-- eX Stores 2 From The | : Ed an It To Countryside Pld i CANADA'S FAVORITE DRUG STORE boa OR er reer v + | | Frontenac | Se 4 Sona - CUSHENDALL, pi Sept. 29.---The threshing is all The P al g Xam e finished throughout this vicinity 7 ] Mr. Carkey is now busy with his 4 steam engine filling silod in this } , vicinity All are sorry to hear hl You pay the ; \ Buy one bottle of E. Hunter having the misfortune of breaking and badly bruising his regular price for Rexall Wine of arm while working with his corn 4 . 4 . Cod Liv xtract binder. He is now in hospital. The One Article and / od 1 iver B many friends of James Martin also , \ ] . at the regular price regret to hear of his serious illness then we give vou p ' He was removed to Hotel Dieu in an g ¢ , o of $1.00 and we ambulance, where he hag undergone another of the p N 1 1v - an operation The - latest reports! M . 3 bom) Ee ---- i rT x will give you an were that he Is improving W. Ward Same Article A : other bottle for und son, who have been visiting the former's, mother, Mrs. Ward, have \ for returned to Montreal The school fair held at Joyceville was largely at id ¢ Cent tended from here Many of Miss ii 0 'Anglin's pupils took prizes. On J) ne ent 2 I 1.01 Sunday evening Rev. Mr Kirkpatrick : pr Jor . will preach his farewell germon in At) i St. James' Church before removing r be to Sydenham, where he carries best Wishes for a successtul future, This ONE CENT SALE Plan was originated by the United Drug Company for the Rexall Drug Stores. They are the largest manufacturers and Bolessh) . : 2 OTT8: : _ MYERS CAVE [ll buyers of Toilets, Remedies, and Drug Sundsfes in the world, and this is an advertising plan pure and simple, of which they bear most of the re HE Torres Are an | expense' Instead of spending money in the regular way, such as Free Samples, etc., it is their desire that we place full sized packages, or Ero aw Sire, w. X. Nae: A articles, in your hands, giving you an opportunity to judge the real value of these goods. the cost of which they charge to advertising. Causlan gave 2 y to le young \ . ® . his on 1 Yan, Wiicombiny We will only be permitted to run this sale occasionally. So take advantage of this opportunity. We can not Mr. and Mrs. William Bauder are ff goods during this sale. So please don't ask us to do it. visiting friends in Verona. Mrs ] Elias Wood and two children, Har lowe, are visiting at T. D. Perry's Donald MacGregor attended the ma } | fr . ° somic lodge meeting in Arden Tues- ) - . OPEK O 50c Jerald Antiseptic day evening. Mr. and Mrs Joseph |" lg! f Perry and Miss Kirke spent Sunday ry { | Tooth Paste at Hill Crest. Harold MacGregor has . Cleans the teeth, prevents decay, afford to charge or deliver returned home from Peterboro bd i : B kf t ( ff IR 2 1 ; vp y "Sandy" Perry has gone north for 4 FIA x rea as oO ee | | edb Celery and and" Ig (| and sweetens the breath 2 ) 26 the winter. Wilmur and Edie Bau- y Anas | [1 | {Bre I T week 25¢. tubes at... . CL Jor . der at T. Perry's Mr and Mrs p | w= 50¢ % acka of freshly | | a ron 0) 1 Dave Rintoul at Hill Crest on Sun- J ' i A 50c. Pp und p ick ge y 2, me day last; Mr. John Curtis has re- roasted, properly ground, nice oi oe is a genuine if afl turned home from Smoky Falls . . Nerve Rost flavored, pure Coflee, at - erve Restorer, where he spent the summer, Mrs. J . o Eh . - Curtis and Mrs. Thomas Whiteman : 3 Blood Purifier " Pearl Tooth Powder {] rem S 4 and ----_-- Regular 50c. 2 Lb fe if || wr A General Builde Tae | is best to remove tartar or 51 i HE sua Cn wenera Lwilder, Jor per Pound Ss. C ht 2 26 called at the Cave on Tuesday. Mrs 25¢. tins at. $1.00 per bot. or 2 for 1.0 T. Perry and Mrs. Elias Wood visited at Kate Meek's one day this week. 15c. Rex! Toothache Drops, Rubber Goods Soaps ends the ) | 1 is threshing at Maple Leal. Si ; misery". 