THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1917. ) BiG LOSS. LOOKED FOR IF THE ROOT CROP fanvor| BE TAKEN IN. Rev. J. D. Boyd Is Endeavoring To Get Help For the Farmers--Impos- sible For Many To Get Crop Out ga ' of the Ground. With a view to helping out farmers who are unable to get 1 their root crop, Rev. J. D. Boyd, chairman of the Agricultural Commmittée the Board of Trade, is emgleavoring to roungl up as many men and as he can who will lend a helping hand to the men of the soil] who are in need of the help it will be remembered | that Mr. Boyd brought up the matter | of shortage of labor on the farms at the last meeting of the Board of Trade. * It is stated that there will be a seri ous loss in+the root crop if the farm- ers do, not get the help they need, and this is indeed a great pity. in view of the appeals which were made to the farmers for increased production. The entire root erop is 'needed to help on the situation There are many i wen and boys who could perhaps give a few days to the work, and if they gre willing to de their "bit' Mr. Boyd would be very glad to have them re-| port to him. { Quite a batch of the young mer n| who have applied for exemption from overseas service are farmers. One young man who made application for exemption swited ta a Whig represen tative that he had two brothers at| the front, and that he was working a | farm alone, and supporting his mother while his two brothers were over-| eas. One farmer has reported that hel has a big crop of pumpkins, and that | they will not he taken in because he has not the necessary help. hoys Dr. Hal's « Jough Balsam. Cures coughs and colds, tie. Prouse's Drug Store, 26¢ & hot | At the last meeting of the Frater- | nity Lodge, 1.0.0, Perth, veteran | Jewels were preserited to David Hogg! and R, 8S. Meighen. | ploughing they would « A LOCAL GATHERING. Organization . for Canada's Loan Campaign. A jbint meeting of the eXecutive ctory. loan with the ger met yesterday alter Committee Room, i ymmittee meeting in pacity to the executive he work up to the present before" the meeting and received val d tl jew Vic tory | nittee tter co of the general vera] important mat- with the organiza- be of great assistance tive obtaine committee or fers In conne tion, which will to them W. J. Fair Roughton anc Hutton, Stephen weorge E. Smith will {he captains the teams ofr canvass- ing. which will begin on the morning of Nov, 12th. The name sof Gen. Hemming, Er- nest Cain, Wi J. Driscoll, Prof. Iva F. Martin. Prof. H. Mitchell and Prof. 0. D. Skelton were added to the gen- eral committee, Ald. Kent, acting mayor, chairman The Publiciiv night in the Board of Trade rooms w fair attendance The chair- man, J. G. Elliott, presideddand after a general review of the work of the committee in attracting attention to the Victory Loan campaign, Mesyrs. 1. G. Elliott, Francis King and GK. Martin were appointed a committee to strike the committees necessary for the successful accomplishment of pub- licity. FALL PLOUGHING NOW. Suggests Efforts to Pregarg/for Next Year's Crop" The question has been askéd, "Is the Gre ater, Production Committee to do any fall, ploughing this year?" There were many owners who were | lind enough to allow their land to hg used in this cause. The geommittee I plonghed and cultivated the land free and the majority of lots produced ex- cellent results IH there was fall io much bet- 0) acted as Committee met last ter. Laundry soap still at Pickering's, EE 5 cents a bar mn i numbers, promises of the future. very popular, order now, so that they will not be . » N Gity Dairy PUBLICITY AND PROGRESS Ce NUMBER ON FRI Next Friday---October 26th--the readers of the Whig will re- celve the first of three issues of the Publicity and Progress campaign The Publicity and Progress campaign has been isgued by the Whig to show to the world in a forceful way the progyess that has been made in the city and county during the last twenty years ang the It will undoubtedly be one of the biggest and best editions ever offered to our readers, who we are sure will in their own way carry on this great work, Experience has shown that previous editions of this kind are There are a great number of people . who find out top late that extra copies are unobtainable. - oJ AY We would advise readers to disappointed, PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM. Yourselt, Baticfaction Cu I et. OMeinl Test H, B. Smith, ps ed Butter Fat. 24 JOHNSON STREET Phone 2083 ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CHARM TEA + INPACKAGES. Black, Gryest and ised, Packed in King- 'GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. A MOST Wi D ON THEM SUCH? IF THEY WHAT TO DO AFTER OUR NATION . J.J STEWART, Ogr. Wellington and Clarence Sts. Opp. Post ADVISE YOU Lp New Fresh Stock at AT SARGENT'S DRUG STORE The execu- |. BODY + DO YOU TREAT WILL 00ST 186. PER PRISONER! | JAIL OFFICERS HANDLED 116 PEOPLE