Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Oct 1917, p. 6

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Pe Fon nd ist em rao PAGE SX The Fall Drive of the Allies Bays' Work Leadership and Boys' Work Conferences KINGSTON > Thursday, October 11th -- Sunday, October 14th. Every Teen Age Boy Should Register. Taylor Statten, the Big Chief in Boys' Work in Canada, will be present with other prominent men | in Boys' Work. For further information apply to S. T. Lilley, Y.M.C.A. Frank L. Newman, Conference Secretary, 175 Wellington Street Nordheimer Pianos Steinway Pianos Aeolian Phonographs. YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL AND SEE OUR NEW MUSIC PARLORS. WE SHALL BE GLAD TO PLAY THESE INSTRUMENTS FOR YOU -- WITHOUT THOUGHT OF PURCHASE ON YOUR PAKT. R. J. Rodger, 132 PRINCESS STREET. "Where the Clock is on the Walk." GOODBYE, | SUMMER ! New te prepare for Winter ! What's needed ? Clothes ? There is no economy in buying a sult or overcoat. at a low price because it "SEEMS CHEAP". Cheapness and good quality seldom go together. First select a shep with a reputation then rely on the dealer to give you value and satisfaction. Such shops are ¥ pSHioN-CRAFT, Z | 1 ) You pay no more in the end, but whilst waiting for the end, get lasting satisfaction, E. P. JENKINS CLOTHING CO. 114 Princess St., Kingston. Ns - Uo] | | | ; Hid NIL, /) id Gs a I {Er fs b] New Serge Dresses We have just received a shipment of the season's very latest styles in serge dress- és for ladies and misses. These come in navy, black, burgundy, and brown and offer everything to be desir- ed in quality and design. We have some pretty pleated black voiles and poplins that cannot be beaten for value. t + ¥ Special prices on all crepe de chene taffeta, and messaline silk dresses. See our late shipments of hats. A THE DAILY BRITISH GANANOQUE | (From Ogy Own Correspondent) | Oet. 9.--Thanksgiving Day was ob-| served yesterday the local mer-| | chants and manufacturers as a pub-| | lic thotiday, their places of business | being closed A union Thangsgiving service of| | the congregations of Grace and st. | { Andrew's church ry by s was held in the] | latter church la evening. Rev | | Walter { chureb, conducted the service which was largely attended As usual the | | collection will be used as a donation] {to the hospitals of Kingston and | | Brockville { The Misses Inez Wgight, Victoria! | Sullivan, Viola Cummifigs and Zilpah | { Cummings, pupils of Brockville Bus-| | iness College, spent the holiday at | their homes here. | | David Bain, James Sampson, and | | Stanley Meggs of this town spent the | | p few days at Lakeside House, | | Gananoque Lake, enjoying duck hunting The recent heavy frosts have done | considerable damage to the late po-| | tatoes in this section { | . The Catholic Literary and Athletic | Club held a dance in the hall at the | Oddfellows Temple last nel { Quite @ number of out-of-town guests | | were present. The Citizens band | Jordieetie furnished the music. 8 1 Gunner "Jack" O'Brien, who has| been invalided on account of wounds | has arrived home. | Thomas H. Mallory, William street, | and C. H Hurd, King street, spent | | Saturday, Sunday and Monday at | Charleston Lake. E. H. Hurd of Kingston spent Ais} holiday in town with his brother, C | H. Hurd, King street Mr. and Mrs. Neil McCarney have received the felicitations of the lo-| | cal Board of Trade as well as a large | I number of their friends on the oc- | casion of the anniversary of their| | golden wedding, which happened on| | Friday, they having been married in| | Prescott on Oct. 5th, 1867. Dr. and Mrs J. P. Sinclair and Mr. | {and Mrs. W. A. Peck are enjoying| a motor trip to Toronto, and will re-| turn through New York State. Lieut. Harry Barnes of Toronto is| spending a short time here with his | parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Barnes, Princess street. | Earl Cummings of the Royal Can- | adian Flying Squadron, Camp Bor-| den, ds spending a short time here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wal-| ter Cummings, King street. i Rach of David Noble. | | _ Picto® Oct. 6.--David R. Noble, ! { Salmon Point, died on Monday. A few days previously Mr. Noble had | been building a milk stand for his neighbor, Harvey Stark While en- | gaged in this work the deceased lost | his balance and fell The drop was | {but a short distance, but his spine {was injured, the result being paraly- | | sis. For many years Mr. Noble had | {lived at Salmon Pdint, and he was | | highly respected in the eommunity; | Prior -to the rural mail delivery sys- | item he was postmaster at Salmon , Point. His wife, who was before { marriage Caroline Reynolds, survives. | Their only daughter died some years lago. George Thibault and Mrs. | Scott, Cherry Valely, are sisters of the deceased. Death of Alfred Mills. | Picton. Oct. 6.