Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Oct 1917, p. 11

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5 FIND TREATMENT FOR POISON GAS Excellent Bit of Work Done by the Cana- dian Red Cross. DISSOLVE IT - IN YOUR MOUTH That's the way to take the Peps treatment. Nothing can equal it for asthma. Mr. Fred Hinz of katchewan Landing, Sask..says: "1 suffered with asthma for years, and although I tried many remedies, Peps is the only remedy that has brought me relief from this distressing ailment." I'he victory of Peps over asthma is due to the fact that Peps is a bréeathe-able remedy, and is therefore capable of reaching all the minute air passages which ordinary remedies, that go to the stomach, cannot reach, This treatment is also the best for coughs, colds, catarrl, bron- chitis, laryngitis and all other affections of the throatand lungs. All dealers or Peps Co., Toronto. 50c box, 3 for $1.25. PEPs At merit om Detroit Coal Detroit, Oct. 6 and 30,000 men may of work this week by Detroit factories coal One fact afternoon and ot he to within a few days. Work or contracts is being held up £200,000. BEING EXPENDED THE FRENCH FRONT. ON ted Cross Also Devotes Attention to Rest Camps and Pro- the Soldiers anadian vides Comforts for There, li headquarters in France, Th National Red Cross subscription campaign in Can- Oct 6 e coming interest Red close ada has aroused great here, where he benef of Cross work can be seen at range fighting casualty Red to during every spell of active the the st and all Famine, Betwe d hospitals, intended medical emwent them in such t! surgeons the clearing station ross nlie )'t en 20.000 Cros uppl own out ie pia army is- ing of lack of 1 closed this for he 1e was ' ilities for their work ners may forced 3 led a better chance of roblem of light in the ad- for ex- Most under- in the eran There was a wedding Mr. and Mrs. I . Bloomfield, on Wednesday u their daughter, Lilian M., 2 I iressing ried to Roy R. Valleau I, or it sir i 1g stations, of 7 | serious one of stations are ocations where at The three words that tell the whole story of a perfect cup of coffee, from plantation to breakfast table "SEAL BRAND" COFFEE. In %, 1 and 2 pound tins. Whole--ground--pulverized--also fine ground for Percolators. Never sold in bulk. CHASE & SANBORN, MONTREAL. 187 A rn oo, G ar a 6 e|SUGGESTIONS TO Robinson & Wiltshire SICK WOMEN VULCANIZING All kinds of cars repaired promptly. How Many Are Restored To Health. Ours washed. Gasoline and oils for sale. Cars for hire, With J, M. Martin, Maxwell Service Station. 110 Clergy Street Phone 1192, A a AAA ANNAN LH) lL LINN SACI A LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In effect Sept. 30th, 1917. Trains will leave and arrive at City Depot, Fhot of Johnson Street. Golng West, Lve. Clty Mal .. Express . Local vos Intern'l Ltd. 1.41 p.m, i Mall #00 p.m, Golng East. First.-- Almost every operation in our hospitals performed upon women becomes necessary through neglect of such symptoms as backache, irregular and painful periods, displacements, pain in the side, burning sensation in the stomach, bearing down pains, nervous- ness, dizziness and sleeplessness. Second.--Themedicine most success- ful in relieving female ills is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It regulates and strengthens the organism; it overcomes disease. For forty years it has been making women strong and well, relieving back- ache, nervousness, ulceration and in- flammation, weakness, displacements, irregularity and periodic pains. It has also proved invaluable in prepar- ing for childbirth and the Change of Life. Third.--The great number of unso- cited testimonials on file at the Pink- ham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., many of which are from time to time published by permission, are proof of the value of Lydia E. Pinkham"s Vegetable Com- pound, in the treatment of female ills. Fourth.--Every ailing woman in the United States is cordially invited to write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. {eonSidential), Lynn, ane. for special advice. Itisfree, bring you health life. - No, 19 No. 13 No, 27 No. 1 No. 7 No. 18 No, 16 Na. 6 No. 14 Malt .. ... Express afl... ntern'l Lid. 1.08 pm. No. 28 Local .. 6.48 pom, Nas. 1, 6,7, 18, 14, 16, 18, 19 run daily. Other trains dally except Sunday. Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro, Hamilion Buffalo, London, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St. John, Halifax, Boston, and New York, For Pullman accommodation, tickets and all other Information, apply to, J. P. Hanley, Agent. Agency for all ocean steamship lines. Open day and might I I A ---------------- on -------- { BUILD A MODEL HOSPITAL LA London (Calling Falmouth to land passengers) a --and---- Montreal and Bristol For particulars of sailings anda rates Hide doce, pang ws te Rie hibest . Lim ners Street Fast. Toronto. - IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE ! TO AND FROM KINGSTON Harrowsmith, Yarker, Yopanee, Des. etouto, Belleville, Treo: Colborne, Cobourg, Port Tyrone, Oshawa and Toroyte. EL 2.30 P.M. LEAVE FOR joscow, Enterprise, innville, Stoco, Tweed, Bannockburn. - origin Bedi Napanee, Dex. ronto, v 'Trenton, Consecon, Wellington wad Pletos. Moscow, Enterprise, Tamworth, Er. Tweed. Sr | For Tickets, Reservations, Literature amd Information, apply to J. E. IVEY, STATION AGT. or M, 8. DUNN, CITY AGT. Or write R. L. Fairbairn, G.P\A., 68 King St. E., Torgnte, en » 3 night candles lamps illuminatio: r give poor performing of ich hang the issue! The Red Cross Is the Canadian ad- portable capacity of power lights available, and )y their use wounds can be explored 1 the i operations on wl | life or de | By installing, vanced dressing stations, pl thirty-cand lamps: wil 'electric s with a fifty Hand It {1 le be | and treated much more quickly than | heretofore. | Poison Gas Trestmént, Another excellent bit of 'work done the Canadian Red Cross Society { has been in connection with poison { gas treatment. It was discovered that a. certain treatment, involving the use of a special kind of baths and clothing, was the best remedy. Within four hours after it had been determined by the medical officials of the Canadian Corps to apply this | remedy a large number of baths and an ample supply of necessary chemi-| cals and clothing were enroute from the Red Cross base to the advanced dressing stations. These supplies were used to treat gas casualties, ! and they reduced the number of serious cases to a remarkable degree. | Still another thoughtful bit of Red Cross work is the provision of] extras for the battalion medical offi-| cers during their period in the front | line With every surgeon a package! goes in containing drugs to lessen) the pain when the men are hard' hit; wblets from which coffee or cocoa can be made quickly, and for the! wounded insect powder, and many | other essentials for trench efficiency. | These comfort packages have saved many lives and much suffering. The Canadian Red Cross not only ministers to the needs of the men at | the front and in hospitals, but de- votes special attention to the rest camps, and provides comforts there| that make the lot of the men easie and hastens the time of their recov- | ery. French wounded are also cared | for by the Canadian Red Cross which | is at present spending 200,000 on a! model hospital in the rear, where a) unit of the Canadian Army Medical | Corps will be stationed. A branch | storehouse assists in providing Can- adian supplies to the French military hospitals all along the front. 1 by | conTEmPORARY opinion] rr A et ee tt ties oh Truckling to the High Steppers. rttawa Oitizen Hom, C. C. Ballantyne, the new Minister of Public Works, is no] more a Liberal than are Sir Clifford Sifton, Sir Wm. Mackenzie, E. M, Macdonald, Sir Edward Kemp, or the other protectionists who are interest- ed in 'buttressing the tariff. This doesn't mean that Col. Ballantyne will not make a successful adminis-| trator in a Conservative cabinet. It| is nonsense, however, to claim that Sir Robert Borden is succeeding in| forming a Union government. The] real Liberals leaders in this country | are not found in the protectionist plu- tocracy of Montreal or Toronto but] in the democratic atmosphere of) Western Canada. Furthermore these] Western apostles of true Liberalism, | including such men as T. A. Crerar, of the Grain Growers Company, one of the soundest Liberals in the coun- try, and morever one of Canada's ablest business men and adminis- trators, decline to join a Union gov-| ernment under a leadership which is either unwilling or unable, because of subserviency to the big interests | ~--the party fund providers--to give] the country a strong lead, 1 Soldiers' Pensions Hang. London Advertiser. The "government by money" at Ottawa had all kinds of time to con- sider the claims of Mackenzie, Mann & Co., and to arrange for the award- ing of probably $60,000,000 on com- mon stock of the C.N R., which is not worth a dolar. (The same Government had no time to give consideration to the soldiers' pension bill, It refused at last ses- sion to consider the highly import- ant consideration of whether the pri- vate soldier should not receive as large a pension as the officer. There was time to rush the CN.R. bill through in 29 days. Thé con- scription bill dragged through "its weary way for 103 days, or nearly @ third of a year. Soldiers' pensions were mot even considered, although @ bill was prepared. MilHonaires who put the present Government in power own it body and soul. Ome ten a day for the pri- vate soldier, and pensions according- ly! Tens of millions for the Toronto knights! Breweries For (old-Storage. Windsor Record, In Ontario there are several brew- eries standing idle or run parttime to make temperance beer, under the maximum of 2% per cent, alcohol, 'We have one in Windsor and one in Walkerville, What is to become of these plants? Must they be closed, is to utilise them' for cold-storage, perhaps, under an arrangement with civic or Government authorities. The mimicipalities might use one of the t could be done here in the roper manner, and the meat given refrigerator