i Ay a ---- ee eee = EE tere N\ . ---- A Canadian Locometive Plant | Founded 67 Years Ago, It 'Now Em- | - . ploys 1500 Men. The History of the Company is An Object Lesson to Those Who Hesitate to Build Factories in Kingston. It Shows That Suc- cess Here as Elsewhere Depends on Good Management and Hard Work. The Canadian Locomotive Company has been described as the pride of Kingston, but it is much more than that. Employing about fifteen hundred men and paying out in wages $27,000 per week it maintains nearly a quarter of the population of Kingston, if the fam- ilies of the employees are taken into account. | . Its success should be blazoned in every publicity issue of a King- | E | ston newspaper because it is an object lesson of what can be done in {i XC usive this city. Phd ste of how the company was founded sixty-seven Nordheimer years ago, and how, after various vicissitudes, it has finally reached its Representation present pinnacle of prosperity is one of the trade epics of Canada. The Locomotive Company has beeri down in the depths of failure . ; : oh on several occasions, but what of that? The C.P.R., now one of the | of F amous Pianos N= my y when it did not have the money to meet. its payroll until pay-day it- e of self. But the great transcontinental never despaired. It plodded on rd or through good fortune and bad, resolute to achieve the success which ingston's its leaders felt would sooner or later come to them. And it did Oldest Business = wealthiest corporations in the world, had weeks in its early stages | Scared by. Sy -- | I I % Ne iE come to them as it came to the Canadian Locomotive Company. H .o It is interesting to glance at the early records of the Locomotive ouses, I : Company. Half a century ago the plant consisted of nine depart- : i "From Rodgers" --Ever since those early days when the firm og Rodgers succeeded to the old Spangenburg clientele, ever since ments, including the office, occupying the block between Gore and then--down through the years, silver or jewelry 'from Rogers". carried with it a prestige earned by a standard high quality strietly 1 1 ' dhered to. If an article came "from Rogers" no more need be said. Earl streets f or a depth of about 475 f eet, aggregating about I 1 6,350 a This carefully mamtained prestige has earned for us the valuable exclusive representation in Kingston of the world-famous Stein. ) . 1 1 wa iano, and Canada's leading piano--the Nordheimer. square feet The output averaged ten locomotives a year, for which rp These pianos stand for all that is highest and best in musical achievement. We will be proud 0 men were employed. The weight of a locomotive then was only to have 306 suy thay same "from RedEers~ ret ifies. bukit ia iso. the 1 : ~ | The Nordk@imer is worthy of the most beautiful surroun ES, but it is also the logical choice about 23 tons, against the 139 tons of today. | for the humbler home. The few extra dollars required to purchase a Nordheimer safeguards your, i 1 1 3 TE vhole i t t.. Convenient monthly payments arranged, Various extensions have been made since that time, the capacity Who'e Dyes men ne of the plant being now so much increased that it is possible to turn ® qe out no less than 13 locomotives in a month. i The Aeolian Veocalion The company has been of incalcuable service during the war, pro- | I Hucing 18-lb. shrapnel shells, 4, 5, and 6 inch. high explosive shells and infinitely richer than you ow SF ie Salley, deeper Vocation. We shail bo shad ton. ? . . . ye . sound-reproducin, strument. troduce ou to this supreme ing engines for the British and Russian Eon mense: all of ES ne coset Cranes sab en oS The president of the company is now Mr. J. J. Harty, to whom [ff ~ the privilege of playing records with individual expression. WE ARE EXCLUSIVE much of the success of the organization is due. The fact is that suc- ; cess in Kingston appears to be earned or lost in much the same way as in any other part of Canada, There are firms which fail to win : J although they are located in the very midst of coal and iron fields, and there are others which would prosper in a desert. / I I Fm-- 0 O00 Oy COMOTIVE COMPANY LTD. BUILDERS OF ALL TYPES OF LOCOMOTIVES i ---------------- ' - . -- JERE dari