Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Nov 1917, p. 3

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DEAF PEOPLE Deafness and noises in the head can now be most certain) newly discovered 'French mew remedy goes right To the Xe- | tual seat of the trouble, and effects a complete and lasting cure in a few days. cured by the Orlene." | One box. is ample to cure any ordinary | case, and has given almost Immediate relief in hundreds of cases which had been considered 'hopeless.' Mr. D. Borthwick, of Dalbeattie, N.B,, writes: "Your new remedy, which 1 re- colved from you some time ago, has completely cured my hearing, after more than twenty years' deafness, will be pleased to recommend it to all my friends" Scores of other equally good reports. Try one box today, which can be for- warded securely packed and post paid to any addresg upon the receipt of postal or miomey order for $1. nothing better at any price. Address: "Oriene" Co, H. T. Richards, Watling Street, Dartford, Kent, Eng. Please mention this paper. There is EE ro * 4 | Letters to the Editor | ( ' | | | THE DAILY WHIG, City of Dresden Ran Aground With Coal. Stella, Oct. 29 =The annual Am- Is Being Urged to Reconsider His, Steamer Decision, ' | Broekville, Oet.--31.--The Broek- | {ville 'Recorder announces that Hon. | {G. P. Graham will not be a candi- | Jdi-| date for re-election in> South Ren- Not For Me, Thank You! herst Island school fair was held in the village on Wednesday last. The | Oh; | ter): So Dr. Edwards states that] James Traveris might oppose him. | No! 1 have more respect for my- | self gnd am more true to the British | Empire than that, To try to sit on | the same side of the house as his dear friend Sevigny of "Move other people's goods' fame or Blondin of | "ghoot holes 'in the British flag" | fame, or the man who supports al Government that said he would soon- er be under German rule than under the United States, or who stated that "a man before the war was ashamed to call himself a Canadian" Oh No! None of that crowd for me to try and win a war on, However, much I wish to win the | war, and however, much I would sup- port any party to do so, I could not in fairness to my fellow man and be a true British subject myself back up the present cabinet, Yours, With the Fingers! Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind of a corn can shortly be lifted right out with the fingers if you-will apply directly upon the corn 8 few drops of freézone, says a Cin- - ¢innati authority. i 1t is claimed that at small cost one can get a quarter of an ounce of| freezone at any drug store, which is sufficient to rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain or sore- ness or the danger of infection, This new drug is an ether com- pound, and while sticky, dries tha moment it is applied and does not inflame or even irritate the surround- ing tissue.| 0 This announcement will interest many women here, for it is said that the present high-heel footwear is putting corns on practically every wo- man's feet, . PEN i ¥ SIR ROBERT FALCONER, K.CM.G. President Sir Robert Falconer of the University of Toronto, went to Ot- ~~JOHN TRAVERIS, tawa where he was invested with the Order of Knight Commander of St Michael and St. George by the Duke of Devonshire, Hair Coming Out? | Dandruff causes a feverish irrita- tion of the scalp, the hair roots shrink, loosen and then the hair comes out fast.- To stop falling ha.r at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a small bot- tle of Danderine at any drugWstore for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub it into the scalp. After several applications the hair stops coming out and you can't find any dandruff. BEAUTIFUL MAHOGANY OAB- INET OONTAINING 50 PIROE OF ROGERS' SILVERW LUTELY FREE, To the person holding the Key that opens the Padlock to the Cabinet, Watch Our Windows for the date to Try Your Keys. With every $1.00 cash purchase At our store, you are entitled to a key person holding that key will re- celve the Cabinet of Rogers' Sil- verware ABSOLUTELY FRER. binet now on view. One of the keys given away will open the Padlock, and the Try Magnesia For Your Stomach Trouble It Neutralizes Stomach Acidity, vents Food Fermentation, The Best Drug Store = tom, Ont. Fre. Ste, Doubtless, if you are a sufferer from indigestion, you have already tried pepsin, bismuth, soda charcoal, drugs and various digestive aids and you know these things will not cure your trouble--in some cases do not even give relief, But before giving up hope and de- olding you are a chronic dyspeptic just try the effect of a little magnesia-- not 'the ordinary carbonate, ditrate, oxide or milk but the pure bisurated magnesia which you can obtain from practically any druggist in either pow- dered or tablet form. Take a teaspoon- ful of the powder or two compressed tablets with a little water after your next meal, and see what a difference this makes. It will instantly neutralize the dangerous, harmful acid in your stomach which now causes your food to ferment and sour, making gas, wind, flatulence, heartburn and the bloated or heavy lumpy feeling that seems to fol- low most everything you eat. {RAILWAY SYSTEM RAND TRUN DOAL BRANOH TIME TABLE In.efect Sept. 30th, 1917. 