Gin Pills have \ an astounding record of success in the treatment of BACKACHE. Fr RHEUMATISM, 700 --------_-- 'The "WILHELMINA" | Montreal. 242 Mountain Street, Rates -- 75 Cents Per Day Up. Telephone, Uptown 5346, A Home for Strangers. mn A A tc ang M. PATRICK Sewing Machines, Umbrellas, Suit Cases, Trunks repaired and refitted, Saws filed, Knives and sharpened; Razors honed; All makes of firearms repaired promptly. Locks | repaired; Keys fitted. All makes of lawn mowers sharpened and repair- ed, 149 Sydenham Street Customers, Take Notice We will take your order delivery this month. sales for cash. Phone orders C.0.D. The James Sowards Coal Co. Phone 155. for Al eachesPeaches Large Overflow Baskets NO. 1, CRAWFORDS Only $1.00 Basket Delivered to any part of City. ~ J.R.B.Gage, 254 Montreal St. Phone 549. LESS MEAT IF BACK AND KIDNEYS HURT Take a Glass of Salts to Flush Kid- neys If Bladder Bothers You. Eating meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble in some form or other, says a well-known authority- ity, because the uric acid in meat ex- cites the kidneys, they become over- worked, get sluggish; clog up and cause all°sorts of distress, particular- ly backache and misery in the kidney region; rheumatic twinges, severe headacshes, acid stomach, con- stipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and urinary irritation. The moment your back hurts or kidneys aren't acting right, or if blad- der bothers you, get ahout four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neu- tralize the acids in ths urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending blad- der disorders. : Jad Salts cannot injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent lthia- water drink which millions of men and women take now and then- to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious kidney disease. MAHOGANY CAB: CONTAINING Mh mon holding the Key that opens the Padleck to the Cabinet, Wateh Our Wiidows for the date to Try Your Keys, With every $1.00 cash purchase at our store, you are entitled to a key One of the keys given away will open the Padlock, and the person holding that key will re- ceive the Cabimet of Rogers' Sil- verware ABSOLUTELY FREE. Cabinet now on view, The Best Drug Store 134 Princess St. Branch, Division Scissors | ~~ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1917. PARAM FAR PRE LST EXHIBITION HELD ON SEPTEM- BER 18th AND 19th The Exhibits Were Larger Than Be- fore--Ladies Work as Usual Was One of the Features of the Fair. Stallion H.D., J. Challice, eltine jrood mare and colt, E. Bertrim, George Drew. Colt yeirs old, G. P., A. B. Howes, . Colt two years old | G.P., G. R. Howes, Coit one year | old, G.P., B. Wagar. Colt, 1917, G | P, T. G. Black, George Drew. Brood | mare and colt, C., A. R. Howes, T lack Colt one year old, C, A Colt, 1917, C., D. Goodfellow, R. Howes, Broodmare and colt, G. F. Howes. Colt three years ' Reynolds. Colt two | years old, H. D., A. Reynolds, B. Wagar. Colt, 1917, H.D., A. Rey- nolds, B. W. Wagar. .. Colt, 1917, H D., G. iF. Howes, Colt three years | old agriculture, G. F. Howes, H. { Smith, Colt two years old agricul- | ture, R. H, Smith, J. N. Smith, | Colt one year old, agriculture, G.F. | Howes, Double team, G.P., E. Price, R. Botting. Double team, H.D., G. F. Howes. Double team agriculture, H. Drew, A. Cronk. Single horse in harness over fifteen hands, F. Jack- son, D. Drew, Single horse in har- ness under fifteen hands, D. Good- fellow, J. Vanest. Fastest carriage horse, E. Smith, J. Fitzgerald. Sad- dle horse, gents.,.T, G. Black. Best drawing horse driven by lady, A. Reynolds, F. McCumber. Special by J. Challice for colts bred from Col- onel, colt three years old, A. Rey- nolds, Colt