Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Oct 1917, p. 7

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_ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1917. OPERA - UG 0] Fo AN) OPERA] oduction Fis pp The Peo -- ---- PAGE SEVEN io CAME oh ple's Forum ased effort and bor, more la It is easier Savings Acc save what 0 save it to make r A t art pr > will help as Your 11 Branches in Toromto. 110 Bruuckes ia Canada, =x 55. ESTABLISHED 18 [HE BANK or JORON TO ge D. ' ger. E0000 FOR' SALE A two storey dwelling, cottage style, seven rooms, four bedrooms, summer kitchen, hot air furnace, elec- tric light and gas for cooking. Plumbing and electric fixtures are new and of the best. Corner lot This property has to be seen to he apy fated. mediate possession. Must be sold. PRICE $2600. The J. K. CARROLL AGENCY. Phones: Office 68; Residence 874. 36 Brock Street, Open Every Saturday Evening. ~------ If You Want Choice, Exquisite Chocolates. APE VINCENT Route! On and After OCTOBER 1 The ROCKPORT NAVIGA.- TION CO. Will commence regular daily trips between KINGSTON and CAPE VINCENT By Steamer Missisquoi Leaves Kingston, 7 a.m, and 1 p.m. Leaves Cape Vincent 0.830 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Office and Dock--Foot of Brock St., Known as the Folger Dock. A At ct A i We Have a Nice Assortment of Pure Corn Syrup In Ib. tins, 5-1b. pails, and 10-Ib pails, which we are selling for one week only at the old price. E. H. BAKER Cor. Montreal and Charles St. Phone 1268. | | | We have just received a fresh stock. They must be seen to be ap- preciated. We invite your inspec- tion. Hoag's Drug Store Branch Post Office Kingston, Ont. er ir EE EES SPECIAL 1000 lbs. Creamery Butter 45¢ a lb. Gordon's Grocery Cor. Bay and Montreal Sts. Phone 88. ---) WwW People's ' atts, orist Fresh Cut Flowers Dall Funeral Designs and Wedding Bouquets to Order. PA rion Tomatoes ! Have you had your supply of Tomatoes yet, green or ripe? If not, phone or see » "9 Friendship's ! 210 Division St. Phone 545 ly reduced prices for Fair week at BOYD'S GARAGE 129 Brock St. Cnn Notice of Removal Mrs. McLauchlin, Brock street, wishes to announce that she has removed her millinery parlors to 95 Lower William street, where she is now ready for business. Open Tuesday and Thursday evenings, ie Na tn i F.J. JOHNSO os eng Fletis Bouquets Orders Ried promptly. Phone 239. 115 Broek street. | Carpenter and Builder W. R. BILLENNESS Specializing Store Fromts und Fit. tings. Remodelling Bulldings of all Kinds. ESTIMATES 3 EXPERIENCE Address 272 Universify Ave. At The Unite Grocery GREEN CORN, CHLERY, APPLES, TOMATOES, CUCUMBERS, PEACHES, PEA! PEARS, TAXI SERVICE RING 960. All Large Cars Used. Kingston Taxi Cab Co. We have received the finest ship mest of No. 1 peaches, Large baskets will be sold tomor- | row for i | pa TRY OUR SPECIAL BLACK AND GREEN TEA, 40¢ Ib. ! POLITE VAUDEVILLE A Five-Act Photoplay Mary Miles Minter, in 'Somewhere in America' I'he Pathe News, Comedy and Other! Photoplays. |Mon., Tue., Oct. 8 & 9. Polite Vaudeville A Five-Act Photoplay Harold Lockwood, in | "Haunted Pajamas" | The Pathe News, Comedy and Other Features, 10 Evening 10e; C Reserved, Se Extra Matinee Any Seat | Thursday, October 4. | GuyBros. Minstrels Silver | Concert Orchestra d First Part de at 4 p.m. Prices--2 Se, The SEATS NOW ON SALE, Fri. and Sat., Oct. 5 & 6 Sat. Mat. 2.30. Evening 8.13 CARTER | THE GREAT MAGICIAN Sensational and bewildering illusions, | including the greatest of all spec- | tacles { "THE LION'S BRIDE" Corinne Carter in Mental Telepathy. | 15 1e Scenle Effects and Magical | | Hlusions. Prices, 23, 350, 75¢, $1.00. Sat. Mat. Children 25¢, adults 50¢ | Seats on Sale Wednesday, Griffin'S Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Jesse L. Lasky Presents Jack Pickford and Louise