revi a2 - __PAGEFOUR_ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1917. ! ! "oe . t#§ clear away or destroy the corres-} and, when necessary, fixes maximum |v 4 The British Whig fo ie a ran Hs a = yondence, and Ww A 8 palace was rates He is not a man of the] $4TH YEAR. BoRdetice, snc |{ CONTEMPORARY OPINION found the let- | Hanna type. Our food contre which constitute {a national ornament, i | : { t hd te - meme | "Honest and Provident." as been pre o ! The days when a couple of im. |London Advertiser : : { ny and | "He is the first prime minister of . the dominating | Periofis emperors can sit down, | Canada in the présent generation \ of se. He gradu- | ID the secrecy of their palaces, plot | who. has ruthlessly and successfully roposed conditigns to which for a world's 8 n, are over. |put down graft and corruption.' -------------------- proposed ws ther Willy or! Nicky will ever be{ In these words the Toronto News the Cear 'ed until he had map- ve So | refers to whom? No one would ever ped out : heme of amazing pro- guess, 50 we give the answer--to Pre- portions. © The independence of no | fuily. mier Borden! s : . honesty consists in allowing : I r power was to be respected . i. If honesty 3 : RiAGT 20 q being in one! SOMe one has referred to the Sinn | profiteers to bleed the nation until Russia ang 1Ger : g Feiners as "political somnambulists." | the Opposition forces an investiga- great_pact could defy less represen- {tion and an exposure, the Borden " They walk in their sleep. It would ; tative' powers and assert their wild : ) Government is honest. It is con- F not be so bad if simply walked dominion, 191 be sp bag i Imply | sists of whitewashing those accused but in the Dublin revolt they fought | of dishonesty, the Bofden GCovern- i# alleged that It is alleged at in 1905, "the like men who were very much |ment is honest. If it consists of put- year after the conspiracy between | ting every obstacle in .the way of . the Kaiser and the Czar began, Dr. | ' oo . those who wish to eliminate dishon- Dillon, M.P., an Irish representative, - esty, the Borden Government is hon- The Hyd Electric Commission € to play the success- 0 af f 3 cts--ho he | A : st, became seized 0 ous ow h wants a resentative in the Sen- it being: provident, consists Of Semi-Weekly by| did 80 remains a ystery--and that ate IW. a | ~ Published and . von, of Guélph, is.nam- | squandering millions of the people's . : . THE Burris HIG PUBLISHING he essayed to lay them before the | qc connection, and as a talk. | Morey on useless Tiles in paying We Are Showing Some Beauties In the Different Correct Styles. British Foreign Secretary. Sir Ed- | ha ta \ hirtwi av firms and agents millions in RHott id Manading Lident | ward te STO to believe Dillon ol i ' ol AE R, = ra a for goods Pr . ' nnett, if se 0 p Senate, wi Ry i ilwav an ¢.-Treas. and to entertain his story. He did a purchased and in buying railway bush up when Lyon is around. stock, which investigators report to Telephonent not mistrust the Czar, and now Bri stock, . & P Ps so Vd ur Popular Models SUBSCRIPTION RATES weuld not have been accepted, with Government is provident. n ] ] asivered in city re 00| regard to the great war, had the evi- Ta tess i nes Ble dishonest on The Belcourt Overcoats The Chester » pa. n vance dence of his duplicity been available. | | lec- . ,-b; ail to rural off * ernment, and the opinion of the elec . th United States 0 i It is true that the plan of the em- | torate is hardly likely to coincide Full back, sewn 1n sleeve, Velvet collar style, form fit- . ! | Yes, Why? | iowrs {8pm Nyesuly alton) $1.00 | perors failed them, but that is no « Wiine Why | with that expressed by the News. . b : : sor Record uff ; ting, very s One year, if not paid in advance $1.50 fault of theirs. They certainly plot Why not increase the scale of al-| . reer i patch pockets, c sleeves, 15 8 mart garments, Toe 3 nited States 189) tod for the injury of the other pow. | loWances for thé soMier dependents? Canada in Distress. 