--After an illness of | only a couple of days, the death of Alfred Mills occurred at his resi- dence. West Lake, on Monday last. He had been enjoying his usual health up to this time, and on Saturday last | was in town in connection with his | duties as mail-carried for the West Lake route. The late Mr. Mills, who was sev- enty-two years of age, was a well- known resident of West Lake, where he had spent all his life. J New Train Service, Travellers in Central Ontario will greatly appreciate the mew through service which is being operated by the Canadian Northern Railway be- tween Kingston, Tweed and Picton, i via Harrowsmith, Yarker and Tren- ton, Trains leave Kingston for Tweed 2.30 p.m. and for Picton 5.40 pm, For further particulars see latest time table folders, or apply to J. E. Ivey, Station Agent, or M. C. Dunn, Town Agent, Bowling on Saturday. "On Saturday C. F. Smith and E. Newell defeated E. Williamson and J. J. Baker in the bowling doubles by 17 to 14. Owing to the incle ment weather the semi-finals and finals could not be Thanksgiving Day. In the semi-finals of the singles played on Monday afternoon, H W. Newman won in the last end from Dr. R. E. Sparks by 15 to 14, New York has subscribed $192, 739,000 to the Liberty Loan. The Russian Cabinet crisis is be- lieved over. | the other hand, go to the root of Lennon, pastor of Grace! Glenburnie seventy-two played on |" KIDNEY TROUBLE AND BACKACHE Cassell's Tablets Strengthen the . d Restore Their Activity. Dr. Kidney trouble means Kidney weak- nes, Dy the kidneys through the Kic {and thus effect cures wher f mean The average kldne designed to re 3 - toms ich are really due to imperfect kidney action. Dr. Cassell"s Tablets, on the trouble, and by supplying vital power and strength enahle the kidneys to act perty. A mwfment's thought will ow which #s the right method, and hy Dr. Cassell's Tablets cure 0 thorpughly, A free sample of Dr. Cassell's Tablets will be nent to you on receipt of five cents for malling and packing. Address Hareld . F. Ritchie and Co. Ltd, 10 M'Caul Street, Toronto. Dr. Cassell's Tablets are the supreme remedy for Dyspepsia, Kidney Trou- bles, Sleeplessness, Anaemia, Nervous ailments, and Nerve Paralysis and for weakness in children. Specially valu- able for nursing mothers and during the critical periods of life. Price 50 cents per tube, six tubes for the price five, from Druggists and Storekeep- rs throughout Canada. Doa't was'e ur money on imitations; get the gen- ne Dr. Cassell's Tablets. « Proprietors, Dr. anchester, Eng. Cagsell"s Co. Ltd, NM The Late Mrs. Bernard Quinn. A sad death occurred on Sunday morning in Barriefield when Anne Fowler, relict of the late Bern- ard Quinn, passed away at the home of her father, Patrick Fowler. The late Mrs. Quinn was born in Barrie- field twenty-nine years ago, and among the villagers had many friends will will regret her demise. About four years ago the deceased was bereaved when her husband was thrown from a sleigh on Princess street and died from the effects of a fractured skull. For the past three years she had been in poor health,]| and gradually declined. The late Mrs. Quinn was a Roman Catholic in religion was was closely identified with the interests of her church. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Fowler, Barriefield, survive, The funeral took place on Tuesday morning. Requiem mass was held in the Church of the Holy Name, Cush- endall The Late Capt. John Guild. A well-known mariner, who has sailed from Kingston for many years, died very suddenly on Saturday night in the person of Capt.. John Guild. The deceased, although in failing health for the past two years, was in good spirits on Saturday afternoon, and went out for a short walk. When he returned he mentioned that he was not feeling very well and. re- tired to his room to rest. Shortly at- terwards he was geized with a stroke and death ensued before anything| could be done torevive him. | The late Capt! Guild was born in| years ago, and was a son of Mr. and Mrs, An- drew Guild, parents of pure Scotch lineage. As a boy he was lured to the water, and it was his delight to sail in the hot summer days. With | the coming of manhood he opened {up a store at the corner of Bay and Bagot streets, which he successfully conducted for same time, The call to the life of a mariner