treatment, as it should GAVE HER DELICATE CH It Built Him Up and Made Him Strong Newaygo, Mich~"My little boy was in a delicate, weak, emaciated condition and had a cough so we had to keep him out of school for a year. Nothing seemed to help him until Vinol was recommended, and the ! change it made in him was remark- | able. It has built him up and made | him strong so his cough is almost | entirely gone. We can not recom- | mend Vinol too highly,"--Mrs. E. N. | Hanlon. ; | Mothers of weak, delicate, ailing | children are asked to try this famous | cod liver and iron tonic on our guar- | antee, Children love to take it. | Mahood"s Drug Store, Kingston. ! Also at the best druggist in all On-| tario towns : sparagus has turned brown, cut it] back close to the ground and burn | 'the tops. House plants that have been set outdoors during the summer | must be Brought in now. Some flow-! ers for next spring may now be planted; for instance, in Southern| gardens bardy annuals may safely be sown. Bulbs, too, can be tucked | away in the garden to sleep for a few months and awake in all their glory in the spring. Gladioli-bulbs | should be dug up, placed in paper bags, and frung where they will be cool, but will not freeze. Dahlia- roots, too, are now to be taken up, r| packed in sand, and stered with the vegetable-roots A final warning is timely: Seed of all kinds is apt to be scarce in the spring; hence a wise precaution will be to set aside some of your own It requires just one) thing--to be kept absolutely dry dur-| ing the winter, { CAUGHT INDIANS WITH BOOZE Which is Being Smuggled From Ot-| tawa to Deseronto. Ottawa, Oct. 6 More than fifty, bottles of '""booze'" were seized here when C.N R. constables arrested W.| Maracle and Hugh Brant, two In-| dians they suspected of carrying | liguor to the Six Nation Indian Re- serve, which ds situated near Deser-| onto, Ont. The arrests were made] at the Central Station when the two| Indians, along with several others | who have not yet been caught, were | about to leave for the reserve with| suitcases filled with bottles of liquor. | The two men arrested were ar-| raigned before Magistrate Askwith in| the Police Court and charged with a breach of the Indian Act in having liquor in their possession. Both pleaded guilty and were sentenced to pay a fine of $50 and costs each or serve one month in jail, More developments in the case are likely to folow a8 it ig believed that smuggling of liquor into this reserve dag been goisg on, on a pretty large scale, The other Indians in the party with Maracle and Brant may be caught before they reach the re- serve, May Sell Soap on Sunday. Ottawa, Oct. 6.--In allowing an appeal from a conviction of the local police court, Judge Gunn has decided that there is nothing in the provisions of the Lord's Day Act of Ontario which prohibits the sale of castile soap by druggists on | the | head, { instrument, | tion, -- __THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1917. ) MASSENY GIRL, MURDERED / He | [ WM | inque Worknfen at New High Sc 1 Building. sena, N.Y., Ot 6.--While an was being held in the case | of Bes White, murdered on the grounds §f the new Massena High School whanesasy night, twenty officers--wufder command of Deputy Chief Stubbs of the Massena police were rounding up every negro and foreigner in the village. Miss White was killed shortly af- ter nine o'clock. The body was found on Thursday morning by a workman under a temporary walk near the new high school near the centre of business section of the village. She was apparently attacked while passing the school grounds. Resi- dents near the school heard cries about nine o'clock but failed to make an investigation The only mark on the body was a cut and contusion upon the fore- apparently made by a blunt Found Wy The murdered girl from traces at the scene of the crime must have put up a hand fight for ife. She was} fully capable of taking care of an ordinary assailant, the officers says being powerful and weighing fully 175 pounds. The police, therefore, aided by Distriet Attorney Dolan of Gouven- eur, who is in charge of the case, are looking for a man who shows marks of the encounter. Miss White was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roses White, who re- sides at Maple Ridge, near Massena. fi) ON THE ROAD And Died Soon After--Late R. Ree- ves, Eganville. Denbigh, Oct. 4.