(News From Eastern Ontario } ) Pat O'Connor, Belleville. event took place at the and Mrs. Atkins T. lleville, on Oct. 24th, daughter, Mary Brief Form Amelia amie was married to = the Events Im The Archie I Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Country About Kingston Are Told Greatrix urlow ~=Full of Interest to Many, Mrs, W. Campbell, Carleton Place, The coal situation in Arnprior is| has lost WO brothers in the war, the somewhat improved now. ifirst, Peter Cromlish, British navy, Smith's Falls subscribed $2,140 | Was killed at the Dardanelles, and to the British Red Cross Fund by a | the second, ( apt. Edward Cromlish, public canvass. | somewhere in France, last month. Rev. J. ¥. Forsythe of Lachute| Mrs. Joseph Foster, Baptist church, is to accept a call to Prince Edward County, dfed in the pastorate of the Baptist congre-| Belleville on Tuesday after an ill gation at Carleton Place. jness of three years. She was aged R. R. Palmer, Corbyville, entered! thirty-eight, a daughter of Welling- @ plea of guilty to two charges of | ton Lazier Thurlow township. selling liquor contrary to the provis-| On the eve of her departure from fons of the O.T.A. He was fined in| Carleton Place the members of the all $500 and costs. W.M.S. of St. Andrew's Church call- Joseph Boothroyd, an old resident ed upon Mrs. J. G. Menzies, an act of Almonte, died Saturday | nized of Mr. David and Miss Rose 0' he THE DISTRICT Cor - daughter of Mr. and Mrs J is7T : CIZFPED FROM THE WHIGS h MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES, |5" when their only | pneumonia in his seventy-ninth year. retary for some years, and present ! beautifully bound | fhe deceased in his younger days|2d her with a was considered one of the best crick- | Bible. ot players in Canada, The fiftieth anniversary of the W. G. Buchanan, Maberly, who [marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Charles recently sold his farm and held an |Jones, Smith's Falls, two of the old- auction sale of his farm stock, leav- | est residents, was celebrated last es early next week with his wife for Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Saskatchewan, near which place he | Jones were married the year of Con: has a tract of land. | federation at Brockville and taking At St. Michael's church, Belleville, up their residence in Smith's Falls on Monday, the marriage was solem- | have resided there ever since. CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE HOME French Nugat Walnut Kisses . . : pound Cocosnut Kisses .,. ... .. Cine et ee ee ..20c pound Chocolate & Vanilla Cream Caramels .. .. 20¢ pound Cream Caramels ... ... ... ... vo. «=... +: ++ .30c pound Chocolate Peanuts ... ... ... .. . ..30¢ and 40c¢ pound Best Peanut Candy ... ... ... ... .. . .20c pound Home-made Humbugs .. ..... ... co. «oc «os oo. 20€ pound Be sure you get the bést of all kinds of home-made candies at Phone 2108. CHARLIE DAFNAS, Prop. Prompt Delivery - - - 286 Princess St.- Ahn on pound Adah "The Eye, Ear and Nose" of a Suit Doctors who specialize in their practice become expert in their particular specialty, and men and women seek them out when they 'are afflicted with the malady to "which the doctor has devoted his study and experience. Thirty tailors contribute to the making of each individual suit; and each tailor is a specialist, having become expert in the mak- ing of his specialty. One man makes collars. Another makes pockets. 'A third makes linings. A fourth fits the lining. A fifth shapes the shoulders. A sixth sews in sleeves--so on. And thus the thirty specialists produce a Semi-ready Coat, and ¢ the Chief Examiner pronounces it good before there is sewn in the pocket 'the "Shield that Shields." Semi-ready Tailoring David J. Will The Semi-ready Store. 