2 jor 16 THAT ARE GUARANTEED | 25c. cake Rexall Medicated and is threshing at Maple Leaf, Sher- 3 | = Rees . ) | op ns man Babcock, Edward Johnston and A 10c. Writing Pads 2 for 11 | and 25¢. Rexall Little 2 for 26 $2.00 Red | Skin Soap for 2 for 26 J. S. Roberts motored to Tamworth ) : g Pad: Je | J . Jor | Liver Pills. . .. R sToilet and Bath . ambler Tuesday eveni f la eek. r 3 ! iva 50¢ SDeTine - - m : Sn Ctr ris vied ber sar. WY 1 Linen Wing 16 Toilet Waters inte Powter 207 51 | Hot Water gin | 25c. cake Tar Shampoo ents last week. John Shales of To- : Pads re I i "EFFERVESCENT » | a Ow y ' f Bottles J ; Soap, large 2 jor 26 ronto spent a few days at home. Mrs. 10c. pk. Linen 25¢. bot. Perfumes | 25¢. box Stomach ' aber ae cakes Ca . J. Raymond is ill with bronchitis, vi. yo 2 Jor d1 assorted odors. . - for 26 HEALTH SALTS and Liver Pills 2 Jor 26 : ; They M ; _ Mrs. W. Guthrie is spending a few 1 - DeSean i . . } A 2c. tin Carbolized « 2 pray hey [Rosen | | 25c. pk. Violet Dulce days with her brother, John Votary, \ 15c. pk. Linen | 50¢. bot. Porsviries s) ne 51 A mild laxative. If taken be- | "rin ul Yohzec 2 for 26 shou ¢ : ein HR ACT Shampoo Kingston. Mr, and Mrs. Alexander Envelopes 2 Jor 16 assorted odors. & JO o fore breakfast, makes you | Zinc Ointment. * every home erly 2 Crystals _ 2 Jor 26 Ne -- --_-- ---- Vp. PERTH ROAD Sept, 27 Carl Shale is cutting corn and threshing. Archibald Neil- son has purchased a threshing outfit i ) Stationery Perfumes Se --- Darling and family spent Sunday at he a. ' | feel good all dav. 25¢. bottle Blackberry Cordial Charles Shales'. Miss Mildred Amey, 7c. bottle las 2 Jor 76 ; 2 for 2.01 . \ Pe. : for Summer Tod wait ie ine in I 3 : follet Water. as pes Lutes on 2 ud 51 Complaint... 2 Jor 26 $2.50 Red Rambler . A oS, G RB ' a ys D.k 8 Me spent Thursday at Miss M. Ray- | Toilet Articles 75c. bottle Violet 2 for 76 50c. box Rexall | 25¢c. Rexall Pain Fountain Drug Sundries mond's. Mish Amey and Miss Wal- | Vi | loilet Water Jo + Kidney Pills. ., 2 jor Sl Reliever... . 2 jor 26 Syringes. 2:72.51 | lace attended Kinggjon fair on Wed- J gi iolet | bottle Rose ; $1.00 bot. Wine of | 25¢. Rexall Cherry £2.501 a lies' Rox 25¢. bot. Hydrogen nesday and Thursday. The Ladies \ R. Dul |" Toilet Wate 2 Jor 76 it] ¥ 25] 01 LC ' 2 Jor 26 { ®<.9U Ladies 2rd 51 BN ; OY 2 Jor 26 Ald met at Mrs. H. Shield's, where BR "T lice OL ater Cod Liver Iixt. &- » | Bark Cough Sy. . bury Bulb Syringe" &e Peroxide .. ..... . Mrs. E. Babeoek provided a ten cent \ a . Ras Talcum | $1.50 oz bulk 0c. box Rexall 0c. Rexall Cherry 50c. pr. Sunshine ( "YW 8 | . , 4 x p alc. pr. Sune Je. bot. p ig Yo ale 2 Janey, work Wha \ | Powder Perfumes new 2sor 1.51 Blood Tablets 2 Jor Sl Hark Cough Sy. 2 Jor Sl I 2 for 51 10¢. bot. Hydrogen 27 41 Peroxide \ § f 25¢. bot. Diarthoga i | 25c. Rexall Corn ) 15c. Transparent and Mrs, Cory and Mrs. Elmer of ] WC @ | fl in white or | . 0z. Opt. Per- { Compound. . 2 or 26 | Solvent 2 Jor 26 2 Jor 16 Watertown, N.Y., and Mrs. Hunter - | . Nipples.. tary. Ai refreshing | ' | and bowels | $1.00 bottle Rexall Syrup | . 50c. bottle Blaud's : antiseptic and . phites 5c. Rubber Finger Laxative Tablets 2 for Sl or bath. Miscellaneous | healing . 2 for 26 | 80c. box Rexall Healing Salve eet 2 Jor .6 4 1 i N Fil'ers ' 50c. bottle Rexall White Lini- | 75c. hotile Rexall 'Nerve LOMBARDY, if Dulce Face 2 Jor S51 n ---- and pains .. | you feel young" La Tre Di ] | 50c. Elkay's Can- of the former's sister, Mrs. H. ; 25¢. hot. Cream 50¢c. box Rexall Special Oint- | 23¢. battle Rexall Sc. Eye Pipettes. 2 for 6 ine Laxative... . 2 for S51 Jor I Houze. Miss Tobin, teacher, was J of Almonds... . Houze left on Tuesday to attend perspiration... . Rubber Gloves next meeting at Mrs. 8. Slack's, Mr. odors 250. 