3 You will find that, provided you take ttle bisurted magnesia immediate Depot, Foot nson Street. y after a meal, you can eat most any- Gotng Wen . hing and enjoy it Ji: Nout guy danger . y of pain or discomfort to fol an 1 Live City ot ty maore-over ithe continued use of the bis. Ne ii Eiprice rated magnesia cannot jure the 0. il. o 7 ok stomach in any wa No. 1 rol Lid. are any symptoms o we ss ss Trains will leave and "arrive at Oly 80 lomg as there acid indigestion, The Easiest Way To End Dandruff fails to remove dandruff completely and that is to dissolve it. This de- strops it entirely. To do this, just get about four ounces of plain, or dinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to mols- ten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger lps. * By morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or 'four more applications will com- pletely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may ve, . You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop instantly, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft and look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvom at any drug store. It is inexpensive, and four ounced it all you will need. This simple remedy has never been {known to fail, ing fe a trip to Toronto and other points. Dow, night watchman for the Pem-! on Monday, cartridge in the deceased's revolver] age, and leaves a widow und daughter. He was a former towm ed at Paris on Wednesday on their way to the front to visit Pershing's headquarters. anaemic women and children * { attendance dnd exhibit of articles by | the scholars was even good consid- | ering the time at which the event frew, having announced his retire- ment in a letter to the president of the i 4 associ 81 re nayeral EB ie. E jos held, and the disagreeable day. corder learns that a strong effort is | The lune h was served Vy the scholars, being made to have Mr. Graham re-| The Steamer Rideau Queen is only consider his decision, but so far | Making two trips a wek to Kingston without success.' The article further | at present. She is also carrying hay intimates that the former member! from bay ports, for South Rénfrew has been offered ( The steamer e a nomination in several ridings, but {| which on her way from Oswego with anything definite in this regard is| 160 tons of coal for L. R. Neilson, not obtainable. | Tan aground near Stella om Tuesday -- { night. She was lightened and pulled Married in Lombardy. {off by the steamer Rideau Queen. Lombardy, Oet. 30.-- This morning] She did not sustain any damage, City of Dresden, the Church of the Blessed Sacrament, | After unloading she cleared for King-{| Lombardy, was the scene of a pretty| Son With a cargo of oats for James wedding when Miss Mary E. Breen, | Richardson & Sons. daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. ! Pte. E. Heffron, who went over to Thomas Breen, and Michael O'Grady, | England some months ago met with of Westport, were united in matric) an accident and had his leg injured, mony by Rev, Father Hanley, The, and was sent back. Pte. Heffron bride, who was becomingly dressed: Was a home boy and lived for a num- in a suit of mavy broadcloth with| ber of years with E. A, Scott. black picture hat and black fox furs, Quite a number of young men have was assisted by Miss Nora Vaughan,| been examined by the Medical Board Ottawa, while D. E. Dooher support-' in Kingston, A number of them ed the groom, = As the bride entered | bave been turned down. J. A. Tug- the church, Mendelssohn's wedding) Well shipped a car-load of cattle to march was played and during the| Toronto on Saturday. nuptial mass appropriate selections| Visitors: Pte. J. Miller of the C. were rendered by the choir. After] A:-8.C. Kingston, spent Sunday at his the ceremony a wedding breakfast| home here; Mr, Miller, Toronto at was served at the bride's home and | Samuel Miller's. . later Mr. and Mrs, Q'Grady left for| AMHERST ISLAND RED CROSS Accidentally Shot. Pembroke, Ont., Oct. 31. ro Joseph The Work That Has Been Done Since August Sth, broke Machinery Co., was found dead | Stella, Oct, 31.