12 PAGES _ YEAR 84.¥0. 230 / 124 Che Daily British Whig KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1917 | PAGES 9.12 tains ------ EE Ottawa Glimpses BY H. F. GADSBY [he enfranchised t 1s to paint t gil fined ¢ Sir Joseph ti is being more and n s fellow citizens re discovered by e despite the ef ate Sir Jo- to draw its | due to ence of f Valdro zood , Liberal, a lover of the and the legal representative trial of Saturday night, the one ronto paper that was fearless enough te come to grips with a big advertiser like Sir Joseph Flavelle Of course the evidence would be more revealing if the Royal Commis- ion included one expert cost account ant instead of two auditors. velle affiliations in Big Business which they must take care of These tw auditors do not go behind the presented to them by crack mathematician, General Fox Naturally, Mr out a bad case for just as naturally two audit for future commissi agree with him I figures g¢heck, theref ail right." And ¢ ant the other "Figures cannot hi can figure How d you make up this item?" [he would enter into a searching analysis of the cost elements However ming out in spite of handicaps, and the five hun- dred thousand women who have been given the vote by the Borden Govern ment would do well to keep a sharp eye the ¢ from day to day and see what it means, It is not much to say that of the five hund thousand soldiers' women have been enfranchised, four thousand = belong to the casses which feels the high living most acutely They are on short commons most of the time and very little would push them over the dead line into actual starvation. Their separation allowances have not been able to keep pace with the price of Sir Joseph Flavelle's bacon | the Sir Jo Ma on Lars on idence working cost of | covntry | with Fla- | te mission with id also find up of looters jup to neck 1 he N. R 1 by whicl they hog t fleece this £135.000.000---87.000.000 for the bonds they hou vd £60 000 f ) watefed stock hey w i also tind Sir Chifford Sif- sh This is 8 80 i tous to con- Flavelle Government the treasure is there One h \\ here heart be ¢ hve nbling for elle and the other : all playing the same ng as there are so many de ght the Sir Joseph What he campaign fund in 1911 s it was a cool million--he a hundred fold I'he Borden Government has ive hundred thousand more or wor women the vote [hey as cheaper food and they got nstead The Borden Govern- said, "Here are your pretty little Use them to keep Sir Joseph big gave to -rur given less im power and you'll feel bet-| the 'old story of the bread again You can't They won't keep the chil- starving wer Hanna issues an.inspiring ma- nifesto ever and anon, but soft as his words are "they don't fill an empty stomach, Votes from the Borden stone over trom grafts escape | 1s810n that deal | t up in England, | Borden Government can't | wants | Food Commis- | Government and kind words from Mr. | Hanna--these are pretty thin diet. It] will be interesting to see how many of the five hundred thousand women vote | for Borden and cent ba- con fifty-seven Sir Joseph is more responsible than country who have been trying to make any other man in Canada for the vo living It +s his calculating brain that has built up the pork trust | and perfected the system by which the | fourteen cent hog Became the fifty-| seven cent bacon. The high cost of | Butter, eggs and other staple products | can also be traced to his pernicious | activities. Sir Joseph is not only the | \guide, philosopher and friend of the Borden Government, but he is said to! own Finance Minister. White, who | runs chores for him. Sir Joseph has such a hold on the Borden Govern- | ment that hé hasn't even offered to resign from the chairmanship of the] cost of a dollar do fifty cents' work, will be interested to learn that Sir Joseph Flavelle's company made two million dollars this year on the bacon it sold to" England As the William Davies Company it made a million on the ga- con on this side of the ocean, and as Sheed-Thompson & Co.--anether dis- guise of Sir Joseph--it made a million | on the other side of the ocean. This is what-you might call working both ends for the middle. The pro- cess of collecting twice for the same rticle is very simple according to Sir Joseph As the William Davies Cotapany he puts on a profit on this Munitions Board while he is being in- | side of the water and then sells to him- vestigated Sam Hughes did it, and | Eob Rogers did it, but the pious Sir | Joseph, who deplores everybody's pro-| fits but his own, refuses to do it. | He makes the excuse that he doesn't.) do it because his is, an imperial ap- | pointment, but the general opinion is | that if the man had any delicacy he | wouldn't let a little