two years old, A. Rey- nolds. Colt of 1917, B. Bertrim Cattle--Rurham bull, two year old, H. Drew. Durham hull one year old, A. B. Howes. Holstein bull two year old,'A. Cronk. Bull calf, James Vanest, A. Cronk. Grade cattle heif- er two years old, G. F. Howes. Heif- er oone year old, T. G. Black, L.. B Gronk., Heifer calf, A. B, Howes. Common cattle cow giving milk, T. G. Black, A. Barr. Heifer two years old, T. G. Black. Sheep--Pure bred Shropshire ram, one year old, L.. B. Cronk. Ram lamb, I. B. Cronk. Ewe two years old, L. B. Cronk. Ewe one year old, L. B, Cronk. Horn Dorset ram, two year old, G, M. Drew. Ram one year old, H. Drew. Ewe, two years old, G. M. Drew: Ewe one year old, George Drew. Ewe lamb, G. M. Drew, one stand, second. Sheep long wool grades or common ewe, two years old, A. B. Howes. Ewe one year old, A. B. Howes. Ewe lamb, A, B. Howes. Swine--Pure bred boar over one year, A. B, Howes, Sow under one year, George Drew. Swine grades or common, sow over one year old, A. B. Howes, T. G. Black. Pair pigs under six months old, T. G. Black, A. B. Howes, ' Poultry.-- Turkeys, O. R. Geese, large, L. B. Cronk. small, A. Barr, Geo. Drew. G. M. Drew, O. R. Clow. Pair hens Black Leghorns, F. G. Black; light Leghorns, W. Cornwell, T. G. Black; Plymouth Rocks, dark, R. H. Smith, D. A. Cronk; Plymouth Rocks, light, George Drew, O. R. Clow; Wyan- dottes, white, J. N. Smith, J. L. Benn; any kind, IR. H. Smith; Buff Orpington, D. Goodfellow; Rhode Island Red, H. Smith, H. Smith. Grain.--Spring wheat, H. Smith, William Johnson. Oats, white, J. Vanest, H. Smith. "Barley, J. Van- est, E. Bertrim. Rye, A. B. Howes, Thomas Howes, Buckwheat, L. B. Cronk, H. Smith. Yellow corn, Wil- liam Johnson, Thomas Howes. White corn, A. 'B. Howes, George Drew. Corn, any kind, A. B. Howes, Geo. Drew. Yellow beans, large, O. R. Clow. Beans, small white, 0. R. Clow, J. Cronk. Beans, yellow, small, H. Smith. Timothy seed, J. Vanest, L. B. Cronk. Flaxseed, L. B. Cronk. Pop corn, George Drew, B. Howes, Grain in sheaf, wheat, Thomas Howes, Wm. Johnson, 2nd and 3rd; sheaf white oats, F. Good, G. F. Howes, 2nd; sheaf barley, Geo. Drew. Sheaf rye, Thomas Howes. Roots and Vegetables.--Red pota. toes, George Drew, "R. Dusharm. White potatoes, M. Cronk, R. Dus- harm. Early potatoes, Thomas Howes, 0. R. Clow. Late potatoes, A. B. Howes, W. W, Doblerty. Any kind potatoes, G. F. Howes, George Drew. Turnips, stock use, J. L. Benn, Thomas Howes. Turnips, table use, J. Cronk, L. B. Cronk. Long red mangel wurtzel, 0. R. Clow. Carrots, white, H. Drew. Carrots, red, H. Drew, J. Patterson. Carrots, stock use, J. L. Benn. Beets. long red, 'R. Dusharm. ' Sugar beets, W. Cornwall, H. Smith. Beets, tur. nip, George Drew, William Johnson. Cabbage, white, G. A. Smith, A. B. Howes. 'Red onions, A. B, Howes, H. Smith. - Yellow onions, R. Dush- arm, A. 'B. Howes. Potato onions, A. B. Howes, J Davidson. 'Water melons, J. L. Benn, Thomas Howes. Musk melons, I. L. Benn, J. Patter. son. Citrons, George Drew, R. H. Smith. Squash for table use, Thos. Howes, W. W. Doherty. Best Pump- kins, B. Wagar, George Drew. Larg- LOST APPETITE POOR BLOOD. Sapper A. Hartley, Canadian Engin- eers (home add Trafalgar street, London, Ont), says: "I used Dr. Cassell's Tabléts when I was in the South African war, and finding benefit have taken them since whenever I felt run-down. In my opinion they are the best le anyone can take for loss of of the blood, and Horses-- As Pp Ww G three Thomas Howes, Clow. Geese, Ducks, Tablets for mean to have some with me always on active service" - free sample of Dr. Cassels Tablets Sent to you om recelp five fam for nating and Address rold F. Ritchie and Oo, Ltd, 10 W'Caul Street, Taronte, . ' Dr. airs Tablets Ard ihe Supreme am rot Bien Rlaapleatnotn" Anahi fH an N orekee| 't waste the gen. 6 on im itneh t : n al y Cassell's Tabiste. . 