Huff. Supported by Theodore Roberts in 'What Money Can't Buy' "The Mystery of the Double Cross" COMEDY VAUDEVILLE | Prices: Mat. 10c; Ev. 15¢ Coming--*"The Crisis" By Winston Churchill, The Greatest of All Dramas Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Prices Mat. 15¢; Eve. 25c. ~~ STRAND Monday, Tues., Wed. VAUDEVILLE McQUINN, in Motion Picture Songs Wm, Gladys Brockwell, in "To Honor and Obey" "De Children Count." Musty Suffer Comedy Matinee 10c; Kvening 1 Fox Presents Se. it 4 [aN ALL HEY) Y ia ~ Died in Toronto. Robert Shaver, 12 Rideau street, re- ceived a telegram on Wednesday morning announcing the death of his sister, Mrs. W. Hyles, at 160 Berkley street. Toronto. Deceased was a daughter of the late James Shaver, of this city, and is survived by her hus- band. Robert. Shaver left at noon Wednesday for Toronto to attend the funeral. . The Late Albert Ross. The remains of the late Albert Ross, who was stricken with apoplexy | ten days ago, and who passed away in the General Hospital on Tuesday, { will be taken to his home in Bath {for burial. Two ® ers survive, Alexander of Kingston afid William of Bath Late Mrs, Katherine Lyttle. Following a lingering illness, the death occurred on Wednesday morn- ing of Mrs. Katherine Lyttle, widow of the late William Lyttle, at her home, 168 King street. e had been in failing health for some time and for several weeks had been confined to her bed. The late Mrs. Lyttle was sixty- three years of age, was born on Howe Island, but had been a resi- dent of Kingston for many years. was a woman of kindly disposition, beloved by all her friends and ac- | yuaintances and the members of her | family, who survive will have the {Jinette sympathy of all in their be- eavement. She leaves four daugh- ters, Mrs. Alexander O'Brien of Kingston; Mrs. Benjamin Rothwell of Ottawa; Miss Gertrude of Buffalo and Miss Marion, at home, and two bbb PHAR EE EEE SOE dE | A YOUNG Es ------------ CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, 1c & word. Each con-' secutive Insertion thereafter, half. cent a word. Minimum chirge for one Insertion, 23¢; three insertions, | Soc A TWO WAITRESS lv at the Rest Wo Ww. IS AT Co ONCE. AP- VANT, AF er, 180 Bagot RAL GENE R. J."Gardi York uit Store HELP WANTED--FEMALE. $20. ANY LADY CAN EARN IT WEEK- ly by showing ii t Private Christmas Card ok Qut- Brad- CHINESE COOK DESIRES POSITION, Apply Charlie Lee, 285 Bagot St RETURNED SOLDIER WISHES POSE. tion, light work side preferred Apply, Box 20, Whig Office WANTED GEVARAL APPLY MAIDS FOR THE LAUNDRY, . Hospi- | Matron, Kingston General tal TO RENT FOUR housekeeping Police Headq ROOMS FOR LIGHT Apply E. Graham, uamMers, FOR ( LIVERY jagot A DRIVER FORI r A hown & Cc t A Com for & igh wages ral Api 305 Alfred street | : A zood active boy the mailing Department. Good wages and steady employment. Apply British Whig Office. for - 4 4 4 ; : ; ; SECOND-HAND for ca pianos say, Limiteq, UPRIGHT PIANOS, part payment of new fanolas. C /. Lind- 21 Princess street wrk In TO REN in K A HOUSE NEAR FACTORY gston, by O¢t, 8th, of about five six rooms; moderate rent Apply Box AEH Whig Office, ingston TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER- chants and business men in East- ern Ontario can connect with a gocd side line by applying to Box J. W., Whig Office Strictly con- fidential WE A GOOD SMART BOY: wheel preferred Apt Book Store ONE WITH ly College OPERATORS nes for good pay Co. 1651 al FOR JENCKES MACH- grey so Steady work Apply Garayt Knitting | lawrence St, Mont- | 1 St wanted; steady Apply Street Rall Conductors employment. way Office, 4 9 4 o 3 E bo to bbb EE bbb bd bb Sf dbb ddd | | ASSIST wiTH | § am. tyr 7 pm, | ung Apply 309 GIRL TO hou rk, from no w £ or Brock street. | oof fang bid | STRACY'S WANT + A hoy to work before and af- § ter