Are not turned out.n a rush, but carefully designed and fully made Buyers who know McKAY FURS by experience and repu tation are sending their friends and coming to us in force They know our policy is not anything to get order but that we live up to promises and care of our patrons invited to call and FUR MOD- tyl or care tuke You are see our display of ELS not surpassed in tinctiveness, variety Write for Our lllus- trated Catalogue. 149-157 Brock St. JOHN McKAY, THE FUR HOUSE PRY Kingston, Canada. Your Windows and Doors Are drafty and cold. Our metal weather strips put on by experts will make them wind and storm proof. Give us the chance to prove this to you. Ring 819. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street Kingston, Ont n, - Ny PATTERNS For Sale it COLLEGR BOOK STORE. Wood's I'Rnospnoasus, Pnglish Remed: Tones tad os fefaies She 4 on in old Veins Cures N ; [emory. a $1 per bet. of Gon wh pias, x vil ute. Pld by op mailed in plair, phe. oR C0. BE ras for a Handsome Residence FOR SALE University Avenue Brick, with hall in centre, 7 large rooms; hot water heat- ing, $6,000. A cholee selection of houses on our list, McCann, J) | STANDARD | 82 Brock Street, Phones 8326 or 621. A A | WeareOptical | Specialists | | | | | IS BEST SOLVED BY COMING TO US. | You are assured a thorough | scientific examination and ac- [|| curate glasses at Asselstine's, Consult * J. 5. ASSELSTINE D.0.8. | King Street. N= At the Golden Lion Grocery Fancy Clover HONEY { In one pound sections, 23 cents each. | | Fresh California Prunes, nice and | | Juicy 10¢, 12¢, 15¢ 1b, i Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs for 25¢. | Evaporated Apricots 15¢ Ib. |Bweet Clder 40c¢ gal. | | | W. R. McRea & Co. Golden Lion Groce | mn me | A recent marriage at Greene, la., was that of a former well known | resident of Brockville, Dr. James Edmund Cavanagh, and Miss © Mar- | garet Mary Feyereisen. AA 1 tap | water for la few gmall biles in all | drants { the | supply the demand for water. early in the morning | the tanks, | this time WE ARE SHOWING RUGS of unusual beauty and quality that we chal- lenge you to match anywhere else at any- ing like our prices. Examine these rugs carefully, note their rich colors, the close weave, the deep pile. Then you'll appreci- ate the bigness of the values that our prices represent. R. McFaul, Kingston Carpet Warehouse { quickly as possible and it will not # THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 19 BG WATER MAIN BROKE WATER MAIN LOTS OF The Street Watering Were Equipped to supply the Section of the City Affected. At about 7.30 an citizen sure Carts usual pres taps was missing To sufficient we for ti us- ial morning wash impie enough | in most homes, The water fur-| naces that n been used so far furnished veral gallons Some homes, hon \ » without even | The drip from the| lock provide breakfast. realized that at the provide have this convelence after sufficient 20 0'« was in some cases to enough the The cause was a break in the main was discovered the city, except in ions was turned ofl re rushed in automo- directions to try the hy method was used to where the break was, and it could be discovered the all other sections of the turned on records at t walerworks the break woecur pre cisely 4.15 a.m.,, when pres sure dropped from 72 to 28. Thomas Moore, civic excavation work, immediately notified of break, and the work was then enced o earching for the As soon as it the | pressure all ov and wo reveal just as pressure on s00n a could be I'he show city ne that at the in charge of vas "co leak The lack water had an expen sive effect on various places of bus in the city Places where steam was used at an absolute tandstiil Several people who need ed water immediately took cans, secured some from the lake After testing hydrants in every part of iness were and J | of the city the trouble was thought to be on the Clarence.street main be- tween Bagot and Wellington streets and workmen were immediat put at 'work making an excavation to ascertain the extent of the break In the meantime the civic authoritie. are making every possible effort to The street watering carts which hold 750 gallons were put on this work by City Engineer R. J. McClelland At McKelvey's Limited water pipes were put into These were then filled and the carts went out to that sec tion of the city which was cut out of water supply while the break is being repaired The water famine not only caused excessive inconvenience in the pri- vate dwelling places where there was no reserve but also in a number of the places of business The men who went into some of the barber shops for their early worming shave were much disappo.nt- ed to learn that owing to the nmived supply of water they would have to let their beards grow until the break in the pipe was mended or the water partially turned on. Consequently if | the water is turned on in a few days the men who cannot shave themselves will have to grow beards Ice cream pariors which serve many a quenching drink to the thirs- ty man on his way to work in these times of prohibition were unable to give a glass of water although they had a supply of soda water on hand. The persons most disgruntled by the shortage of water were the house- wives. When they got up to pre- pare their husbands' breakfast they found there was little