--A very sad and unexpected occurrence happened here on Monday last. R. Reeves of Egan- ville, a prominent and very popular dealer in live stock, left the Dembigh House in the morning with a drove of cattle he had bought in the vicin- ity apparently in his normal health He was accompanied by his son, George, and another young man who started ahead with the cattle, whiie he followed behind with his team and buggy. About seven miles from the village the young men not.ced that he was staying somewhat be- hind and sitting in a leaning pos - and turned back to meet him and to see if any thing was wrong, but before they could get to him they saw him fall out of the buggy apparently lifeless. They were just in front of Thomas Dool's farm house and carried the body in, and despatched a team after Dr. Adams, who lost no time getting there, but all efforts of resuscitation were in vain and he never recovered oon- sciousness. George Fritsch of Renfrew paid a short visit to his parents here, and was accompanied to town by his sis- ter, Olara, graduated nurse, who has been enjoying a visit with her par- ents at her old home, and left again for New York to resume her calling. Joseph Adams of Kingston, who also spent a few days here with his par- ents, Dr, and Mrs, J, Adams, return- ed to the city with his car yester- day, Miss Katie Marguardt, who is teaching school at Latchford Bridge, spent the week-end and Sunday at home, but has also returned and re- sumer her duties, G. John, who has been employed in Renfrew has ar- rived home. H. D. Bryan of Roches- ter, N.Y., arrived yesterday on his annual visit to Denbigh and is again a guest of Mr. and Mrs, C. Stein of the Denbigh House. COLI Sergt. Percy J. Clapp, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Clapp, Picton, has been awarded the military medal for bravery at the Vimy Ridge Sundays. Advances E8T'D 187% J. M. HEAD OFFICE battle, April 9th. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA TORONTO FARMERS to farmers are made a special feature by this Bank. .;s KINGSTON BRANCH, Sutherland, ment and municipal bonds at very special prices, the yield wit pe Woo -- THE INVESTMENT OF SMALL SUMS We have at the present time a number of bonds of odd amounts and small denominations, which represent the umn. sold balances of large blocks of high grade Canadian govern In order to clean out these amounts we are offering them to the investor being from to 6§%. furnished on request. 8, Gundy & Company Lx MAYBE MATCHES PAGE ELEVEN | ANNE ANEEEREENEEEENENNRRNRNEERED LABATT IS MAKING A SPECIAL Ale and Porter FOR FAMILY USE Made from Malt and Hops, exactly like the Old Reliable Ale & Porter, only lower percentage of spirit. It is absolutely pure and superior to anything made in that line in Ontario, many prefer it to the old brands for summer and social drinking. TRY IT. JAMES McPARLAND 76 Brock Street. Phone 274 ENERGIE NNER HE NEW FRENCH REMEDY, + HERAPION "ii HERAPIO No. 2 Cones THERAPION_ 000 POISON. u, 3. cuR:d SOLD BY LEADING CHEMISTS. Send ga Carpenter and Builder W. R. BILLENNESS Specializing Store Fronts and Fit. tings. Remodelling Buildings of all Kinds, ESTIMATES 1] EXPERIENCE Address 272 University Ave. =. VITAL WEAKNERS ENGLAND proms for IF) low up' chron are. NW. LONDON, DE ow SRIT. GOVT, STAMP AFFIXED TO (\ y= It Seems a Pity to Let . These Babies Starve! RUE, this is another Belgian appeal, and you are a little tired of Belgium's trouble. But, remem- ber, while it is your problem how to plan variety in three meals a day, most of the Belgian population is standing in lime hours every day for a bowl of soup and a slice of bread! No child can thrive on this ration. Tens of thousands of Belgian children (under 12) are becoming victims of tuberculosis, rickets and other ailments due to the pitifully inadequate food. The Belgian Children's Health Fund enables the Dutch authori. ties to take some of fhe starving little ones to Holland for care and treatment fc go back Belgium to make way for other of the 15,000 odd in the waiting list. More could be done if you will listen to the appeal of these babies. The Belgian Orphan's Fund takes care of fatherless, motheriess, friendless waifs. Think how they lost their fathers. $8.90 of your money feeds, clothes and educates an orphan for a whole month. Can you hear the call? § Whatever yon contribute goes entire to the Dutch authorities, through the Belgian Ministg of the Interior (ut Le Havre, France), Not a penny is deducted for administrative expenses, even for this advertising. It is absolutely guaranteed, too, that the Germans derive no benefit whatsoever. Wheft you are planning your own comfort and luxuries, think of these little tots! Send contributions to Miss Isabella 1. George, Hon. Treasurer, or to Loesl Committee Make cheques payable to the Belgian Relief Fund BELGIAN RELIEF FUND Ontario Branch 80 King St. West, Torente J. W. Woods, Esq., Chairman of the Advisory Board Mrs. Arthur Pepler, Chairman of Committee six weeks. Then what? They must to Do not forget Mrs. Agar Adamion's Canal Boat Fund for work among Belgian refugees behind the allied lines in Flanders \ Sm We {LY Music Cabinets, Parlor Cabinets, $12.50 to $45.00 China Cabinets, $15.00 to $65.00 R. J. REID, The Leading Undertaker 280 and 232 Princess Street Motor Ambulance. Phone 5677. il W men's Shoes at ~ Reduced Prices | | | | | We are placing on sale some extra val- ues in women's patent and gun metal black cloth top shoes. omen"s patent and gun metal shoes, cloth top, button and lace styles, $6.00 va- lue for $3.49. Women's patent and gun metal shoes, cloth top, button and lace styles. $5.00 va: lue for ' " Queen Qual- than cost, H. Sutherland & Bro. ity make and are priced at less |. i ef BA oni - BR

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