school and on Saturdays, \p- ply Steaey's, Ltd. * FALSE ESSE AS CARD SAM- | on promise to can- making five to ten Carriage prepaid tson Company, Brantford, On- i ord HELP WANTED Wanted at once, a highest wages paid. Davis & Son, Ltd. 1 AA 0 0 fireman, 1 Apply A. $i PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blem- | ishes removed permanently, with- | out scar; 30 years' experience. Dr. | Elmer J, Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Skin Specialist, 23 | Bagot street. BUY THE FINEST KNOWN ROYAL BLEND COFFEE "LOADING COAL AT OSWEGO Steamer Jex Not Likely to be Af- fected by Embargo, Word was received in the city, on Wednesday afternoon to the effect that the steamer Jex was loading coal at Oswego, for Kingston, and that it was not thought that the vessel would be affected by the embargo re- ported to have been placea on all coal coming from the United. States. From what the Whig has beén able to learn, this embargo, as it is term- ed, is simply a move on the part of the authorities across the line to keep a check on all the coal that is com- ing out of the country, and where it is being taken. It isn't thought that vessels will have any trouble whatever in getting the coal so long as they have a permit. One dealer remarked on Wednesday afternoon, that in case the embargo was strictly enforced, Kingston dealers would have sufficient coal to do them over to the end of January. BASEBALL RECORDS National League. +++ 8 'Brooklyn .-. 2 .. 5-2 Philadelphia 2-8 American League. New York 3 Philadelphia . 2 Washington. 9.1 Boston .. . 7 Why Reprisals Are More Difficult. When German aeroplanes come from Ostend to raid London, 120 of the 150 miles of the journey are over the sea where there is no danger from land defences, but if the Al- lied airmen fly from Verdun to Cob- lenz--the same distance--they have to go and return over hind dotted with anti-craft guns and enemy aero- dromes. Acting as Assistants. John Nicolle, C. 8. Kirkpatrick and Lieut. Snider have been engaged as assistants to Deputy Registrar Cooke under the Military Service Act. Boston New York 7-2 Now is the time to have your piano tuned, we carry two expert tuners and will assure entire sat- action. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. Lieut. E. Norman White, Middle. ( WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF second-hand furniture stoves, heaters, clothes, etc We also have everything in the second-hand Hne for sale S. Shapiro, 45 Prin- cess street. Phone 1237. k Wolfe =t 103 N Baltimore, NCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment Society: Incorporated Colonel H. R vice-president, W. F. Nic- KC Money issued on eity and farm properties, municipal and country debentures; mortgages pur- chased; investment bond for sale deposi received terest allow R. C. Ca manager, 87 Clarence St, Kingston 1863; Smith, LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND F Insurar assets $61.1 which the security the city property possible rates old or givi rates from Agents: Phone 3 GLOBE Available addition to holders have for ited lability of fnsuréed at lowest Before renewing new business get ge & Strange, pol BUSINESS CHANC INVESTORS WARNING DON'S INVEST one cent untill vou read Successful Finance, and learn how fortunes are made and lost by Investors. Free trial subscription Success- ful Finance, 608 S. Dearborn St, Chicago. DR. REEVE, Nerve Specialist, of experience .enables treat difficult cases suc- Call, or state case by Years to 18 Caritom Street, Toroate. cue Indy who purchased a binck ine skirt for 73¢ at Zion Church nage Sale om Monday, returm it to the owner at 208 Princess sireet, who will pay for same? The garment was given to the church Indies in mistake find the owner desires it back, &rh Ru Quick Service to Cape 3 . Vincent Take