DURING PAST YEAR | Lieut. C. W. Topping Is the New ad Interesting Figures Are Given. I'he annual report of the Frontenac ftains many interesting facts, e principal one heitig the fact that risoners" of whom eight were fe- were in custody in the jail dur- ing the year . There were twenty-two men and two women in the jail on October 1st. The nationalities of the prisoners were as follows : Canadjam-73; Eng- lish, 3; Irish, Scotch, 4; United States, 4; other countries, » The religious leanings of the pris- oners were as follows: Roman Catho- lig, 44; Methodist, 24; Church of Eng- land, 12; Preshyterian, 10; other de: nominatiens, 2 There were twenty-three men and two women prisoners who wese mar- ried and the remainder--sixty-three men and four women--had not enter- ed the matguhonial bond. During the year no prisoner escap- ed, which shows the efficiency of the staff. The inmates were engdged in making tile, breaking stone, cutting wood, working on the Court House grounds, sewing, knitting and clean- ing. This work brought in a reve- nue of $1,366.12. It cost $5891.33 to run the sail dur- ing the year, up to Octoher 1st This amannt is subdivided into $3044.53 for officers' salaries, $854.84 for ordi- nary repairs and $1991.96 for food, clothing, fuel and all other items he aveérape daily cost of mainte- nance of each prisoner was 'cighteen cents. .The offences for which prisoners were sentenced to jail and other pris- ons during the year were: Assault, 2: deserting the militia, 5; drunk and disorderly, 22: forgery, 2; larceny, 3; rape and assault with intent, 3; seduc- tion, 1; trespass, 1; vagrancy, 5; other offences, 31 The' occupations of the fprisoners were: Barbers, 1: blacksmith and boil- ermakers, 2: cabinet makers and up- holsterers, 1; cigar makers; 1; dogtors and droggists, 4; engineers and wma Jlumberers 1 : masons and stonecnt- inists, 1; farmers, 5; laborers. 29: ters, 2; merchants and traders, 2; mill- ers. 1: moulders, 1; sailors and fisher- men, 3; tailors, 3; no occupation, 5, and other occupations not mentioned, 30, >} "HAVE A HEART" AT GRAND. A Pleasing Musical Comedy Produc- ed on Wednesday Evening: With a departmental store lin. gerie Toom and a lounge room in a seaside hotel as settings, with a plot that hung together well and with a good company and catchy and dreamy music, "Have a Heart." a musical comedy, was presented at he Grand ' last evening before a crowded house and pleased immense ly. The production has a comedian of the old school type in "Billy" Kent, as the elevator boy. His song, "Napoleon," was a crackerjack. Katherine Galloway as "Peggy." Flora Zabelle as "Dolly," and Helen Gunther as' Liszie O'Brien" were delightful both in song and dance. Donald MeDonald, Irving Beebe, Joseph del Puente, Ernie S. Adams and Sam J. Burton filled their roles splendidly. The whole company was "select: -- The chorus and special Jances were greatly enm- joyed, No more pleasing musical comedy production has been seen here than "Have a Heart." TO REORGANIZE FACULTIES University Control to, Be Eliminated at Toronto and Queen's Hon. Dr. Pyne, Minister of Edu- cation for Ontario on Wednesday af- ternoon announced that the reorgani- zation of the Uhiversity of Toronte and Queen's University faculties is "under consideration." Dr. Pype declined, however, to say just what changes are being con- templated and when the proposed re- 4 would be undertaken or "It je apt a matter of speed," he A few ais 0 Queen's University tthe numbers termination of ex-| A COMING BVENT, Morality Play, to Come Hére, "Experience," the play which: has bedn talked of more than any other dramatic offering for the past gene- ration, will be presented by the Messrs. William Elliott, F. Ray Com- stock and Morris Gest at the Grand Opera House for three nights and a' Saturday matinee, beginning Thurs- day, November 1st. "Experience" is patterned after the style of the old-fashioned, mor- ality plays of centuries ago, which were originally fostered" by the church, and it is worthy of note that this play has received the endorse- ment of the clergy in every city and town in which, appeared. It tells the story of youth----the aver- age young man of t8-day--who leav- es his country home and familiar surroundings and goes to the city to seek fame and fortuhe. The play is in ten episodes, each one depicting a different phase of the trials and temptations 'with - which youth is confronted. It tells anew of youth pursuing pleasure, leaving ambition and opportunity by the wayside. We see him become fascinated with the glamour and glitter of the primrose path where pleasure has lutred him, and. here he meets intoxication, Beauty, passion, slander and others of the same set. Also we find youth in the gambling hall---a wonderfully realistic scene where 'a roulette table and all the other games of a gambling resort are' in operation. Here he wins a fortune-at first, hav ing the usual run of luck