Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Oct 1917, p. 29

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~ THE he World! s ppetiser pr Made in England, but en- joyed all over the world. The flavour of H.P. is so deficious and so - different from any other sauce you have tried before. DIST HALL FRIDAY EVENING Rev. Dr. Young, Toronto, and T Speakers. sionary enthusiasts attended -t banquet given in Sydenham stree Methodist church hall on jaries of the'eity. ed by Rev. W, R. Young, Parkdale Methodist church, Toronto, slonary zeal of the men by their very fores and Juchlity, sionary enterprises. From personal observation he described the immoral and licentious conditions in Japan LONDON DIRECTORY (Published Annually) enables traders throughovt tha Waris to communicate direct with English MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS in ®ach class of goods. Besides A tn Bie at ts urbe the Directory con- EXPORT MERCHANTS with the goods they s Shit1 an and For ""n Markets they sup- seoang, FEANSHTP LINES der the Ports to which Boe oh and indicating the approxi- PROVINCIAL TRADE NOTICES of Jeans Manufacturers, Merchants, in the principal provincial towns United and industrial centres of th ol ® of the current edition will be vole arded freight paid, on receipt of Postal Order for 20s. Delors seeking Aseholea can adver. trade cards for nl, or larger tise thei advertisements from # £3. The LONDON DIRECTORY 00., 14a. 26, Abchurch Lane, London, B.C. 'Wood's I'hosphoains, i makes new Fn da a ii el 1 belng a and the Col- Per if i - fcal and mental and were neglecting nature. Passing to conditions in Canadas goods. Is there anything better in the world to-day than the Christian church standing as it does for char- #vter building and better citizenship. We must admit that in part they are right, but who is to blame? Here we must again say that the respon- sibility comes to the church and it 1g our duty to square our lives accord- ing to the principles laid down by Jesus Christ. There never was a time so fruitful for service amd if the church at home is right our mis- sionary efforts will be right." In asking that .the contributions for missions be increased fyom $650,- 000,000 to $800,000,000 the Seugral missionary board desires that salaries of the workers in the mural districts may b® brought to a point where they can live under the pres- sure of the high cost of commodities at the present timhe, and Mr. Har- rison especially emphasized that | fact, Taking as the basis of his remarks the three @ords, "Memory, Vision Kingston, spoke for nearly an hour hopes of the future as well the duty lover of Jesus Christ. | "treseas. Tin Boxes -- We still have tin boxes for sending parcels over "ts § seas. Don't risk your parcels in paper Boxes. Crawford's Grocery, | in Picton, Dr, 'Youbg, declared that A MISSION BANQUET HELD 5.75 3 ot |The good fight for God should fur- IN SYDENHAM STREET METHO-| tories in the years to come, There Were About 150 Present-- | ada's centyry was quoted, and the ¥. Harrison, Cobourg, Were the About one hundred and fifty mis- Friday evening. The dinner was held under the auspices of the Methodist lay- men of the city and district and was prepared by ladies representing the Women's Missionary Society auxil- Judge H. A. Lavell made an ideal chairman, afd the addresses deliver- D.D., of and T. F. Harrison of Cobourg -were, indeed inspiring and stirred the mis- T. iF. Harrison ably presented the need for both home and foreign mis- where men were eatering to the phys- the spiritual side of man's three-fold} Mr. Harrison said: "Men outside the church say we are not delivering the and Duty," Dr. Young, a native of on the victories of the past and the that must not be shirked by the true Referring to the work accomplish- ed in the past ninety-four years since the first missionary report was issued { nish new inspiration for greater vic- Sir Wiltrid: Laurnier's statement that the twentieth céntury was Can- | speaker ked that he hoped that | Canada would belong to Canadians at the end of the century and not jmmigrants who have been untaught and uncultured. Im this work there was the great home missionary ser- vice to be accomplished and in con- cluding Dr. Young : visualized the Canad, of his dreams--a land where the resources spould be held as a stewardship for God, where should Me a greater union among men and churches gpd a spirit of ser- vice manifesting f in all the walks of life. An informal discussion was held after the speakers of the evening had concluded. Blood-Making Medicine It took centuries for medical science to discover that the blood is the life. Now, it is known that if the blood were always . abundant, rich and pure, very few people would ever be ill, It was not until the end of the 19th century that an instra- ment was invented for measuring the red part of the blood. Then doc- tors could tell just how anaemic a patient had become, and with medi- cine to make new blood the patient soon got well. Al the blood in the Body is nour- ished and kept rich and red by the food taken daily, but when, for any reason, a person is Tun down and cannot make sufficient blood from the fdod to keep the body in health, then a blood-making medicine is re- quired. The simplest and very best of blood"makers suitable for home use by anyone, is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. When a course of these