was too strong to resist, however, and while vet a young man he started sailing. For many years he was engaged on lake trade for the Sowards Coal Company. In the city the late Capt. Guild was well known, andl his geniality and friendliness won for him many staunch friends who regret sincerely his death. The deceased was a Scotch Presby- terian in religion, and was a faith- ful members and attendant of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church. He was also a member of Kingston lodge No. 59, LO.OF. ' Besides his wife, residing on Low- er Charles street there are two sons 'and three daughters surviving, W. T. Guild of Kingston, Capt. John Guild now at Halifax, en route for overseas service with the Canadian forces, Mrs. J. J. Murphy, Long Island, and Misses Christina and Elizabeth at lon. q to Cataragui cemetery. Death of Nonegenarian. A nonegenarian, whose face has been familiar to many generations in the district of Sudbury, passed away in the General Hospital Mon- day in the person of Alm Rous borne. The late Mr, Roushorne was born ninety-one years and six months ago in Canada, and was a well- known farmer of Sunbury. At the end of last August he was brought to the hospital, and death ensued largely as = result of 'his very ad- vanced age. He was a Methodist in religion, The funeral 48 to be held from the home of his son, Welling- ton, to Wilmur cemetery. Late John Simmons. John J. Simmons succumbed to an attack of heart failure on Tues. day morning. He"retired in good health, and it was not until quite late in the morning that he was dis- covered dead. Deceased Was forty- six years of age .and had lived in Kingston most of his lite, having and is survived by his parents, four brothers and one sister. Canadian Casunities. Presumed to have died--G. W. Allen, Peterboro; F.. W. Roberts, Cobourg; R. J. Perring, Portsmouth, Wounded---E. Campbell, leek HI; Lieut: W. W. Lowery, Frankfort; 8. E. Jex, Port Hope. Gassed--E. H. Bennett, Renfrew. M--J. T. Wright, Gananogye. Five persons, one a woman, were drowned when the barge Athens, coal laden, broke in two and found. ered in a gale twenty-five miles from Southampton, in Lake Huron. Casseil's Tablets strengthen | Mobi Mary, home. Another spn, Stanley C. Guild, || was killed in France in April. 1916, |} while on duty with the 21st Battal- |} The funeral took 'plafe from his il late residence om Tuesday afternoon WHIG, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1917. ! INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. | Local Notes .and Iteies Of Gemery ° Interest. H. M. Mowat, K.C,, Toronto, was in the city on Tuesday conducting? {a legal examination, | 'The amount realized by the tag! day conducted by the General Hos-' pital on Saturday will be announced | on Wednesday. ! George Smith and Stuart Crawford { have returned from a motor trip to| { Cape Cod, The state roads are now | patroled by mounted soldiers. ! Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cole left on Tuesday for their home at Cape Vin- cent. They were here for the horse races which were planned for Mon- day. Four stitches were necessary to close a gash which Mrs. John Jarvis, Ann street, received on Tuesday morning when she was opening a bot- tle at her home, A meeting of the Army and Navy Veterans Association was held on Monday evening. The appointment of Lieut. C. W, Topping as jailer was the chief topie of discussion. The Kingston police located an automobile stolen from a party at Trenton. It is held at the police station. No trace has been found of the auto stolen from James Me- Fadden last Friday, | Loses Hand in Machine, Belleville, Oct. 9.--William ton, a resident of Mayo township, was feeding a threshing machine when his right hand was driven into the cylinder, crushing it in such a manner that amputation at the wrist Was necessary. Bel | An agreement as to the basis up {on which a union government for Canada can be formulated has not, it is understood, far resulted from the negotiations which have been in.progress for some days. AA rs AP APA A AAA GET RID OF HUMORS AND AVOID DISEASE i: Humors in the blood cause inter | nal derangéments that affect the | whole system, as well as pimples, | boils and other eruptions. They affect all the organs and functions, mem- branes and tissues, and are direct! responsible for the readiness with which ome people eontraet disease. For forty years Hood 's Sarsaparilla has been more successful than any other medicine in expelling humors and removing their inward and ont ward effects. It is distinguished for its thoroughness in purifying the blood, which it enriches and invigor- ates. No other medicine acts like it, forse otlier ned dive is like it. t Hood's Sarsaparilla Insist on having Hoed's. Dandruff Surely Destroys The Hair beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means get rid of dandruff, for it wll starve your hair and ruin it if you don't. 80 today. $ Pandora Conveniences The "Pandora" Range has triple grate bars that turn essily because each bar is shaken separately. The firebox ig made smooth to prevent clogging of ashes and the ash-pan is large enough to hold more than one day's ashes. 