Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Oct 1917, p. 28

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PAGE EIGHT : } i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1917. The British Whig. S4ATH YEAR. I -------------- ----------A tt Pablisked "Dat yally and Semi-Weekly by THI RITIOH ¥ WIG PUBLISHING CO, LIMITED. J. G ElHott .... Leman A. Guild . President naging Director and Sec.-Treas. Telephones: Business RUSSIA IN LABOR, Every thoughful person will re- fleet with dismay upon the new and emotional demand of the Maxima. lists for a peace, of any old kind, so long as it saves the country. One can very easily suspect that German conspiracy and German . influence are still at work, and that the aim is to demoralize Russia and eventually drive her into separation from the Allies. [The charges agaimst Ker- ensky and to the effect that he is in league with the Germans or Roman- offs is as great an outrage as any which has been conceived, since at the very time when wings were be- ing 'given to the rumor he was doing his best in conjunction, with a new counsel of defense, to protect the in. terests of Russia. The retreat of the Germans from the Riga mark the appearance of a new defeat in German plans. dently it is feared that Russian power is again asserting itself and that the Germans ate without am- munition or recruits and so not in a Evi-| to set up an independent republic), within the British Empire, and thej premier remarks, "Nothing doting." The Sunday school workers, ac- cording to the representatives who have been meeting®in New York, will presently out upon the moral and religious reconstruction of the world. They have set out up- on this task a long time ago, but the progress is slow enough. set Mr. Hanna says he will be coptent to let 'the manufacturers of cereals sell their goods in packages as well as in bulk if the packages do not cost the consumers any more, The question is, who pays for the pack- ages and the handsome labels upon them? They certainly cost some one something. | usc opmON | They Certainly Will Not. | i { . - * A CONTEMPORARY wo NEW CAPS $1, $1.50, $2. Old Party Lines. Marcil, in Montreg! Herald. The coming election fought out on party lines. been the custom in Cabada' time immemorial and there reason now for any change. man who is a supportér of the ---t den "policy ceases to be entitled to the support of Liberals. There -is no reason in the world why any Liberal who has any principle and convictions should go back on his party when it is led by such'a mad as Sir Wilfrid Laurier. All the el: must' - be That has from is ----- Bibbys NEW CAPS $1, $1.50, $2. forts of the war profiteers, the coni- binations and the win-the-war (elect tions) patriots will have no effect: with genuine Liberals. Sir Wilfrid and the Liberal parliamentary party have supported -all war measures since the outbreak of the war. Whey: are as much for ithe win-the-war policy -as their opponents, but it must be one which has the support of the people of Canada and. net only of those who have profited by the war. The Liberals who voted against couseription did so. because they were anxious that the people should pronounce upon that gues, Office "ma > Rooms position to' maintain the offensive. It is at this juncture that the new parliament has been appealed to, Editorial Job OM SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Daily Edition) (Hamilton Times) tion and it will be shown that they The Tory attacks on Sir wiltria | 19%, right. Conscription and the Laugier, Mp: Pugeley and others do | high cost of living and the misdeeds Men' s&Young| Men's Clothes | See Bibbys New Belter Suits Handsome tweeds, cheviots and worsteds, rich browns, nobby year, yeur, Year, year, deltvered in city ..... 540 if paid tn advance . $8.0 by maf! to rural toss 3 28 jo United States ..... oy maf], cash 5 if pot paid in advance 3 3 ear, to United States ix and three months p ONTREAL Cindi Bt Peter R Ne Owen ,. St. Peter St GR ey . ors an rgo STATES REPRESENTATIV #.R.Nomthrup, 226 Wifth Ave, i Yori P.R.Northrup, 1510 Ass'n Bldg., Ohlcago Attached is ome 'of the best Hob printing offices In Canada. circulation of THE BRITISH wii is snuthenticated by the Audit Brees Py Circziations. } T=, THE SPIRIT OF SACRIFICE. Germany has succeeded in raising great loans with which to carry on her war. The empire is being flood- ed with fiat money which was very well known during and after the. American war. It has been describ- ed as "money that has been consti- and it is hoped not in vain, to strengthen the army and navy, to instil into them a new hope and en- thusfasm, and to produce such mea- sures that the men at the front will realize that the people 'are behind them and will see that they do not lack for anything. So much was expected from the new Government, representing as it was supposed to do, the mind and heart-and purpose of the people. The provisional government, which has 'carried on affairs, amid many dis- eouragements, is now able to be- come aggressive in its policy, but it can only do this with the consecra- "~~ tion of army and navy and people ito the duties of the hour, They must be perfectly united, and re- store confidence and discipline if Russia is to be an expression of the new democracy that will be equal to the emergencies of the hour, Oleomargarine is made from fat, tuted by mere decree, and that has [other than that of milk and cream, nothing of value on which to rest as a Basis." Germany depends upon the capacity of the printing presses that are en. gaged in its production. When the Kaiser wants a few million marks-- and his seventh loan, just launched, represented 12,480,000,000, or in Danish and Swiss exchange, $1,. 