or no water | in which to poach his egg, and the customary cup of tea had to be dis-| pensed with. Between 7.30 a.m, and 8.30 am, it wag learned from the telephone office, the operators were | deluged with calls from all parts of the city. It was estimated that in| there were about three hundred calls sent in for the Civic Utilities or the Waterworks offices. | At first they were answered, but af-| terward the operators were informed of the reason for the multiplicity of | calls and they responded to all in-| quiries with characteristic politeness. | It was strenuous time though, and about three times as much work was | | done in that hour as was customary. | The housewives managed to get| through the breakfast all right but| the next problem was how to wash | the dishes, Some had Johnny run! to the lake for a pailful.of water | but in many cases the dishes remain unwashed. All over the city the unusual oc-| currence was the subject of much] discussion. "Well, did you wash/| your face this morning?" wae a fav-| orfte question among the men and many a good natured joke was pass- ed. Another was, "Do you belong to the great army of unwashed." 2 The famine, however, was "not without its very serious side. It was most fortunate that during the morn- ing there were no calls for fires sent in. The city brigade would have been in a somewhat unusual predica- ment with the little pressure at the hydrants, Realizing the dangers that might accrue from the shortage of water, Chief Armstrong made ar- rangements to have the pumping fa- cilities kept in a position where they could be brought into instant use, Although no estimate of the time that would be necessary to repair the damage could be secured from the authorities on Thursday morning the people of the city can be assured that everything within possible is being done to have the break mended as | be the fault of the civic officials if the water famine must last for some time, A number of amusing incidents in connecting with the breaking of the water main are being told around town. Perhaps ome of the most pe- culiar was that of an uptown lady, who when she turned on the tap to get some water to mix with some | _ her neighbors to borrow some water | od to find that the "aqua pura" had medicine she had been in the habit of taking every morning, was surpris- ceased to run. She went to some of but found they were in the same pre- dicament and she was forced to go without the tomie. It is also said that some men who are in the habit of taking a little stimulant in the early moming tol carry them through the day had their 4 i isfaction. C | October Cosmopolitan, as shown on John' Collins or White Horse und hu. ed on Wednesday morning. «No great' difficulty was 'experienced | at theYGeneral Hospital owing to the lack of water. The British was informed that encugh secured to attend to the wants of the y patients but that no mc than | bsolutely necessary was being| n an effort to conserve the | One of the elevators hydraulic power was I Dieu, however, was not | tunate, and from shortly after | lock until noon there was tle water for the various i After twelve o'clock the wat- was turned on, but as the pres- sure was so small it could only bel n_ the lower The | elevator had to cease run-| secul hydraul ning, Some to painters and paper hangers who went out their dally tasks wer { work because they] could get no water to mix the paste. | forced to quit Water Partially Turned On. At two o'clock on Thursday after- | © was turned on at re re in all parts of the r two blocks south and | north at the eorner of and Clarence streets | were being made at| this point, but Mr Moore stated | that there could be no estimate of | the t necessary repair the | damage if NCDENTS OF THE ne duced | city except on block Wellington Excavations one ime to it w OF THE DAY |I/OCAT, NOTES AND ITHMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. { Happenings In the City and Vicinity | ~--What the Merchants Offer to the | Readers of the Whig. | Pianos to rent. C. W. Lindsay, | | W. Swaine, piano and pipe organ| tuner, 100 Clergy street W. Orders | left at McAuley"s or 'phone 6564. { H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street. Leave orders at McAul- ey's Book Store. | George A. Bateman's Estate Ag-| ency has sold No. 156 Pine street to Sergt. John Smith For the past two days there has | been no session of the police court. Kingston has certainly been on her good behaviour. Now the piano tuned, tuners and is time to have your we carry two expert will assure entire sat- W. Lindsay, Ltd. Capt. Hugh Aird, son of Sir John and Lady Aird, is reported missing by the Royal Naval Air Service. He is a brother of Capt, John Aird, Des-| eronto. | Gunner A. H. Smith, who left here | with a Kingston Battery is reported on the official casualty list as being] ill. The seriousness of the illness is not known. We will rent you a piano, and at| end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will al-| low the 6 months' rental on pur-| chase price, and arrange easy terms on balance, C. W. Lipdsay, Ltd. James Bourdeau, of 261 Rideau street, has received a telegrain from his son, "Billy" Bourdeau, announc- | ing his safe arrival at Halifax. He | is expected to arrive in Kingston shortly. We will rent you a piano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will al- low the 6 months renial on pur- chase price and arrange easy terms on balance. