oi 4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, 'THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1917. CREW ON THE BARCE SAFE -- ci. DONNELLY WRECKING COMPANY "AT WORK ON THE HAMILTON Message Thursday Stated That the Crew Were Well--Weather Mod- erates, and Number of Vessels Get) Away. That all on board were safe and | well, and that the Donnelly Wrecking Company was at the scene pumping out the vessel, was the most pleas-| ing news received on Thursday morn-| ing, about the barge Hamiiton, which | went aground near Point Pedinsula, | after breaking away from the steam- er Joyland, | The weather has moderated and the change has been gladly welcom- | ed by mariners, who have been tied up at every poiht. Quite a batch of steamers, which have been storm , bound in port, were able to get away | on Thursday. The steamers City of Hamilton and Chamberlain got away. The Chamberlain cleared for Erie and the City of Hamilton for Toronto end Hamilion, The steamer Waffle hag been in port wind bound, M. T. Co's Bulletin: The steamer Oatland passed down to Montreal at midnight Wednesday; the steamers Joyland and Arabian cleared at 1 a. m, Thureday for Port Colborne; the tug Glyde arrived from Montreal, with three light barges: the tug Thomson arrived with two light bar- ges from 'Montreal; the steamer In- dia, with the tug Burma in tow, [from Port Colborne, are due to ar- rive to-day; the steamer India will tranship her grain cargo into river Larges; tbe tug MagnoMa is on her way with the barge Kingston from % | HEXAGONAL NUT" EASY FOR SOLDIERS -- | : ! Men Pass Test Of Five Years! AT THE EXEMPTION TRIBUNALS Apprenticeship After Eight Months Course. The advantage which the returned soldier who is being educated in a new trade under the direction of the Military Hospitals Commission due to his incapacity to carry on in hls pre- war trade, is most notably evident in the work of the machine tao] makers' class at McGill Pniversitgh There men are being do "trained that they are able afjer six months' instruction to do the same quality of work which men apprenticed for four and five years turn out, The feat of making a perfect hex agonal nut .from a circular piece of steel is the test, and the men in the vocational training classes are at- tafning such proficiency in the eight { months' course that they are able to | satisfy the master craftsmen. | ------------ THE VIOTORY LOAN. The Publicity Committee is Making Ready for Campaign. The Victory loan publicity mittee met in the Board of Trade rooms on Wednesday night and appointed a score of sub-committees to carry out the plans projected by this department to aid in the cam-. paign. These committees will re- port at a meeting on Monday night next, when the comprehensive scheme for educational and illus- trative work will be complete. There was a fair attendance of workers and considerable enthusiasm mani- fested. With the co-operation of com- Charlotte, with coal for the C.P.R.|the citizens the public will be fully wharf, | informed as to the Victory loan, The steamer Rideau Queen was in| port from Picton on Wednesday and | returned to South Bay, { | front, | can save means a great advantage Certificates Suspended, | For faflure to comply with certain sections of the United States steam- | boat laws as regards equipment and | safety in life-boats, Captain W. H. | Chambers and Engineer Clark Bailey | of the ferry steamer Bigelow, run- ning between Broekville and Morris town, N.Y.. had their certificates can- celled for a period of ten days. An officer of the Government had been qidetly making investigation. a It means that Canada must in this war finance her own supplies and equip ment for the Canadian boys at the and every dollar the public in the conflict, The widest publicity will aid in creating the patriotic spirit. . mes The C.P.R. Simp. behind the slump in C.P.R. stock on Wall Street, New York, was the faet, that after allow- ing for war taxes, the net earnings of the company decreased $1,382,608 during September. One reason nt Na " The more you know about coffee--and the more part- icular you are about aroma and flavour -- the more you will appreciate "SEAL BRAND" COFFEE. Once you have tried it, your choice will always be Chase & Sanborn's "SEAL BRAND" COFFEE. In %, 1 and 2 pound tins. 