500,000,000--he put the machinery in operation and the people were quite willing to exchange the money they had and for this worthless fiat paper. This stands out in the strongest contrast with the experiences in the O14 Land and in this. Lloyd-George put the issue clearly when, early in the war, and before he became pre- mier, he said the outcome of it de- pended on silver bullets. tion was not as plentiful then as it is now, nor were the facilities for producing it quite as great. But the little Welshman, the strongest man in Hurope, personally, knew that the greatest need of all was | money. He knew, too, that it was the more difficult of attainment in the nation. He depended, not as in Germany, upon the commands or demands of any regal authority, but upon popular conviction. The people had the wealth, plenty of it ~--~just how much no one knew, and no one knows yet-=and they would only surrender it even in exchange for bonds of value as they were con- vinced the empire required it. Hence the appeals that are being "made in Bagland, the United States and Canada, for the vast, untold, un. 'measured, and inestimable posses. sions of the people. 'At home they have given amazingly 'beyond all: computation. Britain has financed the war for the Allies, and is 'still doling this, and Britain will have the largest account against the enemy when the last shot has been fired. Meanwhile she 1s looking to Am. _eriea to do her share, now that she | has become a partner in the great- and no one that has any taste at all The quantity of it in for discernment will confuse or mis- | take the one for the other. DEMANDING THEIR RIGHTS, Does the admission of Hon.' Senator Robertson to a seat in the government, without portfolio, satisfy the labour party? Would if placate the labor element to say that they. may have a representative in office as parliamentary secretary to the minister of labor? Certainly not. Several members of the gov- ernment represent classes or special Interests, and labor, which has long been promised direct represéntation, will not stand for any further dis- appointment. « Mr. Pardee put the Ammuni- | 'should be remembered. question fairly when he said that labor, quite as much as agriculture, "1 want," said he, "the Union Government to appoint a minister of labor, to re- flect the wants and opinions of labor; not a doctor or a lawyer or a professional man, but a real worker who is in touch with the needs and necessities of the great industrial workshops of the nation." The Gov- ernment will 'be willing enough to put off a further consideration of the question until after the el not help the Union Government any. of the Borden Government are en- A Squeeze Coming. (Toronty News) de gets his arms | Montreal Gazette. riish army there is| nesze worse than |of Australia, (Peterbordt Examiner) It would be solething as new as disgraceful if government em- ployees in the Howat service should have to go on str ke to secufe their rights. sige sti * Faulty Pension System, y (London dvertiser) The new pens plan is a decid- ed fmprovement on the old, but falls far short of thy"ideal of equal pen- sions for all grades, which would be so fitting fof @ democratic nation. Taxing' the Profits. {Toronto Star) It may be, as seems to. be unged, that in some biisinesses the making of'mohey has been unavoidable. But thé retention of it is not, The Fi- nance Minister by means of a scien- tically adjusted tax on excess pro- fits can see to that. Faithful to Kultur, (Montreal Star) The Kaiser 'promises. the Sultan that! in peace time their subjects will be welded still more firmly in the work of Kultur. If there is one hing: surer- than apother it is that there will never be any peace so long as any people consecrates itself to the sort of Kultur with which we have 'become most familiar, ABest fase A op ian Lat Austrian Social ists adopted a resolution providing that under no circumstances shall a "member of the party enter the Gov- ernnient. "{leneral Carleton Jones Will re- turn shortly to Canada, as director- general of the medical service. { { left thousands of patriotic workers Grey .. «ciniv os | ough to kill dll any Government. f Labor in Australin. Sir George Reid, former Dreier who is now in New York, states that power has turned the heads of the labor leaders, who are in control of the Common. wealth's Government. As an ex. | ample, he cites the fact that when- iever a post in the Government . be. comes: vacant, it is considered the proper thing. to appoint a trade unionist in preference to any other man, even if the former is 90 per cent. less efficient than the other candidates. Evidently office has tended to marrow Australian labor's vision to the extent of considering its own hobbies rather than the com- mon welfare. 