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. We have secured the original How- ard Chandler Christy painting, valued at $250. This was drawn for the | page 27. See it in our window, as| it is on Exhibition for al 'féw days.| The College Book Store. | Rev. J. D. Ellis, pastor of Queen Street-*Methodist Church and pre- sident of the Montreal Methodist | Conference, has been elected to the | General Board of Missions of the! Methodist church to fill the place of the late Dr. Mavety. | | Dr. Hall's Cough Balsam Cures coughs and colds, 25¢ Prouse's Drug Store. at For a One Dollar Bill { You can take a 'basket of grapes | and a big basket of peaches from | Carnovsky's on Friday. lA "Kingston's Famous Fur Store" FURS FURS FURS L 17. I Know I Got Share. Pre:ty Now. She's Dixie All the Time. More Than Whose Baby Are Good Bye Broadway, France. My You Hello Baby Hits 15¢ Sailing Per Copy Away Clay on the Henry Farewell (Oloe Ha) Hawalian Butterfly, Throw No Stones in the Well That Gives You Water, Lonesome Raby. . So Long, Mother, "Long, Long Time. Miss Springtime Hits Throw Me a Rose: M 40c per copy. A Very Good Girl on Sunday. ----n The College Book St 160-162 Princess St. N NANA A At tt Prt tata ara ------------ Open Nights A big ra and dye. $1.00. im g range of the celebrated Worrall's finish velveteen; guaranteed fast pile 36 inch suiting velvet in black, brown and burgundy, $1.75. 27 inch suiting velvet in tan, navy, copen, Russian green and all the other wanted shades, $1.00, $1.25. 24 inch velveteen in all the wanted shades, mm 24 inch twill back velveteen, guaranteed, 25 shades to choose from, 89c. A A AA etc ing Other makes at 50¢, 60c and 75¢ a yard. sm Silk Plush See the special value in the celebrated brand of Salt's Silk Plush for coats, that we are showing, at $7.50. We Have Your New Coat. a a a La SR navy, nigger n= at Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE CLOSING OF MAILS Brith mat closes irregularly. Information posted at P.O. Lobby from time to time. United BN aslly 11.30 30 a.m. and 11, n, Grand Trunk, goirg ' east, 11.30 a.m. ai 11.30 Grand Trunk, oromts and aa. west, including Western Sinton .......... 3..: 000 p.m, Grand Trunk and all west of City, 2.30 p.m. and 11.99 p.m. GPR. .. 10.15 am. and 5.00 p.m. CN.R. 0 p.m. Negotiations, Ottawa Citizer HUDSON SEAL COATS } t | | | | In all probability the Bishop Hor- {ner case will be settled out of court. { When the court opened this morn. ing counsel for the plaintiffs and ness to withdraw and get together to arrive at some satisfactory and mu- tual agreement as to whether the litigation was to proceed or not. Mr. Justice Clute granted permis. sion, and Messrs. Tilley and Hender- son left the court room. At one o'clock the court adjourned, and several of the ministers of the Holi. Siva) HORNER CASE MAY BE SETTLED Choicest Quality You ladies, who, later on, will want Hudson Seal coats, should make your selection now. From present indications it will be utterly impossible for us to make enough Hudson Seal coats to keep «p a th the Aeciand throughont the Actuon, That's why we urge early 125 up. Ne A er A A Mills & $ "ong & 3 * gh of 126-128 Princess Street. | i i | ] i} extra fine our big stock mow. | | i i ness Movement. churéh stated to the Citizen that although the matter had not yet been definitely settled, there was not much doubt but that the [| fate of Bishop Horner would be left |i to the members of the chureh, as Mr. Henderson had suggested at yesterday's proceedings. ; ------ mii Beautiful New Stock to Choose From Prevost, Brock street, has an assortment of tweed, | cheviots and serge, blue and black, for the order department. Ris ready-made clothing and gent's, | furnishing never batter assorted. | Extra low prices. ; Awarded B.A. Degree. | It was announced at Queen's Uni- ji Yersity on Thursday morning that 1! Miss Eva Coon, daughter of Dr. D. HA. Coon, of this city, had been awarded a B.A. degree, having been i granted her standing in two classes, as a result of military service over- --| 5O0E, | | Court Grants Adjournment for the | | | | i defendants announced their willing- | Sees Lumber, Gon) and Weed wel pees BUILDERS SUPPLIES any COAL All sizes of Anth- racite Coal, now on hand, including egg; stove, chestnut and pea coal, at current prices. Kingston, Ont. Phones: Office 66, Factory 1418 'I Raglan Road . y Castle in the Air; Garden of Romance: ore, Phone 919 a ----------y-- Velvets & Velveteens MantelClocks ~------ We are able to save you money on black enamelled mantel clocks. Our prices, due to opportune buying are practically the same as before the war started, These prices caniot last and the next shipments will be much higher. Put a clock where you need it ~--now. Prices from $6.50 up. cet ri tnt Smith Bros. Jéwelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage 1dcenses. Plain and Trimmed Phone 700. W. fF. Gourdier 80 Brock Street a Money Saving Opportunities IN SMA Bagot Street . . . LL HOMES. Montreal Street | | | Cherry Street Hickson Ave. Elgin Street James Street Elm Street BUILDING LOTS Livingston Ave. 132 fr, frontage $825 Macdonald Street. (near Athletic grounds) 50 x 110, $200 easy terms STARTS THURSDAY MORNING CLOSES SATURDAY NIGHT