Str. Woife Islander, Clarence St. Four trips dail lug Sandays: 8.30 and 11.30 = 4.30 pom.; Sundays, 2 p.m. a foot of at Cape V Make this trip In ome hour. For fuformation eal, Card's Livery Wolfe Free Demonstration of "George Washington Coffee, at the Bon Marche Grocery Friday and Saturday, Everybody Invited, Phone 1844. Cor. King & Earl CE oT Notice to Creditors In the Matter of the Estate of Mary Byers, late of the City of Kingst: Widow, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to section 58 of The Trustee Act (R.8.O. 1914, Chapter 121) that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the said Mary Byers who died on or about the twenty- dfth day of April, 1917, are required on or before the first day of Novem- ber, next, to send by post prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned their Chris. tian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts. and the nature of the securi- ties (if any) held by them. AND take notice that after such last mentioned date the sald executors of her estate, will proceed to distribute the assels of the said deceased among the parties entftled thereto, havin regard only to the claims of whic they shail then have notice, and that the sald executors shall not he Mable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been re- ceived by him at the time of such dis- tribution. JOHN L. WHITING, Of the City of Kingston, Solicitor for the sald executors, seated this eleventh day of Septem- Tr. 7 FORDS Fi FORDS || We make a specialty of Ford * guarantee every repairs; also job that leaves our shop. | FOR SALE THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. | COST little. Once, 25c; three times b0¢: one week, $1.00. FOUND ON SATURDAY NIGHT, small package (purchased Wookworth's). Owner may have same by calling at Anderson Bros. and I 'ing property A SAIL ON JAR ISLAND ON Mond Owner may have same calling at Cottage 16 RM.C PRAYER BEADS street on A DRIVING HORSE, SIX YEARS OLD; & snap for a quick buver Apply 160 Raglan Road ONE-TON SANFORD MOTOR Truck in first class condition Ap- Ply to W, G. Craig & Co. or Boyd's Garage, * ¥ ON BROCK Tuesday morning Owner may have same by calling 314 University NG. OWNER MAY HAVE cajling College - HOUSE street Apply phone NO. 160 COLLINGWOOD All mddern conveniences Harrison, Builder, 1960 < or tele- at AT ONCE, 1916 FOR C age battery for Roud condition $01 Whig Office AR WITH STOR. lighting All In FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- Apply to Box TISED FREE. finding anything and wishing to reach.the owner may do so by reporting the facts to The British Whig The adver- tisement will be printed in this column free of charge Found articles" does clude lost dogs, cattle. horses, etc. These, if lost, may be ad- vertised for in the "Lost" column. Anyone NEW HOUSE ON PRINCESS STREET, near cor. of Frontenac. AN mod- ern conveniences Apply C. Harri. son, Builder, or Phone 1860 mot in- GRAPHONOLA AND TEN 18, your own choice, $27.60. $5 cash, §1 per week. C. W. Limited, 1 Princess St ---------- dsay \ RTY, CONSISTING dwelling h situated office da ao Apply R OF STORE ice house, and Rockport Ont, office in Service use in' stom H A LARGE NUMBER OF BIC YCLES, IN. cluding the famous Athlete, Over land fect Models; also tires bic essories George Muller ng St Phone 1032 ee em ee eee LARGE STOCK OF EXTENSION TA. bles and dining chairs, buffets, china cabinets, also good beds, springs and mattresses. We buy all kinds of second hand furniture. J. Thompson, 333 Princess street. Phone 1600 me harbor otice will be prosecuted. TO LET FURNISHE] Brock LARGE house street, BEDROOM. reet APPLY 220 BUILDING or garage. FOR Apply STORE- 86 Bay FURNISHED ROOM ise keeping, or Queen street FOR without Lisuy ING, § YEARS OLD (BY + Wilks) about 950 lbs, gle double: chestnut Lord