arene THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1917. CAE O CE RSOTOCOCATOTTC ROR RE GEO It save what 11 Dranches In Toronto, ESTABLISHED 1858, is easier Savings Account your Incr Producti tion Increased effort an clency in labor, m € uny and less waste in ivi & building up eapital Bn! "har d- er work 'and greater savings will enrich yoy and your country The men and we men. at home must producé:| more to Cover wars waste eff!- to make money than to 'save It. The Bank of Toronto will bit cased effort provides, 119 Branches In Can an. | - BANK K oF TORONTO ET wrivine'" FOR SALE Frame dwelling house on Johnson street be- tween Frontenac and A t streets. Gas for cook- ing; bath, etc.; barn and deep lot. Price $2100. The J. K. CARROLL AGENCY. Phones: Office 68; Residence 874, 56 Brock Street. Open Every Saturday Evening. If You Want Choice, Exquisite Chocolates. We have just received a fresh stock. They must be seen to be ap- preciated. We invite your inspec- tion, Hoag's Drug Store Branch Post Office Kingston, Ont. CA Call Up Gordon's For choice western meats and groceries. Cor. Bay and Mont- real. Phone 88. ==) Watts, te... Fresh Cut Foss panty Funeral Designs + and Wedd ng Boug Tomatoes! Have you had your supply of Tomatoes yet, green or ripe? If not, phone or see Friendship's 210 Division St. Phone 545 Notice of Removal 'Mra. McLauchlin, Brock street, wishes to announce that she has removed her millinery parlors to 95 Lower William street, where she ig now ready for business. Open Tuesday and Thursday evenings. PRICES FOR LIVE POULTRY No. 1 ive & Spring Chickens, : 20¢ No. 1 Live sve Chickens, under 8 .. 18¢ NA Pat Mow aver 5.10 . 0c No. 1 fat hens, over 4 Ibs, . ... 19¢ Highest price paid for all dressed poultry, GET OUR PRICES. (PEE PURE PICKLING VINEGAR AND SPICES. THOMPSON'S GROCERY. Phone 387. 294 Princess St. Good Coffee Our Own Blend -- Steel Cut -- 45¢ Pound Tins. J.R.B.Gage, 254 Montreal St. Phone 549. FORDS FORDS FORDS We make a specialty of Ford repairs; also guarantee every Job that leaves our shop. 1 Leaves Kingston 1 p.m. FOOT OF BROCK STREET Daily Except Sunday, Most Direct Houte to New York. Sleeper Accommodation Reserved. Automobiles Handled. Ford Cars We expect a carload (6) of Ford Cars at men expect to be in a position Ean OOF of the tee Ap LUVEN BRO Mus. James Fitzpa ny trick and fam- 1 reside, panee, have left for Toronto, ey wi } 'GRAND TO-NIGHT | At 8.15. Most Notable Dramatic] Event of the Season OPERA HOUSE > -------- Direct from Trifimphal Engagement | at Royal Alexandra Theatre, Toronto. | CONDENSED ADVERTISING mais | HELP WANTED--FEMALE, Ralph O'Connor's Famous Founded on his best known stories: "The Sky Pilot" -and "Black Rock" | | Dramatized by Frank Mandel { George H. Brennan. | | "A play of tense Interest with strong | elo-dramatic moments." Toronto Gone. dramatle qualities that are ronto Mall & Empire. A east of Stellar Quality. { Rvening, 22 50e, 75¢, SEATS NOW ON SALE. Matinee 2.30 fh ning 8,15] SCANDAL IN HIGH LIFE! Who is the CO-RESPONDENT? MUTT or JEFF ? BIGGEST SCREAM IN YEARS, Bud Fisher's Merriest MUTT &JEFF THE The Barnum and Bailey Laugh Epidemic Presented with a Cast, Chorus, Scenic and Costume Equipment Unparalleled. Songs That All The World is Humming. Dances Defying Description. Prices--Mat. Evening Seats ONE NIGHT Thurs. Oct. 1 Henry W. Savage Offers An Elaborate Musical Spectacle Direct from Boston Ops House ALLY A. ba Tri LL SS TS "&) Opera, Musical Coinedy, Drama, Symphony Or- chestra, Ensemble of 150 People Mail Order Now. Prices: 50, 75, $1, $1.50. GRIFFIN'S ! Monday, Tues., Wed. Big Special BIN Marguerite Clark, in "The Amazons" The famous play in which Bllly Burke Starred on Broadway. Also George Beban, in "The A picture of Artistic Triumph, The Mystery of the Double Cross. COMEDY VAUDEVILLE Prices: Mat. 