Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Oct 1917, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1917. _. we = "N RUN. DOWN "AND ROULERS CRUMBLING m HEART BADLY NERVOUS UNDER "SR BRITISH FIRE | THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE Dr. Cassell's Taplets are the Sure Re- As itis Compressed More. Un- AFFECTED heomtives far All Weakescd Con-" | tgnable Becomes Position (By Frances Walter) of Germans on Coast. : | J |iourien thie Stevees: they enrich the| oer 37 The last of the inhabitants "Fruit-a-tives" Soon Relieved blood, they replenish the reserves of » . WE ARE OFFERED A HOME {and Mr, Holman would , be good{Yital anergy that work or worry or [LAV lett Roulets and gradudlly the H excessive strain of any kind has de-|town is crumbling awdy under the This Dangerous-Condition ont Mago Far ge i (Copyright, 1816, by the McClure There is nothing in medicine more VICTORY LOAN certain than the strength-giving pow- Ever; ing they contain makes 3 I almost laughed. So this was the | for health and fitness. They restore onslaughi, of lhe aftiilery. a, ! vw ooacer Syailicat a a hich he had | diEestive action, strengthen the kid-|only the railroad station and the Newspaper Syy ate). mysterious enrand upon w ie | nevs, ensure perfect functioning ,of| surrounding buildings were wiped | "Is this Mrs, Holman?" come! 1 every bodily organ. That is why Dr.lout. Now factory after factory and EY 1 Erow . the most popu- ) yea 1 "yes. 1 know it is a rather unusual [CASSERS TEOels are or Bm. | house after house in the heart of the Acute Jadigestion and Gas In The thing to 40," he went on hurriedly, lar and successful remedy in the A Stomach. It afterwards attacked my | TI* 1° Mr. Higginbotham. Have |, snough he feared I might refuse. pire Jot al) sisson Sondideans. Shy ae hlling ah factory Patriotism. Everyone wishes to do his Heart and had pains all over my body, | TOU © few minutes' lelsure? 1 want | ipyt it is « question of either turn-| A £00 sample of Dr. Cassell's Tab- | jhe for miles and indicated the pro. duty to his country and to his fellow kins- 50 that I could hardly move around, | 10 Wn up tu see you." ing the plage, gver to you or leaving ots i De HE LO a perty of the town, have all disap- men. If you 'cannot lend your physical : id . "Certainly," ' i it d after all the king. pea 1 tried all kinds of Medicine but none Certainly," 1 replied, wondering as it stands, an ; . an did a any good. At last, X | What on earth Kenneth's partner | trouble { have taken with it I do not Co., Ltd..| * It is evident that Roulers is being assistance--lend your money. . " " like to think of the dust and dirt ac- y sacrificed for the liberation of the decided to try *'Fruit-a-tives", I | Wanted with me. "I shall be in the | .ymylating over everything during| Dr. Cassels Tablets are the suc} rest of Bgigium. With the sur. bought the first box last June, and | hotel parlor." wy, absence." preme remedy for Dyspepsia, Kidney ¥, abs . now I am well, after using only three It was early forenbon, an hour THREE REASONS why we consider that every man should buy a 'Victory' Bond. 632 Gerrarp Sr. Easr, Torosro, "For two years, I was a victim of Y t to b bsent some et ian Anaemia, Ne: hi Seek of er Mh "You expec 0 e a Jit ous a 8, erve aralysis am r ' boxes. I recommend ** Fruit-a-tives" | When few gentlemen have the tem- time, then?" Weakuels in Chlldren. Specially vam. the coast line is the head. The nar. . affering f Indicestion®, | ®Fity 10 seek a conference with a wo- He hesitated. "I do not know. It{quring the hutsing periods of life. fower ihe meek becomes the more to anyone suffering from Indigestion™, | |.) 