thing like that stand in his way The fact seems to be that Sir Joseph has associated with hcgs so long that he caught some of their manners. Anybody but Sir Jo- seph would have taken it as a hint to quit his chairmanship of the Imperial Munitions Board, when the British Government stopped buying his ba- con but his hide is thick and he didn't feel it Sir Joseph is also said to have an appetite not unlike his favor- ite animal. So far as' Big Business goes Sir Jo- seph has long been know as one who had all his feet in the trough at once, but since the war started he has; done even better... Rumor has it that his' STUDENTS FINED FOR PART IN "INITIATION" Chancellor of University Pen- alizes: Members of Fresh- men Clubs. Fredericton, N.B., Oct. 3.--Be- cause many of the students of the University of New Brunswick last' week participated in the "inttiation" of members of the freshmen clubs, in violation of orders of Chancellor *C. C. Jones, the chancellor to-day an- nounced that each student who took part would be fined $25. The stu- dents will be suspended from all priv- fleges until the fines are paid and will be debarred from all prizes and scholarshipg during the academic year, Scholarships already award- self as Sheed-Thompson & Co. on the other side of the water, which com- pany puts on another profit, adds a commission and hands the bacon over to the British Government. Tt is well that the bacon has only ene ocean to Apparently the number of profits increase in geometrical p.o- gression. That is wo say, if one ocean means two profits, four would mean sixteen, This probably explains how the Da- vies Company made two hundred and fifty per cent. during one year of the Boer war The bacon had a number of oceans to cross, and doubtless Sir Joseph, in some disguise or other, was waiting at all the strategic spots where another profit might be expect- ed to happen. Incidentally there is a rumor aboat that the bacon Sir. Jo- seph sold to the British army in South Africa was bad, and that a lot of it* was condemned If the Commission had full powers. it might inquire into that. H. F. GADSBY. Cross ed wilt be cancelled. The students affected declare that they will ap- peal to the university senate. Great Herd of Caribou. Dawson, Y.T., Oct. 3.--A. great herd of caribou is reported at the head of Forty-Mile River, west of Dawson. One traveller waited for three hours for the herd to pass him so that he could make his way along the public road. The number af car- ibou ranging across the entire belt of several hundreds of miles is esti- mated at more than one million, Capt. A. G. E. Smith of the Six Nations Reserve, who has made godd at the front, is mentioned for a can- didate in Brant on a "Win-the-War" and "Votes for the Indian" platform. The hand of fate is always ready to grasp an opportunity. . our three new Cook Books. MONTREAL Sead us Red Ball Trademark for free coples of Atlantic Sugar Refineries Limited Peaches are the most valued treasure on the pre- serve shelf. | | | | { Meanwh,le housewives all over the to lecture in many "movie" Gossips refuse to supply them with raw ma- terial. SECOND SECTION 2 ; ~AISER AS MASTER PLOTTER AND TSAR A FEEBLE DUPE The intimate correspondenee between Kaiser Wilhe and shows the Kaiser as a master plotter and the Tsar Kaiser conspiring against ing to violate Denmark. steamer Prince "Nicky" aboard POSED AS VIMY HERO, FLEECED THE PUBLIC| C.E.F- Discharged in Eng- land--Addicted to Drugs Windsor, Oct. 3 Posing as "the hero of Vimy Ridge," and lecturing on 'experiences' in trenches ot Flanders and France, Pte. William Hambleton, late of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, fleeced citizens | of Seattle and other western cities) out of hundreds of dollars, according to his own alleged admissions here to-day to officials of the Canadian Immigration Department. Newspaper clippings found in Hambieton's suitcase show the pseudo-hero was lionized at Seattle, where he took part in a big Liberty loan meeting, at which Governor Lyster presided The Rotary Club of Seattle, Hambleton said, paid him $50 to lecture on 'The Somme," "The Battle of Courcelette" and "How the Tanks Work." Other cities visited by Hambleton include Sparta, Kilbourne, Portage and Madison, Wis., and Billings and Butte, Montana. Before the Rotary Club of Butte, Hambleton lecture on 'My Bighteen Months' Experience in the Trenches,'™ . That he was also his under contract theatres in Washington, Montana, Wisconsin and California is shown by advertis- ing .matter found among his belong- ings. At Everett, Wash., citizens ten- dered him a reception and presented him with a purse of money. x In his 'lectures' Hambleton re- presented that he had been wounded by machine