213 Princess St. Elmbrook, | from | ive member of the society and sec. | w ] THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1917. EXPRESSING THANKS. For the Fine Business Qualities of the Cheese Commission, Belleville, Oct. 31 At of the Belleville heese Board of Trade the following resolution was move y J. A. McMuiler, and second. i nch, and carried: producing season it is inorder 16 move a a meeting ed for the straight- like method in which tl led the cheese business this season in the fade of great difficult they have had to con- tend with the way of securing freight' ar er difficulties to keep the cheese ving where the whole indust s threatensd with all srost of obstacles owing to the war. These three gentlemen, we feel, have worked { hard without any remuneration what- ever, and certainly have succeeded#in the rk they undertook without fuss | or noise: in fact, only those directly | interested know there is a Cheese 1 Commission, sO quietly has the work We have oslly to think «t the cash value of the cheese they { have handled this season will amount {to from thirty-seven to thirty-eight million dollars, to realize the amount of work this involves." | been done Napanee Cheese Board. Napanee, Oct. 31.--At a meeting of the Napanee Cheese Board a similar resolution to that of the abovg was moved by John Wood, of the Selby factory, and seconded by S.-C. Sha- rey, of the Napanee factory, which was carried unanimously KING CONSTANTINE MERE GERMAN AGENT Cabled Kaiser All Informa- tion From Greek Official Sources. London, Nov. 1.--From the text of telegrams exchanged between Con- stantine of Greece and Emperor Wil- Mam before the King's abdication the deciphering of which will be com- pleted shortly by the Greek Govern- ment, it develops that Constantine "to put it mildly, was a German agent," says a Reuter despatch from Athens to-day. "The King promptly cabled the Emperor all information of a mili- tary or political nature received from Greek diplomats accredited to the Entente powers and from Greek of- ficers at Salonica," continued the de- spateh. "The organization of bands was directed from Berlin, The Emperor ordered the formation of bands of 5,000 men to cut General Sarrail's communications and harass the rear of his forces." REPORTS ARE FALSIFIE SAYR MR. MURPHY Neither He Nor Lemieux Said Sir Wilfrid Would , Repeal Act. Ottawa, Nov. 1.--Hon. Charles Murphy - declared yesterday . that some of the published reports of the Liberal convention for Russell County, held at Vars, were "delib- erately falsified." Mr. Murphy says neither he nor Hon. Rodolphe {Lemieux nor anyone else at the con- vention decldred that Sir Wilfrid Laurier would repeal the Military Service Act. Nor was there any truth in the statement attribtued to Mr. Murphy by some papers that ob- jection had been taken to give a vote to the soldiers overseas. "As to what Sir 'Wilfrid will say about the conscription issue," said Mr. Mur- phy, "we are prepared to wait and let Sir Wilfrid speak for himself." GR. CLARE PARKER WRITES Asks His Friends at Home When They Think the War 'Will Be Over. 'Gunner Olare Parker, son of Alex- ander Parker, has written the fol- lowing letter to his aunt, Mrs. An- drew Hayes of Mountain Grove: "I have been down the lines for a few days rest so am feeling fine. 1 had a letter from Ockeland and he is well and still in England. I ex- | pect to go to Blighty before Christ- mas on pass, and am lving in hopes 1 of seeing some of the boys from home then, 1 received the socks and they were fine. You cannot imagine what a relief it is to get a dry change of 1 socks when you are in mud up to your knees and sometimes deeper." CLEAR FARMS FOR SETTLERS Important Policy is Embarkd Upon by 3 Toronto, Nov. 1.--As 'a starter upon a far-reaching policy of settling || settlers, the Ontario taking steps to have two whole town- The only | 5c pattern on the market. We sell the Woman's Magazine, 10c, and The New ldea Quarterly. 