20. $22 50 $ ' $ ' $20, $22.50, $25. : ) . | Everything else hés 'been increased. [Hon C. Marcell, in Montreal Herald $ | 5, $18.50, $ ' $ v TREAL REPRESENTATIVE ers, and have been detected in' their | a. -- ee Mr. W. F. Nickle, K.C., M.P., has R ONT Owen 123 , : y i th- Business Offic 3 Ly -- | be worthless, for many millions rai Office tain is being punished for his ecre- | er than accept it for nothing, accord- 'dulity. The assurances of the Czar ing to agreement, then the Borden Bt, Peter 8t.| infamous work | Bri ' written a valedictory to his electors TORONTO REPRESENTATIVE ritaip's Loss. <i . ing th will ¥. C. toy . Traders Bank Bldg. ---------------------------- lobe) of Kingston announcing that he .. 1005 | (Torogt So et | UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE An absolute monarch is a unsafe | \ British lossesiin killed, wounded, | hot again seek re-election. Like Sir The Trench Style Overcoats F.R.Northrup, 226 Fifth Ave, New York p i ;. | and missing totglled over 100,000 for | George Foster, he regrets an election ns T.R Northrup, 1810 Aew'n Bldg. Chicago man The Kaiser has revealed this |g, mf, Trice of freedom is|in war time, and hopes that all his The Pinch Back Overcoats $18.50, $20, $22.50 $25 Attached 1s ome of. the best job] (2Ct In his conversations with the advancing. constituents will rally to the support 2 ' ' printing ofices in Canada, Czar. Their dozier will go down to | -- -- of the Government. All this was to $1 5, $1 8, $ 0. $28.00. posterity as a most unique produc Numerous Progeny. have been expected, except the fact The circulation of THE BRITISH tion of Its kind ! (Hamilton Spectator) of his retirement. Mr. Nickle was WHIG is auth htlented by ihe f Ct An Ottawa woman has died at 98,| one of the brightest men in the ranks _. - leaving 331 direct descendants, Hard-| of the Ontario Conservatives, He i ; Audit Bureau of Circulations. MONUMENTS THAT ENDURE. ly necessary to add that she was of {may be intended to fill some other » TTT ------ The erection in St. Andrew's| French-Canadian stock, | position. Time will tell, Mr, Nickle . THE VALUE OF FISH. church, by a member of the congre ---- orovt-------------- regrets that a substantial number of ; The war is bringing home to many' gation, of a brass tablet bearing the | A Long War, members of the Canadian Parliament (Hamilion Herald) RO: " , ffi i ; -e : . : refused to grant the party in office a the inexcusable wastefulness in foods | names of the men who have gone to Sir George Foster cannot fairly be E y tensi f their term. This 1 1 3 : that prevails in ordinary times. Not|the front, some to die there in de- | charged with excessive optimism. He further extension of their term we Display of Overcoats 18 Well Worth Coming Miles to See. 3 N | is a matter greatly to the credit of that meats of all' kind have become fense of their country, is very much told & Baltaln Rudionss oan i this | these members. Had they consulted | scarce and high fn price. the fisher-|appreciated. It will have a decided i : Spat she Sar mE t last fOr! heir own personal convenience id EET are invi iv ir ex i | e Yoa)s % i : ey would have had noth- . . . men are invited to give their experi-| |, % " 3 " Co h I~ interest, they woul dn { ence. They recall the time. twenty sod effect, It will silently and | ing else to do but to say "Yes" tol 70, 80, 82 Princess Street Kingston, Ontario. . A e ' Y-|ye effectively reproach the slack- Holding the Trade. Sir Robert Borden's invitation. Too! five and thirty years ago, when white tToronto Mail) fish and salmon trout were very Every artistic embellishment speaks ee -- The Whig will bet a cookie that acres |... ers. These will see how the people Canada's trade in the fiscal year of ( Much credit cannot be given the] : LL esteem the men who have gone out | 1917-1918 may amount to two and a members of the Opposition wie stood plentiful, w hen one could put down for military duty. The tablet is not | half billions. How much of