1} have arrived safely in France. and am I. B. Cronk, J. David Tomatoes, 'B. Charlton, H Parsnips, A. C. Wagar, Geo. Cucumbers, J. Patterson, I Benn. Celery, 'A. R. Howes, D. W. Cronk. Cauliflowers, J. Cronk, A. B. Howes. Vegetable oysters, H. Smith, G. A. Smith. Winter rad ishes, D. Goodfellow, A. C. Wagar. Summer radishes, A. C. Wagar. Dairy and other produce-- Butter in roll, B. Wagar.. Butter in prints, J. Lowery, B. Wagar. White cheese, E, Barr, M. Kirkham, E, Storms. Colored cheese, M. Kirkham, E. Storms. Maple sugar, I, L. Benn, I. M. Smith. Maple syrup, H. Smith, I. L. Benn. Honey in comb, A. C. Wagar. Honey in jar, A. C. Wa- gar. Home made soap, J. Lowery, J. Love. Cooking apples, A. R. Howes, J. Love. Eating apples, G. F. Howes, A. R. Howes. Winter apples, A. B. Howes, W.'W. Doherty. Pears, A. C. Wagar, D. W. Cronk. Crab apples, A. R, Howes, J. Love. Apples any kind, B. C. Charlton, A. R. Howes. Fancy Buns, G. A. Smith, 1 I.. Benn Common buns, G. A. Smith, H. Smith. Home made bread, J. Cronk, A. Reynolds. Col- lection of apples, A. B. Howes, A. R Howes. Largest hen's eggs, Thomas Howes, J. Davidson. Plums, D. W. Cronk, I. L. Benn. Ladies' work--Cotton and blankets, D. Goodfellow. Cronk. Wool yarn single, Cronk, B. Wagar. est squash, son. Smith. Drew L. wool D. W. D. WwW. Wool yarn double, D. W. Cronk. Patching on garment, D. W. Cronk, R. Dusharm. Worked Button holes, D. W. Cronk, J. Low- ery. Hand sewing, I. M. Smith. Mat rug, J. Cronk, D. W. Cronk. Home made shirt, D. W. Cronk. Wool mitts, D. W. Cronk, J. N. Smith. Wool socks, plain, D. W. Cronk. Wool socks ribbed, J. N. Smith, B. Wagar. Woolen stockings, D. W. Cronk, J. Lowery. Knitted drawers, D. W. Cronk. Quilt patch work, silk, I. M. Smith, D. W. Cronk. Quilt work cotton, J. C. Hartman, W. W. Doherty. Quilt pateh work wool, D. W. Cronk. Quilt log cabin, cotton, J. Lowery, R. Wagar. Quilt, log cab- In, wool, I. M. Smith, F. Harris. Coverlet cotton knitted, A. Reynolds. Coverlet cotton crochet, R. Botting. A. Reynolds. Coverlet cotton tuft, I. M. Smith. Coverlet any kind, W. W. Doherty, J. Lowery. Crochet skirt, J. Lowery. Crazy quilt silk, A. Reynolds, D. Godfellow. Crazy Quilt, wool, E. Price, J. N. Smith. Crazy quilt tied, H. Drew, J. N. Smith. Quilt any kind tied, D. W. Cronk, R. Wagar. Hooked rug, D. W. Cronk, E. Price, Crochet rug, J. Lowery, J. Lowery. Fine Arts and Fancy Work--Speci- men of crochet work in cotton, J. Cronk. , Embroidery on cotton or muslin /E. Price, J. C. Hartman. Ber- lin wéol work raised, J. Lowery. § pateh fo Worked slippers, J Lowery Mot- toes in Berlin wool, J. C. Hartman. Fancy lamp mat, R. Wagar, J. C. Hartman. Fancy whisk holder, J. N. Smith, F. Good Sofa rug, D. W, Cronk. J. Lowery. Stencilling on | linen, I. C. Benn, Thomas Howes. Col- lection of house flowers, A. C. Wa- gar Embroidery on flannel, 1. M. Smith. Fancy braiding on muslin, | I. L. Benn. Crazy patch work, J. Cronk, J. N. Smith. ~ Painting on silk | or satin, J. Love, J. Lowery. Paint- ing on velvet, F. Harris Painting on felt, D. W. Cronk. Painting on | oilcloth, D. W. Cronk. Silk work on satin or felt, J. Lowery. Tatting of any kind, D. W. Cronk. G. A Smith. Largest and best collection ladies' fancy work, F. Harris, Thomas Howes. Pillow shams finished in| braid, J. Lowery. Fancy pin cush ion. D. W.