Are not turned out in a rush, but carefully designed and care fully made, Buyers who know McKAY FURS by experience and repu tation are sending their friends and coming to us in force They know our policy is not anything to get orders; but that we live up to promises and take care of our patrons You are invited to call and see our display of FUR MOD- ELB not surpassed in style, dis tinctiveness, variety value Write for Our Illus- trated Catalogue. or JOHN McKAY, THE FUR HOUSE 149-157 Brock St. Kingston, Canada. Your Windows and Doors Are drafty and cold. Our metal weather strips put on by experts will make them wind and storm proof. Give us the chance to prove "this to you. Ring 8190. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street Kingston, Ont. -- | STANDARD PATTERNS for Sale at COLLEGE BOOK STORE. Fh oa vill ove. ae piaiy: pke. on 1 cei So Crane Handsome Residence FOR SALE University Avenue Brick, with hall in centre, 7 large rooms; hot water heat- ing, $6,000. A choice selection of houses on our list, McCann, 82 Brock Street, Phones 326 or 621. WeareOptical Specialists 18 BEST SOLVED BY COMING TO US. You are assured a thorough scientific examination and ac- curate glasses at Asselstine's. Consult J. 5. ASSELSTINE D.OS. King Street. At the Golden Lion Grocery \ Fancy Clover ~ HONEY | In one pound sections, 25 cents each, | Fresh California Prunes, nice and i Juicy ..., 10c, 1235¢, 15¢ Ib. | Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs for 25c¢. | Evaporated Apricots ... ....15¢c Ib. | Sweet Cider : 40c gal, W. R. McRea & Co. | { . | Golden Lion Grocery a a | Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Young, Al | monte, announce the engagement of | their daughter, Etta Alice, to Edwin | Hobert Knight. The marriage will take place early in October. WE ARE SHOWING RUGS of unusual beauty and quality that we chal- lenge you to match anywhere else at any- ike our prices. ully, note their weave; the deep pile. ate the bigness of the represent. Examine these rugs rich colors, the close Then you'll appreci- values that our prices (L R. McFaul, a Kingston Carpet Warehouse QA _| street near Rideau street. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBE 1110 MEN RE ELIGBLE MEDICAL BOARD HAS EXAM. X INED 174 MEN. The Finest Class of Men in the Coun- try Will Be Called Under the Mili- tary Service Act. I ter « the Military Service e officers ecru.ting Ot examin- it they will t r the new me 1 CK; © | loan ixty-four of ible for Class A verseas | room ow the zens of men wait All are men who of business for » find out for their em will be called Pract. ne 1s holding down sc t position, and it can be seer iety .n being "next" for| ation that they do not want | more time than is neces me thei tthe exam to lose any by a lie examination is-a particularly ne The man first takes off all clothes. The doctors then test lung his heart, his eyesight, his t, and mn fact gO over *him from A report .s made out it the conclusion of the and this shows what | to foot for the man exannnation, mn SOLDIERS ARE COMING THURSDAY, 6.30 A.M. Definite Telegram From Que- bec States Time of Arrival of Returned Men. Because of a misunderstanding in [the despatch of telegrams from Que | bec as to the arrival of a large party {of invalided soldiers, many people {were at the C. P station on Wed nesday morning Later the office of [the Military Hospitals Commission received the following telegram 'Two officers, fourteen cot cases and | fifty-two other invalids will 'arrive by Grand Trunk in Kingston on Thurs- | day at 6.30 am." he Whig would like to state that the fault of incorrectly stating the ar rival of the boys was due to messages originating at Quebec Rr CONVALESCENTS ENTERTAINED | By St. George's Cathedral A.Y.P.A. on Tuesday Evening. The St. George's Cathedral branch of the A.Y.P.A. entertained the re- turned soldiers of Queen's Military Hospital, Mowat Memorial, Elm- hurst and Richardson Homes in their hall Tuesday evening. The boys were given conveyance to and from the hall, and over one hundred sol-| diers were present. The evening opened by an ad- dress of welcome by Rev, Mr. Buck- lee, Staff Sergt-Major and president of the society, and this was follewed by a few words by Dean Starr, A guessing contest was the feature of the eveming and the prize was won by Pte. Crumpler of the famous 21st Battalion, The musical programme consisted | of a song by Harold Shaw, piano and violin solos by Masters Peter and Howard Fair; duet, Misses A. Alcorn and Daisy Farley; song by little Miss| Andry Rorke; banjo solo by Mr. Weaver; song, Miss Mary Wilson and several songs by Corpl. Butler Miss Jennie Wilson presided at the piano during the evening. Refreshments were served about] 10.30" o'clock and a very pleasant evening was brought to a close by the singing of the National Anthem. | | Graduate Nurses Meet. | The Kingston Chapter of the Gradu- | ate Nurses' Association of Ontario met Tuesday afternoon in the Nurses' Residence, at the Generals Hospital, | Mrs. S. Crawford presiding. Mrs. | John