our ex-| uP for ihe Sorgiiayiional Hens ol - a net anywhere in the lakes, and; in a meant to be a padsing testimony to | POT business can we retain after the |.the people o anada w! : h a- was rewarded with a roving commis- i. night, take thousands of the choices by war? The dislecation may be mini-| men who are entrusted with the ad-| sion, at a fat salary, to find out some- ght, lake thousands of the choicest!) patriotism, the loyalty and hero- | oo 0 Sxborts re TalnaIned ministration of public affairs, Can-| thing about "immigration, After a n reighing aix A 3 Ss 4d ainta . = @ : a wi. ii Weighing irom four to 81X{ iam, of the soldier churchmen. Whe- Rl, iii po, ada is passing through the greatest) year or two of wandering to and fro DID YOU EVER ing trom eight to. twelve. pounds] Ue" Jeseved for this purpome or| CL | mancial snd polieal crisis in its] TC Lo 8, NARCCRTE 0, an, Ir STOP TO THINK ny go oe do yive Youn 51 not, it will be an everlasting tribute a ms ah . A ey. the ogutey fresh | Salary check arriving very month, sach. ie fish sold at from 25c to, , valor of those whose names Now that the military service act| mandate from the people, it is now. | D® prepared his egos, UN So each. One fisherman remembers are inscribed upon it, and will, so | 18 about to be enforced, and 100,000 | When the people have spoken the thon gh Conia A em enda when he had to produce a great num- ! | men simultaneously called to the rr FW it stands . : lon Ss th r 1 } country will know where it stands. 4 + ber of the finny tribe in order to earn to Ea " ° Shire endures, attest colors, we rise to respectfully sug- ---------- | i The government Sarily Josked ot We are all of us vacuum $100. Another remembers when he 1¢ dylng-regard and affection of | gest that our woldiers be provided Arthur Hawkes at Large, it. It es ghey } iT de ae cleaners? We take up, by in- saw 20,000 white fish lyi the the people. St. Andrew's church, | with a better uniform. The uniform Windsor Re&ord. partmental ar ves, an th halation, the dust and impuri- _ mn 1 3 HE on We by the way, is becoming more and | Worn at present, particularly that Arthur Hawkes is one of the finest | the last of it. That de Art ue ties of the air. The conse- beach at (onsecon, The best of more devoted to memorial . ssw pplied tojsinfantry," is an ugly, | little. proposers that ever happened. | rather "gore. It touched his pride. quence is sore throat, or cold in these fishes were at once shipped to : PUTPOSES:T clumsy, ill-fitting outfit that makes | He proposed the British-born move-| He i pide 8, 3 sspivinin on the head. The nose and throat, ||| atren certain markets; the next best were our soldiers look like a lot of cir- | ment, was hired by the Conservatives) over ng left out o 1e Ca ' when sprayed, are freed of acres | salted down; and the rest were lert| © 00UeNtly of 'the patriots, revives| cus 'troops instead of the incompar- | as & campaign talker, toured the| but toiignpre his epochal report, the these irritating, infectious par- 2 acres t bee. - their virtues, and causes them to live | able fighting men they are. country, delivered the goods, and | eighth wonder of the world, added ticles. For best results in ||| acres... 0 rot or become manure. 1 the IGeronivs oF thelr frighs insult to injury! ) spraying-any kind of liquid, | Reren The writer of this article remem- ! : ir friends. Henceforth Arthur decided to have Try the DeVilbiss Atomizer. acres . bers when, passing along the harbor ' "mo truck nor trade" with a govern- 5 Acres rv N acres | in K Parly i " . ment that could be so cruel and 0 Trem in Kinston, «arly he the Hydro Electric Commission will \ heartless. He would bring down the Ares wo ng, . saw scores of smal sail-1 01 have a representative in the | in mes wrath of the gods upon the party ( acres i ng boats laden with the fish which Senate, if the big Interests c 0 he had helped to place in power. Ere ? acres - were caught during the night before.