'Woman Suffrage--Later On. London Advertiser. The new manifesto issued by Sir Robert Borden én behalf of his re. constructed cabinet gives a some. what definite promise of woman suf- frage. 'This has no doubt been the yesult of protests filed because of the omission of women from the next election. Sir Robert Borden is assuming to be penitent over having This new. drug is an ether com- pound discovered by a Cincinnati ' chemist. It is called freezone, and car now be without the franchise, but his pro- mise comes too late. It was plain justice that at least all women who had given war service at home should haves been placed on the vot- ers' list along with the female rela- tives of soldiers.. The -death-bed conversion does not remedy mat- ters. These women will never have an opportunity of registering their will while the war is. in progress, and that is the time when they should have the franchise, PAIN? - NOT A BIT} LIFT YOUR CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF No humbug! Apply few drops then just lift them away with fingers. At Sherbrooke, Que., Col. I. J. Penhale has been appointed post. master. Col. Penhdle is now in France, having gone over with an Sontingent. ammunition column with. the first obtained in tiny bottles as here shown at very little cost from any drug store. Just ask for freezone. Ap- Rippling Rhymes % ply a drop or two directly upon a tender corn or cal- lus and instantly the soreness disappears. Shortly you will find the corn or callus so loose P But if it is assumed that Senator Robertson will fill the bill withe a portfolio a distinct shock YE felt by the labor men, and they will demand their rights and with every {good reason:in their favor. BDITORIAL NOTES. The Victory Bond Loan will be like the Canadian or bank note. 1: timé and anywhere. The. - Imperial Government was M4 voted down on a bill which it had endorsed and championed. It does not count though. No? It will not do to become presumptuous. | The Montreal Star is correct in its assumptions that the Union Govern. ment niay be imperilled by the union | , of the constituencies. The situation nl 2 he pop of meat in the dietary | will be worth its faee value at any}. says, "Odsfish! 1 do not keep the EREPAINEL line;al know it is a famous dish--but here.is something just as fine." . Oh, then I pull the grocer's nose, and deftly stand him on his head; such piffie, a4 you may suppose, will always start me seeing red. 'strives to make his product's merit understood; comes the imitator's fake, which he pronounces ng they wisely advertise is still the safest thing to get; the 'are too wise to fool their customers, you bet. ; Beeswax' & Blinker they "largely advertise; droop, 1 buy a can, & Blinken spend good broth, and so, wheréver there are men, cuts a good wide swath. consume it morning, noon and night; 1 eat it:out of bawls and pans, and always find it strictly - right. | 'Sometimes when I am needing soup, by Beeswax and his partner canned, I toddle to the grocer's ogopy knd ask him for this famous brand. Sometimes the grocer "4 that you can lift it off, srl ld root and all, with the fin- gers. make good soup, which soup. E Not a twigs of 'pain, and when 'I find" my spipits| soreness. or irritation; not and feel them rise. Beeswax & even the slightest smart. yen to introduce: their helpful ing, either when applying their product; treezone or afterwards. 1 buy it by. thé dogen.cans, , This drug doesn't eat up the corn or callus, but shrivels them so they loosen and come right out. it is no humbug! It works like a charm. For a few cents you can get rid of » every hard corn, soft corn or Or between the toes, as well as painful calluses on bottom of your feet. It never disappoints and never birns, bites or inflames. Genuine freézone is sold only in these small bottles packed in a little sealed wood case, bearing a yellow wrapper. Be ware of imitations. The advertiser he then 'Just' MASON. The "WILHELMINA® he "WILHEL 242 Mountain Street. wo "Lucky STARTED TO IT sust RAIN AND. HAPPEN To NAVE MN UMBRELLA AND RUBBERS : 2 WT oe ; . .... $18.50, $20.00, $22.50, $25.00 - See Bibbys New Pinch Back Double breasted style coat with slash pockets; blues, browns, greys and fancies Cr a wren aa $15, $18, $20, $22.50, $25. New Overcoats; the Trench Style Fancy Scotch tweeds and cheviots; new esigns and colorings, , $20, $22.50, $23.50 See Bibbys New Pinch Back Overcoats Genteel greys, light, medium and dark shades. andmeltons. .. sv. 1... .. 'Fancy cheviots - . $15, $13, $20, $22.50. -- JUST ARRIVED -- A large con- signment of doll. carriages and perambu- lators in white enamel, ' pink, blue, old ivory, ranging in price from %2. 50 to $11.00 each. Large stock Shoe Flys $2.50 each at Robt. J. Rels vy The Leading Undertaker CLOVER HONEY >in the Comb Per section In glass ... ..,.. sx 200 al B0e Pint Sealers we ie Bessans Bbc Sealers... vue wer vi oe 000 arte 8 JAS. REDDEN & CO. Phones 20-and 300, i -- iH § HiT Py

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