_ PAGE TEN FELT LIKE A NEW PERSON Atter Taking Only One Box Of "Fruit-a-tives" Easr Samir Hammovz, N. 8, "It is with great pieasure that I write to tell you of the wonderful benefits 1 have received from taking "Fruit-a- tives". For years, I was a dreadful sufferer from Constipation amd FHead- aches, and 1 was miserable in every way, Nothing in the way of medicines seemed to help me. Then I finally tried "Fruit-a-tives"" and the effect was splendid. After taking one box, I feel like a new persen, to have aelief from those sickening Headaches". Mes. MARTHA DEWOLFE. B0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit. a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Is manifestly quite absurd, "55% There's hope in that reassuring word, © The idea of a" tonic ace But when your hair is falling - / HERPICIDE For baldness that is chronic ® J «5 i / In quantities appalling. Xx oa Applications at the better barber shogs Try Making Your Own « Cough Remedy You can save about §2, and have ® better remedy than the ready- made kind. Easily done. 1525252525250 252525R5a5a525d525c If vou combined the curative properties of every known "ready-made" cough rem- cdy, you would hardly have in them all the curative power that lies in this sim- ple "home-made" cough syrup which takes only a few minutes to prepare. Get from any druggist 214 ounces of Pinex (30 cents worth), pour it into a 16-0z, bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup. The total cost is. about 535 cents and gives you 16 ounces of really better cough syrup than you could buy ready- made for $2.50. Tastes pleasant and never spoils. ¢ This Pinex and sugar syrup prep- aration gets right at the cause of m cough and gives almost immediate re- lief. Xt loosens the phlegm, stops tha nasty throat tickle and heals the sore, irritated branes that line the throat, chest and bronchial tubes, so gently and easily that it is really as- tonishing. A day's use will usually overcome the ordinary.eough and for bronchitis, eroup, whooping eough and bronchial asthma, it is APendid, Pinex is a most valuable concentrated compound of genuine Norway pine ex- tract and has been used for generations to break up severe coughs, . To avoid disappointment, ask vour druggist for "274 ounces of Pinex" with full directions, and don't accept any- thing else, A guarantee of absoluto satisfaction or money premptly refunded, goes with this preparation, "The Pigex Co., Toronto, Ont, FRESH LAKE ON- TARIO . WHITE- i|- FISH AND TROUT All Kinds of Fresh Fish. IN HOSPITAL Mrs. Brown Finally Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Cleveland, Obio.~ 'For years I suf- fered so sometimes it seemad as though THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1917. | m Of EEE PF THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXAN (By Frances Walter) ) -- DANGER IN SIGHT | the McClure rate) in love differs vastly man who is not By the the woman who loves her qualities which in a very pronounc- the wife who is in- her mate In the is a wife who is frequently ad the very innermost iusband; in the other who no farther face The + from the same token husband posses distinguish her degree from towar WC ses d re thoughts of her 18 a woman than the sur After 1 had Kenneth and Mrs. Palmer few minutes | knew that he was fascinated by her beauty and charmed by her manner His attitude toward her was not at all that of a guest trying to make himself agreeable To change the figure he suggested a fly just ventur- border of the treacherous Palmer represented the type he never had encountered. In his lonely young manhood he had eschewed women because of his own unhappy lot and his consequent dis- like strangers. Then had come his visit to our home and his meet- ing with Virginia and me. There in our little family circle he had his first real glimpse of womanhood; learned for the first time what young women really were like in their re- lation to men Our marriage had followed 80 soon afterward that he had not time to extend his knowledge of woman nature, but the old sees watched for a ing on the Mrs web of as DISMISS MEMBERS OF COLLEGE STAFF Columbia University Wants No Professors Opposing Conduct of War. New York, Oct. 3.