oT A . ud W. B. Mudie have been appointed. tc Y WIN canvass the town for the sale of Vic COLLEGIATES DEFEAT GAN- ANOQUE IN RUGBY GAME. Large Offering of Hogs at Gananoque ~The Town To Be Canvassed For the Bale of Victory Bonds. (From Our Own Correspondent) Gananoque, Oct. 29.--At the Driv- | ing Park on Saturday afternoon the Kingston Collegiate and Gananoque High Scheol Rugby teams clashed in what proved to be a rather strenuous game, as two of the High School and one Collegiate player were injured during play, but were able to con- tinue in the game. The line-up was: Kingston. Gananoque. Back Bracken " Squire Chapman Case Waldie Cole Meggs Beach Belfie Millhouse Berry Gould Wilkinson Keyes Sutherland fe Wenhorn The Kingston lads soon showed the locals a few points in the game by boosting up a good score. At the close the score stood 25 to 2 in faver of the Kingston team. : There was another quite large offer- ing of live hogs at the market here on Saturday, all of which was taken by local buyers for shipment. The prevailing price is still seventeen cents a pound . James Curry, for some time past accountant on the staff o fthe local pranch of the Bank of Toronto, re- ceived notice the latter part of the week of his transfer to another posi- tion, not as yet' made known. He leaves to-day for a holiday trip to the wilds of northern Ontario for a deer hunt, and on his return will en- ter on his néw duties. A. C. Huds. peth, formerly accountant here, will return to fill the vacancy. By the bursting of a pipe in the works of the Steel Company of Can- ada on Friday, Louis Turcotte, an em- ployee, had his eyes quite badly in- jured, John Bolger, of Lansdowne, has purchased the residence on North street from Mrs. A. G. Wiltse, and will take possession early next spring, when he will retire from farming, and move into town. Rev. T. W. Bucklee, of Kingston, was in charge of the services in Christ Church yesterday, and was greeted by large congregations. Rey. William Henderson, superan- nuated, was called to Peterboro on Thursday to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs, H.D. Kennedy, who pass- ed away in Chicago the fore part of the week. A. W, Taylor, R. G. Graham and Quarter 'Back Outside Wing Eason Middle Wing: ¢ Drury " Burns Macavelia Wright Sugel Inside Wing Flying Wing Scrimmgae tory carly dz Mr you n few .days here friends, have Calgary, Alta, Miss Lila Sharbot Lake with { Herbert Pringle Mr. and with relatives anc Rev. and Mrs the season, their home in Norfolk, Va. Mrs. (Dr.) Calhoun, of Waterville Que, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs William Sunbury. The Misses Uretta and Alma Sin clair are visiting friends in Ower Sound and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. O, Williams anc Miss Florence Williams, who have dence a few miles west of the town home in New York city. TRAIN KILLS FARMER. ently Got Foot in Track. killed. Both legs were severed from gled down by the train, by his wife and four sogs. Contributors Were Liberal. the Knights of Columbus on behalf of the Canadian Catholic Chaplain fund met with "a generous response in the territory covered by Eganville Coun- cil We learn that Renfrew contrib- uted inthe neighborhood of $2,500; Arnprior, $1,000; Eganville and Gold- en Lake, $578; Douglas, $411; Barry's Bay, $218; Mt. St. Patrick, $200; Bru- denell and Cormac, $175; Griffith and Curry's, $115, ' Cornwall Lieutenant Killed. Cornwall, Ont, Oct. cable killed in action October 20th. Lieut 1916. merce. For Good Pictures. printed at Prouse's Drug Store. TAKE CARE Of your eyes. Consult our Op- tometrist about them. We are EYESIGHT SPECALISTS Manfg, Opticians and Opto- metrists. R. J. RODGER 132 Princess Street. Where the clock is on the walk. is, and will start in at an | Mrs. Charles Herbison and 1, who have been spending a left for their home in | Sinclair is visitihg in| Mrs. Lewis. and family, who have occupied their new summer home at the head of Hay Island for left on Wednesday for spent the season at their island resi- returned during the past week to their James Long, Driving Cattle, Appar- Lindsay, Oct. 29.--James Long, a respected farmer in Oso township, a short distance from Lindsay, was run over by the Toronto mixed train and the body, which was also badly man- | % He was driving a herd of cat-|*%* tle, and jn trying to keep them off the railway track it is thought in some |% manner caught his foot, and before he could extricate himself was run He is survived Eganville, Oct. 20--The appeal of IRIE The Late Mary L McKenzie. On Saturday, the death oecurred at the home of her mother on Lorne Island of Miss Mary Lincoln 2 en- {| zie after an illness of almost a year, The deceased was born ip Idamo | ifty-seven years ago, but for some time had been a resident pf Lorne .