'Write for booklet. MClarys PANDORA RANGE LONDON TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG _ VANCOUVER ST. JOHN, NB. HAMILTON CALGARY 12 SASKITOON EDMONTON . For Sale by J. B. Bunt & Co. me "MIRACLE GIRL" Gives Army Edison to 3rd Regiment, N.G.N.J. Ashbury Park, NJ. Anna Case, soprano of the Metropolitan Opera Co. who sings exclusively for the New Edison Recording Lahoratories, on Saturday presented an Army and Navy Model to the Third New Jersey Regiment, of which Colonel Thomas D. Landon ix head. Miss Cause motored down to Sea Girt, where the regiment is fn camp and surprised the "hoys of the Third" with a "war phone- graph" and a number of records. She sang "Our Amer- lea," a song of her own composition, arranged for the hand by Bandmaster Stark of the Edison Storage Hat. tery Band, and the "Star Spangled Banner." She miso sang In direct comparison with her own volce as re- crented on the New Edison. The soldiers made it the big day of the year at Sen Girt. Colonel Landon shower. ed praises upon Miss Case for her gift, and particularly dwelt upon her career. Being a New Jersey girl, the gift was considered all the more apropriate for a New Jersey Regiment, sald the Colonel. Then he told them of the pincky fight of Miss Case and of her being proud of her humble origin. She is the daughter of a hlack- smith, and, he sald, she ix not afraid to let it be known. Gov. Edge Introduced Miss Cane the camp. She wan taken on a tour of Inapection by Colonel Landon, Who pointed out the camp kitchen and other Interesting sights. Thursday she was the guest of Governor Bdge at dinner. Come in and hear some of the records by Miss Case on the New Edison eh The J. M- Greene Music Co., Ltd. Princess dnd Sydenham Streets. Kingston, " JOKN M. PATRICK TR A TS We Have a Nice Assorument of Pure Corn Syrup in 2-1b. tins, 5.lb. pails, and 10-Ib. vails, which we are selling for ome price. Cor. Montreal and Charles St, Phone 1268. It doesn't do much good to try to brush or 'wash it out. The only sure way to get rid of dandruff is to dis- solve it, then you destroy it entirely. To do this , get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gen- tly with the finger tips. By morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will com- pletely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop, and" your hair will look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvon at any drug sfore. It is inexpensive and four ounces is all you will need, no matter how much dandruff you have. This simple remedy never fails. | SPECIAL FOR PICKLING AT THE UNIQUE GROCERY. C. H. Pickering, 490-492 Princess Street. Cor. of University Bays Oream Applied in Nostrils Opens Air Passages Right Up. . - +300 PMP PEPE PR 24000000000 Instant relief---no waiting. Your clogged nostrils open right up; the air passages of your head clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffiing. blowing, head- ache, dryness. No. ling for h at night; your cold or Get a small bottle of Ely's OC 'Balm from your druggist now. Apply a Nttle of this fragrant, antiséptic, healing cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous mebrane and relief 'comes instantly. . It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed: tarrh | Sewing Machines, Umbrellas, Suit Cases, Trunks repaired and refitted, Saws filed, Knives and Scissors sharpened; Razors honed; All makes of firearms repaired promptly. Locks repaired; Keys fitted. All makes of Jrwn mowers sharpened and repair- ed. 149 Sydenham Street week only at the old E. H. BAKER FOR TEN DAYS ONLY -- SPECIAL PRICE OF $3.50 FOR TOASTERS. GENERAL ELECTRIC or CANADIAN BEAUTY Halliday Electric Co. Cor. Princess and King Streets. up with a cold or nasty catarrh. IMPERIAL LIFE Vink- § | That is the one proof --the final test 3 ApS wasiities of any suusical instrument And measured t test, Grafonola to the ves its Instru- fact to you Grafonola the prices of which range from $21 to $475. ; C. W. LINDSAY, LTD.,

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