Fh iat et ore goer PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3,1917. In COBB THE GREAT BATTER GIVES VALUABLE INFORMATION. | He Advocates Having a_Man to Do Nothing But Coach Batters--Some | of His Own Experiences. | Ty b, in the October number of the Magazine, in discuss- | ing his present great showing. has a word to say on that favorite old argu- ment, place hitting. Says Ty "I am not overly superstitious. irse, | pick up pins on the street And AS CHARLIE SAYS: PLACE HITING Somewhere, there may be SH i ais helter cigar than an ARABELA, but Ever-Ready ALWAYS READY -- THAT POCKET DAYLO a who wants a better one? The 4=for=a=quarter cigar. Scales & Roberts Limited, Toronto. Of | SO once in a while, all players do. f°] have a particularly good day at| Je mn EE the bat | am apt to follow the same | Largest assortment between Toronto and Montreal. Small pocket sizes ' for every night use. * Tubular sizes for your car, garage or stable. Never go out at night with your auto- mobile unless you have an Ever-Ready Daylo in case of trouble. We carry bat- teries and bulbs for all sizes of Daylos. Bring your Flashlight in and we will put it in shape for you. P TREADGOLD Sporting Goods Co., 88 PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON, PHONE 520, PE ---- TRY, Sc. Poet Cigar 5c. Look for Silk Thread on Tip of Each Olgas, S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston, _-- | MONUMENTS : of Meotch 'and n Granites, Vermont Marble, - The McCallum Granite Company, Ld. RS JEFF GOT HIS FOUR AND KNOCKED a OFF FOR THE DAY. | best to defer to them, so that you | can face the problem in hand with a | clear conscience and nothing lurking back & ere in the recesses of your cra- nium to trouble you. on my way aren't so much in evidence In base-running | many chances as 1 did liable to cut.loose, if I feel right. But in batting, to tell the truth, I don't think I was ever better "This is my thirteenth season in the big tent ow, I have been moder- ately 'busy those thirteen years guess I have got as nruch action out of my legs as the next man I don't regard myself as a crippled old man by any means, In fact, I feel pretty spruce for my age jut I am not denying that some of the spring has gone out of my legs. and I [don't re- cuperate from a hard day's work quite so easily as | used to. There's a dif- ference between 21 and 30, and no ath- leter was ever so good that he could dodge the difference Jut so far, I am bound to say that added--exy ence has more than made up for any slowing up \s | look back some six or eight years and think of the ginger | used to have in those days, I can only wish I knew as much about batting then as [ do now. [I haven't much brains. but Lam getting by, by using all I have to the best advantage. I know a lot about batting that I didn't use to know It is easy for me to get a cluster of hits when things are breaking right just by using my noodle In the old days I lost many a hit I would have made if | had had the experience and knowledge of bat- ting that I have now Of course, there is, and always will bea big ele- ment of luck in hitting. But inrthe long run and under normal condi- tions, I am pretty sure of myself these days, and 1 don't greatly care who is pitching or what he gives me. Place Hitting. "There is a good deal to this place hitting. 1 have observed that many fine h.tters have a fundamental weak- riess in their work Some are almost invariably right or left field hitters. That is bad, for it gives the fielders too much of an edge. [I early tried to remedy that defect in myself, and I believe I can truthfully say that I can hit equally well into either right or left field at will... Other batters have a weakness in that they are either sluggers who always hit healthy wal- lops to the outfield, or else are weak hitters who rofl out infield hits. Now both have their defects, for the field- Gall Stones REMOVED IN 24 HOURS WITHOUT ANY PAIN WHATEVER INDIGESTION, Stomach and Liver Disorders, Appendicitis," Peritonitis, and Kidney Stones are often caused by Gall Stones, which is a dangerous complaint and misleads persons to believe that they have stomach-trou- ble, Chronic Dyspepsia and Indiges- tion, until those bad attacks of Gall Stone Colic appear; then they realize what is the trouble. Ninety out of every hundred persons who have Gall Stones don't know it. Procure today and avoid an operation. Can be ob- tained at T. H, SARGENT, Druggist, Kingston, Ont. J. W. Marlatt & Co, 581 Ontario Street, Toronto. Nc tr, "l am not scoring so many runs as | I used to, but the team isn't so strong. | The big sticks that used to help me | am not taking so | In the lat-| ter part of the season, when I have a | comfortable margin to work on, I am | . Ea Arthue Fletcher, shortstop o Weaver, the shortstop of the White Sox, much is expetced from in the bi mmm, ~---- ---- ers can lay for either kind of hitting I endeavor to break up the monotony In short, I try to give the fielders something that they are not expecting that they can never plot out a campaign to stop me. I will not claim that any batter alive can drop a ball on any particular square yard of turf Jut I will claim that when I am going right, I can drive four out five fast balls within fifteen feet of where I want them to go That is to say. within fifteen fect of any given spot on the infield I cannot guard [against Witting grounders or popping up high flies Excepting in bunting there arc seldom occasions where a batter wants to