-Cronk, J. C. Hartman. Best drawn work, W."W. Doherty, Es Price. Best toilet set, J. C. Hart- man, I. L. Benn. Best tray cloth, F. Harirs, Thomas Howes. Best ta- ble mats, W. W. Doherty, G. A. Smith. Painting in water colors, D. W. Cronk. Specimen embroidery by girl under fifteen ygars, H. Drew, G. A. Smith. Specimen of knitted lace silk, D. W. Cronk, R. Wagar. Speci- men knitted lace cotton, A. Reynolds, D. W. Cronk. Best sofa cushion, J. Love, Thomas Howes Centrepiece and doylies, J. Lowery, F. Harris, Specimen eyelet embroidery, J. Love, J. C. Hartman. Painting on china, D. W. Cronk. Slippers knitted or crocheted, I. Ig Benn, D. W. Cronk. Dol Idressed by girl under fifteen years, G. A. Smith, Thomas Howes | Writing, third form, William Johnson, Thomas Howes. Drawing, fourth form, . Thomas Howes. Best centre- piece,'J. Love, J. N. Smith. Knitted doylie, R. Wagar. Embroidery on linen, J. Love. R. Wagar. Crochet hand bag, I" L. Benn. doylies, W. W. Doherty Fancy pil- low slips, J. N. Smith ,\W. W. Doherty. Embroidered pillow slips, F. Harris, GA. Smith. "Collection knitted lace. D.W. Cronk. Crochet lace, H.Drew. H. Smith. Crochet yoke, J. Love, H. Drew. Collection of hand-paint- ed china, D. W. Cronk. Fancy tea apron, J. N. Smith, J. Cronk. Fancy boudoir cap, R. Botting, W. W. Doh- erty. Crocheted tie. J. Cronk, A. Reynolds. Infant's crochet hood, R. Botting. Infant's- crochet bootees, D. W. Cronk. Best dresser and stand cover, W. W. Doherty, J. Cronk, Bowling Competitions. C. F. Smith won out in the last end at a bowling contest, doubles, at the Queen's green last night, from F. Kin. near by 12 to 11. The players were C. F. Smith, skip, and Clifford Sleeth, and F. Kinnear, skip, and E. William- son. The bowlers have had a splendid season this year, There are a few strong games to be played off this week. with the finals iu singles and doubles for the club championship to be competed for on Thanksgiving ay. Driver R. Angell Writes Home. H.A. in France, has written the fol- lowing letter to his mother here. The letter reads in rt as follows: "I stationed at Etaples, the Canadian base, but will be leaving in a couple of days for the firing line. I have not seen Frederick, as he is at the base at La Havre. I have written to Dad to let him know I am safe." -------------------- Manages Three Theatres. Pheland O'Brien, formerly with the Grand Opera House here, has aceept- ed a position as manager of the ¢ ] Renfrew theatres known as, .the "()'Brien theatres." Many friends of the young Kingstonian wish him the best of success. Collection of |' saad asass Told In Twilight FEE EEE005 $0 0004 $04 The Prince Charlie Chapter of the Daughters of the Empire have ar- ranged a concert for this for the soldiers at Queen's Military Hospital, * * Mrs. W. E. Macpherson, College street, President of the Ladies' Musi- cal Club entertained the members of the executive on Monday évening. Misg Marjorie McMahon who is visiting .Mrs. Clarence - Chown in Montreal is expected home at the end | of the week, Miss Agnes Johnston, Gananoque, | is leaving on Friday to spend Thanks- giving with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Merritt, who has been visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Dewar is leaving on Friday for Montreal. Mrs, W. B. Mudie, Gananoque, spent Tuesday in town. Canon Forneri and Miss Constance Forperj- will spend Thanksgiving with ; andgMrs. A. L. Geen in Belleville. ¢ " Major Kenneth Mund®il and Lieut. Walter Campion spent the week-end in Montreal. . Charles Dunning has returned to Queen's after spending his holidays in Muskoka and Toronto, Prof. and Mrs. Daniel Buchanan and their family, Stuart street, have returned home after spending sev- erdl months in Highgate, Mr. and Mrs. W. JP. Nickle, Earl street, returned on Monday from a delightful motor trip. Miss Nora Martin, Clergy street, is leaving for Toronto to-morrow. Prof, J. H. Brovedani has return- ed to Queen's after spending the summer in England and Spain. . - . Miss Going