50k A ti Baby Socthers. =o. bot. Aromatic or g | flesh is de- | fumes in bulk 2 Jor 76 SEOO bottle Digestive Tonic | 25¢. bottle Rexall 10c. Transnare Cascara 27 26 of Philadelphia visited their grand-| . a vd 2 . He | ' 2 for 26 ¢. 'lransparent 2 for 11 ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theoqor: wo. oC ! lightfully assorted odors. for stomach 2 for] 01 Eye Wash... . CL . 25¢. bottle Blaud's 2 for 26 ly i Pn . * se. Niook 2 1 6 Laxative Tablets - 250 i 1, 3 Salve . y S- oC. ANIpples... . . . or for toilet | 25c. tin Carbolic alve, of Bypophion 2 for 1.01 ' I 0 | | Cots... . ox | nr > " 25¢. bot. Blaud and 25¢. each or. ..... 2 for . { 25c. bottle Rexall a household | 5c. Droppers or Pen T° 2 for : 2 26 S i l White Liniment 2 for 26 | need". .... 2 Jor. Sl ppc 2 for .b | Manganese Tabs. 26 50c. box Violet pec | 50c. EMkay's Dis- mend for aches Rened 7, "make 10¢. Bulb Droppers 2 for 1 "temper Remedy 2 for 31 Sept. 27.--Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Powder | nent tor ache: 2 jor 51 wr'? : 2 for 16 Moodie, Cleveland, Ohio, are guests ! { . ment, fcr skin 2 for 51 Essence Jamaica 2 Jor 26 | called to her home in Westport ow- 50c. jar Rexall eruptions. . . .. Jor Ginger... . ... | ing to the illness and death of her 0 ho Mis 2 for 51 $ | sister. Miss Green, Athens, was a y Cold Cream. . . . 1 The Store HH Fone home of Mr. und Mrs.| BB or Ne 2. 26 | Cook Book General Household Needs | bo a . { : ) : a! 25c. bot. Syrup | 25¢. bot. Extract of ORDER BLAN K faculty, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. 25¢. | 'itel a v or rs a or Joseph Morison .and Mr. and Mrs, k 250 ts AR 2 Jor 26 To Each Lady of Figs 27 26 ad Strawberry 2. 26 8. McDougall, Brockville, spent A ' + | me of | 25¢. bot. Sy. White i ing it wi "Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 25¢. Rexall Violet 782: hoe. Tout 27 76 | "Pine and Tar. 2 Jor 26 | | Write your order now. Bring it with you when you come. Cauley. Mrs. Abel Gould received a J 2 for 2b omer ! Ine and iron . Taleum Powder On ae ; message during the week of the 25¢. bottle Syrup of Linseed, death of her sister, Miss Cassell, ll 25c. Harmony Rose Talcum U R Tox, Resall Straw 2for ]1 | Licorice and 20 26 | near Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powder, White pon equest. ! at Cleaner. . . Turpentine .. . | . wrote su Blancher, North Lancaster, are ¥ or Flesh 2 jor 26 | 25. bot. Elkay's Visiting friends in this vicinity. They . Cleani Fluid 2 for 26 ! were accompanied here by Byron 25¢. Baby Talcum 2 for 26 ! aning } { Blancher, 'who spent a few days in 25¢. bot. Lageand | 25c. Wilson's Wh te Montreal and other places during lH 50c. Liquid Com- 51 | I Qik Clin 2 for 26 Fo Yidment C2 for 26 the past week. Miss Lucy Dermady \¥ lexion Powder 2 Jor | ; ik i left on Tuesday for Kingston to re. y plea sume her duties as nurse-in-train- 25¢. tin Rexall 2 26 ST .... ing in the Hotel Dieu. Miss Louise Foot Powder. . Jor Kine Is visiting friends in Smith's 2%e. Tooth i v 9 | Falls, | oe. Too ine. 2-2 Mahood's Drug tore, , JUNETOWN. # . Sept. 28. Nelson Warren and 35¢. Tooth 2 for 36 Hugh Graham are threshing and corn F Brushes. . * BE (iy hin vicinity, Nim Marie 2. Tube Wilson's 9 1, 96 Princess and Bagot Streets. i Kingston, Ontario Piirvis has returned to her work in f Ottawa after spending a few weeks il Tooth Paste... . at her home here. J. Munn has re- - - turned to Toronto after holidaying § R § '/ i 7 mr aa 3 ar with friends here. Miss Evalena A WEY ADR H ETO SERVE HONS) !Price, Mallorytown, spent the week- e i ke aad ah od ; end with her sister, Miss Agnes -- . ; VE Price. Several from here attended ' > . . the fair at Lansdowne on Friday last, Mercie McGhie, Kingston, called on erville; Mrs. Dobbs, Lyndhurst, at G. | # ? Jie! RUSH IN MONTREAL. / Jan Bxamining Board in the east and Mrs. Thomas Franklin spent a few friends here on Friday and Saturday mbes rom Bere mended the fairs K. Wight's; Mr. and Mrs. 