THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1917. A fromiome ea, MEKAY McKAY FURS! Are not turned out in a rush, but carefully designed and care- fully made. Buyers who know McKAY FURS by experience and repu tation are sending their friends and coming to us in force They know our policy is not anything to get orders; but "that we live up to'promises and take care of our patrons You are invited to call and see our display of FUR MOD- ELS not surpassed in style] dis- tinctiveness, variety or value Write for Our Illus- trated Catalogue. JOHN McKAY, THE FUR HOUSE 149-157 Brock St. Ad aiais A Your Windows and Doors Are drafty and cold. Our metal weather strips put on by experts will make them wind and storm proof. Give us the chance to prove this to you. Ring 810, J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street Kingston, Ont. smd) | STANDARD PATTERNS For Sale 1t COLLEGE BOOK STORE. Woods VRoapnodsos Path ngiiah Jad Stein, makes sew ving, Cures Brain valpitation the Price $4 per aig vill eure. air pke. on t ¢ d free. THE Ne ---- Farm For Sale $3700 160 acres, cultivation. new barn, city. Choice Selection of City Homes. Easy Terms. McCann's, Real Estate 82 Brock Street. Phone 326 or 621. one half under Brick dwelling, 10 miles from the Kingston, Canada. | We relic | Specialists | IS BEST SOLVED BY COMING TO U You are assured a thorough scientific examination and ac- curate glasses at Asselstine's, Consult J. 5. ASSELSTINE D.0.8. King Street. --_---- At the | Golden Lion Grocery Fancy Clover ~ HONEY In one pound sections, 25 cents each. Fresh California Prunes, nice and Juicy 10e, 12%e¢, 15¢ Ib. | Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs for 235c. Evaporated Apricots . . . 15¢ 1b. | Sweet Cider 40c gal. W. R. McRea & Co. Golden Lion Grocery i | | | | ¥ "on Wednesday Miss "Margaret | Carmody, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Carmody, Pembroke, was un- ited in matrimony to Wallace M. A. mm-------- Jennings, C.E., B.Sc., Cochrane. WE ARE SHOWING RUGS of unusual beauty and quality that we chal- lenge you to match anywhere else at any- thing like our prices. carefully, note their weave, the deep pile. Examine these rugs rich colors, the close Then you'll appreci- ate the bigness of the values that our prices represent. R. McFaul, Kington Carpet Warchouse . | secution, eee ee eee STUDENTS BEING EXAMINED A NUMBER HAVE ; NOT YET REG-| ISTERED. | It is Expected That Some Medical | ani Science Men Will be Exempted | From Medical Service. | A number of Queén"s University! students who are within the ages prescribed for military service under fhe Military Service Act are being examined at the chief recruiting of-| fice as to their medical fitness. | M them, though declared un- voluntary system, are as to system in vogue t, and have not register-| faculty until they could] n as to their medical fitness, Although nothhig definite has! been given out by the Military Ser- vice Council to whether certain stu will be exempted from ser- jce, it is considered quite probable that medical men and some in the faculty Applied Science will be relieved of the responsibility of ser- | vice If the plan, which has been adopt- ed in the United States is carried out, with an elementary know- the principles of medicine] and some who have grasped the principles of engineering, particu- larly chemical engineering, will be permitted to continue taeir studies This is due to the exigencies of the| hour when the call is for men equip- | ped with either medical or scien- | tific knowledge. The latter, if they are examined, will be spared not only that they may be engaged in essen- tial industries during the war, but also in the reorganization period af- ter the war. Men. who are also equip- | ped with political and economic knowledge, which will render them useful in dealing with the post bel {lum problems, will be spared as far { as possible, if rumor speaks correct ily. 1y of fit under the not sure the be certai as of students ledge of Dr. J. C. Connell, dean of the faculty of medicine, was asked by | the Whig on Tuesday morning whether Queen's University was ma- [king any representations to the | authorities to have medical Students { who have completed at least one year f service exempted. "Nothing is being done the | present time,"" was his reply. With | this a hearsay has been put to rest, | and it is not likely that anything de | finite will be learned until the men | getually come before the tribunal, { and- instructions are received from | the Military Service Council, | OVER A MILLION EXPORTS IN LAST THREE MONTHS RE- PORTED BY U.S CONSULATE. 10 at The Exports are Triple Those of the Corresponding Period of Last Year ~--Wheat is a Big Item. The American Consul has issued the following report or the exports of July, August and September of this year: The total of $1,162,935.7 which The re- ess in that period of 1916 amounted to $499,451.31 port is as follows: Plumbago . .. Scrap brass . .. Tale . . $ 62,133.63 24,f eee 47,079.50 Cobalt metal . .. 