| °° 8, 813 can pre. long Arthur was seeking the Grit acres ... Gradually he realized that the fish yon! oe Sir Adam Beck has no pull nomination from Podunk, or some n ? ' {in the Upper House. place. Soon he was promoting 'le Rey » - . became scarcer and scarcer, and la a i DRUG STORE acres... fe IR kn . bonne entente." He would swing ter the fish market disappeared. To -- 0 CHANGE OF SUBJECT . lis into line the 185 Princess St. Phone 3438 acres Wa GREE Wa $0230 most people all this ig only a mem.| CNUSHED BY THE MACHINE. I talked of war and dead men's bones till alll oo "oC = toyed with the British-, y ack nerem LL. L0G, EE Treastins 5 FE The political nress in New York . around were tired, and something else than grief and NOL NY 16 15-0GL For IRCEDar Everything for the sick and || © eer on $11,000 ory. . RS ostigation revealed a most State is complete: John P. Mitchell groans my weary aunts desired. So then 1 falked dence. ~ P \ sick room. For partieut iy ¢ regrettable fact--that the wasteful-| * © about the crops, the barley and the wheat, till people | ence. Nias si ------------------r "OF particulacy apply to ness of fish led to the one inevitable Is completing his term as mayor. He F heard my soulful yawps the whole length of the street, hare 3 rare, Saanv, oy Dreacal bo! | result. The Great Lakes--Ontario, | "° Wade a good official, able, effi. I said, "I'll give them diver"s tunes, from this, my bry) Ho - er 4 a aba a E ..'| clent, and aggressive. Though ori. willing lyre," and so discussed the price of prunes, | POSition with respect to the empire. rie, Huron--hecame barren of fish, inally 1 . : the cost of baled hay wire. I spieled a while of art| I'he main thing is to lick the kaiser PURE PICKLING . oC art It was not difficult to understand 3 _ 2 democrat he is out with : and song, of flowers that bloomed in spring, and thus | 28d win the war. , s 1 the fact. The Dominion Fisheries|'® democratic party, and some time ra I chirped the whole day long, of this and t'other thing. hg: VINEGAR AND Real Estate and Insurance. Commission in 1893 enquired into| *80 Was induced to consider an offer | o} And every time I paused to draw a deep, refreshing Drowned While Fishing Clarence Street, Kingston. the decline in the fish trade in Can- of a nomination by the Fushionists, breath, the other fellow plied his jaw, and talked of Belleville, Oct. 1.--Mrs. William SPICES Phone 1985 and 1020. ada and attributed .|Later:he was asked to let his name war and death. When all the world is talking scrap, Lewis, Baptiste. "was accidental] . --_-- nd attributed it to four causes: and blood and snickersnees, there's no attention for ds red Baptist I ak in th y . Destruction of immature fish; waste| 80 before the republican primaries, the chap who speaks of buds and bees. I'd liké to Hear n H och "gp eh £ The THOMPSON'S of unlimited quantities through the|nd there he was defeated by W. M. hand out cheery words of wisdom to the push, I'd like bo par hinge i bor ' invest Bennett, a former bli CINSOBIT MASON, 4 to talk about the birds that carol in the bush. = I'd kum was hshing alone from a boat GROCERY b use of gill nets; invasion of creeks : republican sena- | '= a when it is supposed she had a fainting ' b 0 , ~ or Granted that th sing of sunsets in the west, that gild the crag and tor, but when. L. pause to spell and fell into the lak H . ays, rivers and shores, in the spawn- aot : : : ad Were | take a rest, some chap brings in the war. body ans rie, A ag or Phone 387. Pe - Ing; season and in the use generally| ['2uds of a. most serious kind in the WALT MASON ist : i i J bmn ------ . short distance from shore and in about P: of nets with illegal meshes. primaries, and that-in consequence ten feet of water: She wis 63 regis 294 rincess St. There is a clamor for the abolition |©f them Mitchell was defeated, the : of age, and had lived for years at Bap- . of all licenses, issued to fishermen, | fact remains that he fs without a THIN 5 H tiste. for the management of the fishing | Party nomination, and that