'Whole--ground--pulverized-also fine ground for Percolatars, Never sold in bulk. ie CHASE & SANBORN; MONTREAL. $a You THEM AS SUCH? WHAT TO DO AFTER OUR EXAMIN Your gj Eyes IF THEY TROUBLE YOU WE WILL ADVISE YOU ATION. J. J. STEWART, Opt.D, Optician and Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sts. Opp. Post EC | Phone 0600 HOT WATER BOTTLES + ALL GUARANTEED At All Prices. AT SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Corner Princess and Montreal Streets. Telephone 41. e--/ ling effected by Dr. Chase's Ne BE SURE YOUR MILK IS DELIVERED IN SEALED BOTTLES, ~All our milk is thoroughly pasteurized bottled at onice. It is safe. Itis pure. and It is good. Phone 845 ~ Prices THEY ALL MUST APPEAR OR ENTER SERVICE. This Applies to All the Men Called Out No Matter in What Category the Medical Boards Have Placed Them. All members of the {first class must report for service or claim ex- emption no matter what is the result of their medical examination. An impression seems to prevail in some quarters that a man who has been medically examined and placed in a medical category other than A need not put in a claim for exemption This impression is er- roneous, and should be corrected. All members of the first class called out by proclamation of the 13th October must report for service or claim exemption in the prescribed manner. Those who have been plac. ed in amedical category other than A will be granted temporary exemp- tion, but they must take the trouble to ask for it. The medical examination prior te report for service or claim for ex- emption is optional. Facilities for examination before compliance with the Act were provided to 'meet the convenience of the public, but no one is required by law to be medi- cally examined until he has reported for service or his claim for exemp. tion on othér grounds has been re. fused, when medical examination, if not already had, is compulsory, THE BOARD OF WORKS. Asked to Re-establish the Market Gardeners' Old Stand. The Board of Works had a brief session on Wednesday evening with Alds. O'Connor (chairman), Couper and Nickle in attendance. 1 A petition from 'the Whig Pub- lishing Company and others asking that the market gardeners be al. lowed to stand their wagons in the upper side of King street, between Clarence and Brock streets, was re- ferred to the committee on property and markets with a request that it confer with the Board of Works, The application of Richard James, Albert street, for rebate of sewer rent was granted. That of Mrs, Emily Marshall and 'A. C. Knapp for refund of oiling charge for Union street was referred to the city en- gineer for report. : Equal to the Key's Size. At the Sunday school convention in Peterboro Mayor Duffus present- ed the convention with a huge four- foot key which the mayor assured his, auditors would open any door in thé city you could get it into ex- cepting the civic treasury. Dr. El. mer J. Lake, Kingston, in reply, said that the two principal objects in meeting together was to create a deeper enthusiasm in the work and secondly to inspire fresh courage. Dr. Lake said it was the first time he had known a key to be presented to a convention, but he was fully con. vineed 'that the "hospitality of the citizens was fully in proportion to the size of the key. Died Suddenly. Corpl. W. Hanson, formerly of Kingston, died suddenly in England, He enlisted at Torofto at the begin- ning of the war and saw service in all the big battles up to eight months ago. He was invalided to England with shell shock, wheré he died on the 29th of October. At a meeting of the Grand Coun- cil of the C. M. B. A, held in Mon- treal John J, Behan, Gramd- Secre-' tary, was given quite a surprise when ; his brother officers presented him | wit han address and a beautiful man- tle clock and a box of choice Havana cigars on thé occasion of his 60th birthday anniversary. Mr. Behan is one of the oldest officers of the C. M.B.A, and is greatly esteemed, AAA AAA A A ECZEMA CURED * FIVE YEARS AGO |A Treatment Which Has Proven 'a Wonderful Healer of the Skin-- Certified Bvidenice of Lasting Ture. Jordan, Ont, Nov. 1.--The old notion that eczema is a disease of the blood is refuted time and time again by the cures that are daily be- Oint- ment. It matters not what the cause may have been if you apply Dr. Chase's Ointment regularly you will obtain relief and cure from eczema. Here is the proof: x ; Mrs. Stephen G. Thwaites, Box 205, Jordan, Ont., writes: legs: He was troubled nearly all one fall and winter with it, and could not work for days at a time. He tried different salves ahd ointments, but rone cured him. One day he tried Dr. Chase's Ointment, and it gave al- most instant relief. He continued its usé™ but had not quite finished the second box when he was eured, It is now ahout five years sipce then, and it has never returned, We cer- Ointmen!| are very grateful brother's fares » 5 A Sluggish Liver Causes Lots of Trouble Whens the liver becomes sluggish it is an indication that the bowels are not working properly, and if they do not move regularly many complica- tions are liable to set in. Constipation, sick headache, bil- ious headache, jaundice, heartburn, water brash, catarrh of the stomach, ete., all come from a disordered liver. Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are a specific for all diseases or disorders arising from a slow, sluggish, lazy or torpid liver, and they have been universally used throughout Can- ada for over 20 yeams with the great- est success. Mrs. W. A. Harrison, 7 Poplar Grove, Halifax, N.8., writes: "I take pleasure in writing you concern- ing the great good I have received by using Milburn"s Laxa-Liver Pills for a sluggish liver. When my liver got bad 1 would have severe head- aches, but after using a couple of vials of your pills I have not geen bothered any more." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25¢ a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price 'by The T.Mil- burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, COOK HAD NARROW ESCAPE WALKED OFF SMCK OF TIMBER ON BARGE INTO THE WATER. ' Other Men on Vessel Heard His Cries for Help and Were Just in Time top Throw Him a Line and Pull Him on Deck--Wrekers Have Hard Job in Storni, William Lesslie, of this city, is having a very difficult time in rais- ing the steamer Keystorm at Chip- pena Point owing to the very rough weather of the past few weeks. A good deal of the equipment was carried off in one of the heavy gales. 'A man employed on the ves- sel as a cook came near being drown- ed when they were hauling in some of the material. A big stick of tim ber was hoisted on the rail, The morning following was very dark, and at five o'clock the cook started to go to a ladder leading to the up- per deck, and not knowing the tim- ber was there he supposed that he was on the rail and walked off into the water. He cried out, but by_the time the other men tumbled out of bed and came to his assistance he was almost exhausted, being an elderly man. and an old Wolfe Islander was about to jump in after him when some one threw him a pail _tied to a rope, which he grabbed. He suffered a slight cut on the forehead as a re. sult of being hit with the pail. It being dark, the man throwing the pail had to guess where to place it. The incident caused a good deal of excitement, ans BUY WAR BONDS FIRST PAY FOR THEM AFTER Effective 'Method by Which People Can Serve Nation in Carrying on War. A fourth domestic war loan will be launched within Canada in a few days amounting to not less than $150,000,000. It is vitally fmport. ant that more like $250,000,000 should be subscribed by the people. As usual the banks are standing at the back of the Finance* Minister for a substantial aniount, but it will be in the interests of the whole country, economically, if the people come forward with such whole- hearted support as to release the banks of their guarantee. It is of the utmost .importance that the banks should be maintained in a strong liquid position. Every branch of Canadian industry demands it. For the ks to tie up funds, there- fore, in a Tong term loan, would mili. tate against the earning power of the Dominion, 3 Financiers have pointed out that Canada's financing of the war has gone in a circle, What goes from the people in _ riptions come back to them yié fold in wages, profits, interest 'and utimately in principal. From the banking stand. point it is the same. Withdrawals from deposits for the purpose of subscribing to the loan, comes back in savings and current deposits later on. All Saints' Day. ; All Saints' Day was celebrated oh Thursday in St. George's and St, Mary's Cathedrals by special ser- vices. ' 'Holy Communion was held in-St, George's at 11 a.m., Bishop Bidwell officiating. : The services in St. Mary's Cathed. | Spratt, with Father Mea as high riest, Father Hanley as deacon and her McNeill as sub.deacon. The He went down once... jo | Colored Rubbers Ladies' brown, grey and white estoualify.. ... |... Children's white rubbers . . rubbers--fin- Sais 1091.90 75¢, . i. .. .. Campbell's Fine Furs Embrace all the style ideas in charming fur coats, scarfs, stoles and muffs in the fash- ionable furs now in vogue. To-day we call your attention to our beautiful large black wolf setts at $35 Do Your Shopping Early. & Campbell Bros Kingston's Oldest Hat and Fur Store. GIFTS FOR THE BOYS OVERSEAS. seas Boxes 15c¢ and 20c. See our windows, Prouse's Drug Store. Phone 82, 26 YEARS AGO ~~ 1 Pt" WHEN THE PENDULUM OF FASHION SWINGS -- SWING WITH IT. But there is more than fashion behind the rapid- ly increasing demand for period furniture in dining and living room furniture. Solid black walnut William and Mary dining room sets in velvet finish. Living room furniture. Chesterfields and large luxurious arm chairs, at the busy store with the large stock. James Reid The Leading Undertaker with Motor Hearse Phone 147 for Motor Ambulance. . HY Closely Related There's a closer relationship be- tween feed, poultry and dollars than you may suspect. Right feed means better birds, quicker returns and more money, For bigger dividends on your poultry, let us supply. your feed. The kind you need is here, and our advic@s free for the asking: |W. F. McBROOM 42-44 Princess Street. WINTER ALMOST | jancsTo EVENTS| I The police donmed their winter to choir also took part. E ------------------ 1 ways save money and be sure of superior values. Come in and we'll prove it to you. Our winter stock is very © ISAAC ZACKS