"S110 BE OPEN AT NIGHT 1 | MEDICAT®BOABD AT RECRUITING | {| OFFICE TO WORK EVENINGS | Open in Evenings to, Ac commodate | ~~What the Merchants Offer to the THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1917. Labor Element. { Readers of the Whig. INCDENTS OF THE DAY By Ralph Connor The work of the three officers Capt'. pianos to rent. C. W. Lindsay, | LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. | Coglin, Capt." Box," M.C., Capt. Buck {1:4 | 1 \ ; of the medical board at the Base Re-| 'There are about 150 students in| The biggest dramatic event of the year. | Have Fxamined 328 Men to Dito | Happenings In the City and Vicinity Opening in Buffalo { crulting Office has Lecome $0 heavy | attendance at Queen's Medical Col. two weeks ago and playing to crowded houses, the audience includ- it John McKay, Whi Golden, Battleship Grey, Elephant Grey, Black, Silver Cross, Cinnamon, Etc. The Latest Styles, The Finest Select- ed Quality. Limited 149.157 Brock Street. VY dni Ahh AAAs Arh | A AP PPP AAA A trot, Ni 7 - \\ Your Windows and Doors We areOptical Specialists Are drafty and cold. Our metal weather strips put on by experts will make them wind and storm proof. Give us the chance to prove this to you. Ring 819, J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street | Kingston, Ont. tite? IS BEST SOLVED BY COMING ee tetas TO US. oo RD You are assured a thorough SD scientific examination and ace ERNS curate glasses at Asselstine's. 3 | Citizen Got nouncement was made there have | board. Each has been subjected to | a most thorough examination by the | three doctors and after determining] | his efficiency as a soldier a paper | | containing all the details is filled in | The requires much ime and experience, | To keep up with the demand for | | examinations the board will now s t| from seven to ten o'clock every eve-| | ning. The hours will be from nine! | until twelve in the morning, two un-! { ti} five In the afternoon and then the | | evening session. ! The decifion to remain open after the usual closing hours was. made when it became known that many laborers were unable to leave their | work and that the hours of the board | | were inconvient. To { | work patience, | accommodate | | these men only the doctors will spend | | their evenings at the Recruiting of-, There was a total of 328 men ex-| | amined up to Monday morning and these were divided up into the fol- | lowing classes "A" Class 197: "B" | Class 21; "C" Class 38: "E" Class 172. | FIFTY CENTS "Stung" on the Market | | on Saturday. | A Whig representative met ga citizen on Saturday night, who was | pretty hot under the collar, about | a purchase he had made on the mar ! ket. He pald fifty cents for a dozen | of eggs, and found a number of] them were stale, { "It is a high price to pay for | eggs," he said, "but when you do | {pay such a price it is a shame to | have some of them bad. The wo. | that they were all fresh--that they | had been laid during the week, but | there were some which evidently | had been laid in the month of | September, and probably longer | than that. I think there should be | some law to protect the man in the | city. When a farmer gets fifts | cents for strictly fresh eggs they | should be fresh. The citizen who is | making the purchase has to depend | on the honesty of the person selling and in this way is right up against it" RAIN ON HOLIDAY. Consult For Sale at COLLEGE BOOK STORE. «Je D, 0.8, | King Street. Sr At the Golden Lion Grocery Fancy Clover HONEY { In one pound sections, 25 cents each. {Fresh California Prunes, nice and . * University Avenue i. Juicy, .. 10¢, 123%¢, 15¢ Ib, Brick, with hall in centre, 7 ||! 1 Peaches, omy hot water heat- BH vaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs for 23e¢. | Evaporated Apricots . .. , 18¢ 1b, {Sweet Cider ... . . 40¢c gal, W. R. McRea & Co. | Golden Lion Grocery | ie S. J. McGarvey, Alexandria Bay, i | N.Y, is dead aged sixty-nine years, | He was born in Canada. Mrs. Wil- Ham Kellar, Sydenham, Ont., is a niece Handsome Residence FOR SALE $6,000. A choice selection of houses on our list, McCann, 82 Brock Street. Phones 3206 or 621. m-- Our Stock Of Cotton and Down Comforters gives you the largest selection to choose from in this city. . With the high price of blankets there is bound to be a great demand for Comforters, and we are well prepared to meet it. a Dea Comforters, Severed wi teen, in very pretty designs, from $6.00 to $25.00. EVERYTHING IN BEDDING . Brassandiron springs, mattresses, pillows, blankets, ult Sheets; pillow cases, at very low prices. Kingston Carpet Warehouse Citizens Did Not Appreciate It, But the Farmers Will. Old Jupiter 'Pluvius had his innings on the holiday Citizens did not _ap- preciate the heavy showers, but the! farmers