RT ST I RT RY te ' Stor An Indian Village, A French Fort, and Now a Go-a-head Canadian City. Kingston Dates Back to Hie Earliest History of Canada and Holds ¢« An Honorable Place in the Story of Those Stormy Times. Since Then It Has Been the Capital of Upper and Lower Canada and is Now About to Enter Upon a New Lease of Prosperity as the Great Trans-Shipping Centre for the Canadian Grain Trade. Away back in 1673 hawk-faced de Frontenac, pushing his way along the Great Lakes, became seized with the fact that the English were stealing the fur trade of New France. The old soldier solved all his difficulties with the sword. Shortly after daybreak on July 13th, 1673, he arrived at the Indian village of Cataraqui with an imposing fleet of four lines of canoes, followed by two gaily-painted batteaux, and a rear-guard of more canoes, a hundred and twenty vessels in all. Including a detachment of friendly Indians the French force was nearly four hundred strong. ) ~ They were met inthe river bya' canoe containing -the principal Iroquois chiefs, who had agreed to the erection of a fort at Cataraqui and who now paid their respect to the French leader in state. The fort -- parctically a palisaded log cabin on a large scale--was duly built and de Frontenac shortly afterwards returned to France, convinced that he had locked, bolted and barred the English from New France forever. He appointed as his lieutenant that irrepress- ible dreamer La Salle, the man who left Montreal via the St. Law- rence, thinking it would take him to China. La Salle went only about fifteen miles, settling in a bend of the river, which his derisive neigh- bors nicknamed Lachine or China, La Salle used his 6ccupancy of Fort Frontenac as a springing ground for the exploration of the Mississippi. His successor, De Denonville, massacred a number of Indian chiefs by peculiarly treach- erous methods, in return for which their people destroyed the fort and everybody in it. By this time .de Frontenac had returned and he rebuilt the structure, making it much stronger than before. After that the little settlement at Cataraqui was fairly tranquil until 1758 when it was taken by Colonel Bradstreet with a force of 3,000 men and eleven guns. e French fort stood on the spot now occupied by the Tete du Pont Barracks. The British battery was er- ected on the site of the present market place. After this stormy period Kingston stagnated until it was perman- ently settled by a party of United Empire Loyalists at the close of the American War of Independence. Gradually 'the place assumed a certain importance in the new Canada. The log-cabins were replac- (Continued on page six.) "the Ch . A o Vo | . Nor mically Treated AAT when IY i . : J Rery MAYBE BUYING MATCHES NEVER STRUCK-YOU AS BEING AN IMPORTANT JOB! dod ONE HARDLY REALIZES WHAT A LARGE PART MATCHES PLAY SLL THE CAMP FIRE REFUSES TO CATCH AND ONLY ONE OR MORE MATCH REMAINS, OR SOME OTHER SUCH INCIDENT BRINGS THEIR IM. PORTANCE TO ONE'S NOTICE. . BUT EVEN IN THE ORDINARY COURSE OF THINGS MATOHES ARE IMPORTANT. APART FROM THE JRRITATION OCCASIONED BY POOR STRIKING MATCHES, ETC., HOW MANY FIRES AND CONSEQUENT 1088 OF LIFE AND PROPERTY COULD BE TRACED TO ONLY PARTIALLY EXTINGUISHED MATCHES? BUT THIS DANGER CAN BE ELIMINATED NOW. THAT WAS WHAT WE MEANT BY SUGGESTING THAT THE BUYING OF MATCHES IS WORTHY OF YOUR KHEN ATTENTION ! IT IS IMPORTANT TO SEE THAT YOU BUY Eddy's Chemically Self-Extinguishing "Silent 500" Matches THE MATCHES WITH NO AFTER-GLOW. EDDY IS THE ONLY CANADIAN MAKER OF THRSE MATCHES . . . EVERY STIOK OF THE "SILENT 500's" 1S DIPPED IN A CHEMICAL SOLUTION WHICH POSITIVELY ENSURES THE MATCH BRCOMING DEADWOOD ONCE IT HAS BEEN LIGHTED AND BLOWN OUT, MINIMIZE THE FIRE-PERIL BY USING EDDY'S "SILENT 500s" LOOK FOR THE WORDS "CHEMICALLY SELF-EXTINGUISHING" ON THE BOX, THE E. B, EDDY COMPANY LIMITED. Our domestic Matches comprise about a dozen brands besides "Silent 5's," including "Golden Tip," "Safelight,'" "Home," "Royal George," Etc. Then for the smoker there are pocket sized and larger boxes of safeties, also various sized Wax Vestas, Gaslighters with a 43 inch stick, Eddystone Torches for Campers; in fact there is an "EDDY" match for every known purpose, oo Montreal " R. M. Wolvin President L.L. Henderson | Transportation Compan Limited ~ W. Crawford Sec.-Treas Vice-President and Managing Director I ---- GE EE ----_