| Island. Deceased was a Methodist in religion. The funeral took place on Monday morning to Cataragui cemetery, She is survived by her mother, Mrs. John MeKensie, two sis- ters and one brother, ) The Late Christian Haffner. | On Sunday the death occurred of | Christian Haffner for many years a | well known local butcher. The late | Mr. Haffner, who vesided on Prin- | | cess street, had been in poor uealth ,| for over a year and his death was | heard with sincere regret by a large circle of friends to whom he was affectionately known as "Daddy." Among the younger genemtion he was well known and beloved because of his geniality and happy ways. The late Mr. Haffner was seventy-two years of age and is survived by his wife, one son, Philip, and one daugh- ter residing at home. | | i 1 : FEPPPPEPPPRPP POP IPOP POPP A SPLENDID RECORD, 1) # (Canadian Press Despatch.) London, Oet. 29---In the % of Commons to-day Premier + Lloyd George said that since the + beginning of the war 13,000,000 + men had been transported with + the loss of only 3,600 and that 4 of these only 2,700 had been % lost through enemy actions. THE WORLD'S NEWS _ PLP eee ered Tidings From All Over Told In a Pithy and Pointed Way. 29.--Dr. A. Falkner, Lancaster, was advised in a from the War Office, London, Eng., that his som; Lieut. W. H. Falk- ner, of No. 2 Air Craft Depot, was Falkner went overseas in the fall of He was previously in the ser- vice of the Canadian Bank of Com- Have your films developed and William J. Istead passed away at Wellington after a lingering illness. as) Fes, Se Thirty civillans were killed in a 'German air raid on Dunkirk, James Williams, C.P.R., agent for many years, died at Orangeville. Orlando has been entrusted with the formation of an Italian Ministry. Mahlon P. Cowan, K.C., Toronto, : | former chief counsel of the G.T.R., is dead. A British ship had a constant bat- tle with a fire all the way across the Atlantic. , Mrs. Katherine Sexton, who passed her 99th dinthday Tast August, died at Windsor, v Two more men were arrested in France in connection with German propaganda there, Flight Cadet Thomas X. Murphy, son of & British Colonel, was killed fall 'with his machine. heese Sales: Belleville 688 at at 213%c; Perth, 1,000 at 21 5-16¢. Premier Kerensky declared that Government never discussed the pos- sibility of the surrender of Petro- Hon. A. K. MacLean has been ap- pointed vice-chairman of the Treas- ury Board, and will be Acting Minis- ter of Finance whenever 8ir Thomas White is absent from the capital. MAY TAKE A YBAR LONGER FOR TEN DAYS ONLY -- SPECIAL PRICE OF $3.50 FOR TOASTERS. GENERAL ELECTRIC or CANADIAN BEAUTY Halliday Electric Co. Cor. Princess and King Streets. *y, ges and sik in - Funcom Special price, $3.98. RAINCOAT IDEAS tweeds, poplins navy, olive, grey and plaids, etc; loose and with school bag and We handle the best $1 ° umbrella in the city | = sie |To Defeat the Central Empires, Says ! Stewart Lyon. (Canadian Press Despatch.) Toronto, Oct. 29.--Stewart Lyon, correspondent for the Canadian Press on the western front for the past year, returned home this morn. ing. In an interview he said that there was not mere than one-twen- tieth left of theyoriginal strength of || the first contingent, and in his opinion some way should be found to permit these men to come home on furlough. - Commenting. en the Pecent re. verses on the Russian and Italian fronts, Mr. Lyon said that while j| these should not bg minimized, it was his opinion that the final deci. sion of the war would not be on these fronts, but on the western front. The war might take a year of Britain and her overseas. Domin- Tons and the United States must pre. vail. y ' ll TELEPHONE EXPERT HERE. I Arranging For Growth of the City | Business in Future. G. D. Hudson, Montreal, one of the }| fundamental engineers of + the Bell I Just the Thing for this Kind of Weather | Telephone Compan A y.; is visiting the city for the pi : ng se of making a de- c 21 5-16c tv 219%; Cornwall, 1,647] sold longer, but the combined strength {ooo BOTH. APPEALS ALLOWED TORONTO COURT SETS ASIDE COUNTY COURT JUDGMENTS. A New Trial Ordered in the Dia- mond-Norman Case--). H. Tallon, of Verona, Must Pay For Mrs. H. H. Martin's Support. v The Court of Appeal at Toronto on Friday heard two cases, appeals from the judgments of Judge Madden de, livered at the recent sittings of the County Court: In both cases the ap- peals were allowed. Jacob Diamond owns a lot on Sixth street, on the west end of which lot he erected a building. H. F. Nor- man owns the adjacent lot to the west, on the east end of which he commenced excavating for the foun- dation of a house. Diamond clainied that Norman had interfered with his right of support, and asked for in- junction. At the trial the judge dis- missed his action. : The Court of Appeal set aside the judgment and ditected a new trial A. B. Cunningham appeared for the appellant Diamond, and H. H. Davis, of Toronto, for the respondent Nor- man. In another case, Mrs. H. M. Martin, of Verona, sued J. H. Tallon, of Ver- ona ;0n a bond given to secure the support and maintenance of Mrs. Mamin, At the trial the judge dis- sed the action," but the Court of Appeal set aside the judgment and directel that Tallon pay to, Mrs. Mar- tin the amount due under the bond. A. B, Cunningham appeared for the appelant Martin, and. T. J. Rigney for the respondent Tallon. | LIBERTY LOAN PASSES * $5,000,000,000 MARK. : Washington, Oct. 29.