who want to get at their fall plowing were in need of the rain. "Just what we want for our fall nlowing," said one farmer to the Whig. Old Sol put in his appearance late in the afternoon, and citizens who had been housed in all day were glad to get out, The Largest Prize Winner, W. J. Bmythe, 0} Cataraqui, was once more the largést winner at the Kingston Industrial Fair, winning in the meighborhood of $150. James Henderson, Pittsburg, was a close second, winning about $130. The silver cup, donated by the Industrial Food Stock Company, has been cap- tured by W. J. Smythe, he being the largest prize winner in live stock. Mr, Bushell stated to the Whig on Tuesday that already many applica- tions were being made for the prize lists and space for next Yeqrs fair. ------------------ Thrown From Bicycle, While riding down . Princess street about 4.15 p.m. on Saturday a young man was struck by a motor delivery car owned by Anderson Bros., Division street. He had not , noticed the approach of the car, and | turned in the front of it with the result that he was thrown from his bicyele. Fortunately he was thrown away from the car and did not suffer any Weerious injuries. His bicycle was badly smashed. been over 300 men appear before the | fice | + | Stanley it has been decided to have the board | jege. {| work in the evenings { Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Connor, To In a very few days since the an- | | ronto, | city. are visiting friends in the the ladies of Princess Street Me thodist Chureh realized $65. W. Swaine, piano and pipe organ tuner, 100 Clergy street W., Orders | left at McAuley's or 'phone 564. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Chadwick and son, Allen, 442 Brock street, are on a short visit to Toronto and Guelph. Dr. C. 'P. Sherman, Toronto, was in the city over Thanksgiving visit- ing his mother, Mrs. John Sherman, Jrock street. A. E. Corrigan, M.0O. branch of the post office departnient, Ottawa, spent the week-end at his home on; Earl street. Prof. O. D. Skelton will on "Building a Lasting Peace' at the teachers' convention in Brock- ville on Oct, 11th. On Saturday a woman was seen to quite vigorously slap a soldier's ace on Princess street, and she did it so well 'the soldier fled. Now the time to have your piano tuned, we carry two expert tuners and will assure entire sat- usfaction. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. Rev. W. 1. Croft, Digby, is N.S. | preached in Queen street Methodist | FOR STALE EGGS. | Church on Sunday evening, his theme| Kingship of being 'The Christ." D. 'P. Branigan, the genial man ager of the Grand Opera House, is able to be on duty again after a se vere illness suffering from blooa poisoning. Capt. Vernon Castle hovered over the Royal Military College on Satur day and paid honor to Major Bishop. The captain is as graceful an avi ator as he is a dancer We will rent you a piano, and at end of six months if you feel like Supreme man I bought them from declared | purchasing instrument we will al-| low the 6 months' rental on pur- chase price, and arrange easy terms on balance. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. The garbage collector's report that many citizens neglect to cover their garbage cans and that the garbage has been very wet as a re sult, making it very hard to burn. Rev. W. 1. Croft, wife and daugh- ter, Digby, N.8S., spent several days in the city, guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lyons, Earl street. Mrs. Croft and Mrs. Lyons are sisters.\ The party which accompanied Ma- jor W, E. Bishop, V.C., to the city on Saturday, spent Saturday evening as the guests of Col. and Mrs. Perreau fat the Royal Military College and left on the midnight train for Toronto. A special meeting. of the Board of Education hds been called for to- night so the merhbers can meet Dr. Merchant, superintendent of techni- cal education; regarding the estab. lishment of a techmical department in Kingston. We will rent you a piano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will al- low the 6 months renial on pur chase price and arrange easy terms on balance, C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. The horsemen were very dis- appointed at the rain on Monday when a matinee;»in which fifteen horses were entered, had to be can- celled. Horses from all over the sur- 'rounding country were here for the Sevent, J. C. Watters, Ottawa, has not yet decided whether he will run for Parliament. As to Kingston he said his selection was merely a sug- rrestion, though he admitted that the Kingston laber men were very favorable to him, and that it was a strong labor constituency. "M.G," Kingston, asked the To- ronto Mail if a married woman could will all her property to her children without leaving her