hit grounders, any- way And he never wants to hit flies unless they are very long and poten- tial home runs What he aims to do is to hit the ball square vow I can- SO square. . but | can bes certain, four times out of five on a fast ball, that I will hit it in a given direction within fifyeen feet of where J aimedit "On a curve I gouldnt be so sure. But I believe that I can do the same with more than half the curves that I face. Coach Batters, "I believe that it would pay every major league club ta have a man to do nothing but coach batters A fel- that he- can see But a trained man who knows batting could see the rea- son, and coach the batter out of his slump. The pitchers claim they can make a batter pull his hits into either control. They can't do it if the bat- ter has any, sense. For instance, if they put oné over on the inside of the plate T can easily overcome that _han- dicap by stepping back from the plate a little If it comes the other way I step into the strike to meet it bet- ter. A little foot work on the part of the batter will overcome an awful lot of the advantage the pitcher usu- ally has Then, too, I have learned that when I am having an off time with the stick, if T elevated my elbow a little I can get back into a truer swing Thera are lots of little tricks that the batter can experiment with to break himself of a bad hitting habit. Lots of things, if he only had some trained observer to point them out. ; Of course, the manager might do this, but he is much overworked on the field as it™h. He hasn't time for everything, anc \'t be bothered with too many details" RUGBY STARS WITH AVIATORS Arrangements Being Made For Games in Toronto. Judging by the arrangements that are being made by the Sportsmen's Patriotic Association, Toronto is in for a season or rugby football this fall that will rival the old Varsity- McGill-Hamilton-Argonaut days. Plans are being made to provide games of a stellar variety for the lovers of the sport, and-as a begin- ing the Sportsmen have completed arrangements for a game on Thanks- giving Day at Varsity field, between two teams of American college play- not be certain that I will hit the sw of Texas team low gets into a slump for no reason| left or right field, if they have good | ARTHUR FLETCHER f the New York Giants, and Buck SOX, are two splendid players £ series. of the game who are now in training for the army and navy of the United States. One team will be chosen from the Naval Service, Aviation Section, | how at Camp Borden, and the other | will be from Battery "C," 2nd 'New York Artillery, at present located at Camp Niagara, N.Y The aviators| have representatives from Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth, Minne- | sota, Pennsylvania. and other great £00 che teams, and several of them Us have been selected on the All-Ameri- "can elevens by walter Camp, while | the New York Artillery men have a ynumber of the interscholastic cham- | pions on their line-up and have al- | ready had the additional advantage | of having played a number of games | when down on the Mexican border, including a match with the Univer- [ Many a man who claims to be | truthful spends a lot of time echoing | the lies of other men Better a clieerful failire than a morbid success. A NEW FULL WEIGHT TOOKE COLLAR 20¢ each, 3 for Boe, TOOKE BROS. LIMITED Makers Montreal general routine the next day I im- | is 3 - agine every one has some lingering | E Re i 5 | recollection of superstition in his cra- | 4 : 3 J X - | nium. He realizes that it :s childish, | i 3 | H > | no doubt. But there is this much | : : EB 3 i ie . | reason to it all If you have fool] i b i Pt 4 p ¢ !ideas that litter up your mind, it is | b p i { 3 A Parent's Endowment Guarantees to Your Children a fixed amount of Cash, with Profits in addition, payable at a fixed date, when most needed. If you die, no more Premiums Py If the child dies, all Premiums are Refunded. Rates gladly furnished on request CROWN LIFE INSURANCE CO., TORONTO Agents wanted in unrepresented districts 50 a Oo Improve Your Complexion ) i } Get your blood pure, keep the liver active and the bowels regular, and disfiguring pimples and unsightly : blotches will disappear from the face. For improving the complexion and putting the blood in good order ; BEECHAMISIPILLS are safer, better and surer than cosmetics. They eliminate poisonous matters from the system, strength- en the organs and purify the blood--bring the health- glow to the cheeks, brighten the eyes, improve and Beautify, the Skin Prepared by Thomas Beecham, St. H England. Sold everywi Ee Soa Malan, In boxes, 25 cents. WA A AAA A A Kingston's Electric Store! New Address -- 167 Princess Street. HEATERS FOR YOUR BEDROOMS, ELECTRIC IRONS TOASTERS Beautiful Assortment of Fixtures and Table Lamps. H.W. Newman Electric Co., Come in and See Us. Phone 441. OE a eer [LSON'S the first time, you ers, including a number of the stars A When you smoke a "Bachelor" for Havana filler and choice Sumatra wrap- per, hand-rolled, can do for a cigar. OE INE 2 CANoREW WILSON <= EN XN 0 SET Dp "The National Smoke" Eighteen million "Bachelors" sold annually in Canada. CIGAR S30r25 realize all that clear = NOW, JeEE, I wi, TRAIN YOU IN BATTLE PRACTICE. WE AR% suPPOsEDd To BE AN ARMY OnE HUNDRED SAND STRONG. we ARE DEPENDING THI Post GAINS An Finding or Ly I GET You! INORDER. TO WIN EACH OR OUR. SOLDIERS fn / "7 1 i, 7) Hey ! simp! WHAT ARE You STOPPING SHOOTING FoR. ? WHITE VERY WHITE ING KILLED MY "FOUR. ALREADY