--By unanimous vote on the board of trustees. of Columbia University, the professor- ships held by James McKeen Cattell, of the department of psychology, and Henry W. L. Dana, of the de partment of English and comparative literature, were declared. vacant at the intial monthly meeting of the current academic year. Professor Cattell, father of Owen Cattell, the iColumhja student, who was_placed on trial in the Federal Couft for attempting to evade the selective draft law, was recommend ed for retirement, and Professor Dana. was requested to resign. The announcement of the removal stated that "it was the judgment of the members of the university facul- ties, in which the trustees concurred, that both Prof. Cattell and Prof. Dana bad done grave injury to- the university by their public agitation against the conduct of the war." ALerrons By Pictorial Rewew For the Little Maid's Wardrobe. ._ An emdroidered collar with cuffs to match add the finishing touches to this dear little coat of blue serge. It is made in double-breasted effect, ith collar in two styles. All the distinction of simplicity makes this little coat of dark blue Seige. Jusizahie. The open neck is with a large collar of em- broidered linen, which has sleeves to match. The pockets are of self-mate- rial and fanciful in shape. In med- jam size the design requires 1% yards Bd-ineh serge. So simple a coat requires but little timp to make, with the aid. of a eon- struction guide and accurate direc- ary & Practical | Fiome Dress Makin Prepared Specially fo,» This Newspaper life fell away from him and he en | tered into social relations with men «and women, he found it necessary to | readjust himself completely. He had reached the point where women no He took but he never thought existed. each revelation for granted, like Mrs. Palmer. I think I knew neth himself just what his feelings were when this beautiful creature fastened her eyes upon him and pro- ceeded to spin her about him First came the shock of her vivid loveliness; then a gentle surprise that one such as she should show him so great partiality Gradually the net was wound 'more tightly about him until he ceased to wonder, ceas- ed to think of anything except this woman's charm and gave himself up entirely to the strange pleasure of the moment better than web My first impulse when | saw Mrs Palmer lead him to the hotel veranda was to follow them, take him by the arm and carry him away from hgr. Had I been a woman of the primeval age that is practically what I would have done, and I would have done more I would have said to the woman, 'Keep your unclean hands off this good man; turn your blandish ments upon some one whom you have the right to win If you cannot keep your own soul pure and white respect the purity and honor of others." (To be continued) A a AA A A eA A AA AAA AAA AAA A Ata Don't Eat Less--But Eat Better. There is no need of anyone going hungry. Canadians should eat foods that supply the greatest amount of nutriment at the lowest cost. The whole wheat grain is the most per- fect food given to man. Shredded Wheat Biscuit is the whole wheat grain prepared in a digestible form. Every particle of the whole wheat berry is used-- nothing wasted, nothing thrown away. Two or three of these biscuits with milk, sliced peaches or other fruits make a nourishing, satisfying meal at a cost of only a few cents. Made in Canada. { J | longer astonished him with qualitiesq up | to that time he had not met a woman | | Ken- | om | FINAL WORD FOR EDICAL BODIES PEPPER ES EPP PPP Ebb bb bbb les Must Pass 0 Told In Twilight | Official Each Man Called up Under Military Service Act. Ottawa, Oct. 3. A nu er of doc throughout the country have | been writing here to ask if a 'certifi- | cate of physical unfitness from a fam- ily physician will be accepted at f | vale® by a Medical Board instituted { under the Military Service Act. The | answer returned was a prompt nega ! tive. } Experience has shown family physicians placed in an awkward tion if certificates of phy I unfitnecs granted by them competent secure freedom of {der the Military | the sons of some of | Doctors might easily be | annoyances of a most agreeable kind if the idea were to spread that | any one of them, with a wave of hi { pen, might exempt a young man from military service. Under scheme | by which the Milita vy Service Act | operated, the will | guided by Medi | Boards j tors (Continued