94,485.50 | Cattle . .. wey 85,611 Horses ... ... .. er 1, Hogs 6,365 Sheep ... .... 6,041 'resh fish ... 24,219.72 Actinolite 605.00 Mica. ... v viv 6,230.14 Scrap iron ... 12, 843.00 | Feldspar ... vin wikis 30,993.04 Returned U.S. Goods ... 51,617.48] Arnica flowers ... . 1,091.25 Fusil oil 2,723.69 | Arsenic . .. , 109,670.11 | Iron pyrites 400.00 | Upper leather . 171,719.62 | Vegetables, dried . .. 913.75 Pail handles 449.75 | Shovels ... 396.00 Bay ... ... ... 43,293.00] Army socks sw san 24,480.00 Household goods . .. 8,337.60 | Peas, (eed " x 4,243.75 Oats Viow erate 2,878.31 Geneing root wy 100.00 Machinery 6,050.00 Steel rivets 2,752.50 Whiskey 4,696.50 Wheat ... 102,705.32 Hides 33,833.85 Fertilizers 2,500.00 Empty barrels . 215.80 Cobalt oxide ... , 376.50 Alstke 996.25 Lumber ... . ,313.74 Broom handles . ,299.81 Calf skins... |... .. 5,875.47 Wheat scalpings : or 13,341.75 Pulpwood Rie 6,247.00 Moulding ... 194 41 Blankets 105,000.00 Stones, jewelry 196.04 Raw furs ... 700.00 Total $1,162,935.73 Claims to Have Been Hounded. A young man named Samuel Nor- ris, who is sald to Have come to Kingston from Detroit, and who was discharged from the 99th Battalion, has a long tale of how his life was ruined because he refused to pay $3.50 to a man for some whiskey he bought. He claims that he has been hounded from place. to place by a band of crooks. Little credence is given to his tale, Former Riemer Married. The marriage took place at Kin caild, Sask., on Sept. 5th, of Miss Mabel C. M¢Lean and Bertram F. Menzies. The groom is a former well-known Kingstonian. For many years he was a clerk in F. J. Hoag's drug store, but went west some few year: ago, He is a native of Carle. ton Place. He is in the drug busi ness at Kincald and is doing well. Given Suspended Sentence. Bert Bickbam, committed for trial by Magistrate Farrell recently on a charge of stealing an autemo- bile, came before Judge Lavell on Tuesday morning, was found guilty, and allowed to go on suspended sentence. C, R. Webster appeared on behalf of the accused, while J. L. Whiting, K.C., conducted the pro- | nouncement | attend a compli | purchasing 3 is al tremendous increase over the busin-! 9.89! 200] INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES ANI AND ITEMS or GENERAL AL INTEREST. | Happenings In the Of City and Viemity | --What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Neilson's chocolates, Drug Store. i There was a small market on Tues.) day morning. The price of Saturday! were unchanged: H. Cunninghdm, piano tuner, 21 King street. - Leave orders at McAul- ey"s Book Store. Jonas Feeney, William Kinlin, Tweed, and Benedict Farrell, Marl bank, are new students at Regiopolis | College { A horse owned by Joseph Woods, | Barriefield, was killed by lightning on Sunday morning. The animal was valued at $100 } W. Swaine, piano and pipe organ! tuner, 100 Clergy street W. Orders left at McAuley's «or 'phone 564. Milk is still selling at nine cents a quart in Kingston and no an-| of a likely raise has Prouse's| been made Archbishop Spratt and Re Grey, Carleton P.a e, Monsignor Murray, Monday afternoon Major "Billy" Bishop, V.C., D.S.O,, (with bar) M.C., is in new York to mentary dinner given him by the New York Canadian Club. We will rent you a piano, and at| end of six months if you feel like | instrument we will al-| low the 6 months renal on pur chase price and arrange easy tars on balance, C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. Mrs. J. M. Lapos has received a letter from her son, Raymond, who went overseas with the 146th Bat- | talion, saying that he is on service | in France l There was a most plentiful sup ply of tomatoes on the market Tues-! day morning, far mo fan usual at] this time of year. " were selling | at a dollar a bushel. { On July 23rd last Rev. William | Craig united in marrisse Miss Violet | Gwynne, Brockville, and 2 | | Webster, Buffalo, N Y On Monday Mrs. Webster left to join her hus band | in Buffalo We will rent you a piano, and at! end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will al low the 6 months' rental on pur- chase price, and arrange easy terms | on balance. CC. W. Lindsay, Ltd The mounted parades of some the battery boys attracted much tention on the streets in the ings. Kingstonians missed the ilery parades in the summer Pianos to rent. C. W. Ltd. Some of the more warm-blooded of the bowlers were at their favorite pastime of Queen's bowling green on Monday night. There were no sche duled games played. The should be completed by the this week. v. Father were guests of Brockville, on of at morn artil-| Lindsay, series end of In Juvenile Court. A nine year old lad, who was ar-| rested on Monday, charged with the theft of $20 from a lady on Toronto | | street, came before Magistrate Far-| rell in the Juvenile Court, and was remanded for a week in order that further inquiries might be made con- | cerning the case. { Another case, in which it