'Burns, El. of the city there will be a steady days in Brockville this week, Miss Mrs. A. E. Summers, Mallorytown, Mr Mrs a usd Marshall and | Bin, at Joseph Warren's; Miss Cora Dates of fal Fairs. . To the Medical Board to be Exam. stream of French-speaking citizens to LRA ARE A rh "| spent a few days at J. A, Herhjson's children spent Sy at Taylor, | Kelsey, Oharleston, at J. Kelsey's; : i ined. be examined How s This? ast week, Sovaral trom hare # Sond Miss Lena Bryan, Sweet's Corners, | George Danby at B Jcacy s: ig Y ' b . Montreal. Oct. 2.80 great is the rice Avery, of Brockville Collegiate] 89nt the week-end at hor home here DE Conner Maurice and Bil. | have Ee EF th a bo examined ry A od Raving Wiesasuen, We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- |! : r. F. J. O" ' : 5 oe V ward for any Shee of Catarrh that can. | Institute - is spending the oe kang Wr ang Nos nd een O'Connor, Gananoque, Misses Societies Branch of the Ontario De-| for the army that the headquarters Sr hey. Oct, 1--The N. op er nH ia Catare Cure. has hewn skin Lansdowne, 1 the umet of Lr Hoy on Saturday. Percy Flood, Mrs | Blanche Halliday, Toronto, Lena |partmént of Agricalture, Trane: quits Meutfieanue have been found ehised Bre oleratom from tho Ao : RY Sa taerh sultarers Ban at thiney. Mrs. Charles Baile, Mrs. Eli Tennant Amthony Flood, Delta, - and Mrs, Webater, L¥ndirurat, Pri gra. Jados sea ene SOB ot Sth, crowds, and a second board will be. Flevator Company, in the Yorkion 'HAI Catapinble remedy for Catarrh. Fhas returned home from the Brock-| (Dr.) Bee Flood, Little Current. ARO o Charles O'Connor's: gin to-day in the Craig Street Arm-| district, on the G.T.P., for $40 700; Halls Catarrh. Cure acts through the] ville General Hospital much im-| were guests on Tuesday at Charles | Lyndhurst, at r| Premier Kerensk§ bas issued an | ories to relieve the pressure. Other| 20d isd six els-ators from the lem. ia a rae Dood and Teenn® proved in. health, " | O'Connor's. Mrs. David Townsend Mrs. M8 kins, Lyndhurst, eur order to the Criminal Investigator [boards will be established when the] perial Elevator Company, on the 7. the diseased portions, who has been seriousiy Il is improv- | Lees; Min. Bepam Mie. Ben and| 0 employ the militia to arrest | Government sends out the awafted|P.R. In the Yorkton district, for Cus Jou Sihve taken falls Catarrh LONG POINT ing. Mrs. Orange Warren and Miss i J. B ANAL, 's Ba y Mrs. | Nikolai Lenine and M. Zinovief?, his | proclamation with reference to the| §i°.7¢. Ereat improvement 'mn your kerereh| Sept. 26.--dfiss Buelah Webster, | Ellen O'Connor, who have been {ij | Wiliam bd oS AY, NM, | suite in the Maximalist agita-| examinations. | This gives the N. Bawlf tirain health. Start 'aking Hall's Catarrh Lansdowne, has been engaged as|dre gaining also. Two aeroplanes | Susan Seabrook's. | tion. : The percentage of French-Cana- Company, Limited, an elevator in al Lune a estimeninle fid. of eatarch. | teacher fu the School here. Miss| flow over here on Wednesday morn- LEE if The state of health of the German | dlans applying for medical examina-| the good oat districts in Seszatche- F. J CHENEY CO Toledo Onio, | Mabel Wight, Montreal, js the guest ing: Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs. | A general strike throughout Ar. Cliancellor, Dr. Michaelis, "leaves | tion is Increasing from day to day,| wan end brings their full line of ele- Sold by all druggists, 5c, ay of her brother, George K. Wight. A| E. Anaress and Miss B. White, Keel- gentina has been declared. very much to be desired." and it is expected. that when there is! vars up to .