Macgillivray gave a very inter- | esting address on_ "Food Conserva- | tion," which was very much appreci- | ated by those present. A report from the Canadian National Association | meeting. held in Montredl last June, | was also read. ! -------------- | Cow Killed by Car. | Just before seven o'clock on Tues- | day evening the Bagot street car struck and killed a' cow on Montreal The ani- mal was wandering on the street, and was on the track before the/motorman | could bring the car to a stop. The street car was considerably damaged in the accident, and had to be replac- ed. Now Post For Dr. Shortt, The Ottawa Evening Journal "un- derstands unofficially that Dr. Adam Shortt is to be appointed chairman of the publications branch of the Archives Department. His place as chairman of the Civil Service Com- mission is to be taken by Clarence Jameson, M.P., for. Digby." Beautiful New Stock to Choose From Prevost, Brock street, has an extra fine assortment of tweed, cheviots and serge, blue and black, for the order department. His ready-made clothing and gent's. furnishing never better assorted. Extra low prices. Thanksgiving Tea. Be sure and attend the Thanksgiv- ing tea at Brock Street Methodist Church to-morrow evening. The ladies are noted for their good sup- pers. Tea served, 630 to 8. Good programme in evening. Tickets, 35¢. Dr. Cough Balsam Cures coughs and colds, 25¢ at Prouse's Drug Store. We will rent you a piano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will al- low the 6 months' rental on pur chase price, and arrange easy terms on halance. C. W. Lindsay, Lrd. There were no cases in County Sart on Tuesday, and Judge Lavell formally opening the rt, ad- Journed it. The City Council does not resume ts fall sittings until the 22nd. | as though | Relief Fund, kindly | Methodist church met last night at | the men was thrown bodily.from the | | greatly appreciate the new through | J TSN IDEAS OF THE DAY LOCAL. NOTES AND ITEMS OF) GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity | --What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. | Pianos to remt. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd Mr. Wilson, promoter all one cent sales is at the Hotel Get Rex- Randolph of Lhe ready to help the new war There 's a demand for money to aid the Allies cause 1 From indications ! t looked the light had tarted in at last. | William John Bushell, of the Can ada Steamship line boat Rapid Prince| arrived home, W. Swaine, piano and pipe organ tuner, 100 Clergy street W. Orders) left at McAuley's or 'phone 564. Repairs are being made to swimming pool of the Y.M.C.A preparation for the fall activities. C. F. Hamm, Ode who has been in Alberta during the summer months, has returned to Queen's Un versity to continue his studies ! H. Cunninghaw, piamo tuner, 21 King street.. Leave orders at McAul- ey"s Book Store. The Whig is pleased to acknow ledge receipt of $5 for the Belgium contributed by | C. E. Wannamake: Ont. | The donation has been turned over to! the local officials | Joseph Adams has returned from | a pleasant motor trip to Denbigh wehre he visited his parents, Dr. and | Mrs, J. Adams. While there took the part of best man at the Anyon- Beebe wedding | A horse driven by one of the men | in the Canadian Ordnance Corps took | fright at a street car on Bagot street shortly after eleven o'clock on Wed- nesday morning and dashed along until it came to Princess street where it was brought to a stop. | The marriage took place in Otta-| wa on Sept. 20th of Margaret Agnes, | { | rains ha the in a, Consecon, a only daughter of the late J. P. Me-{ Carthy and Mrs. McCarthy, Ottawa, and Arthur Leslie, only son of the| late Arthur E. Harding, Kingston, | and Mrs. Orville Sills, Ottawa. | We will rent you a piano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will al- low the 6 months rental on pur- chase price and arrange easy terms on 'balance. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. The Excelsior class of Brock sireet the home of their teacher, Mrs. (Dr.) C. C. Nash, Albert street, to bid fare- | well to one of their number, Norman Fursey, who is moving to Cornwall. An address was read by the presiden!, Harold Caton, and a pair of military brushes presented as a token of es- teem, AN ABRUPT ENDING The Tables Were Turned on Some! Mischievous Students. | Some Queen's students wishing tof play a prank on one of their num-| ber who had just arrived from the wild and woolly west, took his au-| tomobile from in front of the Arts] building on Tuesday afternoon. They | had intended to go for a joy ride but | before they had proceeded very far! up University avenue the curb loom- | ed up and the joy ride was brought | to an exceedingly abrupt stop, It! was so abrupt, in fact, that one of | car and was considerably bruised. Incidentally a spring was broken, and the students returned sadder but much wiser. New Train Service, Travellers in Central Ontario will | service which is being operated by | the Canadian Northern Railway be-| tween Kingston, Tweed