Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Oct 1917, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1917. "Out of the High Rent District." (Connor S LADIES JES Exclusive New Dresses For Ladies, Girls and Children New Models Kai all th the new materials. A large shipment just opened. Exclusive styles at our, low prices. See Our New Coats Individual styles for misses and ladies. Children's Coats An endless variety of new ideas in coats for the little folks. COMPARE OUR PRICES T.J. O Connor 260 Princess St." Telephone 800 Higher up Street, But Lower in Price. ORCHARD WHITE New Fresh Stock at AT SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Corner Princess and Montreal Streets. THE MOST W OF Y --- DO ¥ THEM AS SUCH? IF THEY TROUBLE You W WE WILL ADVISE YOu WHAT TO DO AFTER OUR EXAMINATION, J. J. STEWART, Opt.D, Optician ana Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sts. Opp. Post | Phone 699 L 3 Overseas Tin 'Boxes Won hd sd Dut risk your pares in paper ons, | -- Grose, Mit MILITARY {| Lancaster; '| Corners; John Crain, sp REPRESENTATIVES For the Adwiistration of the Milay Serves Act APPOINTMENTS APPROVED BY BRIGADIER GENERAL' HEM MNG OF NO. 3 DISTRICT: * A Large Number of Officers Who Will Attend at the Exemption Tri- bunals--A Number of And One Clergyman on the List. Brig..General T. D. R. Hemming, G.O0.C.,'M.D. No. 3, has approved of the following appointments for "this district. Headquarters staff, Kingston-- Lient-Col. D. R. Street, District Military Representative; Major G. I. Campbell, Assistant to D.M.R., On- tario section; Capt. J. J. Desjardins, Assistant to DJM.R., Quebec section; Lieut. Chas. J. F. Price, Assistant Chief Clerk to D. M. R.; Lieut, K. E. Taylor. Leeds--Ma jor Brock- ville; Capt. G. P. V. Lawless, Athens; Capt. C. J. Bald, Mallorytown. Carleton--Capt. F. 8. Grant, Westboro; It. W. J. Fitzpatrick, Richmond; Capt. J. G. O'Neill, North Gower; F. L. Campbell, Carp; Lt. W. Anderson, Kinburm. Dundas--Lt.-Col. © Morgan, H.A,| Morrisburg; Capt, W. J. Pollock, Iro- quois; Capt. F. 8. Broder, Winches- ter; Major D. N. McLean, Chester- ville; Lt. C. A, Parker, Mountain Station, & Durham--Major E. E. Snider, Port Hope; Capt. G. V. James, Bowman- ville; Lieut, L. J. Bosdet, Millbrook; Lt. Col. Wm. Farrell, Blackstock; William Hanna, Sr., Bethany. Frontenac--Capt. F. C. brook, Sharbot Lake; Capt. R. E, O'Leary, Ardock; Lieut. C. Burton, Harrowsmith; Major R. E. Porter, Wolfe Island. Glengarry--It.-Col. A. G. F. Mac- Donald, Alexandria; Lt. S. A. Chalu, Major H. A. Cameron, J. Power, Ham- \Martintown. Capt. P. Woolleombe, Coldsprings; Leslie Ingram, iRoseneath. Grenville--Lijeut. E. J. Merrickville; Capt. George Chap- man, North Augusta; Lieut, E. K. Stewart, Cardinal; Lieut.-Col. D. W. Beckett, Kemptville; Major E. C. Southey, Prescott. Hastings---Lieut.<«Col. IE. Kyle, Ketcheson, Madoc; "Lieut.-Col. J. DeHertel, Deseronto; Lieut. H. Wrightmeyer, Tweed; 'Lieut. Robert P. Coulter, Stirling; Major P. K. Ketcheson, Belleville; TLieut.-Col. A, P. Allen, Trenton; Capt. E. M. Gladney, Mar- mora; Lieut. J. IG, 'McClellan, Ban- croft. Kingston-----Capt. C. J. Kane, Capt. W. E. Swaine, Capt. L. C. Lockett. Lanark--Capt. ' J. H. Edwards, Lanark village; Lieut. J. H. Bates, Carleton Place; J. J. Francis, Paken. Lavant Almonte; » MéDonald's jith's Falls; erth; Lieut. ham; Capt. J. C. Norwell, Station; Wm, Aitken, Sergt. James Scott, Major F. W. Partridge, H. T. Noonan, Maberly, Leeds--- Major Harry Lawson, Gananoque; Ed, Arnold, Newboro; Capt. J. W. Bush, Delta; Lieut. T. A. Consitt, Toledo. nnox and Addington--Capt. W. O: Frink, Napanee; Pte. W. J. Place, Flinton; Major Russell 'Weller, Bath; Capt. W. A. Mouck, Tam- worth. Northumberland "Lieut. B.D Rowe, Campbellford; Lieut. A. H. Briéh; Brigton; Capt. H. C. Craig, Castleton; TLiéut. Wm. Douglas,! Warkworth; Lieut.-Col. = W. H, Floyd, Cobourg. Victoria--Major Craw ford, | Lindsay; Capt. E. C. Consitt, Bobcay- geon; Capt. W. 3 Thorne, Omemes; Lieut. G. L. Stroud, Duw G, | Type picblom of school sloms will be -| yt Kinmount and Coboconk; Lieut. W. A. R. Mark, Minden, Haliburn and Willbertoree; Lieut. J. H. Harts, Dorset. Prince Edward---Lieut-Col. H EB Putmam, Picton; Capt. E. McRostie, Wellington; Capt. C. IF. Jarvis, Am- asburg. t. G. R. Brown- > Civilians | ¢ | antgham, Halld Bridge; Lieut. J. A. McNabb, Bridgenorth; Centreville. Renfrew--Capt. W. L. Macfarlane, Cobden; Lieut-Col. L. Irving, Pem- broke; Rev. Thomas Natiress, Chalk River; "Lieut, J. H. Butler, Beach- burg; Lieui. B. A. Jamieson, Arn- prior; Lieut-Col. E. J. Watt, Ren- frew; Pte. P. T. McEjlligott, Egan- ville; Lieut. D. G. Whittle, Killaloe; Lieut. Addison, Barry's