--The following is a with a bullet wound in his head early report of the Amherst Island Red There was one empty! Cross work done since Aug. 8th: The ladies have been making socks and it is believed death was acciden-} and anti-vermin suits handkerchiefs, tal mouth wipes, ete, but have now start- ed on pyjamas, day shirts, hospital shirts and socks. Each school section was to be can- vassed to get volunteers to pay sO much a month while the war lasts for the work. Some of the ladies have not been able to get their sec- tion done yet. There hgs been paid in the following: Mrs. D. Caughey, $9.50; Mrs. H. Willard, $4.00; Mrs. H. Fleming, $6.10; Mrs. 'W, Hamilton, $3.75; Mrs. Neilson and Mrs. Pringle (vil- lage) $41; the Little Allies, $25 and also mineteen pairs of socks for the soldiers' boxes; Mrs. P. Howard and Miss E. Fowler, $24.20; Mrs. Neil- son paid in later, $8; Sept. ice cream social, $20.63; lunch on fair day made, $49.21; received from T. Cochrane, (dance) $6; J. Glen, $3; Mr. MoQuinn, $3; Mrs, Kerr, $5; William Morrow, $1; Mrs. H, Sand- with for eBigian Relief, $2.50. A good many gave money to help furnish the good things that were 4: Dut in the thirty-six Christmas boxes # cotton was grown in the inter- | that have been packed and sent to # dor of Texas and the bale was 3 the boys overseas, The boxes. cost * first purchased in Houston for &|on an average, without, postage of + $925. ; 3} bout $3.25 each. There is another * He was about sixty-four years of one councillor, Ten American Congressmen arriv. General A- neutral traveller reports that are working on the German railways. | Shee Pe bers d WORTH FORTUNE TO THE RED CROSS, New York, Nov, 1.--The first bale of the mew 1917 crop of % cotton that was sold at auction *% here last July for $2,585, is now # travelling in England where it # has raised $14,065 for the Brit- # ish Red Cross, according to in- % formation received by Presi- # dent G. M. Schutt, of the New 4 York Cotton Exchange. The * + * +> + *4 shipment of socks about ready to FERRER RRR bg | SOOT OF [EN MILLION YEARS AGO IN 5) oT ¥ CANADA The Modes in NEW YORK COATS French Velour, Whitney and Tweeds. Charmingly youthful looking coats, that are long and slender of line with deep rolling collars, novelty pockets and with many new belt ideas. The cloths are Bolivia, Broadcloth, Kersey, Seal Plush, Crystal, Pom-Pom, The shades in demand in order of merit are Bur- gundy, Beet-root, Taupe, Nigger Brown, Russian green, navy and black. Over five h.indred swagger styled coats to choose from -- spec- ially priced throughout from $10.50 to $65.00. We invite comparison -- any coat may be laid aside until want- ed--if not quite prepared to buy. STEACY'S - Limited FEEL FINE! TAKE "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER, BOWELS Spend 10 Cents! Don't Stay Bil- fous, Sick, Headachy, Constipated. Can't Harm You! Best Cathartic For Men, Women and Children. Enjoy life! . Your system is filled with an accumulation of bile and bowel poison which keeps you bil- ious, headachy, dizzy, tongue coat- ed, breath bad and stomach sour-- Why don't you get a 10-cent box of Cascarets at the drug store and feel bully, Take Cascarets to-night and enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced. You'll wake up with a clear head, clean tongue, lively step, rosy skin and looking and feeling fit. Mothers can give a whole Cascaret to a sick, cross, bilious, feverish child any time ~--they are harmless--never gripe or sicken. SOHEME TO BE CONTINUED -- Will Secure Places For Boys to Work on F. x A. W. Sirrett, District agricultural representative, is making an effort to continue the work which he and Rev. J. D. Boyd started last Satur- day to have students and school boys work on farms for the day. He is who want help for | asking farmers the day to make application to him secured #0 that the mumber of boys can be placed, Last Saturday there were more than could be placed. The plan will be carried out on both Fri- day and Saturday of this week, Robert A. Ferguson, aged forty five years, a well known farmer, died at the Brockville Genenal Hospital 'here as the result of an accident at his farm « week ago. when he fell from the Top of a sflo and sustained internal injuries. ] wv Be Up-to-date We have eve i to make a home feel that way, at very moderate prices. We study comfort at the least cost. Rugs in all sizes, all shades and designs. ; Dining room and bed room furniture. Visit our new Victrola department--a com- plete stock of Victrolas and records always on shoul Sani J I. F. HARRISON C0., LIMITED 229-237 Princess Street. "Ranks with the Strongest"' "HUDSON BAY Insurance Company § PIRE INSURANCE es Office, nsurance Budg. MONTREAL PERCY J. QU Manager, a rants _W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ Phone 90 Te ---------- COAL CUSTOMERS Please Notice ! On and after first of May Coal Sales will be for TWO IN ONE QUALITY AND VALUE Western Beef

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