from Page 3.) Colonel Perreau, of the Royal Mili tary 1s spending a few « Ottawa, staying at the Cha College ) Helen Drury will return to Montreal from Halifax early in No- vember to attend the marriage Capt. Chipman Drury Mrs. Robert Crawford and r 1 have returned bourg and Toront« that some of Miss from to Robert Stewart > the engagement of taerr tg Dr. A. E. Ma of the late W. J. Ma bod, Kingston, the ce quietly towasd Otta Serv 11a tk dis the Whiting, 52 Clergy on Thursday, O« first Thursday in 1g the winter * John will receive 4th, and t month d is be al autuorities the" Official Mr. and ) : Mrs. James T. Hewctson Toronto nounce the marriage of thair day Agnes Maude, to Rev Glen Wardell, Picton, Ont, to take place Oct. 4th, in Beverley Street Bap tist Church . * * Miss Jennie Phillips, Johnson "| street, visiting in Toronto has return- ed home | Prof. apd Mrs. Callander, of "Cal derwood." are in 'Montreal the guests of Dr. and Mrs. John Macnaughton for the week Majpr Newman ran down | Kingston to Brockville to spend the | week-end with his family | Mr. and Mrs Eugene Beaupre, of Toronto, are in New York Miss Strange, Kingston, is expect- ed in Toronto to visit Mr. and Mrs Fane Sewell * * * Mrs. Alexander 'Mackie Clergy | street, is leaving to-morrow to spend a week with friends in Oshawa | Miss Maxine Morris, Edmonton, | who has been visiting Mi=s Isabelle | Waldron, King street, left for To [ronto on Tuesday. | Miss Florence Stewart, nurse-in- at the Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, Colling training, . * @ Mrs. Bolston Carr-Harris arrived in town from Toronto this week, {and Major Carr-Harris has returned | from Petawawa Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Guess, Mr {and Mrs. Baxter, Capt. and Mrs Vandreesar left on Tuesday for a motor trip to Rochester, N.Y., and | Niagara Falls. | Miss Isabelle Waldron left on Tues- | day for Toronto. | wood street | ER ee Il known | SH em BNGLI LABOR LEAT vill Thorne, M.P. the we la¥or leader in Britain The Barnet Mausoleum. | emm---------- . | Renfrew, Oct. 2--Mrs. A. Barnet is Westport Couple Wedded. | erecting a very handsome mausoleum Westport, Oct. 1 The Methodist | in the. Renfrew cemetery. The build- parsonage, Perth, was the scene of a|ing will be twenty-two feet long by quiet wedding on Tuesday evening, |scventeen feet wide and will be six- Sept. 18th, when Stanley D. Wing|!cen feet high. = The outcr swne will and Miss Cora G, Dowdall, both pop-| Pe of Stanstead granite, while the in- ular young people of Westport were | (€rior lining will be in white marble, united in marriage by Rev. Thomas | "ith all the metal parts of bronze. The Brown. : | mausoleum will contain sixteen crypts Oliver J. McNally, formerly of the | 20d have a stained glass window in Merchants Bank staff here is spen Fpoucy Side The styie of archittotiny ing a few days with his mother. Mrs. | will be Corinthian, and the front col- H. W. McNaily, 'before leaving for | fas, Sour in number. will be nine Toronto where he has been accepted [he ot ugh and Sigteen inches in diame for a cadetship in the Canadian | por: Be wal iio Spout or cars of training squadron of the Royal Fly- gre THe an A . cast bhe joa of, Myre RE ) y ble © complete this hand some uild- Dr. Thomas S. Duncan, associ | 8 the eomract for wie h has been , as 8. an, as ate {placed in the hands of the McIntosh professor of Greek at the University | Granite ( ompany, Toronto of the South Sewanee, Tennessee, left | - tions, First, close the underarm and shoulder seams as notched. Turn un- der front edge of front on small "o" perforations for underfacing; ling of large "0" perforations indicates cen- ter-front. Turn hem at lower edge of coat on small "'o'2-perforations. Next, face the collar and sew to neck edge of back with centar-backs even, and to front matehing notches, Then, take the ket/and turn a hem at the upper edge on small "o" per- forations. Adjust: posket on front of coat, with outer edges between indie cating small *'g" side edges to ti Close the sleeve and euff seams; next. Face cuff and sw to sleewe, notches at lower edges and seams even, Sew sleeve in armhole as noteh- ed 'with small ""o" rforations; stiteh on. A shield and standing eollar iy for ihe. terre sign, 0 make it, lar to meck nr sol | fronts and back a: emall '0 s indicate gy of shield and collar. at of shield gan lower edge and tie In the i the embroidered sprays. on Tuesday to resume his duties for | v the college session. | Notes From Wilson. Dr. Lorne W. Yule and Mrs. Yule | Wilson, Sept 27.