Direct) hal- light spring wag- Apply at OFFICES IN CLARENCE bers Apply to A. B 79 Clarence street ST. CHAM- Cunningham, FURNISHED BEDROOW w ITH PRIV. ate family central location, Apply Box H, Whig Office -- -- FARM, CONTAINING For further James Gates FOR SALE Real ny, G Estate Agenc A. BATEMAN'S $400, SMALL FRAME HOUSE, UEN. A tral 175 particulars, Westbrook ACRES, n ly to Ce APPLY 101 81,000, FRAME HOUSE, DIVISION ST. $1,800, SEVERAL BRICK HOUSES, ALL ROOM TO improvements except furnace family ply Box LET; ve 204 WITH ung lady preferr yo . Whig Office | $2,000, FRAME ments; corner HOUSE, IMPROVE. "RAL BRICK HOUSES, ALL ments. STORAGE OR FURNITURE OR MER- chandi } clean and dry. McCann's Real ate Agency, 82 Brock St, Phone 26 or 821 NICELY FURNISHED rooms, with sitting ate family very Box A.B.C., Whig $4,300, SIX TO CHOOSE FROM, BRICK, all improvements $6,000, SEVERAL BRICK, ALL MOD- ern, central Jocations, WARM room, y central Office BED. in priv- Apply ENTRAL HOUSE TO RENT, 3 Bateman, Insurance Broker, Mdney to Loan, 67 Clarence Street, Kingston Phone 396 LARGE C] a. 4 STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, (LEAN dry, airy rooms; your own lock and Key. Frost's City Storage, 208 Queen street. Phone 526; res. 989. MUSIC MISS BAJUS, TEACHER OF SINGING, will resume ner teaching October Ind at 47 Ridesu street. Phone 1296. TWO STORES ON PRINCESS ST. BE- low Clergy, one at $18.00 and the other at $20.00 per month. Apply The J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock street, EI rr-- FOR RENT GRACE TAFT, ORGANIST AND DIR- ector of First Cougregational church. Honor certificates in Sen- jor University, Plano and Theory. Pupils prepared for University or Conservatory examiaations. Ad- dress, 99 Upper Wiliam St, NESBITT, LT.CM, CON- | tralto, organist and director of Brock St. Meth. church. Teacher of plano, organ and voice produc. | tion. Pupily prepared for Toronto | Conservatory examinations, Studio 449 yhnson st . BOARD AND ROOMS STORE ON PRINCESS STREET, NEAR Bagot; ground floor space 16 ft x 40 ft. Immediate possession. Ap- ply Box 60, Whig, | PEARL A, DENTAL E. KNAPP, D.D.S,, Office, on Phone etter eee DR J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot str Phone 626 so ces | A. BA, LDS, | 258 Princess street | = FIRST CLASS BOARD "AND ROOMS, every convenience, central Joca- tion. Apply 243 Brock street. DRS, SPARKS AN tists, 150 W Dewar ND SPARKS, ellington atreet, & D.DS., LDS. a LEGAL 8 B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solicitor, Law office, 79 Clar- ente street, Kingston, DRESSMAKING MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER, having resumed business, solicits .orders for fall and winter work, Address 202 Alfred street MEDICAL A. ARCHITECT POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants Bank Bulldlag, oorner FURNITURE FINISHING DRISCOLL; er. Call or drop a card. oe DR. un. 8, ANGROVE, PHYSICILLN AND | Surgeon, 98 Clergy street (near | ©, Brock). ' Hours 2 to 4; 7 to 9. fice phone 2163: residence 1782, FURNITURE VFIVISH- 23 John | street. A AA A ots cA APP ttt WANTED PATTERN MAKERS, HANDY MEN and LABORERS, CAULKERS and CHIP- PERS. HIGHEST WAGES PAID. . CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM- PANY, LTD. Kingston 3 Ontario Pea Coal $9 Per Ton ! Good results can be obtained in most stoves and ranges by using either pea coal or pea and nut coal mixed Jas. Swift & Co, TO OBTAIN THE sons, William and B {sex Regiment, killed, was a sn of n = A of RIgston. Ce Heeage WAITS, alin. Peterboro postmen have askel fer board of comeiliation. Cheese sold in Utica, N.Y, at 26c. + Anderson Bros. Princess s and Division Sts. The Home of Choice ries Destructive typhoons in interior a 138 Princess St. Japan are reported. 1 Phone 207

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