hus. band anything. She was told mar. ried women can will her property to her children, or to any of them, or to any other person, without leav- ing anything to her husband. Kingston's Famous Fur Store, atin NEWEST COATS Gift to the Nation. * Sir Arthur Lee has given Che-| quers estate, an historic place in Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire, | to the British nation as a county re. | sidence for British premiers; Col. | 'Lee was professor of strate and tactics at the Royal Military Col- | lege from 1893-1898, and owed his first steps in English political Jife to a well-known Montreal financier. He subsequently married a wealthy New York woman. Splendid Work. Since the outbreak of war 422 man who had obtained their release from Canadian ipenitentiaries on | parole volunteered for overseas ser- vice and had done exceptionally | well, some having risen from the: (ranks to commissioned officerships, ! Jf while others have been mentioned -In despatches for bravery and dis. | tinguished conduct, subsequently ' receiving the DS.O. gt od REEF a £f 38s : 1 The rummage sale conducted by | lecture | ing the Italian, English and French Ambass makes a short Canadian tour before opening York City. The Sky Pilot is dramatized from adors, for the season in New Black Rock. These books may be obtained at | Read the Book Then See the Play. | i Owen Johnson. | The 160-162 Princess St. ~~ Cosmopolitan for November-- Open Nights 1 | | { Warmth a A A i -------------------- Down Comforters . . --- three sizes. a mn last year's prices. ---------- Chintz Comforters . . Producers A ee sc A nice range of wool motor rugs in a variety of reversible designs; imported direct from Scotland. Popular priced .. .. $3.50 up. ooo... $7.50 Flannelette Blankets, white or grey, in Low prices. > \ AA A Wool Blankets, white or grey, selling at Pictorial Quarterly for Winter. 'Newman & Shaw, The Always Busy Store. er... $3295 : CLOSING OF MAILS Brith mall closes irregularly. Information posted at P.O. Lobby | from time to time. United Stat: aal | o 11.30 Sy od 11.50 p.m. Grand i Trunk, Grand Trunk, west, in rg east, 11.30 oF 1%) 11.30 pm. Toronto and - KINGSTONIANS IN SERVICE Gunner ¥. G. Brooks Wounded in the Thign, Mrs. Brooks, 134 Earl street, has been advised that her son, Gunner Frederick G. Brooks has been wound- ed in the left thigh and js in No. 6 Clearing Station in France. He went overseas in June, 1916 with the 46th (Queen's) Battery and in June, 1917, transferred to the 2nd Army Troops Co., Canadian Engin- eers. He wus a stirring youth and an only som. Pte. L. B, O'Grady IL Kingstonians will regret to learn that Mrs. L. A. O'Grady, 200 Queen street, has received a cable from the War Office which states that her sow, Pte. Lionel B. O'Gmdy, is dan- gerously Hi) in a hospital in England. | Pte. O'Grady enlisted last year in the 146th| Battalion, but being under nineteen years of age was not allow- ed to proceed to France, though anx- dous to-do 0. He has been employed at the War Office since going to Bug-| land Beautiful New Stock to Choose From . Prevost, Broek street, has an extra fine assortment of tweed, | cheviots and serge. blue and black, 'or the order department. Ris 'eadv-made clothing and gent's. furnishing never better assorted. prices. ( ' ye Mr. and Mrs. James Hinchliffe and little daughter, Mamie, spent TIMBER Oak, which we saw to order. etc. S ANGLIN & CO. NA pn. pos BUILDERS SUPPLIES ewey We have a stock of Round Spruce and Douglas Fir, in the water and Square can the company the Sky 60c each. Pilot and Commencing Virtuous Wives, by Three novels, six short stories by America's lead- | ing authors and six special articles and features. College Book S tore, Phone 919 MantelClock ~---- We are able to save you money on black enamelled mantel clocks, Our prices, due to opportune buying are practically the same as before the war started. These prices cannot last and the next shipments will be much higher. Put a clock where you need it ~--~~ROwW, Prices from $6.50 up. Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage licenses. In Black, Taupe and Natural. W. F.Gourdier Brock Street Phone 700. mT-------- | A Detached Brick Dwel- ling on Brock Street » (Below University Ave.) with hot water heating, modern, at $4,000, A Detached Brick Dwel- ling on Clergy St. West At $4,600, A Detached Brick Dwel- ling on York Street Hot water heating and all con- veniences, at $3,500. A full list of good perties can be obtained at office. eo Furnished house on Stuart street; possession 10 days. EW. Mullin &-Son Sellers of Real Estate, Cor. Johnson and Division Sts, 1 Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. ODAKS BROWNIES, $1 to $12. FILMS, PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES Mahoo d's Princess and