20c, with a 15c § PNP cad in fashion. | - See our Coats, Blouses, Dresses, Skirts, etc.-+ } Fe ; Thursday is $1.00 DAY. Endeavor to the Trans-continental partly king the Cheese Comy HE THREATENED SUICIDE THOMAS DAVID, OF PICTON; KICKED TP IN POLICE CELLS Arrested For Vagrancy, He Declared That He' Was a Very Sick Man-- Was Sent Back to Picton For a Second Time, Poor old Thomas David thinks this is a cruel world. Arrested as a vagrant, he declared to Magistrate Farrell, in Police Court on Thursday morning, he was very sick, and want- ed t0 go to an hospital for a week or so. David belongs to Picton, and a short time aro, was in Kingston, and at that time, was given a railway pass by Mayor Hughes to Picton. Now, according te David's story, he has been sent back te Kingston. So the poor old man has been pushed around from one place to another. He was pretty hot under the col- lar when the magistrate said that he would have him passed back to Pie- ton again. The Magistrate is of the opinion, and rightly so, that Picton should care for its own poor. David raved as he was taken into custody, to await the first train for Picton, and threatened to beat his Urains out against the wall. How- ever, he did not carry out his threat. He also declared that he would hanz himself, but he did not attempt to carry out this threat ; "] am a sick man, and it is a shame 1 cannot get into some insti- tution that will look after me," he declared, "1 would be all right in a short time if 1 got the right treat- ment." STOUOK MARKEYS. . Quotations Furnished by Nongard. Ryerson & Co., 44 Clarence St. Howard 8. Folger, Manager. ---- New York Stocks. Open--2.45 p.m. Am. Smelters .. . 80% 76 Atchison .. ... . 90% B&0. ....... b3H% CP. Ro vv ee . 134 Brie .. .. >. ... . 15% Marine .. ... . 21% Marine pfd .. 101% NYC... Reading oe Southern Pac ... Union Pacific... Alcohol Am, Loco.. Anaconda .. ... Beth, Steel "db" .. Crucible .: . Inter. Nickel .. Kennicott .. Mexican Pet .. Rep. Steel . dU. 8, Steel .. Oa -. . ~ Midvale .. . .. Atlantic Gulf .. Am. Sugar .. Canadian Stocks. * Prices selling at minimum RETURNED MEN COMING. Four Men From Kingston in Party Leaving Quebec. The following invalided soldiers were to leave Quebec for Kingston on Thursday: Pte. Flaherty, Gynane, Swann, of Kingston. Q.M.-Sergt. Maguire, Corpls. Chester, Heathcote, Simmonds, and Ptes. Berwick, Brew, Dolyneck, Fin- an, Gill, Grainger, Harkins, Jeffrey, Lyons, Mowat, Mendick, St. Amour, of Ottawa. Ptes. Brahman, Bristol, Campbell, Stewart, Brockville; Gunner Belton, Pte. Huddleston Smith, Belleville; Ptes. Franch, Joly, Moon, Hawkes. bury; Bassett, Campbell, Perth; Johnstone, Lawson, Bobecaygon, Dunkle, Stirling, Carrow, Sydenham; Sergt. Leonard, Collin's Bay; Ptes. Travers, Napanee; Ward, Prescott; McKinnon, McDonald's Corners; Nearh, Peterboro; Sergt. Whitlaw, Picton; Ptes. Brant, . Deseronto; Rickerd, Russell; Reddick, Morris- burg; Codego, Alderville; sance- Corpl. Parker, Bowmanville; Ptes. Bradwin, Arnprior; Davies, Lind. say; New, Carleton Place; Berney, Athens. 3 MacNey, British Red Cross. Mayor Hughes met the members of the Ministerial Association at a special session in the Y.M.C.A. par- lors on Wednesday afternoon, when he brought up the matter of the col- jections for the British Red Cross Society. The matter was thorough- ly discussed, but no definite action was taken pending further conside- ration on the part of Mayor Hughes with the council. The city ministers are only too willing to help out in this work and asssist in any plan that might be adopted. Carvell and Pugsley Trade, St. John, Nov, 1.