15¢; Evg 25¢ Mon., Tues., Wed. Wm. Fox Presents June Caprice in "Every Girl's Dream" DO CHILDREN COUNT" MUSTY SUFFER" COMEDY, Matinee 10e; Evening 13¢. Sky Pilot and SMART BOY WANTED, | | | | $1.00, $1.50. | Saturday, October 13th. | Co OTe | AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL | | | DIVORCED! Cook of Canyon Camp"|, First jusertion, 1¢ 8 word. Each con- secutive Insertion thereafter, hailf-| | ecemt ma word. Minlmum charge for ene insertion, 35¢; three Imsertions, Boe; sin . $1; one month, $2. HELP WANTED ] ia Er {5 tel APPLY T, F. arrison Co, Ltd i AP. | Cao, | TWO WAITRESSES AT ONCE. ply at the Rest FIRS CLASS LADY CLERK. APPLY | College Book Store, | | WANTED A GIRL FOR DINING roow, | Apply Frontenac Hotel WANTED; STEADY | employment. Apply Street Railway | Office. MAID, | No washing nor ironing Apply | 45 Gore street. | etter tte eee WINTER MONTHS, Hodge, Gordon Hall, | University | JANITOR Apply Queen's FOR J. WANTED, A MAID GENERAL, family Apply Mrs. No. 2 st. Claire Apts. SMALL Cur nningham LABORERS, APPLY 98 FRONTENAC | street, or Garage job, foot of Prin- | cess street. H. W. Watts, \ COMPETENT GENERAL SERVANT for a small family High wages pald. Apply 305 Alfred street. A NURSERY GOVERNESS FOR TWO children Salary $30.00 ner month Apply Box 600, Whig Office, A mood active hoy mailing Department wages and steady employm Apply British Whig RRR RONEN WW WAAR TA rere EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER wanted at once. Apply, giving re- ferendes, Box 109, Whig Office GENE RAT family, ply. at SERVANT FOR SMALL no washing or ironing, Ap- 160 Sthart street Phone | WANTED -- OLD $20, ANY LADY CAN EARN IT WEEK- ly by showing magnificent Private Christmas Card Sample Book. Out- fit free on promise to pork. Brad- ley, lamited, Br antford, On WANTED GENRRAL | BELL BOY. APPLY FRONTENAC HO- A SMALL SAFE, WITH COMBINATION lock; also a reliable cash register. Vamluven Bros, Kingston SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, fyr cash gr in part payment of new planos and grafanolas. C. W. Lind- say, Limited, 121 Princess street. | BY A YOUNG three rqomg for light ing: central locality, an the lake! side of Princess street. Apply Box! #9, Whig Office, { TWO OR' housekeep- COUPLE, TRAVELLERS CALIANG UPON MER- chants and business men In East. ern Ontario can connect with 2 good side ihe og applying te Box W., Wh Strictly cou- fidential WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF second-hand furniture stoves, heaters, clothes, etc. We also have everything in the second-hand Une for sale. 8 Shapiro, 45 Prin- cess street. Phone 1237. FALSE don't matter if broken $15 per set Send by parcel post and receive check by return madl. F. Terl, 403 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore, Ma < TEETH; I pay $2 to FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN ment Society; AND INVEST. incorporated 1863; president, Colonel H, R. Smith, C.M.G.; vice-president, W. F. Nic- K.C., Money issued on city and farm roperges. municipal and country debentures; mortgages pur- chased; investment bonds for sale; deposits received and in- terest allowed. R. C, Cartwright. manager, 87 Clarence St, Kingston. | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,216 In addition to which the policyh ders have for security the unlimifed Hability of city property, insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. Phone 325. FOUND BUNCH OF KEYS ON SYDEN. ham street, gpposite Parkhdll's. Owner may have same by call- ing at Whig Office PAIR OF GENTLEMAN'S CHAM. vis gloves Owner may have same by calling at 38 IL. Union St ON THE MARKET SATURDAY, a door key and chain. Apply to Market Clerk McCammon, FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE. Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the "owner may do so by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed in this column free of charge. "Found articles" does clude lost i 8, cattle, ete, These, fost, may be ad- vertised for in the "Lost" column, wot In- LOST A BROOCH; A SUNBURST OF PE ARLS. Finder please return to office and receive reward, ON SATURDAY MORNING market, a brown silk umbrella Finder kindly return to this office and receive reward, AT THE A FOX TERRIER PUP WITH WHITE body, marked on head and tail; gnswering to name of Treddie. Re- turn to 8, E. Trotter, 201 University Ave, and recelve reward, SMAI BROOCH, AMETHYST CEN. tre, surrounded by pearls, on Wel- lingtion, between Gore and Princess or on Princess to Crown Cafe Kindly return to Whig Office, suit- able reward, STRAYED. A BLACK AND WHITE COW STRAY. ed onto the premises of R Abbot; Outer Station Owner may have same by proving property and paying for advt UNFURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. ply upstairs, 152 Ontario sireet AP- UNFURNI venienc ED ROOMS, Ss Apply 177 ALL Pine CON- stregt BUSINESS CHANCES Conductors employment. FF way Office, be 4 wanted; nteady 9 Apply Street Rall. Re oie de eds dhe Bibs ree CAPABLE MAID sible, family o washing and irdning sent out. wages. Apply Phone 300, S SOON AS POS. three. No cooking: Good AMAZING SELLER---TABLETS THAT wash clothes spotlessly clean with- «ut rubbing. Promise to solicit or- ders with ten cents will bring samples for four washings. Make dollar Bn hour, Bradley's Ca.. Brantford, Ont; (GIRLS! With or without experience, on sewing and kaitting machines, Light work; highest wages paid while learning. Apply Kingston Hosiery, Limited. rre---- DRESSMAKING MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER, having resumed business solicits orders for fall and winter work. Address 202 Alfred street. POWER & ARCHITECTS, og ah Baling. Brock and Welllagton St MER corner INVESTORS WARNING DON'S INVEST one cent until you read Successful Finance, and learn how fortumes are made and lost by investors. Free trial subscription. Success- ful Finance, 608 S. Dearborn St, Chicago. prEmm---- | * DR. REEVE, Nerve Years of experience me Jo treat difficult cases ully.. Call, or state case by utter. PDR, H. S. ANGROVE, PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon, #8 Clergy street (near Brock). Hours 2 to 4: 7 to 9. Of- fice phone 2163; residence 1782. 18 Cariton Street, Toronto, MEDICAL PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blem. ishes removed permanently, with- out scar; 30 Years' Sxperience, Dr. Elmer J, Eye, Ear, Nose, Shroat and Skin Specialist, 262 agot street. DENTAL BE. KNAPP, Office, 6562 A, BA, LDS, DDN. 258 Princess street Phone DR J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, SorngEy lu Fmeens and' Bagot streets. Pho! 626 DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, tists, 159 Wellington street, war, D.D. LDS. Phone 346. DEN- _ G. C. LEGAL A." B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solicitor. w office, 79 Clar- ence street, Kingston. OFFICES IN CLARENCE 8ST. CHAM- bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, 79 Clarence street. TWO BRIGHT FURNISHED and sitting room son street, ROOMS Apply 240 John- LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH FIRE- place, electric light and all conveni- ences. 