414 this act added all thfe more | all depends. I may return in a few|Price 50 cents per tube, siX tubes for hv hablo will be the position of the Se a bo ee to the mystery of Mr. Higginbot- | weeks and it may be years." the price of five, trom Ruggiss and erman forces on the coast. . & box, 6 for $2.00, size, . | ham's request. But I did not have "1 wild talk to my husband about 5 . . waste your money on imitations; get At all dealers or sett postpaid by Friit- | fong to wail. He must have been in |," T | the genuine Dr. Cassell's Tablets. tives Limited Ottawa. the hotel lobby or in its immediate "But would you like it personally." | proprietors, Dr. Cassell's Co., 1td., vicinity, for when I reached the par- | he urged somewhat insistently, I Manchester, Eng. HER AP KEEP A PIG . Business. The money you lend the Government i in return for a 'Victory' Bond is all spent in this country to pay Canadian workmen. If the working man prospers, all business prospers. TRANSFER OF C.NR. STOCK Is Expected to Take Place Early Next Week, there, his hat in his hand, striding | Holman will do whatever you wish Ottawa, Oct. 27.--Detalls of the impatiently up and down the room. |in the matter." S---- agreement by which the sixty million He did not offer an apology or ex. "So wm 1," 1 returned a trifle] Try and Do Your Bit by Raising a| dollars of common stock of the Can- VL whois planation, but proceeded at once to | stiffly, Porker. adian Northern Rajiway Company, [HERATION. a8 business. "Forgive me," pleaded Mr. Hig-| iowa Oct. 27--The 'keep a mow" in the hands of private owners ir a. No. full ow up" circulars. "I hope you will not think I wm |ginbotham suddenly. 'I am forget-| movement bas Spread to Cai- and pledges, will be transferred to Ere ColiiaveRsrock in NW Lo 7% oW | presuming to interfere in your per- ting myself, Iam so eager that the ada. the Dominion Government, are now MP APPIXED TO ALL GENUINE PACKETS. | 000 a) affairs," he began, "but it may | place be properly cared for that 1 ' , the subject of discussion between the Eo stn erect The eversoaring price of bacon a be that I am. In any event, I hope| did not consider your side of thei coos strongly the mesd of fn- parties, It is believed that the terms 4 : you will consider that I acted be-| matter. Your right. Talk it over| o.q production én porkeérs, mot will be definitely fixed and the con- For the Boys at the Froat. cause I felt that being Mr. Holman's | with Mr, Holman and I will tele-| jo oi sunnty the army, nt 40 keep tract executed by the beginning of business associate, I had some claim { phone you this evening before I de-| 00 with domestic Tequirements Hoxt Week Ne Sp cemet prbvides TT on you." part." possi stoc _CHOCOLATTA w His tone was so serious that by "You are leaving to-night?" ag, a ble, bring flown the a he hoger at a e nay eyes opened with surprise, Was h Ha nodded. price arbi ' inte, Milk and y pen: arp . as he e To-da isters Containa'the Chana ute about to make some revelation in-|-- "That #s the reason I came to you. Ry ve, DB 'When the stock passes into the volving Kenneth? Or was he on the | Mr. Holman has driven out in #léd, 10 "hands of the Government, Hon. Prepared Instantly by Adding ] ng with officers of the wgricul-| Frank Cochrane wilk be appointed Bolling Water Only. yorge of Jing ve SourS of his own rs I thought | i ture departments here, are meeting! chairman of the board of directors affaire? But en to assure| to, you before he urn sl ntroller. y nati : No Cesking op Milk Required. him that I was quite sdre of his | go by his office and if he is there I the Fooa ge to Se at chide a She Vackicis caused friendship and that nothing that he | shall telt him about it." 80 prod resignat Sena > would say would give me concern. But apparently Kenneth was mot oa ra he asides 'ose Anagon, of Kingston, one of the four "Perhaps you know that I have | there for that evening when he came| oo wai those who herettofore' have Goverment Sitetiuty GpNclated ui Phone 10, 241.3 Princess St. ||| just fitted up a small place as a resi-| home he had heard nothing about|, cor harbored a pig on their pre a , hey rk dence," he said without more ado.