pills is taken their good effect is soon shown in an improved appetite stronger nerves, @ sound digestion and an ability to master your work amd enjoy Ieisure hours. For wo- men there is a prompt relief of or prevention of ailments which make life a burden. As an all-round medicine for the cure of aliments due to weak, watery blood no medi- cine discovered by medical science can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. You cdn get these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for cine Co, Brockviilé, Ont. Dupuis-Nolan Marriage, The marriage of E. B, Dupuis, Thurso, Que., returned soldier from the 154th Glengarry Highlanders and Miss Georgina Nolan, 148 Mon- treal street, Kingston, was solem- nized on Friday evening. The happy young couple left for Ottawa and Quebec to visit the stoom's parents. Dr. Hall's Cough Balsam. Cures coughs and colds, 26¢ a bot- tle. Prouse's Drug Store. 2 The joke never finds favor with the coumsider- ln ~ How' s This? wn offer One Hundrea Dollars Re- case of Catarrh that can- be pen fog) by Hall's Catarrh Cure. W's Catarrh Cure has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty. five years and has me known as e most reliable remedy for Catareh. I's Catarsh Cure acts through the on the mucoug surfaces, expelling Sison From the I Plood an and healing portions. you have taken, Hall's Catarrh r a short time you will see a rovement dm your Ls tart taking Hairs ata Cure at once and get pa of cana id for aS rr x. 1.CE NEY & 0, sTotedo, Ohlo. Sold by all druggists, 7 Bria Tailoring It's for Men who like "Nice Stuff" The best tailor in Canada cannot tailor clothes any better than Sethi ready. Tailoring. Every stitch is true--every curve and _ design " chosen by men of good taste--and , the Gt and finish preciely right Lo o£ we is artistic--the patterns are there} $2.50 from the Dr. Williams' Medi- MW with a slur attached|® (Continued from Page 5.) it, as the members made the senti- ment in the home. He pointed out that the war had been on for three years, and that 40,000,000 peo- hawd been taken from the work of production, and had become engaged in the task of destruction. The war had taken from us the very best of oir people. And what did this all mean? England was able to look after her crops, thanks to the bril- liant work of the navy, as the Ger- with some of the aMied countries. Belgian had been dependent on this country fof her supply of foodstuffs since very early in the war, and here the speaker - teok occasion to pay warm tribute to the work of Mr. over by the G . Now this land was producing for the enemy. There was a duty resting upon every man and woman in Canada, as well as the United States to do their men at the front. The question had beeen asked, and it was but natural too," as to what all this had to do with the prices of foodstuffs? "We have been in this war three years," added the speaker, "The commodities we eat and the commo- dities we buy to-day and consume, are scarce. They have become scarce because of the fact that forty mil- lions of people employed as produc ers, have been taken away. . The food is mot scarce if we are pre to forget the men who are fighting for us at the front. Scarce commo- dities are dear commodities. Legis lation never made cheap bread." looks high, as compared to 85 cents. The speaker was not here to advocate higher prices. Mr. Hanna pictured how popular the food controller would he should he make a slate and fix prices, say 18 cents for eggs; butter 20 cents, and potatoes 40 cents a bushel. "We are not prepared to interfere with the man who produces the cdm- modity that@ye want, and must have for the so are not pre is getting a fair profit for his pro- there shall be no large profits for the middlemen." Speaking about potatoes Hon. Mr. Hanna said that the price of $1.25 per bag had at first been regarded as a reasonable price, but with the high cost of seed, it had been decided that [khey could not be sold at this figure. As regards fish he declared that the people of Kingston wanted gov- ernment fish they could get it through local dealers, as all orders were supplied. x Mrs. Muldrew's Address, Mrs. Muldrew spoke of the part he women in the ho could do to conserve food and gave some val 'Mable hints. there was need for a. Y BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1917. URGENT NEED TO CONSERVE Black Lace with Brown m Buck Tops: Black Lace with Black Tons, Misses' sizes, 11 to 2 . Girls' sizes, 8 to 10} . ews | $4. 00 infants' si sizes, 5 to i . $300 : Abernethy' s Shoe Store This is the glove store of the city, We sell Dent's and Fownes English make, all kinds, 75¢ to $4.75. CampbellBros Kingston's Oldest. Hat and Fur tin the home, and she when the urgent need of food conser- vation was brought home to both the The speaker said that the womén had it in their power to prevent wastesof USHlIAS Gi Such 8 aystem | Ma g fai : been 'worked out on a business basis. || food stuffs and she appealed to them|} aes, al . WE MAKE EVERY HOUSE A HOME With a distinctive appearance. We choose the lat- ést and most attractive designs in furniture and rugs' and oilcloths that go to making up a modern home. James Reid The Leading Undertaker With Motor Hearse Phone 147 for Motor Ambulance. | J.J. STEWART, Opt.D, Optician aad Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sts. Opp. Post

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