of a nov. ice, then he drops to his last dollar. Now we see youth on the downward path, finaly culminating in a Bow- ery resort as a waiter and the com- panion of fraility, a girl of the streets. In the end he conquers over every trial and goes back to love a finer and better man for his experi ences, "Experience," LABOR UNION MINISTER. The Rise of Hon. Gideon Robertson Has Been Rapid. The rise of Hon. Gideon 'D. Robert- son from the ranks of labor to mem- bership in a Dominion Cabinet is the most spectacular in the history of Ca- nadian politics. A year ago he was almost unknown'beyond lis own bro- therhood of railway telegraphers, but Hon. T. W. Crothers found him, and sent hn upon a mission to Calgary, there to see what he could do in bringing to an end the deadlock be- tween the Fernie miners and the oper- ators. , At once he gained the confi dence of both men "and masters and he succeeded in getting the parties to come to an agreement thus ending a most disastrous situation. The" minister of labor was natural- ly well pleased with the work of his missioner, and saw possibilities of much more good work. So, when the time came to appoint new Sena- tors, he brought forward the name of Mr. Robertson. | Mr. Robertson was appointed to the Senate, and has be- come the first representative of labor in the Upper Chamber' He is also the youngest member of that august body. Now he finds himself a cabinet min. ister, the youngest prdbably, except Hon. Albert Sevighy, #nd evidently with a great future sprédgd before him. "From railroad telegrapher to senator and, then cabinet 'minister within a year," is something of a story. "SHOULD BE REMOVED. * Complaint From Cataraqui Ward / About Bagot Street Dump. A prominent residemt of Cafaraqui Ward, iiPspeaking to the Whig, stated that it was high time something was done by the city to remove the un- sanitary conditions of the Bagot street dump? He states that all the people in this ward are 'up in arms about the matter, and want the dump removed. He poirits out that if a - dumping ground is necessary, a site should be secured in the country. Strong com- plaints are made about the foul smells from the dump. Dirty rags are lined out on fences to dry, while skins, hones-and old junk are also left out. The Cataragui man is anxious for the Board of Health to act in the mat- ter and to urge the removal of the dump. Married at Ottawa, Rev. J. H. Turnbull, of Chalmers| MEN erian - Church, 'Ottawa, ome. MEN iated on Wednesday at the of Miss Maisie Stewart, third daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewant to Dr. Edward Mahood, BA, son of late W. J. Mahood, King ston. Miss Helen Stewart attended her sister as bridesmaid, and Charles Roberts was best man; Among the| S00 JAE {up step! by step, until now he has been NEW HIGH TOP SHOES FOR CHILDREN ( Misses' sizes, 11t0 2. Girls' sizes, 8 to 102 . BEAUTIFUL FURS !f {EE Embracing all the dominat- ing style ideas in charming models, style and quality with n reach of all the people, Mo. day we call attention to the va- lues we are offering in \Wolf All the new styles in neck pieces and muffs, latest colors, battleship grey, amber, . black, natural, ete. From $15 pur sett up. Campbell Bros Kingston's Oldest Far Sitore. GIFTS FOR THE BOYS OVERSEAS, Razors, Shav seas Boxes 15¢ and 30c. our windows, | Frouses Drug Stose.: SMART CLOTHES We have a big range of all the Jatest, styles In sults and averconts, Writes tas below the dinar, underwear, coats, ey eqvants euler Sania nile you lon of * ana your 'inspect our ISAAC ZACKS 271 Princess Street. Now Capt, W. A. Ostrom. Trenton, Oct, 25.--W, > Ostrom, son of . and Mrs. G. W. Ostrom, who as a private, has come - i ECan in the charge of a battalion er Black Lace with Brown Buck Tops. Black Lace with Black Tops: . $4. 00 Infants' sizes, 5 wv n. 2 $3.00_ Aben:ethy's Shoe Store A WE MAKE EVERY HOUSE A HOME With a distinctive appearance. We choose the lat- est and most attractive designs in furniture and rugs and oilcloths that go to making up a modern-home. James Reid. The Leading Undertaker With Motor Hearse Phone 147 for Motor Ambulance. There's a closer relationship tween feed, poultry and tonship Airs better birds, quicker returns and more money. For bigger dividends on your poultry, let us supply your (eed. The kind you need is here, and our advice is free for the asking. BE SURE YOUR MILK IS DELIVERED IN SEALED BOTTLES. . * bottled at once: _Itis safe. Itis is good. Phone 845 riod "Your obedient servant'is the usual sub- scription to an official letter. "At yolService" 4s the sincere meaning behind every Semi-ready garment. i ils i % we "It is pull-together team work'to get the wool from the plains of Australia to the towns ,and cities of .Canada--and to tailor it up into B soul saying suit or overcoat. There are ity years of Service behind each Semi-ready Suib=twemy years of proven satisfaction. * LTE Why cam we be you Tal A