has moved from Uni- versity avenue and has taken rooms at 189 Earl street. Miss Bessie Sanderson, street, returned from Toronto end of last week. Rev. and Mrs. Brown, who have been with Mr. and Mrs, A, W. Brown, Barrie street, left yesterday for St. John. Miss Lilias Sanderson, street, is the guest of Mrs. Rodger, Cobourg. Some of the younger girls and cadets enjoyed a very jolly picnic at Carruthers Farm on Saturday after- noon. Mrs. W. A, Bellhouse and Miss Marguerite Bellhouse, Earl street, left to-day to spend a few days in Napanee the guests of Mrs, A. T. Harshaw. Barrie the Barrie G. M. - * * Mrs. Sanford Calvin, King street, left on Tuesday for Toronto. Mrs. A. Beecroft is leaving: to- morrow to spend the winter 'in"New York, Mrs. Stanley Graham and little Miss Barbara Graham are the guests of Mrs, G. Emery, West street, Miss Flora Stewart, Johnson street, is leaving on Friday to spena Thanksgiving in Toronto with Mrs. Cowley, - - - ' Mrs. Jack Craig, Ottawa, is the guest of Mrs. W. G. Craig, Barrie street, Dr. and Mrs, A. R. B, Williamson have returned from Niagara Falls. Mrs. W. R, Sills, Mack street, is visiting in Napanee and vicinity. Mrs, Philip Earnshaw, Kingston, is spending a few days in Ottawa. Capt. Earnshaw has returned to his duty at the front. Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Ilett, Water- town, N.Y., are in Smith's Falls, where they will spend ten days vis- iting Mrs. Ilett's brother-in-law, John Davidson and family. - . . Miss Muckleston, Kingston, is spending the week in Ottawa, the guest of Major and Mrs, J. B. Coch- rane. Miss M, Spangenberg, Johnson street, is going to Ottawa at the end of the week to visit Mrs. H. P. Wheeler, : Miss Annie Abbott, Battersea, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. McCartney, University avenue. (Continued on Page 10.) DROP IN FLOUR COST Ontario' Product Will Decrease by 40c¢ a Barrel. Toronto, Oct. 3.--According to a decision of the Board of Trade, made yesterday the price of Ontario flour will be decreased by forty cents a barrel. . The basis for the Board's action was the new eet price of $2.22 per bushel for wheat, and it is an in- dication that Ontario millers will be ! able I Dos anes to procure wheat at lower The price is at warehouse, Mont- real, which means that Western On- tario farmers will have to take less the amount of the freight charg- es to Montreal. tt, MEMORIAL TO BELL Wilson and Laasing Invited to Brantford. Brantford, Ont, Oct. 3.--Invita- Driver R. Angell, "B" Battery, RC. and connection with the unveiling of the memorial to Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone. ------------ a ------------ A Win-theWar Association with the object of nominating Dr. Michael Clark as candidate for the House of Commons in Red Deer, Alberta. has been formed by Liberals and Coo servatives. FER ey ---- Quebec city will vote on prohibr. tion on October 4th. 2 evening | PAGE THREX Probs: Moderate winds, occasional showers. Ht 3 ah, 57 to all. = "The Smartest Was the expression used by one of the best dressed Kingston women who "did" the city before mak- ing her final decision here yesterday. | smartest novelties at prices that defy all competi- tion -- every new style feature in seal plush, velour, bolivia, chinchilla and novelty tweed cloths is shown in the season's most wanted shades. Priced from $10.50 on up to $65.00. ONE PRICE FOR ALL. We do not discriminate in favor of a few special customers by giving special discounts, which is "'bait" that necessarily must be added to the cost of goods -- but do give the finest quality merchan- dise at the lowest possible price consistent with quality -- plus a sav- ing of 5% through the medium of our d We invite comparison. STEACY'S - Limited » Coats in Town The range is most complete with the latest and iscount stamps at one price THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 wanting anything done in the carpen- tery line. Estimaies given on all kinds of repairs and new work; also hard. wood floors of all kinds. All orders will receive prompt attentton. Shop 60 Queen street. AA AAA AA AAA AA THE NEW FRENOH REMEDY. » TH No. 1. ounes CISCHARGES, 0. Re CORES ao POISON. v. 3, ounce VITAL WEAKNESS SOLD BY LEADING CHEMISTS. PRICE IN EXGLAX Send stamp address envelope. age & sy1 1ptoms for Fl vice on saitability in your ¢ ise No' fofiow gp" ciroulary, LECLERC Med.Co. HAVERSTOCK RD, N.W., LONDON, SEE THAT TRA -re. oe ga Rig AND DARKENS HAIR Don't Stay Gray! It Darkens So Naturally That Nobody Can Tell. You can turn gray, faded hair beautifully dark and lustrous almost over night. if you'll get a 50-cent bot- tle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound' at any drug store. Mil- lions of bottles of thig old famous Sage Tea Recipe, improved by the addition of other ingredients, are sold annually, says a well-known druggist here, because it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell it has been applied, Those whose hair is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two applications the gray hair van- ishes and your locks become luxuri- ously dark and beautiful. This is the age of youth. haired, unattractive folks aren't wanted around, so get busy with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur compound tonight and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful appearance within a few days, This preparation is a toilet requis- ite and is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. TO FOLLOW IN PATH OF "OLD CHIEFTAIN." Declares For "Win-the-War" and Laurier as Only Course to Save Country. Toronto, Oct. 3.--S8ir. Alan Ayles- worth Tas come out with a strong declaration for Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the Liberal chieftain's course on the conscription fssue on the war. The only son of Sir Alan is at the front, and the former Canadian min- ister of justice pledges himself as a Britisher, who wishes to adopt the most effective méahs of bringing Sphedy reinforcements to the boys in tren Gray- ohly way in which Oanada can pro- secute the war vigorously and with have elapsed since the policy was announced by Sir Robert Bor- den. He points to the case of Ireland, and indirdetly to Quebec, and sees VUE MARKED WORD "THERAPION' IS OR * ches, but who believes the | | These goods are backed by our experience of J 00 I ; ee ns VERY UP-TO-DATE FURNISHINGS The very large stock we are carrying gives you plenty of opportunity to be satis- ed in making a selection of furniture or carpets. We have bed-room suites in white cream and grey enamel. Some very choice designs in mahogany and walnut. TEACHER = If you want a Sewing Machine re- member we sell the White Machine. T. F. HARRISON COMPANY Phone 90. Limited. EET EEE E E 2 = . ES : E (losely Related There's a closer relationship be- tween feed, poultry and dollars than you may suspect. Right feed means better birds, quicker returns and more money. For bigger dividends on your poultry, let us supply your leed. The kind you need is here, and our advice is free for the asking. W. F. McBROOM 43-44 Princess Street. od Color'ass or Pale Faces As Age Advances the Liver Requires occasional slight stimulation. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS correct CONSTIPATION, bor signature 7 bar eg pg ey mi oo, Carter's fron Pills I 'The Traveler A High Grade Goodyear Welt Shoe for Men. Prices from $5.50 to $7.00 , years cutting leather. Shiny Jack Johnston's St Shoe Store