--~ Those who of Logansport, Indiana, spent a few | visited the exhibition at Renfrew days of this week guests of Mr. and | were: J. W. Ball, Alexander Thomp Mrs. J. BR Breakenridge. Mrs H.| son, Violet Johnston, James Earl Housten, Philadelphia, Miss Rose Lawrence and Hilda Wilson, Mrs. Hopkins, Watertown, N.Y., and Miss | Jas. Avery and her ward, D. 8S. Muriel Stephenson, Prescott, spent! Wilson. George Brisco and James the past week at Kill-Kare cottage, | Avery left here yesterday to visit the guests of the Misses Alguire. the exhibition at McDonald's Corn- [2a on the 28th. Mrs. R. M. Bailey a ) : W and little daughter, Muriel, Cala. in Now a Spe peo ne uatch 38 bogie, at her father's, John Wiison, 10 'be ashamed a £ ! sr 8; 'Wilfred Mallory, Wensley, at > his grandmother's, Mrs. N. J. Me- {Leod's; Mrs. John Grant, Wensley, WAR MENUS {at John M. Brisco's. R. C. Johnston {and Bryan Brisco left here to.day How to Save Wheat, Beef and Bacon for the men at the front. | with loads of cheese for delivery at Issued from the office of the | Calabogie Station. Food Controller for Canada, "The Civilian," the official organ {of the civil service, criticizes the MENU FOR THURSDAY | money votes by Parliament to in- weds | from | . Put Less Tea in the Pot Because it chiefly consists of the 'Assam teas of Northern India, the strongest and richest in the world, less Red Rose is required in the tea pot. Where four or five spoonfuls of ordinary tea are required just use : three of Red Rose. Red Rose tastes better. Kept Good by the Sealed Package And lp A A A A eA tet et Att At AAA NAAM ttm There Ix no such thing ns an "Edison Tone." T , in the New Edison, a Bo Spalding Tone, Anna separate : *h faithful to che distinet- Ive character of the artist. Ant the New ison has no tone of Its ow 11 Is merely n perfect vehicle for the re- production of the artist's work. There Is no foreign sound, no "talking machine" tone. Mr. Edison has elim- innted all these. The music of the New Edison is nothing but pure, unaltered. life-like tone of the original artist. Come In and hear your faver- Ite rord today on the New Ed N We will be giad to play it for you without obll- sation. De CISNEROS as CARMEN THE J. M. GREENE MUSIC CO., LTD. Cor. Princess and Sydenham Streets. Kingston. Women's Shoes at Reduced Prices « tp pa. " . ~~ -- We are placing on sale some extra val- ues in women's patent and gun metal black cloth top shoes. omen's patent and gun metal shoes, cloth top, button and lace styles, $6.00 va- lue for $3.49. Women's patent and gun metal shoes, cloth top, button and lace styles. $5.00 va- lue for $2.49. ; These shoes are nearly all Queen Qual- ity make and are priced at less than cost. J.H Sutherland & Bro. The Home of Good Shoes. | orease salaries of Government em- Breakfast { | ployees. Porridge Milk Sugar Marmalade Tea or Coffee Oatmeal Toast { Luncheon i Salmon Loaf Mashed Potatoes Sliced Tomatoes Cornmeal Gems Butter Tea Sugar Mik Dinner Pot Roast of Beaf Baked Potatoes Boiled Cabbage Corastarch Pudding Milk gar on Loaf and Pat - Roast Salmon Loaf 1% cups salmon 1 cup white sau 1% cups. boiled rice 4 Lime a greased baker With boiled rice to a depth of ove-half inch Put the salmon in e centre of the dish. Cover with the rice and heat thoroughly in the oven Turn out onto a platier and serve with White Sauce around | \ Pot Roast Select a lean piece of meat as Rump. Put imo the bottom of the POL & granite saucer or rack to keep the meat from touching the bottom »f the pot. Set the meat om the Saucer. » Put in 4 very small quan tity ol water. and Keep just en gh LW prevent burning Cover very © and cook over the fire until cooked throughout. For this an iron pet is best and it ghould have a very close cover, Few food products in any country have ever equalled the Sixty Year Leadership maintained by Redpath Sugar. Buy it in original packages to be sure of getting the genuine REDPATH. "Let Redpath Sweeten it." + Hlstorial Review Coap No. 7367. Sizes, 2 to § years. Price, 15 sent, | Made in one grade only--the highest ! A ca--------------------