| Mr, Higginbotham's departure. When | ocr nwo yiciness it is calenlated ator deri ey , another di- "I 'had intended to get away from |I had told him of the early morning | cui nit only be profitable, but of ecto, be - the two rooms I have been occupy-| visit and conversation, Kenneth's great help alike in augmenting the W. B. Northrup, K.C., Belleville ing for several years and see if I| face flushed. : , 1 supply for the soldiers and diminish-| has signified his intention of being could not be more comfortable in a "It's that wonran," he said. "She's I$ YOUR HEALTH small house, It is all furnished now, | driving him out of town." ing 'the dom Ju ces. the win-the-war candidate for East Hastings if the electors so desire. but 1 have discovered that I must be "What woman?" Yates ; reda death occu WORTH $5 00? away from Enville for a considerable "Mrs. Palmer.' Wiliam asd family ate fn Tun y the red 1a ! 8 | period, and 1 was wondering "if you ' Woman Tells How Lydia E. Personal interest. Your investmentina 'Victory' Bond will be a remarkable one because it will fill both the above obliga: _ tions and yet remain to return you a handsome cash profit. THERAE! ON Ee lor a few minutes later I.fonnd him | thought, "1 am quite sure that Mr. Whatever Way You Look At It A 'Victory' Bond Directly Benefits You. "SALADA" TEA COMPANY "Salada" Tea is grown in a British Colony by British subjects. _D. Couper, NO HEAT WASTED You get every bit of heat from every ~ Bs , drop of fuel that you put into the 7 Perfection Oil Heater. The heat begins with the touch of a match. There's no waiting for a fire to get under way. No fuel wasted. Then, when you've had warmth enough, 'you turn' the erfection 'out. Again, no fuel wasted. It's heat concentrated, used only where and when needed. . changing their place of residence in| Buffalo, N.Y., of a former resident (To Be Continued.) Athens and moving into the property ot Brockville, = Dennis. Monahan. of Mrs. J. Wilste, Wellington street. | His death was due to nneumonia. Easy & Practical | Flome Dress Making, t Lerrons Prepared Specially for This Newspaper WAR MENUS How to Save Wheat, Beef and Bacon for the men at the front. Issued from the YPffice of the Food Controller for Canadas from a displacement. One of my or ae py Sady Sriends ume to MASUR FUREY Pe | i To Remove Dandruff i Get a small bottle of Danderine at any drugstore for a few cents, pour a little into your hand and rub well into the scalp with the finger tips. By morning most, if not all, of this awfulscurf will have disappeared. Two or three more applications will Tea or Coffee || destroy every bit of dandruff; stop For. best 'results use. ROYALITE scalp itching and falling hair. Sliced Tomatoes Fried Potatoes COAL OIL. | | War Bread. Plum Preserve LEEDS LIBERALS BACK HARDY By Pictorial Review EE Cheaper than coal or wood even when en I ll Dinner Lima, Oblo. 1 was all broken down inheal vised ng to Som Creamed Toast " Fried Cornmeal mence Eg ydia rush E. Pinkham's Veg- Milk Sugar | etable Compound Luncheon n these are cheap. At hardware, furniture Conservatives Have Called Unionist and department stores. Baked: Heart of Beet Potatoes Convention--Contest Certain. A Junior Frock i in Cotton Poplin. 3 2 = Turnips Brockville, Oct, 26.--At a meeting Vv '. Tea Biscuits Baked: Appl : ery becoming lines are given to The rectres for War Bread ana || Of the Executive of the Liberal Asso- this junior frock of dark blue poplin THE IMPERIAL OIL pes ¥ r Bread and COMPANY Baked Heart of Beef, mentioned || ciation here a resolution was unani- made in one piece. It closes at the : Line) above, are as follows: mously passed, on motion of Dr. J. left shoulder and under the left arm, War Bread-- P. Sinclair, Gananoque, seconded by the neck to be finished with a high ; 2 cups boiling water, Omer Brown, Delta, congratulating or standing collar. The pla of % cup molasses. their candidate, Arthur C. Hardy, on the front dnd back are broken by Poon poing his appeal for support to the