140 Wellington street, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE OR MER- chandise, clean and dry. McCann's Rea] Estate Agency, §2 Brock St, Phones 326 or 621 AN EIGHT ROOM HOUSE, ELECTRIC light, steam heat, family with ne children preferred. Apply 24 Div- isibn street, city NICELY WU SHED WARM BED. rooms, with sitting room, im priv- ate family -- very central. Apply Box A.B.C., Whig Office, FOR BALE THESK EFFECTIVE ADVTS, 0©OOosY little. Once, 25c; three times 500; one week, $1.00. : A FORD MOTOR Gardiner, CAR. APPLY DR. ROSE CREPE-DE.CHENR size 38. Apply Box 1010 Office, DRESS, Whig MAHOGANY DINING ROOM SUITE and household furniture. Can be Seen at any time at 243 Alfred St. ONE-TON SANFORD MOTOR Truck in first class condition. ply to W, G. Craig & Co., or Boyd's Garage. HOUSE NO. 160 COLLINGWOOD street, All modern conveniences, Apply C. Harrison, Builder, or tele- phone 1960, 1917 POWER-PLUS TWIN CYLINDER Indian Motorcycle, in good condl- tion. Cheap to quick buyer: Apply Box 687, Whig Office. NEW HOUSE ON PRINCESS STRERT, near cor. of Frontenac, ! All mod- ern conveniences. Apply C. Harr son, Bujlder, or Phone 1960 GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND To selections, your own choice, $27. Terms: $6 cash, $1 per week, Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St A YACHT THAT CAN BE USED FOR either pleasure of conmumercial pur- hilses, 37 ft. x 9 ft beam, 40 h.p. Also a Mghter. Apply Rr Moore, Wolfe .Istand. PROPERTY, CONSISTING and dwelling house, barn, situated in post office and block, Apply OF STORE jce house, and Rockport Omt., stom office In R. H. Service, A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN- cluding the famous Athlete, Over- and Perfect Models; also tires and bievele accessories, George Muller, 373 King St, Phone 1032. ------ -- LIBRARY THE LATE PROV, anos of the RM.C, consisting of works in varibus languages, Books may be seen at 111 Lower Union sireet Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday from 2 to 4 p.m. oF LARGE STOCK OF EXTENSION TA. bles and dining Shuirs, buffets, shina cabinets, also «138; springs and mattress buy ail kinda of second han arate mnsou, 333 Princess street, Phone 1600. FOR SALE NY. G. A, Real Estate Agency, $400, SMALL FRAME HOUSE, CEN-. ral BATEMANS $1,000, FRAME HOUSE, DIVISION #7. $1,800, SEVERAL BRIC K HOUSES, ALL improvements except furnace. $2,000, FRAWE HOUSE, IMPROVE. ments; corner. $3,000, SKVERAL BRICK HOUSES, ALL improvements, $4,500, SIX TO CHOON E FROM, BRICK, all improvements. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, (LEAN dry, alry rooms; Le ur own lock and key, Frost's Cc y Storage, po Queen street. Phone 526; r TWO STORES ON PRINCESS ST. a low Clergy, one at $15.00 and the | other at $20.00 per month. pply | The J. K. Carroll roy 86} Brock street, FURNISHED BED ROOMS; ALSO FU Rei nished rooms with every conven enge for light house- Keeping, in Sood | locality. Apply Box 67, Whi | TWO BRICK HOUSES, CENTRAL | cation, very convenient, All mod- ern improvements. Yossennlon | Nov. 1st. One $25; the other b | per month, Anply Geo. W. Bell, ju Clarence street FOR RENT STORE ON PRINCESS STREE], NRAR Bagot; ground floor space, 1 x 40 ft. Immediate p { $6,000, SEVERAL BRICK, ALL MOD ern, central locations, RGB CENTRAL | HOUSE TO RENT. A. Bateman, Insurance Broker, Moy 10 Loan, §7 og Tene Birost, Kingston Phone 3 MUSIC | MISS BAJUS, TRACHER oy SINGING, wih resume her temching October 2nd at 47 Ridesu street. Phone 1206. 3 PEARL A. NESBUTT, LT.C.M, CON. tralto, organist and director eof Brock St. Meth, church. Teacher of piano, organ and voice produc- tion. Pupils prepared, for Tonto Conservatory examinations. Studio 449% Johnson street, BOARD AND ROOMS ply Box 60, Whig. FURNITURE FINISHING P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FIvISH- | a a or drop a card. ohn Tr FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS. Mrs. A. Tierney, 151 Barl street. FIRST CLAMS BOARD AND every convenience, cent! (Hon. Apply 243 Brock Btrest. Treen an ve have elites airy, well heated, with every convenience and just the place for girls to work in during the winter. Will arrange wages to satisfy Cataraqui St. WANTED PATTERN MAKERS, HANDY MEN and LABORERS, CAULKERS and CHIP- PERS. HIGHEST WAGES PAID. CANADIAN ANCOMOTIVE COM- and Save Fuel The best results are obtained