gun and shrapnel fire no less than sixteen times, and illustrat- ed his 'heroism': by displaying a scar on the abdomen, which he told his andience was the result of a bay- onet stab. T "Sure, the interviews: 1 gave to! newspapers were all lies," Hambleton! admitted frankly to-day, "but I got the money and spent it to buy drugs." Hambleton is a native of Philadel- phia. He was enlisted 'with the 1st Canadian Expeditionary Force at London, but was discharged a' month after his battalion reached England because it was found he was addicted | to the use of drugs. He was picked up here last night at the Armories and turned over to the immigration authorities, who will hold him until his record is looked into. NO OCCUPATIONS TO BE IMMUNE Definite Decision Reached Will Serve to Guide Local Tribunals. Ottawa, Oct. 3.--No special ocou- pation will receive exemption when men are called to the colors under the Militia Service Act. In Great Britain certain occupations were cer- tified and a man so occupied re- ceived conditional exemption. But, while conditional exemption, granted So long as the man remains at speci- fied occupation, may be granted at a focal: tribunal in Canada, there will be mo trades or occupdtion granted exemption as a whole, This deeis- fon, it is understood, has been defin- itely reached, and local tribunals will be oid by it. \ Bota on: that Mili Service Act not pi 3 - listing of occupations especially call- ing for exemption. The plan was not | found to work satisfactorily in Ens.) tions in conditions prevailing in dif.' ferent parts of Canada render such a plan even less suitable here. have no use for people who Jritain and) endeavoring to deceive Fra No. 1 is the Russian cryiger Smolensk, Henry, over which the Kaiser protested to the the yacht Hohenzollern. by the Russians and to which "Willy" eee The German Government, of the scarcity of food stuffs, will re- : move from the country all foreigners Aamission of Ex-nember of ndt employed in war industries. mg -- R | Of course, you can : buy cheaper teas, but "SALADA" is undoubtedly the most economical and what appears to be 'cheap' in price will prove to be | extravagant in use. The fresh young leaves of "Salada" will yield you generous value for your money. Bs | ec oi ssa. - | TA A A et fA Atti itn EY St A GA BA DIADSE A 1 oA Much More Than Your Money's Worth 2m, reo l and Golden Glew for The Original Economy Fabrics shirts, dresses and coals Honey Cloth 52/54 ir. wide, 8 1/2 to § ows. to the re eld for all season wear, Dr ry ride. § 172 40 or hard wear nite, coats, skirts, ete . oh. Eweraterd : ™ will forl DRESSED UP all the time if you wear thes pods For ies) fast colors. You For o LESHER, WHITMAN & CO., Inc. 881 Broadway, New ol Cin ig Act on this advice. -- If your dealer does not keep them, cut out' this ad, paste it to a postal card, put your name and address on if with the name of your desler and mail it to us. WV, and advise him of your request. w will send him salgples wt onc IRL SURRY Lr Im and Tsar Nicholas has been unmasked as a dupe. The correspondence revealed the nce, ensnaring Russia and seek- which had stopped the German : ; Tsar. No. 2 shows "Willy" and No. 3 is the German steamship Scandi: ich we i : rerinan steamship Scandia, which was seized objected in strenuous tones to "Nicky." Going to build? Think ! If you can invest a few dollars extra to add ten times the amount to the value of your building isn t that the wise thing to do? Face with Interprovincial Pressed Brick and be assured of Quality and Service. WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES TO-DAY Address-- INTERPROVINCIAL BRICK CO. OF CANADA, Limited 154 Simcoe Street (G. ildi rout { Sevdyenr Bulliing), TORONTO Robert K Lovell, of the publish John Lovell & Son Monday aged six in view ing house cf Montreal, died on ty-seven years [ORE than two millnn Ford cars have been made and sold, and mare than 140,000 of this vast number have been "Made in Canada". The Ford enjoys the largest sale of any motor car, because it represents the greatest motor car value. Its name has always stood for low cost, and the car has everywhere given satisfactory service. Ford Endurance, Ford Dependability, dod Ford Universal Dealer Service have made 'the Ford car universally popular. : Every third car in Canada today is a Ford. The Judgment and decision of these 2,000,000 satisfied Ford owners should convince you that the Ford is a superior car, and equal to your needs. Touring - - - $495 Coupelet - - $695 THE UNIVERSAL CAR Sedan - . . $890 F. O. B. FORD, ONT. G. H. Richardson, Dealer - - - J. A. Goodfellow, Dealer - - - . . Parham D.E. & J.B. Smith, Dealers - - - - Odessa . - Tamworth Van Luven Bros., Dealers - - Moscow' &