elec- box plaits than which there is no 1% yeast cake dissolved in tors of the riding in the coming more fashionable trimming just now. 3 cup luke-warm Wale, , election. They say Mr. Hardy has PN Deep cuffs finish the one-piece sleev- ae Tn. talmea, weourately presented in his appeal GN es. To reproduce the model for a Add boiling water to oats and let || the sentiment and policy of the Lib- Q girl of 15 yars requires 4 yards 44- gland one hour. (Add molasses. sult, |) emis of the riding in this election, inch poplin. If timmed with bald, flour, = Tet rise, beat . thoroughly, || 8nd they pledge themselves to give 6% yards are needed. - turn into buttered bread pans, let || him their united and zealous support. As the back and front of the dress rise again and bake. The local Conservative Association have no seams, the home dressmaker Baked Heart of Beef-- has called a Unionist convention for starts her work with a minimum of (Wash a beef heart, remove veins, || November "th, when Sir Thomas ' ; detail. Place the k on along the Arteries, ps, clotted blood. Stuff }| White will, it és expected, be placed lengthwise fold of the material, eT With at aad ae phor. fowl: Jin nomination for the new riding of! with the sleeve to the right of it, fn a covered baker with two cups {| Brockville and Leeds. large "0" perforations resting on a boiling 'water and bake slowly two lengthwise thread. The collar comes hours, basting every fifteen minutes. next to the sleeve and is laid along the lengthwise fold. To the right of the collar are the cuffs, then collows the front, with triple "TTT" perfor- ations on the lengthwise fold. DIED FROM INJURIES. | Frerts" hy Domestic Sclence Ex. 3 ts of Food Controller's Office). North Hastings Man Victim of Run. =x away Accident in West. W. J. Glascott, Winchester, has evil . vd purchased the Wilson House, Perth, Bela aL. Ward has and will take possession on Novem- ber 15th. A lot of young men have not In effect Sept. 3 30th, 1817. |, 0 ithe use of the A. yt been received from Lougheed, Alta., of the death, by accident, of William Musclow, son of Charles Musclow, in Herschel Township, North Hast. 28. From the information to hand it appears that the unfortunate young Opposite the back and sleeve and along the selvage of the material place the belt section. If contrasting material is used for the belt the pat- tern should be laid upon the goods in the same way. he pockeét and stay nd arrive fo I oe Ti dees nd Toharen FAB EVEN SICK may be cut from the goods ren City Arr. Clty i da x 1257am. nan was engaged in drawing wheat after the sides of the front are No. 19 Mall .. = 1220 20 : the thresh moehise. He was ; gored. o 13 Express 's .. 2. am LOVE climbing up a load of sheaves ick ¢ It desired, the patch pockets may Ba h 3 0. nie roi" Lid. i eH wm hon something scared the team " be.omitted 'but hardly without pro- aad e vs 40 p. and they ran away. The wagon Gore Juul, SYRUP OF FIGS passed over his body, breaking one test from the wearer, for every young 4 : 1ve Cit City Arn, City v. 3 leg and injuring him internally and die... ARSAm. p11 a he died five days later. girl adores & pocket. nteri'] "Ltd. FEE 18 ASSISTANT ADJUTANT. Promotion for Lieut. McLachlan, of Io Td 13, 14, OER 19. a Ape oe 5 harold Petrone _. Don't scold your fretful, peevish Cornwall. child. See if tongue is coated; this | Cornwall, Oct. 27.--Lieut. A. L. is a sure sign its little stomach, liver {McLachlan, who went overseas with cs Sebel WH ete Clio Ald. is Row in " France, has been promoted to the rank of a assistant adjutant. He was manager of the local branch of the Sterling Bank of Can- ada when he enlisted for overseas B10 Poverish, ilions, Sonstipated Give Fruit Laxative At Once. "We never have coffee at [blue, old ivory, " our house, because 1 can't price om52.30 to $11.00 Flys $2. 50 each at hat Hospital after an @ raw estape frog death by asph

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