Illustrated Section EAR NO. 84 sh Standard a Standard ships to teplace U-boat losses. To the left a new standard ship about to take : : 5 Fo : 3 ! In the building of standard ships, sections and parts are standardized to the utmost the water. A bird's-eye view of a tramp steamr before launching. To the right, taking the : possible extent. Cutting a port-hole for a new British standard ship. water within five minutes of the pre-arranged time. ; . } , " . : Sp | -- battle of Menin Road: A British observer who dro ped from A new standard cargo steamer under construction. ruins of Souchez. The finding of a box of money during the Canadian diggi , In the . : : Srop ; 80 The Mayor and a Municipal Couneill the rm ge his Maloun during the fight, entangled in a tree during his descent by in progress.