--The # second Liberty Loan apparent. # ly has passed the $5.000,000,- % 000 mark. A last day driVe of % titanic Proportions throughout #% the nation rounded up more # than $1,000,000,000 and was $ bound to have carried the.total several hundred. million dol- lars beyond the maximum sum treasury officials had hoped for. Secretary of the Treasury MoAdoo announced late Sun- day night that the loan was an overwhelming success. PEPE PLLPPPP PER b rp ers Pe PP eed Hd IN MARINE CIRCLES. Movements of Vessels Reported Along the Water Front. The weather contifiues rough; and very rough at that. = This is the te- port given in marine circlés to-day. A number of vessels have managed to keep going, but adarge number are tied up. .T. Co.'s Bublletin:. The steamer Simla cleared light for Port Col- borne; the steamer, Westerian cleared light for Part Colborne; the tug Hall arrived from Montreal "with two "Fight barges, and cleareflafof Montreal, with two, grain-laden ba¥ges: the (ug Mag- nolia is due to arriye to-day with the barge Kingston from Charlotte with coal for the C. P. R, The steamer Nipigon was recently to € i ies for the sum of $35,000. She will engage in the ulp wood trade from Anticosti td E. Lawrence river ports. Canada Steamship Lines: Steamer Hamiltonian will pass up light on her way from Montreal to 4 ke Erie port to load coal; the steamer City of Hamilton will arrive to-day from Montreal with package freight for Toronto; the steamer Calgarian will arrive to-day from Montreal with package freight for western points; the steamer City of Ottawa passed down to-day with package freight for Montreal. Cape Vincent Bank Case. Next Friday it is expected a final accounfing 3 the exectitors of the estate of the late S. S. Block, Cape Vince N.Y., will make it possible for the state banking department to declare a final dividend to the credi- tors, in the matter of the settlement of the affairs of the Bank of Cape Vincent. It is not known how much this dividend will be, but it will be small . The first dividend amounted to fifty per cent, S All of the other stockholders in the band, aside from the Block estate, have paid an assessment amounting to 100 cents 'on a dollar on . their stock. 3 . : The total number of claims against the Block estate totalled about $50: . There is not enough personal property of the Block estate to meet the debts and the real property will consequently have to be sold. Campaigning for Missions. Laymen occupied . the Methodist puipits on Sunday, and campaigned or missions. Sontiibuted, 5 vert $6,339, and $7; was necessary. GRAN 5 Months in OPERA HOUSE Nights 3 Thur. Nov. 1 MATINEE SATURDAY ENTIRE ORIGINAL COMPANY AND PRODUCTION AS SEEN .9 Months in New York 5 Months in Philadelphia 7 Months in Chicago Now Being Received Seats Now On Sale. 1 10 Big Scenes--Company of 82 People Endorsed by Public, Press and Clergy As The Greatest Play of This Day and Generation. Note--Send 25¢ in stamps to Manager "Experience" Company, Grand Opera House, for 150 page illustrated book of the play----acting version. Patrons Are Advised to Get Seats At Once as the Demand Is the Greatest in the History of thé Grand Opera House. ~ you get fifty, On terms to suit Any Style COLUMBIA You don't have to wait until wventy-five or even twenty-five dollars to- ment you want, make a small first payment, and have it de- livered to your home at once. Payments so small you will never miss them--and the pleas- ure so great that you will GRAFONOLA Quotations Furhished by Rongard, Ryerson & Co., 44 Clarence St., Howard 8. Folger, Manager. this: year, s $1.74 per capita. More interest in Fi hh all that 5 2h esahongnn CAREER ERR HOSPITAL CABS UNLOAD At the Corner of West and Ontario Streets, A new idea and one which is very beneficial to the handling of return- 0g ers was the of the i train at the foot of West y Monday morning. This is height in the tace of another ferce counter-attack. Major Moraht, military correspon- Deutsches Tages ridges, Many tons of bombs were dropped on Sunday on German military es- tablisiments in Belgium by British ti S000 $4009 4092 4 GERMANS EVACUATE + . WERDER PENINSULA 3 4 (Canadian Press Despatch) * 4 Petrograd, Oct. 29--The Ger- # * have evacuated the Wer- .{% dar peninsula on the Gulf of % 4 Riga, where they made a iand- & #& ing recently, the War Office an- 4 nounCes. + > ; iu * "ee