latest novel- ties are now being shown. SSE We have just re- ceived many new style conceits that will appeal to all discriminating women. Trimmed hats, priced from $3.75. STEACY'S - Limited -------------- WELLINGTON DRINKING. A New Cider Mill Has Been Started here. Wellington, Sept. 28.--Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Clark entertained Dr. and Mrs. 1. Gordon Bogart. of Kingston, last Wednesday . Mrs. Greer, of Kings- ton, entertained a number of friends at Hotel Alexandra on Thursday even- ng last. A new cider mill has been started at Wellington. The proprietors are George Bailley and Henry Burton. Miss Ellen McDonald and Miss Sa- die Forshee left for Toronto this week, where positions are in waiting for them. The Bishop of Ontario will be at St. Andrew's Church. Wellington, on Monday to confer the rite of confir- mation . Miss Madeline Haight is in Toron- to, the guest of her brother. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Clarkson and daughter Maud and son Robert, of Bannock- burn, visited friends here Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman ,of Lansing, and Mr. Baldwin and son and daugh- ter, from Lennox, are visiting friends in this vicinity. © Gerald Benson, of Bowmanville, spent Sunday vith his mother. Inspector J. E. Minns and family, of Tweed, spent Sunday at Wellington. Mrs, Sanford, of Eldo- rado, spent Sunday here with fer sis- ters, the Misses Benson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Farrell, of Belleville, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James' Farrell, on Sunday last. Nathan Smith is renewing acquain- tances in Wellington after an absence of fifty years. at Frankford last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Graham, of Brighton, were in town Jast week, and attended the Picton Fair. Mrs. Jackson and daughter Lulu, of Brooklyn, N.Y. dre the guests of Mr. and Mrs, David Robinson, The funeral of the late Stephen Clark took place from the residence of Mrs. Libbie Garratt, East Main street. Rev. Mr. Terrill performed the burial rites. Interment was made at Picton cemetery. Miss Lizzie Brett, of Bowmanville, is visiting friends here. A large crowd of people attended the dance at the armouries on Thursday, night. Miss Vera McDonald left for Toronto last week, having secured a position there. Mrs. Carver and Missé-Elsie Carr attended a wedding at Trenton last week. George Webster spent a few days with his daughter, Mrs. Sam. uel Hollingsworth, Picton, Sergt. ugler G. C. Blakely was called to Kingston on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Weeks spent over Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. B. Burley. rs. David Chisholm visited "friends at Picton on Thursday and Friday last. * New Train Travellers in C8 John McMahon was Eg 1 . E o we nw carpets. - TT TOL 4 - 4K VERY UP-TO-DATE FURNISHINGS The very large stock we are carrying ives you plenty of opportunity to be satis- h in making a eclection of furniture or 1000 We have bed-room suites in white cream and grey enamel. Some very choice designs in mahogany and walnut. If you want a Sewing Machine re- member we sell the White Machine. Phone 90. I. F. HARRISON COMPANY Limited. N---- 8S Es Ss = pid | Closely Related There's a closer relationship be- tween feed, poultry and dollars than you may suspect. Right feed means better birds, quicker returns and more money. For bigger dividends on your poultry, let as supply your (eed. The kind you need is here, and our advice is free for the asking. ny Diamond Will break up a col price 25¢, Prouse's Drug Parliamentary representatives who stand for the conscription of wealth to in 24 hours Store. 8t. Catharines has a population of 19,078 an increase of 1,161 over last year. The totel assessment of the city is $14,727,690. 4 M. E. Nichols, late of the Mon: real Mail, denies he is to go into Journalistic work in Winnipeg. ' James BE. Wilks hms bean appointed Picton, | Police Magistrate of Whitby. Phone 1192, PARLOR, CHINA AND MUSIC CABINETS Music Cabinets $6. Parlor Cabinets, China R. J. "$15.00 50 to $25.00

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