was] claimed that a child had been .at- tacked by a dog was dealt with and the owner ordered to dispose of the | cantne, Scarcity of Crab Apples. Quite a few citizens hae been ask-| | ing for crab apples on the market. | | A farmer informed the, Whig, on] | Tuesday morning, that the crop was | & very small one, and that in some| | cases the apples were of such a pio) variety that [the farmers were not! | taking the trouble to pick them up. | | {On the market Saturday crab apples| | sold at fifty cents a peck, and this is | certainly pretty dear. | Beautiful New Stock to Choose From | Prevost, Brock street, has an 5 | extra fine assortment of tweed, cheviots and serge, blue and black, | |for the order department. His | ready-made clothing and gent's. furnishi ever better assorted. | Extr: prices. "Headquarters for Headwear" || | ive styles both in large and small hats. They | will be found interesting and || the prices are very reasonable. Our Motto: | "Modern millinery at erate prices--aot alike." George Mills & Co. mod. two hats Pretty Millinery Every lady in this district should be sure to see our great || array of most exclus- Furs - Cloaks - Hats aes - Hab [| Pretty Baby Hits I Know I Gat Share, Pretty Now. She's Dixie More Than My Whose Baby Are You All the Time. Good Bye Broadway, France. Hello 1c Per Copy Sailing Away on ' the Henry Clay. Farewell (Oloe Ha) Hawaiian Butterfly, hrow No Stones in the Well That Gives You Water Lonesome Baby. So Long, Mother, Long, Logg Time, Miss Springtime Hits 40c per copy. Throw Me a Rose; My Castle in the Air: A Very Good Girl on Sunday. er i The 160-162 Princess St. a s\n $4.50 tol $5.95. bargain counter, each wool blankets, Newman A Clearing Lot OF CHILDREN'S HEAVY WINTER COATS Also a few cord velvets, principally dark colors; sizes 2, 3, 4, Warm Bedding We are selling flannelette blankets, grey wool blankets, down comforters and chintz comfort- ers, at much below present values. WE SELL HOSIERY THAT WEARS. The Always Busy Store. Open Nights a a ki years. Priced at Wednesday on the $3.50 white FE & Shaw, CLOSING oF MAILS Brith.h mall closes irregularly. Information posted at P.O. Lobby from time to time. United Stat: daet » a Se and 11.30 p.m. Grand Trunk, JFairg east, 11.30 a.m. 5d 11.30 p.m. Grand Trunk, Tol and west, Including Orang Tp dnd aii Peat Po n n of City, 2.30 pm. aud 11.30 pi. CER. 16.16 am. and 5.08 5 CN, NE eee. FIVE MINUTE LIMIT FOR CARS Cars 8hould Not be Parked on Princess Street For Hour After Hour a a Time. One of the greatest indications of | the lack of automobile supervision | in the city is the way that cars and | other vehicles are allowed to be | parked on Princess street. The | Whig has been questioned about this on many occasions and recent acci- dents show that something ought to | be done in this regard. The rule in Toronto, Ottawa and in many other cities ie that automo- | biles or other vehicles cannot be { parked on business streets for longer i than five minutes at a time. All other streeta, beside those named as | business streets, are considered resi- | dental streets (includes lanes, side | Streets, etc.) Caps may be parked | on these streets, The Whig is desirous of having i the best of traffic regulations here. | If properly worded and enforced they | work no- hardship on any persen but | provide agninst many accidents and ! much inconvenience. To name Prin- | cess sireet from King to Barrie, as a | business street and allowing no car to remain parked on it for more than | five minutes would =o far in remov- ing a prevalent and dangerous evil | now existing. ------------------ Lucky Number 184. Will the party holding ticket with | the lucky number 184 for the raffle of the dolls house at the fair call at fair grounds for the house? Coss Lamber, Con! and Weed eee A tp, pees RUILDERS' SUPPLIES eowey COAL All sizes of Anth- racite Coal, now on hand, including egg, stove, chestnut and pea coal, at current prices. S ANGLIN & CO. Ont. Phones: Office 06, Factory 1415 Garden of Romance: ng College Book Store, Phone 919 MantelClocks NAA We are able to sav < you money on black enamelled mantel clocks. Our prices, due to apportune buying are practically the same as before the war started. These prices cannot last and the next shipments will be much higher. Put a clock where you need it --NOWw. Prices from $6.50 up. NU Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licgnses. mn re Hudson Seal Coats Plain and Trimmed Phone 700. W. F.Gourdier 80 Brock Street rm a, - nth Money Saving Opportunities IN SMALL HOMES. Bagot Street . . Raglan Road Montreal Street Cherry Street Hickson Ave. Elgin Street |, James Street Elm Street 8 425 .. 8% 500 «8% 900 . 8 900 . $1050 . $1000 $1650 $2000 BUILDING LOTS Livingston Ave. 182 ft. frontage $825 Macdonald Street (near Athletic grounds) 30 x 110, $200 easy terms E.W Mullin&Son Sellers of Rent Eiiats, Oo, Johnson Ps amon Ss. ay 1c Sale SEE OUR WINDOWS. Mahood' s Drug Store, Princess and\Bagot Streets, HERE TO SERVE YOU