the re. G T AT NEVER HAPPEN . business by the ' 'government, with |Publicans appear to be deserting Him Copyright, : ' The Late Rev. Michael J. Brown ; Ti C yall, Ont.. Sept. 28 --Rev. Fa- "Ranks with the ' absolute control as to the quantity to| 2nd dividing on the usual lines. | Cornwa nt.. Sept ev. Fa Strongest' ther Michael J. Brown, for a period "wpe taken and sold. It is possible to| Mitchell, as an independent, will of thirty-eight years pastor of St. Pat- HUDSON BAY revive the old fish trade, to have the (have a poor enough show for re- i HH g t - rick's Church, Hogansburg, across the lakes again teeming with the best of | lection. It is not ability in the i . YOURE THOROLLH river from here, is dead, having suc- : urance Company E > WwW :umbed to an illness with which he fish, and to control the trade indefin-| candidate that counts for much in 'BE : E THAT DAN Br ht ied To t ice FIRE INSURANCE itely under provincial direction. The!a political show down, but the power THURSDAY - ther Brown was born in Malone sixty- fresu Office. Royal Insurance Bldg. a SAY So ie MONTREAL estruction of the trade by illegal|©f the machine. Sooner or later the LE SHES THE | Seven years ago. ' PERCY J. QUINN, processes must be ended at once and [best of men, the most useful, the a ~IEST LITTLE v - Indians Demand Right to Vote. Manta, Betne forever. Public ownership of fish! most unselfish and independent and fi GIRL. IN THE WORLD Poterboro. 00: 2 ----In order to dia W. H. GODWIN & SONS can certainly be established and un-|the most trusted, are crushed under | i cuss a number of grievances, of which AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ der 'circumstances which will meet | the political Juggernaut. & the principal one is that they have with general approval. ------------------ ! mot been given the franchise, the pret EDITORIAL NOTES. chiefs from the majority of the in- BT a or guy lad COAL CUSTOMERS now meeting in Dublin, is to pacify | every Irishman say. "My country is the people, to bring about a period | the country," It all depends to ---------------------- lease otice : of contentment and perfect peace. | Vhom this will be said. Pte. Thomas W. G. Gummer, Lyn, On P N .} Begs to Notify His Customers For the accomplishment of this pur- Who returned some weeks ago from and after first May| 8 May 1st. the front and Miss Mary Louise Pot- C 1 5 1 ill be for tinger, dau of James Pottinger, |. - oh kind of sayereignty over the whole binge, Ssugtner of united in mar- 2 Cash Only COAL SALES Will THE ROYAL CONSPIRATORS. of Asia. It is an ambitious éontrict, - The Willy and Nicky letters, which | "4! N!Ppon thinks he is quite oqual ] - \ y At price current for mon Herald, are intensely interesting. | Rn 4 : " | - when the order ey - They were not as carefully worded | a1 nly and Nigks never dreamt : Fo as state documents usnally are. but ey were making political his- United States compels this ac. . perors whose rule has been despotic. hours in éxchanging telegrams, and |: = Th rare epistles they were, too. . ey presumed, beginning with » a Japan, and during the war between Foot of Queen St. Phone 9. *~ . » El er' CE = ee A = ZA -- ---- Senator La Follette, at St. Paul, last week, denounced the entrance} . of America into the war. Th of The surprise of the hour lies in ate is asked to indict him - _--~ the fact that a budget so compromis- son and expel him from the House. ing was accumulated by: the Czar Will it do 'this? 3 and left as a legacy to the Allies. To ------ be sure he was arrested under cfr. In Australia the food controller cumstances which made it impossible | regulates the prices of all foods, ----r------------ aa pose all men are agreed. The Japanese have declared a riage in Brockville on Saturday. Be For CASH : . are running through the New York to it. : on il oN Fo A : The Coal situation in tlie they represent the views of the em- tory when they spent their leisure ; iil - A - her and Russia, to dictate the policy of the nations. Sy >