and Picton, via Harrowsmith, Yarker and Tren- ton, Trains leave Kingston for Tweed 2.30 p.m. and for Picton 5.40 | p.m. For further particulars see! latest time table folders, or apply | to J. E. Ivey, Station Agent, or M. C Dunn, Town Agent, | Stir up Your Liver, With Dr. Hall's stomach and liver Pills, 26¢ at Prouse's Drug Store. "The Hat Store." na a------------ The Newest New / Hats Those who like a good variety of au- thentic styles from which to choose a hat shoul dcome to head- quarters. The soft felt is the "big seller" and the colors that I | R 3, 1917. Te -- Pretty Baby Hits I Know 1 Got Share. Pretty Now. She's Dixie All the Time. More Than My Whose Baby Are You Good Bye Broadway, France. Hello 1c Per Copy Sailing Away Clay. on the Henry ' Farewell (Oloe Ha) Hawaiian Butterfly Throw No Stones in the Well That Gives You Water Lonesome Baby. So Long, Mother. ong, Long Time, Miss Springtime Hits 40c per copy. Throw Me a Rose; My Castle in the Air; Garden of Romance: A Very Good Girl on ~~ The College Book Store 160-162 Princess St. Sunday. ta tt tat ttt tr Open Nights A big range of the finish velveteen; and dye. 36 in brown and burgu $1.00. 1 of Salts Silk Plu iy Velvets & Velveteens ch suiting velvet in black, navy, nigger 27 inch suiting velvet in tan, navy, copen, Russian green and all the other wanted shades, $1.00, $1. A A A i a. me AAA a 24 inch velveteen in all the wanted shades, 24 inch twill back velveteen, guaranteed, 25 shades to choose from, 89c. Other makes at 50c¢, 60c and 75c¢ a yard. Silk Plush ol us See the special value in the celebrated brand are showing, at $7.50. We Have Your New Coat. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE celebrated Worrall's guaranteed fast pile ndy, $1.75. i a a 25. A A A mn ee int sh for coats, that we nem a em CLOSING OF MAILS Britivh mall cloges irregularly. Information posted at P.O. Lobby from time to time. United States, dally 11.30 a.m. and 11.30 p.m. Grand nk, goirg .30 a.m. and 11.30 p.m. Grand nk, Toronto and west," including Western States ... . .. . 1.00 p.m, Grand Trunk and all wi Lo of City, 2.30 p.m. and 11.30 p.m. .P. .e am. and 5.00 p.m. 2.00 pm. C.P.R. 10.15 C.N. nn, FARM TRACTORS AT WORK. | | | | | | fi J. F. Sproule, Westbrooke, and | H. Campsall, Hartington Have Them | Through the enterprise .of A. Ww. i Sirette, distriet agricultural repre- | sentative, the Ontario government has sent two farm tractors to this county to work for the farmers. The} second arrived on Tuesday and on | Wednesday was put to work on the farm of L. J. Sproule, near West- brooke. The one which came some time ago is working on the farm of Harry Campsall; near Hartington. TLe machines have proved them-| selves to be great benefactors of the farmer in that the labor saved and the rapidity of ploughing up the ground has been very satisfactory. The big difficulty so far has been in securing men to operate the stare- tors. The farmers are doing it them- selves, however, The tractors are now engaged In ploughing. 'They can however, very easily be converted iuto being useful in other work.' The fuel used is coal oil. The cost to tha farmer ig only nominal as the Government is bearing the cost of the machinery, ------------ Ontario Tankard Draw. predominate are ff green, grey and |} brown in many new || and pretty shades. ' Be PUI | ni | Norwood, Peterboro. | bellford, Cobourg, Following is the draw for the On- jarle Tankard for the season 1917- Group No, 1--Brockville, anee, Play at Kingston. Mr. T. M. Asselstine, Group No. 2--Bellevili H Nap- Umpire, Camp-|, tings, Os- hawa, Picton, Port Heo Play at Belleville. Umpire, Mr{ J. A. Kerr. Group No. 3--Bgyea ington, Fenelon say. Umpire, J. D. Fidveile. Play at Tind-i free BUILDERS' SUPPLIRS aay CORN SILOS We furnish all ma- terial for complete wood silo, including bands, lugs, doors, roof, etc., as may be required. Order early before the corn is ready to harvest and save the fodder while Jit is juicy. S ANGLIN & CO. a me Sarde Kingston, Ont. or SE re ue | 9 Phone 919 MantelClocks A AANA Act aii We are able to sav. you money on' black enamelled mantel clocks, Our prices, due to opportune buying are practically the same as before the war started, These prices cannot last and the next shipments will be much higher. Put a clock where you need it Now, $6.50 Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians, Issuers of Marriage 1icenses. Prices from up. ~-- Hudson Seal Coats Plain and Trimmed Phone 700. W. F. Gourdier 80 Brock Street NA in Money Saving Opportunities IN SMA Bagot Street . . Raglan Road . Montreal Street Cherry Street Hickson Ave. . Elgin Street . . James Street Elm Street LL HOMES, Cree ihe 4... 8 425 .. 8 500 . . 8 900 . 8 900 . $1050 . $1000 $1650 $2000 BUILDING LOTS Livingston Ave, 132 re, frontage $823 Maddonald Street (near Athletic grounds) 50 x 110, $200 easy terms E.W.Mullin&Son Sellers of Real Esta Cor. Johnson and Divisiog Mhones 580 and 456, 1c Sale STARTS THURSD CLOSES SATU AY MORNING RDAY NIGHT Mahood Princess ml 4d gor Store, Streets. TO SERVE YOU