--Political ru- mors, belleved well founded, give by William Pugsley, one of the St. John- Albert seats. -- en i For Good Pictures. Have your films developed and Store. | would meet Sir Wilfrid in Ottawa OPERA Tonight - Tomorrow HOUSE GRAN and Saturday MATINEE SATURDAY ENTIRE ORIGINAL COMPANY AND PRODUCTION 9 Months in New York 5 Months in Philadelphia 7 Months in Chicago AS SEEN » Now Being Received Seats Now On Sale. 10 Big Scenes--Company of 82 People Endorsed by Public, Press and Clergy As The Greatest Play of This Day and Generation. Note--Send 26¢ in stamps to Manager Experience" Company, Grand Opera House, for 150 page illustrated book of the play--acting version. Patrons Are Advised to Get Seats At Once as the Demand Is the Greatest in the History of the Grand Opera House. Everyone Should Drink Hot Water in the Morning Wash away all the stomachlive:, and_bowel polsons, before ) breakfast, | ------------ To feel your best day in and day out, to feel clean inside; no sour bile to coat your tongue and sicken your breath or dull your head, no consti pation, bilious attacks, sick head- ache, colds, rheumatism or gassy, acid stomach, you must bathe on the inside like you bathe outside. This is vastly more important, because the skin pores do uot absorb impurities into the blood, while the bowel pores do, says a well-known physician, To keep these poisons and toxins well flushed from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, drink before breakfast each day, a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of lime: stone phosphate in it. This will cleanse, purify and 'freshen the en- tire alimentary tract, before putting more food into the stomach. TAKE CARE § Of your eyes. Consult our Op- tometrist about them. We are EYESIGHT SPECALISTS Manfg. Opticians and Opto- metrists, ® @® 'R. J. RODGER 182 Princess Street. Where the clock is on the walk. FOR TEN DAYS ONLY -- SPECIAL PRICE OF $3.50 FOR TOASTERS. GENERAL ELECTRIC or CANADIAN BEAUTY Halliday Electric Co. Cor. Princess and King Streets. Get a guarter pound of limestone phosphate from your pharmacist. It is inexpensive and almost tasteless, except a sourish twinge which is not unpleasant. Drink phosphated hot water every morning to rid your system of these vile poisons and toxins; also to prevent their forma- tion. To feel like young folks feel; like you felt before your blood, nerves and muscles: became saturated with an accumulation of body poisons, be- gin this treatment and above all, keep it up! As soap and hot water aot an the skin, cleansing, sweeten- ing and purifying, so limestone phos- phate and hot water before break- fast, act on the stomach, liver, kid- neys and bowels, A AA AAA AA AA AAA AA TWENTY-TWO LAURIER LIBERALS FROM WEST Hon. C. W. Cross' Estimate of the Prospects in the Three Provinces. Winnipeg, Nov. 1.--The Saskatoon correspondent of th Winnipeg Tele- in Saskatoon Saturday he told Laurier Liberal Committee, which met him that in British Columbia the Laurier Liberals would elect eight of fourteen members to the next Parliament, nine out of twelve in Alberta, and five out of sixteen in Manitoba. Of these he was con- fident; as he had just come from Brl- tish Columbia amd was in close touch with the other two Provinces. He went from here to confer with the Laurier Committee in Winnipeg, and Wednesday. On his return he would Saskatche- wan, he said, and added that he be- lieved Laurier would win in the next election." Amen Increases have been made om the " The Royal Piano It makes no difference whether it is a high social function, an educational affair, or a great artistic event, in this country the piano made by Ye Olde Firme is used in nine cases out of ten. We refer to the Heintzman - Art Hiano as the Royal Piano, because it was specially selected for the use of Queen Mary when inthis courttry as Princess of Wales. has stood the test for 65 years. In tone, in action, in durability, itis r as supreme pianos, and deservedly Son th tide: "World's Best Piano." C. W. LINDSAY, LTD., gl i