Bay; F. Burns, Palmer's Rapids; Lieut T. N. W. Kingsland, Calabogie. Stormont--Major W. H. Magwood, Cornwall; ¥. J. Kelly, Avonmore; H. W. Young, Finch; Capt. F. J. Cameron, Aultsville. FINISHES HIS PASTORATE -- OF THIRTY YEARS IN CHALMERS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Fred Long; Rev. Dr. Macgilliveay Preaches His Concluding Sermons--*Exhorta- tion" in Morning and "Bemedic- tion" in Evening. On Sunday Rev. Dr. Malcolm Mac. gillivray conducted his last services as minister of Chalmers Preshyterian church, the, affairs of which he has directed for the past thirty years. Dr. Macgillivray is retiring from the ministry after forty-two years of service and in his seventy-second year." No 'other minister has oten- REV. DR. MACGILLIVRAY SL A PAA AA, pied a Kingston pulpit so long, and none ever endeared himself more to a congregation or was held in high. er esteem by the citizems in general than Dr. Macgillivray. At the morning service Dr. Mac- gillivray's 'subject was '"'Exhorta. tion," based on I. Corinthians, xv., 58: "Be ye steadfast,:immoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as ye know that your labor is not in, vain. in the Lord." At the conclusion of the sermon Dr. MacGillivray, conducted a baptismal service, whem: the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mec- Rae was baptised. There was a large present, and in it were a number who ~were- present --whea Dr: gillivray preached his first sermon in old Chalmers after his induction in September, 1887. = There were some present, too, who had wor- shipped in Chalmers for more than sixty years. congregation during the vacancy Rev. Prof. W. G. Jordan would be moderator of session. He himself would be on the ground and help all he could. IHe asked that all the church or- ganizations make a stronger effort than ever déiring the Yaeaney to keep up their work. On Sunday evening br. Macgilliv- ray delivered a strong sermon on text 2nd Corinthians, xifi.,, 14: "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communio of the Holy Ghost, be with you Amen." . The preacher appealed to all to open their hearts- to this great love and to proclaim-it. God's love was the greatest thing in the world. He loved everyone. His love did not ex. tend to any upper or lower soacisty -- 'alone, but went forth to all classes. It was given freel "May this great you, congregation, On the 13th of November Chalm- ers congregation will gather to do to everyone. ove abide with be presented with an annuity and a purse cf teveral thousand dollars. FUND Black Lace with Brown Buck Tops. Black Lace with Black Ton Misses' sizes, 11to 2. Girls' sizes, 8 to 104 . . $4. 00 Infants' sizes, 5 to H. "$3.00 Abernethy's Shoe Store "the city. MEN'S HATS Smart New Styles We /take particular in our showing this fall, our stock is unusually large and varied. Latest models, $2.50 to $5. Caps Tweed caps in beautiful pat- terns, 50c to $2, Gloves _ This is the glove store of We sell Dent's and Fownes English make, all kinds, 75¢ to $4.75. CampbellBros Jpngston's Qldest Hat and Fup Dr. Macgillivray announéed that the' love of God. He those as his GIFTS FOR THE BOYS OVERSEAS. *seas Boxes 15c and 20c. See our windows, Prouse's Drug Store. Phone 82. sald Dr. Maecgilliviay to 'his |" konnr to Dr. Maecgillivrar, whe will NTAR GIVING | THEM VOLUNT/ ARY I ana the pn] Will be Adhered Ap] 3 may be lang: ' \ - ARERR - . . WE MAKE EVERY HOUSE A HOME With a distinctive appearance. We chose the lat- est and most attractive designs in furniture and rugs and oilcloths that go to making up a modern home. J dames Reid ding Undertaker With Motor Hearse The Leading 147 for Motor Ambulance. PASI EURI(ZED MILK AND CREAM, Visit This Dairy and Decide for Yourself. -- Satisfaction Guaranteed. | Oficial Test by H. B. Smith. MUK test 24 JolNSON Sram Closely Related There's a closer relationship be- tween feed, poultry and dollars than you may suspect. ep feed means better birds, quicker retfirns and more money. or bigger dividends on your poultry, let us supply your feed™ The kind you need is here, snd our advice is free for the.asking. s W. F. McBROOM + . 48-44 Princess Street. "Ranks with the Strongest' HUDSON BAY 'Insurance Company PIRE INSURANCE STR AL Pe W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ | BOYD'S GARAGE We hate the the best quipped Toronto garage bet GAIARE Det a oy makes of cars Agents for Reo Carle 129 Brock St. Phone 204 ares this yest.

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